Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter, Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis or any ideas that have been used already by other authors.

"Hello, young Harry." – Talking Aloud

'Hello, young Harry.' – Thinking

Chamber of Secrets Under Hogwarts

Harry was laying on the floor, which had water and then in the water itself there was blood and some of the venom of the Basilisk in it. Luckily for Ginny, it was far enough that it was not going to get on them and kill them.

For Harry, on the other hand, his luck had run out since he already had the venom of the Basilisk and the tears of Fawkes in his system. The only problem was that the tears were administered to late and Harry was going to die and nothing in the magical world or the muggle world could save him.

The Sorting Hat was still laying on the spot that it was dropped off by Fawkes. It was looking at Harry and then turn around to check on the girl. The Hat knew that Harry was going to die, if it had known that he had been bitten early it would have told Fawkes about it.

"My boy, you realize that you don't have a lot of time on this plane, correct?" The Sorting Hat asked Harry, who dragged himself up to speak to the Hat, Ginny just moved and it seemed to it that she was going to awake at some point in their conversation.

"Yeah… kind of figure it out... * cough* … you know I always thought that I would be killed by my so-called family. * cough * Could you make sure that my body remains here and not disturb?" Harry asked with some blood dripping from the corner from his mouth. The Hat moved its top to make Harry keep talking.

The Hat wait and wait, then it saw that Harry had stopped moving and from what it could see also stop breathing. The Hat looked down and remained quiet for a while and then turn to looked at Fawkes, who at this point was crying.

"I know it hurts, but I must tell the headmaster what happen, so be quick and grab me and the girl and the rest of the Boys group and take us to the infirmary." The Hat order it and Fawkes complied with it, flying and grabbing him and then Ginny, after this, they all flamed to Ron.

The Ascend Plane

"What is going? Where am I'm? There only white and what seems like a gray color." Harry said to himself while looking around and then he walked around but to him, it did not seem like he was moving around at all.

"That does not matter boy, what does is how you got to this plane?" A voice said to Harry, who turn around to find the voice and when he did not he was worried.

"What are you and where are you!" Harry screamed while turning around from direction to direction till he saw a ball of light appear and turn into a man who expelled strong and dangerous.

"What am I'm is not important, since you will not remember and the same can be said for where you are at." The being said while moving around Harry and looking at him, up and down.

Harry felt weird around the ascend and did not like how it looked at him.

"Wait, you're an ascended, and this is the ascension plane. What happen to me that magic has caused this!" Harry let out with a scream and fell on his knees when everything from the last 2 years started to come back to him and reality punched him in the face.

"They used me, and I allowed them to do it. Mione was the only one that did not, everything happened because of a dumb prophecy." He said while tears fell from his eyes. They became nothing before they hit the floor.

"Magic, pitiful that a race still believes that their so-called powers are magic, and so backward as well. To think that you descend from my people. Pitiful, how the mighty have fallen." The Ascend said to Harry who at this point was staring down at the floor. The Ascend moved to Harry wanting to gain a better understanding of things in the old capital of the Atlanteans in the Milky Way Galaxy, as the mortals called now.

"What are you? If magic is false to you, does that mean you're a muggle? Answer me this." Harry all but whispered to the being. It stops and did not answer for a short period.

"No, far from it. I'm a member of a race known as the Atlanteans to some races and to the rest we are called the Ancients or Gate Builders. Now you answer my question, how did you get to this plane?" The being said to Harry, they both knew that it already knew the answer to the question and Harry was curious why it even took the time to say anything.

"I don't know, last I remember I was in the chamber fighting the shade of Tom and the Basilisk. I defeated both but I felt weak and then I notice that my forearm had a hole in it from one of the Basilisk fangs. This was after I stab the diary with the same fang, it started to bleed if you would believe me." Harry said with a laugh at the end. The being realized that the boy was going crazy from the knowledge that was slowing making its way into his brain. The boy was not used to having so much information available to him, it was making him mental.

"It does not matter; you will not remember anything that happens in this plane. As it is the knowledge of our people is being transferred to your brain, this will not do." The being said and was about to descend Harry when Harry fell over and started to scream. The being looked and saw that some idiotic mortal had placed a small portion of their soul in the boy's scar.

"Let it be known only by achieve the ascension or using other means can someone become immortal, not by splitting one's soul." The being said to itself and then vanished some black fumes coming out of the boy's forehead. Then it waited and saw that the boy stop screaming and was laying on the floor and ever so slowing got up from the floor to stand upright.

"What happen?" Harry asked it and the being did not reply to him.

"Nothing worth mentioning, now I most descend you for the safety of the galaxy. Now this will hurt since I have never actually done this. Just hope that everything is where it is supposed to be at when you are back in the normal plane." The being said and while moving its hand to block all the knowledge that Harry had gotten from what had been done to him and was in the processed to block all the knowledge of its race when a laugh was heard and Harry's body started to become transparent.

"What is going on! What are you doing!" The being scream at Harry who was staring at his hand then at his arms.

"I don't know." Harry repeat since his brain could not process what he was seeing.

The being said anything but tried to consider what was going and it found that it was being blocked by something more powerful than itself by a huge amount. It could not understand what was going on and then it saw Harry disappear completely from the plane and it found him back in the chamber.

Now the being knew he was in trouble, if anyone else in this plane learns what had happened here they would surely descend him.

"What did you do Klein!" He shouts to himself and looks around and wonder a lot of things, by looking at the information that he got from the boy's mind, even a tiny amount of information could destroy the equality that had been made in the normal plane.

"Okay, so I need to pretend that nothing happened here and that I did nothing, probably the good time to lose myself on the road of life, for the 345th time this year." Klein told himself and left the area without realizing that someone was watching the whole event play through.

"It's time." An old yet kind voice said and then nothing happened.

Hogwarts Infirmary

In the infirmary was the Weasley Clan who followed the Headmaster, Minerva, and Snape, both that were talking with the Headmaster and then Pomfrey who was helping Hermione.

They were all, except Pomfrey and Hermione, because the Headmaster said that Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Lockhart were going to be here. He told no one how he knew and said that he just did.

'I hope no one was badly injured, but with Potter/Harry there's a big chance of it happening.' Hermione, Minerva, and Madame Pomfrey all thought at the same time

Fawkes flames into the room with Ron, Ginny, Lockhart and the Sorting Hat. Dropping Ginny and Ron onto a bed, but Lockhart onto the floor. While making everyone but Albus and Snape to jump in surprise. He then flew and landed on the bedpost of the bed that Hermione was in.

Everyone was shocked on their stated more so on Ginny, but it took less that a sec for Pomfrey to run to her side and start checking up on her. Molly went to her son and started mothering him, no one paid any attention to Lockhart.

After Arthur and the twins got Molly off Ron, they helped him to the bed next to Ginny. The Headmaster walking to the foot of it and look at Ron.

"Where is Harry, young Weasley?" Albus asked while moving to the middle of bot bed and secretly cast some of his own spells on both.

'I need to get the damn weapon back under my control before the school closed for the summer, I mean boy, I need to make sure the boy is safe.' Albus thought urgently to himself.

"I don't know, Lockhart and me were cut off from Harry when Lockhart used a memory charm on himself, with my wand." Ron replies while getting comforter on the bed.

"And how was he able to get your wand, dunderhead?" Snape say through a scowl while moving from where he was standing.

"My word, I will not let you talk to my child like, that you better apologize, this instance!" Molly shouted while standing next to Ginny's bed and Arthur tried to calm her done

"Molly, Severus meant nothing by it, he is just agitated with what has happened today." Albus calmly said with his eyes twinkling the whole time.

"Yeah, right agitated from what happened today, just because of stupid Potter and his sidekick the black hole." Snape said with sarcasm noticeable in his voice

Minerva asks "What of Mister Potter, Mister Weasley?" while throwing Snape a dirty look, sitting next to Hermione bed.

'Oh… no… I hope nothing happened to him, Harry I mean I could care less about Ronald' Hermione thinks while small unnoticeable tears glide down her face.

"I actually don't know, as I said we got separated and he went ahead to save Ginny other than that I don't know Professor." Ron replies while looking at the Headmaster who had a knowing look on his face.

'Hope that stupid git dies, I wonder if I can have his broom and invisibility cloak a dead person does not need them, now do they!' He thought to himself hopefully and angrily.

"He is dead Albus, Fawkes did not get to him in time, the poison of the Basilisk was too far at that point." The Hat said suddenly cutting in from where it was being clutched by Fawkes.

"What do you mean dead, young Harry is the Boy-Who-Lived he can't possibly be dead!'' Albus exclaims with shocked and the rest of the group look shocked except Ron, Molly and Snape who all a tint in their eyes.

'I need the weapon alive or else no one will be able to stop Tom and I will not get the potter fortune for the greater good!' Albus thought to himself while also thinking of other plans to help him.

"I saw him breathe his last breath myself Albus, there no denying it, he has passed on to the next great adventure as you are fond of calling it." Said the Hat, like it was talking about the weather and the rest of the group finally let the news settle in.

'No… No…. No…... He can't be dead, Harry can't be dead, I didn't tell him how I felt about him.!' Hermione thought to herself while looking around in the infirmary hoping that Harry would jump out and say that it was all a joke

"There's no denying it Albus the school must know, knowing how long secrets stay secret around here all of Britain's Magic Community will know by tomorrow and then the rest of the world." Minerva said sadly, because of the war and now this she has seen many of her 'cubs' be kill too early. Another body that she would see be buried before herself.

"How right you are Minerva, you and Snape get everyone in the Great Hall, there is no time to waste. We have to let them know what has happened and to try to control them before anyone gets hurt." Albus says

"At once Albus." They both reply leaving the infirmary, Minerva was going to get the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws while Snape got the Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

"What of my babies and Lockhart, Headmaster?!" Molly all but demands when she saw that he started to leave the infirmary.

"Pomfrey has them in her capable hands don't you think Molly?" replies Albus while leaving for his office to deal with all the damage the death of his weapon will cause.

"Now away with you, Misses Granger, and Mister and Misses Weasleys need to rest and be healed respectfully." Pomfrey demanded of the rest, and they all started to leave.

The Weasley clan all said goodbye to their youngest and said by to Hermione right before they left the infirmary.

'Better fire call St. Mungo's for them to pick up Lockhart.' Pomfrey thought to herself while she started to care for her remain patients.

A/N: Thanks for reading anything that I should work on to make this better, please leave a review so I can see where to improve.

Updated- 11/13/16 – So I took a while to fixed this and tried to make it only one perspective and I also been looking for a beta but I have been dealing with some things for my school, like applying for college and such. So, I don't have much spare time but when I do I'm writing new chapters or re-writing the chapter already posted.

I hope that you like this update and enjoy the rest of the chapters. I can't reply to any reviews since I don't see them until days after their posted.