Reviews for The Last Casualties
Kathythomas chapter 32 . 7/13
I'm so sorry to hear about your father and mother-in-law. They were much too young to die!

I love your work. If I could pay you I would! My husband and I live on S.S. and we survive but don't splurge on much.

Are you going to finish this story? Or have you gone on to new ones? I usually find stories years after they are done and I don't know if the writer will ever see my review if I write one

Thanks for writing for those of us that love to read but can't write.
Kathy Thomas, Modesto, ca.
Just William chapter 32 . 7/4
Pretty good story which, in my opinion, seems to go on in depth to the detriment of the story. Too much in-depth story telling for no real, apparent reason. Plus the odd typo/spelling error and the Americanisms that abound.
Preacher 2125 chapter 32 . 7/2
please tell me that this is getting finished some day.
fantasyinmymind chapter 32 . 6/19
Very interesting idea of having James and Lily "resurrected". Like how the family builds and supports each other.
Hope to see this finished.
Guest chapter 27 . 6/14
I approve of the continued Downton Abbey easter eggs you hide throughout the story :)
morcheller chapter 6 . 6/13
Bobmin356 is one of my favorite authors. He writes wonderfully and even manages to complete his stories.
Guest chapter 32 . 6/11
This was a fic that always seemed to get lost in all the open tabs. I think a part of me knew it was a big one, and that I had to be in a certain mood to be able to really appreciate it and follow all the threads. Now that I've read it, I would have kicked myself for not reading this sooner, but then again, it's nice to still be able to discover great fics since I feel like I've read most popular Harmony fics. Thanks for writing this.
Duchess67 chapter 25 . 6/11
I do hope bad reviews aren't what stopped you updating this fic! I hate the anonymous flames, they suck.

I'm enjoying reading along and when I saw that in your author's notes I realized I hadn't left one review on here yet. At least, not that I can remember. Anyway, this story is HUGE and fantastic and I have NO idea how you're keeping all the characters straight, much less all the storylines and threads.

I am wondering what happened with Molly telling Arthur that Ron was acting like he'd done something wrong and am hoping that doesn't turn out to be Ron is also a traitor, later on, with much less cause than Arthur. Sheesh!

At least you're giving a much more plausible reason for Bill and Fleur being together than canon and I thank you for that.

Straight out the gate, going after Voldemort? Big game hunting time! *cringing at the thought* I hope nobody gets killed! :(
Wild-bill-13 chapter 32 . 6/3
I just reread this story for maybe the 3rd or so time. I continue to love your writing. You mix the political with the action and it never drags when you get into the intrigue. I never feel bored when you add backstory to a family history or such. The way you develop the relationship between James and Harry is one of the best things I've read in any story. It really touches and hits home to me. I loved partners and I love this story. I know it's been a long time but I would really love to see the resolution of this story. Wishing you all the best!
Olivia chapter 22 . 5/30
Corned beef? Doesn't Ron Weasley hate those sandwiches?
Isabella chapter 13 . 5/30
Okay, this Moldyshorts reminds me a bit of Gollum.
Addy chapter 7 . 5/29
Okay, now I'm pissed. Dogs, wolves, stags, what else is next? And I get a friggin BOX TURTLE. Why does everyone else get a good Animagus form but me? My own cousin is an arctic wolf and my brother is a bloody peregrine falcon! Go figure that poor little Addy has a box turtle.
Addy chapter 6 . 5/29
"Do it again, Bob, that was funny," muggledad giggled, sounding like a three-year-old who just got to ride on Santa's sleigh.
Molly chapter 18 . 5/27
I have a late blossoming addiction to Downton Abbey, too. (I thought it was sneaky when you named one of your characters Grantham, and then turns out I was right!) The dowager countess is the sassiest lady and hands down best comedic relief. She is my spirit animal. Back to my original point I was going to make before I started fangirling, I love the way you describe things and switch up names/titles, like with “Harry grasped his holly and phoenix feather extension of himself in a tight grip.” It makes it so much more interesting to read! This is the second fanfic of yours I’m reading, and yours are my favorite I have ever read—and I’ve read many fanfics of many genres, lol. I might even like your work better than the original, but shhh, don’t tell J.K. Rowling that :). So yeah, thank you for creating such awesome content!
sthrobbins chapter 15 . 5/27
I wanted to ask in the first 2 chapters whether Stephen Maturin were Roman Catholic as he is, if I remember correctly (never a sure thing), in the Aubrey series,but I feared offending someone.
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