Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Supernatural, Smallville, and Stargate: SG-1. My name is Shanna, and I'm a fanfiction-aholic. I also live in Pennsylvania, USA. I love reading stories that take my favorite characters into different realms, and down different paths, leading to a lot of "What if" scenarios. I'm currently obsessed with Harry Potter fanfic, and am an admitted Harry/Hermione shipper. Why on earth J.K. Rowling paired up Hermione and Ron in the last book or two, I have no idea. In my opinion, that's a verbally abusive relationship waiting to happen. I also enjoy Buffy: The Vampire Slayer stories about Willow, NCIS stories about Abby, and Smallville Stories about Chloe. Those are probably the top three fandoms I check out along with Harry Potter, where Hermione is my favorite character. Dobby is my hero as well, and I was royally ticked that JKR killed off Sirius. Come on! Give the guy a break, for Pete's sake! Pet Peeves: I have several. I'm a stickler for spelling, grammar, and specifically word usage. I also get highly irritated by people who chew with their mouths open, which might explain my adverse reaction to the character Ron Weasley. Other peeves include people who crack their gum and those that forget to turn off their turn signals. That's just me being spastic, but honestly people who chew with their mouths open give me facial tics. I've written Buffy fics in the past, but haven't posted them here. They're sprinkled across the web on other sites, and I haven't decided if I'll post them here yet. I just posted my first completed HP fic today, so yay me! I also have about a dozen partially completed HP fics on my hard drive, should I ever get around to finishing them, I'll post them as well. |
Blinded-Kit (217) Bobmin356 (19) CatsAreCool (5) Clell65619 (47) | dunuelos (56) E.N Lance (4) Lil Drop Of Magic (25) serafina19 (77) | The Feisty Rogue (217) Vedra42 (9) |