AN: I have read all of your reviews and I must say that they make me so happy. My story is now at a whopping 80,000 views. I feel real great that I can make a story that you all enjoy so much. Anyway on to today's chapter I will be assembling 'the Squad'. What should I call their group? They will be the Light side version of Voldemort's inner circle. I am open to suggestions. Whomever has the best, I will give credit were credit is due.

Pathseekerme- Your kind words have both inspired me and made me feel real happy. My dream is to become as good an author as J.K Rowling and Rick Riordan, were their stories make me feel as though I am inside the book. So thank you very much.

Naienkon- I thank you for your suggestions. But I unfortunately will not be giving them avian forms. They can already fly, so why become a bird? I already had an idea for their forms, but your dragon suggestion though…. I might just give them more than 1 form.

I also feel that I should put this out there. On Monday July 29, 2019, one of my favorite YouTuber's died. The King Of Random, Grant Thompson. He was one of those people that helped get me out of a bad time in my life. He was an inspiration to all those that watched him and I think it only right to mention this to you all, if only to offer any condolences for his family. His Legacy will forever live on. May he Rest In Peace.

Disclaimer I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER OR DBZ, I only own my character Roku.


"Saiyanese" (Language of the Saiyans)


"Telepathic speech" ( This is how its going to be from now on)

-Deaths Intervention-

Harry and Roku both woke up at the same time at exactly 8:00 am. After 160 years of training, they had become accustomed to getting up at this time to start their training. They got out of bed and did their morning routines. When they were dressed they went down to the common room and sat down on the couch next to the fireplace. They looked around and noticed that they were the only ones up. It was Saturday, so everyone else was sleeping in.

They were both waiting for their respective soul mates. Roku, knowing that it will be a little while before they came down, looked into the flames of the crackling fireplace. With barely any concentration, he started making shapes in the flames. He would make things like flaming pyramids, small dragon heads, he even made what looked like a flaming cat eye. (Bonus points to whoever figures out the last ones reference.)

Harry watched with mild amusement as Roku manipulated the flames. He was so obsessed with fire sometimes. It was only ten minutes later that the boys sensed two people coming down the stairs. Roku stopped manipulating the flames, as they didn't want people to know the full extent of their abilities just yet. Hermione and Luna emerged from the girl's dormitory. They saw Harry and Roku sitting near the fire and immediately made their way to them. Luna took Roku's hand and sat as close to him as possible, wearing a ditzy smile on her face. Hermione meanwhile took Harry's offered hand and showed a little more restraint than Luna.

"So, did you have good dreams Hermione?" Harry asked mischievously.

Roku knew why Harry asked that question. In the book about soul bonds that death gave them, it said that you would share your past experiences with your soul mates. Everything they have ever done, everything they knew, would be 'transferred' between each other. Over night, Roku learned everything about Luna, and she now knew everything about him. He saw that she was a partial seer. He saw that she knew something changed in the world when he was created three years ago, and he was delighted that she had no problem with it at all. The book also stated that the weaker soul mate would gain a boost in power to even out the difference. Hermione and Luna now had about 1/5th their base forms power. Since they were not Saiyans, they did not have access to the Super Saiyan transformation. They were going to have to teach the girls how to properly control their power

"Harry, you were right, my questions were answered. But now I have some more, such as how you are still sane from 160 years of training? And what do we do now?" Hermione said questionably.

"It was not an easy adjustment when we first started training. But we stayed sane thanks to our family. When Sirius was freed, we immediately sought him out. He already knew about the time chamber, given it was a Potter family creation. We told no one else about the time chamber though. Sirius even sometimes joined us. Our family thought we just disappeared to plan pranks, study, or do other activities. When we came out, every time our family would be there to unknowingly help us adjust to the time difference. Our friends haven't been able to join us yet because we thought that they were not ready just yet." Harry explained.

"As for what we do now, we start phase one of our plan. We make a core group of warriors, consisting of our friends and a few others we thought were worthy to receive training. We have already sensed a few outside of our group that are worthy. I think we should assemble those individuals today." Roku continued for Harry.

"You know what we are planning for our time at Hogwarts right?" Harry asked. When the two girls nodded he continued. "Good, that saves us a lot of time. What I want you two to do is to start working on your Occlumency shields. With the knowledge you now have, that should take you no less than a week. Today we will be going back into the chamber, so you two will be able to get used to your boost in power."

Roku thought about something for a second. "Do you think that Dumbledore will want to see you today Harry? After all, to him you have been missing for three years now."

Harry thought about that for a second and was about to answer before Luna beat him to it. "He will send you a letter via Fawkes tomorrow. He wants you to get more acquainted with Hogwarts before he talks to you." She said with a slightly far off look.

Harry looked to Roku for an explanation. Roku simply mouthed 'Seer'. Harry nodded in understanding.

"Well that takes care of that little problem. Now why don't we head down to breakfast." Harry said while rubbing his stomach.

"Wait, I have an idea." Roku said before waving his hand and conjuring a few sheets of parchment and a quill. He quickly wrote a note on each sheet, before again waving his hand and turning the sheets of parchment into Memos. The Memos flew into the air and flew in different directions. Three of them flew up the boy's dormitory, while the rest flew out of the portrait hole. The notes were simple in wording; to their friends he told them to meet them at the entrance to the great hall after breakfast. To everyone else it said that they had an interesting offer for them and to meet in the same place after breakfast.

"Alright now we can go and eat." Roku stated to the small group. They each got up and made their way out of the portrait hole. They made their way down the grand staircase and soon came upon the Great Hall. (I had nothing, and wow was that terrible, even for me.)

As they passed the large wooden doors, they saw that a few people had already made it down for breakfast. Most of the staff was already at the head table including, to the fours displeasure, Dumbledore. Most of the boys' friends were already at breakfast, except for Tracey. She took WAY to long to get ready. They saw their friends look in their direction and nod to them, letting them know they got Roku's' note.

The four sat down at Gryffindor and began putting food onto their plates. As Harry was fixing himself a breakfast, he couldn't help but think about the first time they met their friends.


"So what should we do next?" Harry asked Roku.

Roku thought about that for a few moments before he came up with an answer.

"We should send envoys to all those listed in our parents will. We will invite them here so that we can meet them all at once. We need meet the people whom our parents trusted with our safety." Roku explained to Harry.

So Harry and Roku conjured some sheets of parchment and a couple of quills. They started to write letters to the various recipients of their parents wills, inviting them and their families to Potter Manor tomorrow at noon. They also said that they were allowed to bring guests with them, to help them feel more comfortable.

The Nest Day.

Roku and Harry were waiting for their guests to arrive. They were dressed in casual clothing. Harry wore brown combat boots, blue jeans and a white shirt, as well as a red hoodie. Roku wore black combat boots, black jeans and a blue shirt, as well as a black leather jacket that was unzipped.

"I still think we should have invited the Longbottoms," Roku said glumly from his position on the couch in the living room.

"I told you, Augusta Longbottom is still a believer of Dumbledore's achievements. I disappeared only three days ago. We do not know how many of his people he could have told to assist him in his search for me. At the moment, we cannot trust her to not inform Dumbles about our whereabouts. The people we are expecting today are more independent and think for themselves. We will contact the Longbottoms when we get to Hogwarts, when we have more people on our side to assist us in showing them just how evil Dumbledore is." Harry explained to Roku for the third time.

"Then why are we inviting Remus Lupin?" Roku asked incredulously.

"Because he was very close to my parents. I want to see if he will be more Loyal to us than he will to Dumbledore. If he isn't, then we can Obliviate him and contact him at another time." Harry said matter of factly.

Roku still grumbled though, while Harry chuckled in amusement.

There was a knocking sound at the fireplace. Someone was asking for entrance to Potter Manor. Harry, being the Lord of the manor, went over to the fireplace and waved his hand over the mantle. In the center of the white stone that the mantle was made of started forming words in black letters across its surface.

'Greengrass Estate' it read.

"Roku, the Greengrasses are about to come through. Be prepared for anything. And PLEASE try not to set anything on fire." Harry said as he waved his hands, allowing the floo connection between the two manors to open.

Harry stepped back, as a moment later a couple emerged from the emerald flames, followed soon after by two young girls. Following the girls was another couple who emerged from the fireplace, and they too were followed by a young girl.

Harry greeted them. "Welcome to Potter Manor my Lords and Lady's. I am Harry Potter, Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Potter and I am happy to welcome you into my home." Harry said with a bow, which was returned by their guests.

A sandy haired man stepped forward and addressed himself. "Head Potter, I am Lord Cygnus Greengrass, Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Greengrass. This is my wife Lucy," he said while gesturing to the dirty blond haired women beside him. "And my two daughters, my youngest Astoria," a bubbly blond haired girl who looked to be about six years old. "And my oldest, Daphne," a blond haired girl with an icy persona and a cold glare. Harry could tell that it was mostly a mask though, but he could feel something in Daphne that, out of all the others in the room, he can only sense in Roku and himself.

Cygnus then waved his hand to the other couple. "Your invitation said we were allowed to bring guests, so I brought some good friends of mine. May I introduce to you, Lord Alexander Davis, Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Davis." He indicated towards a black haired man with a goatee. "His wife, Eleanor Davis," A brunette haired woman with a kind face. "And their daughter, Tracey Davis." A brunette like her mother with a kind face as well as a serious attitude.

"It is nice to meet all of you, if you would all follow me to the living room, you can enjoy some refreshments while our other guests arrive." Harry said as he led them to the living room and over towards the couches, were he called for Raven to serve them refreshments.

A moment later, the fireplace made a knocking sound and again, Harry went to allow them access. This time it was coming from Bones Residence. And just like before, two family emerged from the fireplace. Harry greeted Amelia Bones and her niece Susan Bones, the Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Bones. He then greeted the second family, the Abbotts. He bowed to Lord Anthony Abbot, Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Abbott, Lisa Abbott, and their daughter Hannah Abbott. Harry lead them over to where the others were sitting before the Floo yet again made the knocking sound.

This time it was coming from 'Capsule Corp.'

Harry opened the connection and out came three people. (Any guess as to whom)

The first was a man that stood at about 5'5, had spiky black hair that resembled a mountain in shape. He had jet black eyes and was dressed in muggle business suit. He may have dressed like a muggle, but Harry could sense the magic within him, as well as a decent amount of Ki. That was surprising to Harry, but he decided to think on it later as he turned to the woman that accompanied him.

The woman was a blue haired woman that stood at about 5'6. She had sapphire blue eyes and wore blue jeans, and brown boots, as well as a white shirt with a red bandana around her neck. Harry could sense magic within her, but no Ki. He then turned his gaze to the boy that was attempting look at everything at once.

He had blue hair just like his mother, but it had a bit of grey mixed in. he had blue eyes as well and wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a short-sleeved yellow hoodie. He looked to be about seven years old. Harry could sense both magic and Ki from the boy. He would need to ask them about it.

The man introduced himself to Harry. "Hello heir Potter. I am Lord Vegeta Briefs, Head of the Most Ancient and Most Noble house of Briefs. This is my wife Bulma," He gestured to the woman besides him. "And my son, Trunks." He waved to the boy.

"Welcome to Potter Manor Lord Briefs. If you would follow me, you and your family can enjoy some refreshment while we wait for our final guest to arrive." Harry said as he led the Briefs into the living room. Harry was in front with Bulma and Trunks following behind them with Vegeta bringing up the rear. Harry had suspicions that Vegeta and trunks were Saiyans, but he wasn't entirely sure. He would ask Roku to help him.

As soon as Vegeta entered the room, Roku immediately stood up and focused all his attention on him, with Vegeta doing the same.

'Well, I guess that answers my question.' Harry thought.

Harry looked at Roku and Vegeta and compared the two. He could se that Roku was slightly taller than Vegeta, but they both had spiky black hair and jet black eyes. They were both muscular and carried themselves quite well. Harry extended his senses towards the two and could sense that they had similar signatures, so to say. They were different, but they had an air of similarity to each other. Harry was broken out of his thoughts by Roku speaking.

"Are you a Saiyan?" Roku asks Vegeta. Roku sensed a lot of power coming from this man. Nowhere near his or Harry's level, but more than any one else in this room combined.

"Yes I am, as is my son, you and Harry." Vegeta said after a moment. "Does anyone here know of our heritage? I ask because, from what I've seen, some wizards and witches think us to be 'lesser' beings to them." Vegeta said with a note of anger in his voice.

"No. The only one who I think knows of our heritage, is the sandy haired man behind me. But they were named in my parent's will, so I don't think he will tell anybody about us. Let us keep it that way for the time being." Roku responds.

"I agree. I look forward to knowing what this meeting is about." Vegeta said as he led his wife and son to an empty couch

The other guests were wondering what had just transpired. From what they heard, the heir Son and that man were having a discussion in a language that they had never heard before. All of them were confused, except for Cygnus. He knew what language they were speaking, even if he could not understand it himself. He now knew that that man who called himself Vegeta, was indeed a Saiyan.

Vegeta, seeing the looks that the other guests were giving him, thought up a quick explanation. "The Heir Son was showing excellent manners by greeting me in my native tongue. Although I am a bit surprised that he took the time to learn my language."

The other guests nodded their understanding. They also thought that it was very nice of Roku.

Just then there was yet another knocking sound coming from the fireplace. Harry went over to the fireplace and saw that this one was coming from the Leaky Cauldron. Harry opened the temporary connection and let them through. The man who emerged wore an extremely shabby set of wizards' robes that had been darned in several places. He looked ill and exhausted. Though quite young, his light brown hair was flecked with gray.

Harry could immediately tell that he was a werewolf. Harry wanted very badly to see if his healing powers could cure this man of his curse. But harry did not yet know the true extent of his powers just yet. He had to test to see if he could only heal injuries and not diseases. He did not want to inform the man about his powers incase he was unable to cure him. That would be the biggest kick to the gut you could possibly get. So, until he could test it further, he would have to try his best to not tell him about his healing abilities.

Harry addressed the man before him. "Welcome to Potter Manor, Remus Lupin. If you would follow me to the living room, we can get this meeting started." Harry then turned and led the way with a awed and gob smacked Remus following him. Harry sat down next to Roku while Remus took a seat in an armchair.

Roku started things off. "You are all probably wondering why we invited you here. Well the reason for that is, most of you were listed in our parents wills, and we wanted to both meet the people that our parents trusted with our safety, and to reveal to you some things that you should be made aware of."

It was Cygnus that spoke first. "What exactly should we be made aware of?"

This time it was Harry who answered. "The evil and twisted manipulations and damage that Albus Dumbledore has done," he said bitterly.

This time it was Alexander who spoke up. "What do you mean by 'damage'?"


For over the next 3 hours, the boys explained every manipulation they knew about to their guests. They told them about the true intentions behind Dumbledore's 'Greater Good' motto. By the time they were done everyone could not believe just how evil Dumbledore is. Amelia, being the head of the DMLE, wanted to go and arrest him right there and then, especially after finding out that he had a hand in her brothers death, and the truth behind Sirius's innocence, for he was her fiancé before he was sent to Azkaban. The boys reminded her that, to the wizarding public, Dumbledore was seen as a great idol. When asked what they should do, the boys said that they had a plan, but for it to work, they needed everyone here to form an alliance under the Potter and Son families. They could not start their plan until they turned eleven, when they could claim their lordships. Needles to say, everyone pledged their houses to be in alliance with theirs.

And so for the next three years, the newfound alliance made plans. The boys were delighted to learn that everyone in the alliance was not biased in the slightest. With that knowledge, they made plans for when they took their seats on the Wizengamet. Each house that was in their alliance was already leading an alliance of their own. Now with all those leading alliance houses under one alliance, they had over 75% majority control of the wizengamet. Their plans would become even easier when they claimed the founders lordships.

Over those three years they got to know the children of their aligned houses. They all became fast friends very quickly. Although, the boys often felt out numbered given that there were more girls than boys. It was during those three years that they found out that Daphne was an ice Elementalist. She got angry one day and suddenly sent out ice spikes from her hands, and they were directed at Roku. Luckily Roku was able to take out the spikes with a few fireballs. Harry revealed that he to was an Elementalist after the others got over their shock. From that day forth, Roku and Daphne would surprise each other with either a blast of heat, or an icy wind. When they fought, they got a bit more lethal.

End Flashback

Harry was brought out of his reminiscing by Roku poking him in the side.

"You okay their Harry. You were starring into the void there, and I didn't think I could bring you back." Roku said teasingly.

Harry chuckled before responding. "I'm alright. I was just reminiscing a little but." Roku nodded before he went back to eating.

The four ate breakfast while talking about meaningless topics. Soon their bellies were full and the four got up from the Gryffindor table and exited the Great Hall. Multiple students soon followed them.

-Deaths Intervention-

Albus Dumbledore sat in the middle of the head table eating his breakfast watching Harry Potter as he ate his own breakfast. He saw that Harry sat with two young ladies and Roku Son.

Roku Son. How could he have forgotten about him? He was only the son of Gohan and Videl Son. How could he have forgotten that the Sons were the long time friends of the Potter family?

Unlike Harry, Albus was not able to have any influence over the Son Heir. After his parents died of dragon pox (Bare with me here), Albus had tried to get Roku away from his home, but by the time Dumbledore arrived, he was already gone. Dumbledore had no idea who took him or where he had been for the lat 10 years.

Now that he is here, Albus will try his best to have as much sway over both Harry and Roku as possible. If he could then he could achieve many things with the influence of the Potter and Son family's backing him. He would have to speak to the two of them, and soon. Tomorrow would be best, yes let them get a feel for the castle leaving them distracted by its magnificence, like many a student before. Then he would call them up to him using the phoenix that he had bound to himself. They would be so caught up with the magnificence of the phoenix and the invitation from the great Albus Dumbledore, that they would be more susceptible to his questions and Legililmency probes.

Dumbledore watched as Harry and Roku got up from the Gryffindor table and left the great hall. After they left he went back to his breakfast. While he was eating, he did not notice a handful of students leave the hall to follow the two boys.

-Deaths Intervention-

The four exited the great hall and waited near the doors. A few moments later, seven people walked out of the hall. They saw Harry and Roku and were about to ask questions before Roku put up his hand to stop them and indicated for them to follow him. Roku led everyone to an unused classroom near the great hall. After everyone was inside, he closed the door while superstitiously casting a strong locking charm and a very powerful notice-me-not charm on the door.

He then turned and looked at the group. Other than Harry and the girls, there was Daphne, Tracey, Hannah, Susan, the Weasley twins and Neville Longbottom.

He addressed the group.

"You all may be wondering why I sent you a note asking for you to meet us. Well your questions will be answered, if you all grab onto my arm." Roku said as he extended his arm towards the group. The assembled students gave him a curious look. Roku rolled his eyes. "Just humor me."

The group shrugged and each grabbed a different part of his arm. A second later, eight students disappeared from Hogwarts, soon followed by three more.

-Deaths Intervention-

AN: Sorry for the long wait, I got hit with writers block. Also I should say that college starts in like to weeks for me, so I may not be updating as much as I would like to. But I promise you that I will still be writing this story in my free time. Anyway please leave a REVIEW, as it helps with my writing.