A/N: I'm editing all the chapters of ABOY before I publish a new chapter. So, here's the edited version of Chapter One.


by: tweety-src-clt9

CHAPTER ONE: Dark Lord Origins

Voldemort had finally fallen. He's dead! The war was over.

Harry Potter took a deep breath and sagged down to his knees. After years of facing Voldemort's terror ever since his first year at Hogwarts up until their lonely nights in looking for the Horcruxes, all those events culminated at the final battle. A battle that was now over. As the people at the Great Hall cheered, he quickly scanned the room to look for his two best friends. He saw Ron amongst the crowd with a crestfallen look on his face so he hurriedly made his way to approach him. Ron already lost Fred. A lot of people had lost their lives and he was scared. He definitely knew that something was wrong. The look on Ron's face told him that something was not right. Something big happened and it wasn't good.

"Ron? What's wrong? Are you alright?" He asked when he was able to reach his tall redheaded best friend.

"Harry! Hermione! Stabbed in the back! Hermione! Blood! Come with me!" came the stuttering reply which made Harry's blood turn cold. He's already lost so many important people in his life. He possibly couldn't lose Hermione. She deserved to live. He couldn't live without her! Life without Hermione would be meaningless and empty. No! He just could not lose her.

Harry ran from the Great Hall following his best friend. He was led to what used to be one of the corridors but was now just scattered pieces of rubble. Lying on the floor all drenched in blood was a dying Hermione Granger.

"No! No! No! It can't be! Hermione!" He cried as he knelt beside her and he cupped her face.

"Harry?" came her breathless voice.

"Lie on your back, Hermione! We'll call Madame Pomfrey! We'll get help! You can't die!" He was hysterical now.

"Can't...knife...poison...too late...dying..." her broken replies broke his heart and he checked her back. There it was, the knife that's stuck to her back. The knife that would be ending her life any minute now.

"Hermione! No! Don't leave me! I'll go with you!" he shouted while tears rapidly fell down his face.

"Live for me..." the last words she said before her eyes closed for the last time and her body turned cold.

"No! Hermione!" he cradled her in his arms as he wept for his Hermione, the person who was always there for him. And now, she was gone. He had lost the light of his life, the one person who always had his back.

His victory against Voldemort was meaningless.

It's been a week since Hermione died at the Final Battle and five days since her burial. At Harry's insistence, Hermione was buried at the Forest of Dean, the place where she offered to stay with him and for them to grow old together. If only he could turn back time, he would grant her wish and they would stay there forever. She would have been alive. They would've been happy together. They could have escaped Britain together. She would've been safe. But because he wanted to save the entire wizarding world, he didn't grant her request. With that, he ended up being unable to save the one person who mattered most in the world. He never even realized just how much she meant to him until he cradled her lifeless body in his arms.

It was at the moment that he realized she was the one for him. Just when he finally knew how he felt about her, she was gone. He was never even able to let her know just how much he truly loved her.

"Harry? Open the door! I know you're in there! Open up!" Ginny knocked on his bedroom door at 12 Grimmauld Place.

Every day since Hermione's death, random people would come to visit him but he never bothered to answer them. They would never understand the pain he's been going through. They all said they understood him, but they actually didn't. Nobody knew the feeling of losing someone as much as he did. He had already lost his parents, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, his friends, and the woman he loved. Yes, a lot of people had lost loved ones because of the war but they didn't understand just how much he had lost. They would never understand just how much he had been suffering before. With Hermione's death, his life was just empty now. Her death was a whole new level of pain.

"Harry! I'm not leaving until you open up!" Ginny called out.

Knowing that she would hold true to her promise, he opened the door and left his bedroom. When she started to speak, he gestured for her to stop talking and he walked towards the Black family library. He took a seat on one of the couches and Ginny sat close beside him. He scooted away from her and crossed his arms.

"What do you want Ginny?" he said in a dead tone.

"You need to get out of this house, Harry. You need to see your friends. You need to -" whatever she was supposed to say immediately halted when he stood up from the couch and started to leave the room.

"Harry! Talk to me!" she insisted.

"I don't want to talk. Leave me alone!" he yelled.

"Talk to me, Harry! I'll do anything!" she pleaded.

"Really? You'll do anything?" he said with sarcasm.

"Yes. I'll do whatever you want" she said with determination.

"Bring my Hermione back to me! If you can do that, I'll talk to you!" he said before he continued walking toward the door.

"Why are you acting like this? Ron is Hermione's boyfriend and he's not as bad as you" she accused.

"First of all, she was never with Ron. They just kissed. Second, maybe he never really loved her if he's already over her" he said still with his back turned.

"Are you in love with her?" her voice was laced with accusation.

"So what if I am? She's gone!" he yelled before he exited the library.

"What about me? Us? Don't you love me anymore?" she followed him with tears in her eyes.

"We were together for two weeks. I never loved you. I just liked you. But there is no us. There can never be an us. I buried my heart five days ago. I'm dead inside. Only Hermione can bring me back, but she's gone. Just, leave me alone!" With that parting statement, he went up the stairs, headed for his bedroom, and locked the door.

Two months after Hermione's death and nothing had changed.

Harry spent all his days at 12 Grimmauld Place and he kept on ignoring all his visitors. He spent most of his days in the library to research on rituals about bringing people back from the dead, time travel, or soul transfers. He read anything he could find that would help him bring Hermione back. During the evenings, he apparated to the Forest of Dean to visit her grave. He would spend hours talking to her about his research and how much he missed her.

One day, it finally hit him. The elder wand, the resurrection stone, and the invisibility cloak. He was the rightful owner of the three Deathly Hallows. Maybe it could help him bring her back. With that thought in mind, he took his invisibility cloak, grabbed his wand and apparated near Hogwarts. He discreetly opened Dumbledore's grave and removed the Elder Wand from the dead wizard's grip. He then walked to the Forbidden Forest and using the Elder Wand, he summoned the resurrection stone. When he was now in possession of all three, he walked to the castle and made his way to the headmaster's office. He wanted to ask Dumbledore for information about the Deathly Hallows and what it meant to be the Master of Death. Dumbledore always had the answers after all.

When he was walking the corridor towards the gargoyle, he spotted Ginny so he decided to follow her discreetly. Curious as to what she was doing outside the Headmaster's office, he used the Elder Wand to cast a silencing charm on his shoes as he hid under the invisibility cloak.

"Good afternoon, Professor McGonagall!" Ginny greeted the headmistress.

"Good afternoon, Miss Weasley. What can I do for you?"

"I wish to talk to Professor Dumbledore's portrait, professor. I need his and your advice. I reckon you could help me" she said as she bowed her head respectfully.

"Alright! Albus, I want you to answer all of Miss Weasley's questions honestly. This is an order from the headmistress. So no flowery and unclear statements please" the headmistress glanced at the portrait who only nodded with his signature twinkling eyes.

"What can I do for you, my dear?" Dumbledore's portrait addressed Ginny.

"Professor, I need your advice. It's about Harry. He's been different ever since Hermione's death. He shuts everyone out. Recently, he even blocked everyone from entering Grimmauld Place. He's never been seen anymore. I'm worried about him." She confessed as her eyes started to glisten with tears. She truly was concerned about Harry's state of well-being.

"Oh no! I'm afraid the prophecy may come true," Dumbledore's portrait muttered without thought.

"What prophecy?" The headmistress asked with a glare as if daring the portrait to lie to her.

"Take a seat, Minerva, Miss Weasley. This is a long story," the portrait said with a sigh.

"Start talking, Albus! And no secrets!" the headmistress said in a stern voice.

"Alright! Minerva, do you remember in the Halloween of 1991, and what happened that time?" the portrait asked.

"Yes, there was a troll and Harry along with Mr. Weasley saved Ms. Granger," came the reply.

"Right. Do you remember the staff meeting I called that same night after the incident?"

"Yes. I remember that Severus was angry because he said that Ms. Granger lied about looking for the troll."

"Well, my dear, he was right. Ms. Granger was actually hiding in the bathroom because she was crying the entire time after she heard Mr. Weasley insulting her. Harry remembered her and brought Mr. Weasley along with him to look for her. That's where they encountered the troll."

"Where are you going with this, Albus?" the headmistress said impatiently.

"Because of that incident, Sybil made another prophecy. She said it right after our staff meeting that night. But everyone else left so I'm the only one who heard it" the portrait explained.

"And? What's the prophecy?"

"The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord has returned. Together with the half of his soul, he shall conquer all and emerge in victory. Together, he shall discover the power the dark lord knows not. But danger awaits the two halved souls. When tragedy strikes and his half taken, the one with the power to vanquish the dark lord shall arise. He will be reborn a vile heartless creature. He shall rise as the most powerful dark lord even worse than the one he is to vanquish. The new dark lord shall rise and he could never be stopped. The two halves shall never part lest darkness will reign and alter history forever. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord shall lose his beloved and shall alter history forever." The portrait recalled the specific words of the prophecy and he shivered.

"Merlin! Albus! Surely, that can't be true!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed. She was filled with fear and disbelief.

"I'm afraid it's already happening, Minerva," the portrait said in fear.

"What are we going to do? We can't let this happen to Harry!" the headmistress declared.

"I did everything in my power to stop this from happening. I really tried!" the portrait replied.

"What did you do?" the headmistress demanded.

"When I heard the prophecy, I made sure that it will be kept a secret. I made a way for it to be forgotten. I destroyed its prophecy orb in the Department of Mysteries. I also did all I could to prevent Harry and Hermione from getting together," the portrait confessed.

"How did you accomplish that Professor?" Ginny asked.

"First, I made sure that Harry and Hermione's goblets at the Great Hall are laced with Loyalty Potions. I reckon that if they are loyal to Mr. Weasley, they would have a lesser chance of getting together. I also discouraged Ms. Granger from developing feelings for Harry by making her realize that she's not his type. I confunded Harry to like Ms. Chang since his third year since she is the exact opposite of Ms. Granger. If Hermione understands that she doesn't fit his type, then she might gravitate to Mr. Weasley. I also isolated Harry from the two like in their third year when Harry can't go on Hogsmeade weekends. I made Hermione and Ron prefects for them to bond without Harry. I also asked Molly to dose Harry with jealousy potions keyed to Ms. Weasley in his sixth year since that time I was sure Harry would realize his true feelings for Hermione," the portrait admitted.

"What type of potions did mum use professor?" Ginny asked.

"Harry has always been immuned to love potions since even if he didn't realize it, he's always been in love with Ms. Granger. So, your mother used jealousy potions. She dosed it in the food Harry ate at the Burrow and then she mixed them in your perfume, shampoo, and soap. That's why every time Harry sees you, he acts all jealous and possessive," Dumbledore told them.

"Why would mum do this?" Ginny said in disbelief.

"I asked Molly to do this for me. I suggested that Harry and yourself would make an excellent pair. He's rich and you are from a light pureblood family. I also suggested that Ron and Hermione would make an excellent pair. She agreed with me so we came up with the idea of using potions."

"So Harry never really liked me? It's just potions all along?" Ginny cried.

"I can't believe you did all of that, Albus! No wonder you always said that Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger will never get together. You prevented it from happening!" the headmistress accused.

"I figured if I prevented them from falling in love, then the prophecy on Harry turning into the next dark lord will never come true. If he ends up with Ginny, then the prophecy will be null and void." Dumbledore defended his actions.

"You're crazy, Albus! I can't believe you did this! If you only just let them be together, things could've been different! You know that soul-bonded couples are stronger together, Albus. If you allowed them to be together, Hermione could've been saved with their combined powers!" the headmistress was livid.

"I did all I could for the greater good!" the portrait said as he bowed his head.

"Now what do we do? We have to prevent Harry from going to dark!" the headmistress said with a sad voice.

"Miss Weasley, you have to use jealousy potions on Harry again. This time, you have to make sure that you get pregnant and marry him as soon as possible. If he's with you, he will forget Hermione and this will prevent the prophecy from coming true," Dumbledore suggested.

"I'll do whatever it takes, Professor. I can't let Harry turn dark," Ginny agreed.

"I hope you would consider your actions, Miss Weasley. This may not end well for you and you could get hurt," the headmistress warned.

"I'll make Harry love me, Professor. If not, then I'll make sure I get pregnant and then he will never turn dark. I'm sure that he won't hurt his baby," Ginny said with a determined voice.

"Do as you wish, Miss Weasley. But remember that I did warn you!" With that, the headmistress exited her office. Ginny and Dumbledore's portrait discussed their plans and Harry stayed behind to listen. When the discussion was over, Ginny left and Harry exited as well.

"I'll be the worst dark lord the wizarding world has ever seen! I will never forgive what you did to my Hermione!" Harry promised as he stood outside the headmaster's office still completely concealed by the invisibility cloak.