Reviews for Heroes Assemble!
Luma1709 chapter 128 . 14h
Merci pour cette superbe histoire.
Genesis1212 chapter 27 . 7/21
Wow I blazed past these chapters so fast didnt even feel like 100000 words xD
Genesis1212 chapter 24 . 7/20
As you said in the AN and what I spoke of a few chapters ago this world is like the MCU but with the well lived atmosphere of the comics.

Its a great read and there isnt much Im skimming through on any of the story lines! Im invested in the jennifer sidestory thats interesting, squrrel girls story as well as spidermans and gwens. the only one Im slightly trudging on is Daredevils but only slightly and thats only because I just dont find interest in him as a marvel character in general and not because of writing.
Stijn1boy chapter 128 . 7/20
I just finished reading this, and it might just be my favourite story yet (it's either this or the Avengers of the Ring series).

I can't wait for vol. 2.
Genesis1212 chapter 14 . 7/19
Im actually delighted Nick isnt so antagonistic in terms of unknowns like harry or the wizarding world at large.

it has the SHEILD feeling a lot less stuffy or standoffish in my mind which is great to see.
Genesis1212 chapter 10 . 7/19
You know what Im exctemly curious on? Doctor Strange and his possible views on harry and his version of sorcery.
Genesis1212 chapter 8 . 7/19
I can tell a lot of the marvel content is from the MCU as well as the comics. I adore the blending of the various universe content being so seemless and lively.

It brings a fullness the MCU kinda lacks on its own, the MCU with the well lived world of the comics is perfect for this.
Genesis1212 chapter 7 . 7/19
Well now I know where everyones relationship stands with harry and it went just to what I reasonably expected. Honestly this is how I felt when reading the last books and how the future may unfold. I love the solidarity between mione and harry.
Genesis1212 chapter 2 . 7/17
Well consider me sold! Riveting start to this story and a long one to boot!
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 30 . 7/17
Damn it! What is it?
FriggleBerry chapter 5 . 7/17
I fucking love the open a pub schtick in stories especially when the main cast comes in its soooo fucking fun to read
FriggleBerry chapter 2 . 7/17
Generally I avoid Harry Potter stories or pick others over it almost every single time. But so far your story has me interested I’ll give it the old binge I guess keep it up.
anzafay21 chapter 128 . 7/17
Thanks for the amazing story Stargon! Always been a big fan of Harry Potter and avengers and anything marvel. Really enjoyed how you've integrated harry into the world of marvel and the battles you've created. I've really loved the story youve created looking forward to the next story you'll create. Keep up the amazing work!
EmperorGhoul chapter 1 . 7/17
I'm sorry you made Harry way to stupid. Also he can't even do wandless magic. So what makes the difference between him and Herimone. She probably knows more spells. You have to at least make him stand out. Instead you made a naive weak main character nice.
epic insanity666 chapter 128 . 7/16
better ending to endgame that's for sure
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