AN: Hi guys, I know it's been a while but I've been working on this among other things. This is the first chapter of a very long story, which is about halfway completed, and we hope to complete it before I run out of chapters to upload, as I will be uploading on every Wednesday. I have co-written this with a friend for his daughter's birthday, and his name on here is SHADOWWOLF123, however, he hasn't published anything on here as yet. I hope you enjoy, please leave a review.

Back At Hogwarts

It was late spring; Harry Potter was bloody, bruised and the war was over; Voldemort was finally dead. From the beginning of what was supposed have been their sixth year, Harry, Hermione and Ron had been on the run from Voldemort and his death eaters. Now, Hermione was leaning against Harry as they helped each other back into the castle.

Ron had bailed on the two when it came to facing Voldemort, and as the pair stepped into the now destroyed castle, a feeling came over Harry as he saw that Ginny Weasley was running towards him and Hermione.

"Get your hands off my boyfriend," She said loudly, almost shouting. As she ran, Harry shuddered as Ginny tried to hold him. Harry had no idea what to do; he was now in love with Hermione.

Hermione looked at Ginny, "He is not your boyfriend," Hermione shot daggers at her, continuing, "He broke up with you when he caught you snogging a Hufflepuff. Now, if you don't mind, we would like to go into the castle."

Ginny stomped her foot, complaining, "No, you-"

Harry finally found the strength to speak, "Ginny, let me go and leave. I need rest and so does Hermione. Tell that brother of yours, Ron, thanks for nothing. He is a right foul git."

Hermione smiled as they walked past Ginny; Hermione had been in love with Harry since their first year but didn't understand it until her third year at Hogwarts. She had told Remus and Tonks that much when they were sorting out her parent's affairs after her parents had been killed by a death eater in Australia.

The two slowly made their way to the infirmary and found the closest chairs to sit in. The mediwitch came over to check on the pair, but Hermione insisted she was fine and so did Harry; they were strong enough to wait until the critical had been treated first.

Looking around, Harry realized Hermione had stayed with him, she never left his side in six years. All of the adventures they had through the years, through the times it was just the two of them, and times when it was the trio; she was with him and now, she was an orphan, just like him.

Harry looked over at Remus; he was laying in a bed next to Tonks. Harry began thanking the gods that Remus and Tonks were there but for the most part Hermione.

Remus was the last of his father's friends, and they had stayed at Grimmauld Place and helped Hermione with everything when she lost her parents. On top of that, Remus and Tonks had a beautiful son that they needed to get home to. Remus had already floo called Andi and let her know that they were okay.

Tonks got hit with a slicing hex and had been healed. She had also been given a blood replenishing potion to be safe, and Harry expected Andi to show up with Teddy anytime now.

Hermione and turned to look at Harry, she realized he was setting into a depression, "Harry, are you ok? You're awfully quiet."

Harry squeezed Hermione's hand, "I'm fine, just thanking the gods that we both made it out alive, and that Remus, as well as Tonks, are going to be fine. I don't think I could have managed without the three of you."

"We all made it; all of the Weasley's, Neville, Luna, and we even had the Malfoy's helping us. Thankfully they were able to get Professor Snape to Madam Pomfrey and she was able to save him. Considering how many Death Eaters we had in and around the school, I am glad we did win and didn't lose more people is a true blessing."

Hermione gritted her teeth and grimaced as she moved slightly. Her broken wrist was extremely painful and all her muscles were starting to tighten up after sitting for so long.

Harry was worried about Hermione after seeing her grimace, "Hermione, you're hurting. Let me see if I can find someone to heal you?"

"No, I'm ok. Let them look after the critical first. Neither of us are bleeding. I was able to heal us enough to stop that. Madam Pomfrey will be over to look at us as soon as she can." Harry nodded, and then grimaced himself realizing he didn't feel very good either. Moving his legs to get more comfortable, both of them laughed when his stomach made itself known by rumbling loudly.

"If I wasn't so tired I'd go get something for us to eat while we wait, but I am just too tired to move right now." Hermione smiled to show Harry not to worry.

"Dobby," Harry called out. With a pop, Dobby was standing there.

"Master Harry, Mistress Grangy what can Dobby do for you?" The little house elf asked.

"Dobby please don't call me master, I was wondering if you could bring us some tea and sandwiches. We need to wait for Madam Pomfrey to heal us, but we are both hungry."

"Dobby happy to help master Harry Potter and Miss Grangy!" Dobby snapped his fingers and disappeared, just to reappear a few seconds later with a tray full of sandwiches, fruit and a full tea service set. With another snap of his small fingers, a small table appeared in front of them and he set the tray on the table.

"Thank you, Dobby, we really appreciate all you do for us." Hermione smiled at the little elf. Dobby bowed and snapped his fingers disappearing once again.

Remus looked up as he smelt the food and he slowly got out of bed carefully not to wake up a sleeping Tonks, "Do you mind sharing a little bit of that?"

Hermione conjured up another cup so Remus could pour himself a cup of tea. Remus watched as it took Hermione's concentration and a lot of gritted teeth to conjure up the cup, "How are you doing? I see you haven't got that arm treated."

"Madam Pomfrey is still swamped; she'll get to me when she has the time. I was able to stop the bleeding and heal most of our serious cuts so we'll be ok."

Remus nodded and took a closer look at Harry and Hermione. He then looked around for Ron and the Weasleys, "Where's Ron and the Weasleys?"

Harry shrugged, "We ran into Ginny on our way into the castle. She was banged up but she had a few words with Hermione and myself. Fred and George and a few minor cuts and bruises that Hermione took care of and the rest of the Weasleys are in the Great Hall, I think, with Molly. They're just tired and hungry mostly."

Remus looked at Harry trying to read what he wasn't saying by his body language. He finally gave up and asked, "Why didn't they stay with the two of you?"

Harry shrugged, as he took another bite of the chicken sandwich that he was eating, "I don't really know, I guess they want family time. You and Tonks are our family, and Hermione needed her wrist healed so we stayed here."

Remus read between the lines and realized that Ron ran off during the search for the horcruxes and the constant fighting with Hermione all the time was starting to bother Harry. Remus had a sneaking hunch that Harry was in love with Hermione and he knew Hermione was in love with Harry; when her parents died they had a long talk without Harry around and she confided to Remus that she was.

Hermione who was just at the end of her endurance leaned her head back against Harry and closed her eyes, not bothering to answer. Remus realized that she needed to be cared for, even if there were people still in serious condition; if she wasn't soon treated, she herself was going to be in serious condition.

Getting up he went to find Poppy, "Poppy can you please take care of Hermione, she's just about all in. I'm worried that if she doesn't get treatment soon, she will be your next critical patient."

"Oh, dear I didn't realize she was that bad. She and Harry came in sitting down they told me they were ok until I had the time. Since they were both walking and talking I didn't bother to scan them."

"Hermione has a broken wrist that I know of, she was able to stop the bleeding and heal most of Harry's cuts, but I think all she did for herself was to stop the bleeding. She is exhausted both physically and magically. She conjured up a teacup for me and it took all she had to do that."

Poppy nodded as she moved towards the entrance to the hospital wing where she saw Harry and Hermione sitting, "Miss Granger, why didn't you tell me you had a broken wrist? It takes a minute to set one and you wouldn't be sitting here in pain," Poppy scowled, she quickly scanned Hermione and found that her left wrist was broken, her right foot had several broken bones, and her right knee had torn tendons and ligaments.

Poppy was not pleased, "Miss Granger you have to be in so much pain. I can't believe you sent me away. I know that you know enough about healing to realize you had a broken foot."

Hermione nodded, "I'm ok there are people here that are much worse of then me."

Poppy just shook her head and started healing Hermione. When she finished she turned to Remus, "Mr Lupin, please go to my cabinet and bring me two bottles of blood replenishing potion, two bottles of the light blue pain potion, and two bottles of the dreamless sleep potion."

Remus nodded and headed for the cabinet as Poppy turned toward Harry, "Ok, Mr Potter, let's see how much damage you did to yourself."

Poppy quickly ran a scan on Harry and discovered that he was healed, he just needed some blood replenisher potion, some pain potion, and some dreamless sleep potion would be welcomed. Poppy shook her head in amazement, "How in the world did you manage to come out with nothing wrong?"

"I didn't but Hermione took the time to heal me every time she saw me hurt. Not only did she watched my back the entire time but she kept me healed." Harry looked over at his best friend and smiled knowing that he would have been dead many times over if it wasn't for her caring and knowledge.

Poppy looked over at the witch leaning against Harry's shoulder, she was more asleep than awake. "She did a wonderful job of healing you. But she is exhausted both physically and magically. I'm going to give you both a pain potion, a blood replenisher potion, and then I want the two of you to find a bed and take the dreamless sleep potion, and sleep until you wake up."

Harry nodded, he could see he would have to levitate Hermione to bed. There was no way she could make it up the stairs.

Poppy, seeing the same, made a decision to do what she had never done before. Taking the potions from Remus she asked Harry to follow her. Harry picked up Hermione in his arms as painful as it was, Poppy led the two students into the ward that was set aside for professors. She waved him over to an open bed against the back wall. Instead of a normal hospital bed, it was a queen-sized four-poster bed, "I trust that you and Miss Granger can sleep in the same bed together and not do anything inappropriate, can't I?"

Harry gently set Hermione down on her feet.

"Madam Pomfrey I am too tired to do anything but sleep," Hermione moaned. She crawled into bed without taking her shoes off before taking the potions from the mediwitch and quickly drinking all three before laying down and sighing.

Harry stooped down and removed Hermione's shoes, then he took off his own shoes as well as his bloody tee shirt he was wearing and crawled into bed next to Hermione. After he took his potions he closed his eyes and was out like a light.