Reviews for Harry Potter and Grief's Wisdom
Sarek5959 chapter 43 . 7/21
Another awesome chapter! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!
scottyeo chapter 43 . 6/20
More Please
A well written tell.
I know life can get in the way, but please keep at it until the very end.
BrightSkywalker chapter 43 . 6/19
I love this story
Sparrow White chapter 16 . 6/17
This is not actually a review. Instead, when I saw your note about typing being difficult, I thought that I would suggest the idea of speech-to-text software. Maybe someone else has mentioned it already (or perhaps you don't like the software choices out there), but I figured, why not say something?

Also, I am enjoying the story so far.
Crimson Concept chapter 16 . 6/16
"So thanks to chronic pain, due to my military service". I feel that, bud. Keep up the good work though. It's been an interesting read so far.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 42 . 6/14
Thank you for writing. Please stop apologizing that real life gets in the way of publishing.
pavook chapter 26 . 6/13
What a grief Snape. It's not a believable excuse at all. So many opportunities he could talk to Harry in private beforehand. With headmaster when he was in his office, visiting when he was injured with headmaster again, or while in detention with him, it would be so easily done. Instead, he insults him in private too.
It's long overdue since his first year. His actions are not even corresponding with acts of the spy. In a way, he is like Dumbledore, so into his own machinations that he could not see what his own actions are doing or is ignoring the fact that he is counterproductive of the efforts he is advocating.
Freddie Rindklip chapter 20 . 6/10
Made it to Chapter 20 and am really enjoying the fic.
Mmars69 chapter 43 . 6/9
Thanks for the update. Still a great story.
Guest chapter 43 . 6/7
that would have been cool, if ron did end up as a grandmaster.
Sircus chapter 1 . 6/9
To much angst for my taste, I doubt HP would make any smart decisions unless he caught onto that Dumbledore and the Ministry is Dark.
pavook chapter 8 . 6/8
Technically the muggle government could easily overrule his current guardians, based on past actions unsuitable to children. That would, unfortunately, create 2 new problems. He would still not be a legal adult, so it would solve nothing major and leave him even more vulnerable. Wizarding world would know that someone is poking about with legal rights. At least Dumbledore would notice for sure and maybe some other people in wiz government. Whole secrecy would burst.

There is just one tidbit I find disconcerting and illogical in regards to original books past Tournament. How could blood wards do anything against Voldemort when he is basically sharing the same blood? It might shave off deatheaters, but not the lord himself. He could just walk in there and kill them all if he knows where Harry is. I think that Black's ancestral home is magically much stronger and offer better protection overall.
mwinter1 chapter 43 . 6/8
Awaiting more.
goddragonking chapter 43 . 6/8
great chapter , love the way this story is going, keep up the excellent work! Keep the good writing and hope for more update soon can't wait to read more:
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 43 . 6/8
A great chapter here.
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