Harry stood in an unused classroom with Professor Dumbledore. Between them was a large chest with ten strange locks on it. He knew the boggart was inside.

"Are you quite certain you want to do this?" Dumbledore gave him a sympathetic look. "After all, you have only been released from Madame Pomfrey four hours ago.

"I don't need to wait around and we've already talked all about the Patronus."

"Are you ready, Harry?"

The young wizard nodded as he focused on his happiest memory. He remembered the way his heart had hammered in his chest as he kissed Hermione for the first time. It was surprising how much relief he had felt. She liked him and wanted him.

Dumbledore waved his hand and the locks opened in unison. The lid sprang open and out flowed the boggart. In two blinks of the eye, it warped into a Dementor. As the temperature dropped by twenty degrees, Harry felt it pull against his mind.

The faint voice of a woman screaming began to form in his mind. He ruthlessly shoved it away and refocused on Hermione. She was his anchor.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He shouted. White streams of magic flowed from his holly wand and formed a shield in front of him.

The boggart bashed its skeletal fist against the positive energy shield before Harry forced it back into the chest. With a wave of his hand, Dumbledore closed the chest and the locks clicked into place.

"That was quite remarkable," the Headmaster said after a few moments. "I must say I didn't expect you to get it right on the first try."

Harry nodded with a grin. "Great. What's next?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "We went over the theory behind it and you have successfully cast a Patronus shield. You will need to focus more and you will be able to cast full corporeal Patronus."

"What do you think it will be?"

"I would not hazard a guess." Dumbledore sat back down at his desk. "In any case, we are finished for tonight. I think that we should meet in a few days to see if you can cast a corporeal Patronus."

Harry knew when he was being dismissed. "Alright. See you then, Professor."

He started to make his way to Gryffindor Tower but paused. Before he could change his mind, he wandered down to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. A minute later, he stood in the doorway to Professor Lupin's office, unsure of whether to barge in or knock quietly. He wanted to speak to the DADA professor as soon as he could. There were too many questions left unanswered.

He rapped on the door with a wince.

"Come in."

The young wizard took a breath and strode through the room with feigning calm.

Lupin gave him a look of concern. "Harry? Are you feeling alright? I thought you would have been well rested by now."

A thousand questions mulled themselves over in Harry's head with a thousand pathways that the conversation could go. If Hermione were here-which Harry was suddenly realizing would have been better-she would have known exactly what to ask.

Lupin took a step closer to him.

"I know," Harry blurted.

The professor cocked an eyebrow. "I'm going to need a little more than that I'm afraid. Being a professor doesn't make me a mind reader."

"I know, sir. I'm not afraid of you."

Lupin frowned. "That's an odd thing to say. Has anyone said that I'm scary? I would have thought that would be Severus' area of expertise."

Harry gathered his magic, ready if the worst should happen. "I know about your little furry problem."

Shock and fear flashed across Lupin's face. "How?"

"Black Black told me," Harry replied.


"Not so loud, sir." Harry glanced back at the door.

"Harry, he's trying to kill you," Lupin snapped.

"Then why didn't he try when I was in Hogsmeade? Hermione and Neville were there too, and he made no threatening moves."

"Does he still say he's innocent?"

Harry nodded. "I'm not sure if he is or isn't. I just think an innocent man would have acted exactly as he did. Maybe I'd be a bit madder than he was if I ever went to Azkaban."

"So what do you want from me?" Lupin asked.

"I need you to meet him and see if you think he's innocent. If you think he's as guilty as they say, we'll stun him and hand him over to the Dementors."


"I'm better than my first two years coursework says. I've taken on Voldemort three times now. With you at my side, what's one crazy Animagus?"

Lupin gritted his teeth. "Fine. When did you have in mind?"

"How about tonight? I could meet you just before curfew."

"Just you then?" A small smile played at the edges of Lupin's lips.

"No, I'd better bring Hermione. She'll be fuming as it is that I dared to take on the big bad werewolf by myself."

"Not so loud," Lupin said, echoing Harry's early warning. "The students obviously don't know. The second they do, I'll be out on my ear. Dumbledore will have no choice."

"He could do something about it if he wanted. It just matters how far he's willing to stick his neck out."

"You don't seem to like the Headmaster much, do you?"

Harry shrugged. "He neglected looking after me, and I didn't come out without any scars."

"Scars?" Lupin glanced at Harry's forehead.

Harry's face hardened. "Not all scars are where you can see them, professor."

Lupin gave him a pitying look. "I'm sorry, Harry. Your parents were my best friends. I should have been there for you. I just . . . let Dumbledore's excuse that you were looked after be enough not to step up."

Harry was torn between wanting to comfort Lupin and blasting him with the strongest stunner he could. In the end, he knew that he needed to say something.

"I'll see you tonight, professor. Maybe more than just Black Black's choices will look different after we have all the facts."

Lupin gave a light chuckle. "Sounds like something your mother would have said."

Harry shrugged. "Well, you would know, sir. I never really knew them."

That seemed to pain Lupin more than any other part of the conversation.

"We'll be here tonight, sir. Bye." Harry opened the door and left the werewolf professor to his regrets.

Harry, Hermione, and Lupin met as they agreed and made their way through the grounds. Hermione seemed to be in a better mood but she had been furious that Harry had just walked into a potentially dangerous situation. He had accepted the lecture that followed without complaint. Despite his wandless magic, he had not been one hundred percent certain what their werewolf professor would do.

"I thought we were going to Hogsmeade," Hermione said.

"There's a shortcut that was made for me when I started school here. That's why people think the shack is haunted. It was just me howling during my transformations."

"Huh." Harry glanced over at Hermione and saw she too thought that that made a lot more sense than ghosts.

They entered the Shrieking Shack and Lupin drew in a breath at the sight of his old friend sitting on one of the rickety chairs. His face paler than normal, he seemed caught between trying to throttle him or waiting for-something.

"Damn Remus, you look like shit."

The ghost of a smile touched the werewolf's lips. "You might want to check yourself in the mirror, you mangy mutt."

Black grinned. "Guess the pup told you I wanted to plead my case."

"I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. Any tricks and you won't make it back to Azkaban. It obviously can't hold you."

"Well, it was Padfoot that saved me there. The Dementors are nightmares but they don't really care about dogs. Bit of a surprise but I was on a mission-to kill Wormtail."

Remus frowned. "Peter's dead, Sirius. Been dead since that Halloween night."

"That's what he wanted everyone to think. He was the Secret Keeper. It was my idea to switch at the last minute. After all, who would suspect Peter of being the Secret Keeper when there is you or me."

"You could've told me," Remus said.

"We weren't sure which side you were going to land on." Black ran a hand through his dirty hair. "You were hanging around other werewolves and Voldemort had promised them a life of freedom if they followed him."

"Did you all really think so little of me?" Remus asked. "Dumbledore was the one who asked me to scout them out. You were all there in the meeting."

"Lily and James did what they thought best for Harry. I should've stood up for you. I'm sorry, Remus." He lowered his head a few inches.

Lupin pinched the bridge of his nose. "You say that Peter was the Secret Keeper but where's your proof?"

"He's at Hogwarts," Black said. "Back in his Animagus form with the Weasley boy."

"Is he?" Lupin said in an even tone. "And what happens if I perform the reversal spell and nothing happens."

"I'll let the Dementors give me the Kiss."

Hermione gasped, and Harry's expression hardened.

"If I'm as mad as they all thought then I have nothing left to live for." Black risked a glance at Harry. "It was worth it to see Harry."

"I didn't think you'd give up so easily," Harry said.

Black said nothing.

Hermione placed her hand on Harry's shoulder. "Think about it, Harry. If everyone thought I died and you killed Ron for it, wouldn't you feel defeated too."

With a start, he realized that she was right. The thought of Hermione being dead twisted up his guts. If Ron ever did something similar than Pettigrew, Harry would earn a place in Azkaban. The memory of the boggart flashed in his mind and halted the dark train of thought.

"Did you do like I asked, Harry?" Black looked down at his empty hands.

"It was enough of a trick to get Professor Lupin here."

"Oh." Black' frown relaxed into a dejected expression.

Harry waited for a few more seconds and said, "Now!"

With a flourish, an invisibility cloak fell to the floor. Where it had been stood a triumphant Ron Weasley. In his hand was a wired cage that housed a frantic rat.

"Scabbers doesn't like this at all." Ron looked at Harry. "You sure about this?"

"That's him," Black said.

"I'm sure, Ron."

Ron set the cage on the floor.

Hermione shook her head. "As glad as I am that you made up, isn't this a bit too theatrical?"

Black chuckled. "Just like James and Lily."

"Alright," Lupin said. "Let's see what the truth is."

He pointed his wand at the cage and flicked it once. The little door opened and the rat sprang out as if he was on fire. Lupin did not let that distract him, his keen eyes locked on the errant rodent.

"Transuerso Animago!" He said. A blue spell burst from his wand and struck the rat.

It rolled over against a broken chair. With a swirl of magic, a pudgy, balding man a little taller than Harry stood. He looked at Lupin and then Black before giving a squeak. In a rush to get away, he tripped over the fall pieces of wood and toppled over.

Black was on him in an instant, his hand tight on Pettigrew's throat. "I've got you, at last, you sneaky bastard."

"Sirius, please." Pettigrew's eyes flashed over to Lupin. "Remus, don't let him kill me!"

Lupin sighed. "That's enough, Sirius."


Harry gathered his magic. If there was going to be a scuffle, he would protect Ron and Hermione first then go after Pettigrew. It might not actually come to it but Black seemed very determined to kill the rat.

"Dammit Padfoot, stop!" Lupin shouted.

Hermione stepped toward Black.

She strode calmly over to Black and laid her hand on his arm-the arm that was attached to the hand that was choking Pettigrew to death. She gazed at Black with utter calm until he finally looked at her.

"Think about Harry," she said. "Is this what you want to do with your freedom?"

Black jerked his hand back as if she had just told him he was touching acid. He swallowed and gave her a nod of respect.

With a small smile, she returned to Harry's side as if she hadn't just talked a man down from murdering someone. Harry wasn't sure which he felt more of: pride or terror.

"You're no good to me dead," Black said at last.

Pettigrew grinned. "Oh thank you, Padfoot."

Black put his foot on the smaller man's chest. "Never call me that again. You will always be Wormtail but you are no longer a Marauder."

"We should question him now," Harry said.

"I wouldn't trust him if he said water was wet," Lupin countered. "No, we'll be taking you to Severus for some Veritaserum. Severus was always so fond of you, wasn't he?"

Pettigrew gulped. Loudly.

With a few flicks of his wand, Lupin had Pettigrew in a Body Bind and levitating beside them. The five members of their strange party made their way back to the castle with their prisoner bobbing along.

"You've grown so much, Harry," Black said. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I let my anger get the better of me. Even if I hadn't been sent to Azkaban it was wrong of me."

Harry wanted to be angry with him, tell him that he really had been stupid and how anyone else would've called for backup or something. But Harry knew in the depths of his soul that if he had been in Black's shoes, he might've killed Pettigrew. He wasn't even sure if he would feel that guilty about it and that truly terrified him.

"It's fine," he said. "You shouldn't have been locked up anyway."

"I don't know if you know this or not." He glanced at Harry. "I'm your godfather and if I hadn't gone to prison, you would've lived with me."

"Oh." A fresh wave of anger rose up to wipe out any sympathy he had for the man. "Well, thanks for that."

"I know it can't have been easy living in the Wizarding World and-"

"I didn't."


"I was sent to the Dursley's," Harry snapped. "They hate magic and tried to beat it out of me. I lived in a cupboard under the stairs until I got my Hogwarts letter. Then I got a room with a cat flap where they could leave me scraps. I worked hard and all I got for it was abuse. You could've saved me from all of that."

Black was speechless for several seconds. "Petunia? Dumbledore had Hagrid take you to Petunia's house?"


"I was the one to find you in your house that night. Hagrid showed up as I was leaving and said he was on orders by Dumbledore to take you to a safe location."

"They left on the doorstep with a letter . . . a damn letter. That's all."

"But why?"

Harry shrugged. "Ask Dumbledore. I'm sure he will have a reason or at least a way to get out of the conversation."

"I will." Black sighed. "Harry I . . . I'm so sorry. If I could go back in time and do it all differently I would. I've wanted to for 12 years but even more so now. I'm so sorry. No one should have to be treated like that."

"No," Hermione said as she squeezed Harry's hand. "No one should. If not for Harry almost dying, he would still be there."

Harry shook his head. "I think that if the blood ward hadn't been broken, he still would've sent me back there. He has good intentions I think, but he is naive about how cruel people can be."

They walked in silence for several long minutes before Black asked, "After I'm a free man, would I be able to visit you? I know I've messed things up, but I want to start to make it right."

Harry hesitated. He wanted to hold onto his anger and lash out at yet another adult who failed him. But it was the smooth fingers intertwined in his that reminded him that good things can be there if you just reach out and take them. He nearly blew a chance with Hermione because of a stupid prank. Maybe Black should get a second chance too.

"I'm not promising anything until this all gets sorted," Harry said. "But I'd like to get to know you too."

Black grinned and let out a big breath that smelled foul. Harry almost asked Hermione if her parents could do anything for him. It might be beyond the reach of dentistry.

They reached the dungeons and made their way down the long corridor to the Potions Lab. A strong smell wafted through the air just before Remus knocked twice on the brown oak door.

"Who's there?" Snape's voice called out.

Lupin said, "It's me, Severus. I need to speak with you about a matter of vital importance."


The door creaked open and out stepped the Potion Master. He saw Black and his eyes bulged. In the blink of an eye, he had his wand out and pressed against the fugitive's throat.

"I knew you would betray us, Lupin."

Black grinned. "You might want to check all our members, Snivellus."

Cold fury burned in Snape's dark eyes. "Are you that ready to die, Black?"

Harry glared at Black. "You're not helping this situation at all, idiot."

With an abashed look, Black gestured toward their floating prisoner. "See for yourself, Snape. Sorry about the old nickname."

Snape's eyes flicked to Pettigrew before they returned to Black. "Don't move or I'll kill you."

Black winked at him. "You're the boss."

The Potions Master glared at him for a moment before he stepped over to Pettigrew. With a wave of his wand, the spells that held him in place ended.

The traitor plopped onto the ground with a groan. His eyes fell on Snape and the blood drained from his face.

"Well well, Peter," said Snape. "The last time I saw you was in the presence of the Dark Lord. I am certain you would like to catch up with an old friend. I have just the drink that I insist you try."

Pettigrew squeaked and pressed himself against the far wall of the corridor. "N-no. Please, Severus."

Snape grinned, a twisted and unsettling look on his usually dour face. "I insist."