![]() Author has written 31 stories for Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Sense8, and Voltron: Legendary Defender. Updated 9/14/2019 I am known as avidbeader just about everywhere that's active. I currently have a poll up for people to vote on which WIPs I concentrate on during WIPtober. Check my Twitter or Tumblr for the link! Poll closes September 27, 2019. Harry Potter I've been a HP fan since 1998, the day I picked up this paperback called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone from a bookstore display and opened it. I think I'd finished the third chapter before I came up for air and bought the book to take home and finish reading. I found online fandom in 2000 and began trying my hand at fanfiction soon after. Over the years my love affair with all things Potter crested with OotP, faltered with HBP, and crashed and burned with the Epilogue That Must Not Be Named. I have not read the last book or seen the last three movies, though I will consult online sources if I feel the need to incorporate such canon into something. I am a firm H/Hr shipper and will not be moved by flames or insults in reviews. If it's a HP story and has Harry or Hermione in it, then romantic interaction, if any, will be focused on the other. If you can't stand seeing Harry and Hermione as a couple, then please go read something else that you will enjoy. My go-to method for Ron is to get him offscreen. Dead, disabled, sometimes paired with Luna or just out of the country...whatever works. When I do include him, I will write the character as I see him. I am not deliberately bashing him when I write, though I have been accused of doing so elsewhere. Same goes for other Weasleys, Dumbledore, whoever. Though I will admit a particular personal hatred toward Snape. I've been a teacher, and what he does to the profession is a crime. Doctor Who My other major fandom is "Doctor Who". I did not follow the classic series, but my husband pushed me into watching the Russell T. Davies reboot that began in 2005. I enjoyed it, but it was when season 2 and David Tennant arrived that I was done for, hook, line and sinker. I am a passionate Tenth Doctor/Rose shipper and also enjoy Alt!Ten/Rose. However, I am not a fan of Stephen Moffat's storytelling and stopped watching the show halfway through Matt Smith's second season. I keep to my 10/Rose corners of fanfic and fanart and await the coming of Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker. All of my Who stories so far are 10/Rose. Sherlock I saw the first two series and for the most part enjoyed them, but the massive drumbeats for Sherlock/John kept me from digging too deep into the fandom, because of all the characters I'd want to see Sherlock with (given that canon!Sherlock never had a romantic bone in his body) I liked Molly. And then a certain episode arrived. And then a season finale. So my readers can expect the occasional Sherlock/Molly story in between my other stuff. Sense8 I am a fan of J. Michael Straczynski, so of course I was going to pay attention when he did a new TV series. I just didn't expect to get swallowed whole by it. So far I'm happy with the canon ships, but you never know what might happen later on... Voltron: Legendary Defender I know, I need another fandom like I need a hole in the head. But I enjoyed watching Voltron back in the 80s and was thrilled at how they brought it back and definitely made it better than we remember. I have plenty of plot bunnies that are slowly being fed to maturity aside from my current major WIP. I've tried writing for Heroes, The Big Bang Theory, and The Guild, but nothing has come of those plot bunnies yet. I also write original fiction, which may yet see the light of day given that crap like Fifty Shades of Gray can become a record-breaking seller. Stories Harry Potter: Hold Page One! - This story was first written in 2004 and has been published at Fiction Alley (where it was Niffled, or singled out for recommendation by a moderator) and The Quidditch Pitch. The Portrait - This story was written back in 2008 and has been published at The Quidditch Pitch and . Remembering with Joy - This story was written for the Harmony Podcast Halloween Fanfic contest in 2006 and took first place. It has been published at Fiction Alley, The Quidditch Pitch, and . This Is the Best Thing - This story was begun in 2007 and finished in 2008, published at and The Quidditch Pitch. The Perils of Innocence - This is the big WIP, begun in 2011 and currently up to 31 chapters. I will be posting this slowly over the coming months as I continue to write what I hope to eventually be a four-part series that takes a somewhat different Trio through different experiences before learning of magic and their Hogwarts years. Take a look at amandioka on AO3 or Deviant Art and you'll see a few fanarts inspired by this story. NOT ABANDONED, JUST LIFE AND DISTRACTIONS. Now available in Polish! Translation begun by the lovely Shaunee Altman here: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9357370/1 Now available in Portuguese! Translation begun by the darling Leonis Zetta here: /s/10935068/1/O-Perigo-Da-Inoc Now available in Spanish! I have begun my own translation and I welcome input on making it better: http://www.fanfiction.ws/s/9380853/1 If someone else would like to translate into other languages, please ask first and I will probably say yes if you send me an URL of where you post it and include information so that readers can find the original English here. I will also probably be creating an audio version. Tidings of Comfort and Joy - So back in 2007 a lovely friend decided to host a Harry/Hermione holiday fest over on LiveJournal. We worked on it all fall and ended up with an an Advent-style post-a-day of either fanfic or art featuring Harry and Hermione over the holidays. This was my contribution. At the time it had two chapters. Later on I got some ideas and added more. I hope to eventually finish this in around 6 chapters. It has been published at Portkey and The Quidditch Pitch and has been nominated for the current round of hpfanficfanpoll awards on LiveJournal. Unseen - This is the closest I'll ever get to canon shipping. This was first published at The Quidditch Pitch in 2009 and was recognized as a featured drabble on that website. In Vino Veritas - This story was begun years ago, but it took being invited to participate in the Fandom for LLS charity drive in 2014 to kick a muse awake enough to finish it. It was finished in August 2014, first published in the Fandom for LLS anthology, and finally published to the usual locations in December 2014. Doctor Who: Tea and Sympathy - This was the very first Doctor Who fic I came up with and finished, inspired by Sarah Jane's invitation to Rose in "School Reunion". Written in 2006 and published on . Ginger and Not Rude - Something I wrote midway through series 3 when I was missing my 10/Rose ship most awfully. Although I keep looking at the Ginger Doctor and wishing for plot bunnies... Written in 2006 and published on . Out of Reach - Just a little something that I wrote when I was feeling sorry for Mickey. I like Mickey. I like how Mickey grew and changed through his character arc, including who he ended up with (not spoiling even though it's been a couple of years). Written in 2006 and published at . For One Moment - Another drabble that sprang into my head after seeing the Doctor kiss Amy back for just a second in that scene at the end of "Flesh and Stone". Written in 2010 and published at . Absolutely a New Man - Yet another drabble, set early in series 2. Originally written as a birthday gift for LarielRomeniel in 2006 and published at in 2007. Sherlock: Glimpses - This was the very first idea I had after seeing "The Empty Hearse" and diving headlong into a fanfic binge that pretty much took a weekend of my life. Written in 2014 and cross-posted to Archive of Our Own. Providential - This story grew out of my desire to test background waters with a full story rather than play with the new canon I haven't seen in full yet. That and the memory of reading about an odd murder weapon way back when I was young came together to produce this. Written in 2014 and cross-posted to Archive of Our Own. Vendetta - This was an early plot bunny that I played with and began to feed over on Tumblr in February of 2014. I've now posted it here and on AO3. Sense8: Regrouping - The obligatory season 2 speculation. Started in July 2015 and posted here and on AO3. Voltron: Legendary Defender: Advent - A bit of Christmas Sheith fluff, inspired by a fanart that can be found through my story posts on Twitter/Tumblr. December 2017 and cross-posted to AO3. From the Outside Looking In - post-season 4 story centering on Matt Holt and his view of Keith and Shiro's changed relationship. Written in Oct/Nov 2017 and posted here and on AO3. Scattered - Another obligatory season 2 speculation. Started in June 2016 and posted here and on AO3. Sizing Things Up - Just me indulging my desire to have Keith swinging two swords at the same time. Cross-posted to AO3. Rescue - I got inspired by a webcomic (link at the beginning) on where Shiro might be after the S2 cliffhanger and how it might play out. Cross-posted to AO3. The Quintessential Bond - (1) unabashed and unapologetic Sheith. (2) Me playing with the soulmates concept. Cross-posted to AO3. Lost and Found - Inspired by someone's fanart of Shiro that included the omamori, just a sweet little story about Keith finding something of Shiro's from the Kerberos expedition. Gentle Sheith. Cross-posted to AO3. Searches - A 7-part story I wrote in the leadup to Season 3, speculating on what might happen in the fallout from the S2 cliffhanger. Sheith, but doesn't dominate the story. Cross-posted to AO3. Sheith Week 2017 - Four of the five one-shots I completed during Tumblr's Sheith Positivity Week in July 2017 (these and the fifth are on AO3). |