Reviews for Harry Potter and the Scīenra Cwēna
Ducky1776 chapter 12 . 8/5
I wish there was one more chapter, but at least he got away from Moldyshorts and his Death Munchers.
macrossboy chapter 12 . 6/25
Someday updated? I hope it did stay in the best part. Greetings from Morelos, Mexico.
Nihatclodra chapter 12 . 4/15
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand no update in 6 years, right as this story just started taking off... fml...
cameron1812 chapter 6 . 3/13
Ch.6 is super, super cute. Thank you!
Guest chapter 12 . 2/23
please please please write more
Yaw6113 chapter 12 . 1/27
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
CMdkelley chapter 12 . 1/25
T-T no update in 6 years
SuperKamiGuuru chapter 8 . 1/19
I was very happy to read your story up until this chapter, even though you abandoned a number of more interesting plot points in favor of ramping up the threesome romance. Even the threesome trope was fine, right up to the soul bond. That just ruined any kind of character development that had already been created. I recognize that you wanted to make a romance story, but this is a tired trope that just ruins an otherwise interesting story. Please take this as a learning experience, because you aren't a bad writer. You just relied on a bad trope.
Helene Nightfire chapter 12 . 1/5
Just re read your story. Fun and it had such tempting hints for the future. Why listen to Tom Sawer? Inquiring minds want to know! After this long I’m sure you have other things to do, but if you find an idle moment, a synopsis of where you were planning to take this wouldn’t go amiss.
5havidreader chapter 12 . 12/5/2019
this a wonderful and amazingly written story. I hope you continue!
Sonia25 chapter 3 . 11/10/2019
Why even write such shit why don't u just kill harry potter if it is not enough he tolerate everyone's shit that he is being potrayed as looser because retaliation mean going dark right ? What a moron u r and ur thinking which totally reflects in this ff so nalfoy and everyone in the school can do whatever shit they want but all harry does is just node , u r a pathetic writter and this harry is even weaker than the canon atleast canon harry had the ball to beat the shit out of malfoy or even lash out at Severus here he is pathetic and I don't get how u love writing such pathetic fan fiction why even bother with such ff to show how low u can go with such treatment bloody moron u hope u face the sake thing that harry faces in this ff in real life we will see how u will restrain urself
amortentiate chapter 12 . 11/5/2019
Wow, this is brilliant story so far. So what happens next?

Looks like there hasn't been an update for the past few years now. Please return whenever you can and finish the story.

Loving it so far. Hope to see more in the future.
OptimalWit chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
it's okay. I think this story really suffers from the age old saying, "show don't tell". There is way too much of the author telling us what happens, and nowhere near enough showing. The pacing is also far too quick for my taste, with very little opportunity to actually develope the characters. Additionally, some of the dialogue can be pretty hit or miss at times.
Mark Sinfield chapter 12 . 10/26/2019
It's a good story shame it is not finished
Vanadir chapter 12 . 10/26/2019
Thank you for a great story
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