![]() Author has written 152 stories for Harry Potter, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly/Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Dragonriders of Pern series, Emma, Beowulf, Bible, Warhammer, Shadowrun, Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, Wind in the Willows, Lord of the Rings, Mechwarrior/Battletech, David Eddings, Shogun, Scarlet Pimpernel, Lady Molly of Scotland Yard, Calvin & Hobbes, A Little Princess, Iliad, James Bond, Greek Mythology, Cthulhu Mythos, CSI, Mission: Impossible, Chronicles of Narnia, Mansfield Park, Ironside, Pride and Prejudice, Georgette Heyer novels, Traveller, Winnie-the-Pooh, Fairy Tales, Shakespeare, StarTrek: The Original Series, and Worst Witch. I have a new blog at https forward slash www dot mywipwriting [at] blogspot [dot] com. I bet if you like my Harry Potter fanfiction you will LOVE Bess and the Dragons and the sequels. I hope that will show up as I did not realise damn FF was eating it. I am posting previews of the draughts of my commercial WIPs from now on there, and will delete all but the first chapter when I come to publish. I can be found as Sarah Waldock Author on Facebook with a profile of me covered in cats. Not the Sarah Waldock who does things with Lingerie. I am really excited by the latest Jane and Caleb mystery I have published, which is three mysteries that are intertwined! I was inspired by the late Robert Van Gulik, who used it to such good effect in his Judge Dee books. I am also writing the love stories of secondary characters from Jane and Caleb stories. I have published the 6th and final [of this series] Brandon Scandal book, and I hope those of you who read my original fictions enjoy them as much as I have enjoyed writing them, and as much as you enjoy my fanfiction. Please feel free to write fanfiction around my original fics, I would take it as a courtesy if you let me know if you do. The first book of the Wild Western Brandon scandals is being polished . DISCLAIMER: here's the legal junk. I don't own a thing and I don't make money off any of the fics from copyrighted authors, and like the maquis girl in 'Allo 'Allo, I shall say zees only vunce. If I made as much money per word off of fan fiction as I do from original fiction I'd be very comfortably off indeed and my cats would have a maid. Just to make it clear; the author of any original for which I write fan fiction owns everything; I own nothing but OCs and my own warped sense of humour. It pleases me to borrow the characters and worlds in order to have fun with them and I promise not to fold or staple them and not to mutilate them too much. Except Molly Weasley. I generally like to write sequels - all my Dragonriders started out as sequels when there was a long hiatus after The White Dragon - but I have developed an interest in pulling apart Harry Potter with the intent of seeing what tiny pebble could make people look at things with clearer eyes and a different outlook to the tunnel vision they were written into. Dragonrider fans, by request I have started to post some of my sketchbook pages on my facebook author page here http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sarah-J-Waldock/520919511296291 and now fauna and flora are going there: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.621198734601701.1073741837.520919511296291&type=1 and if these don't show up you will have to look for my profile and go poking about. and I still have stories in longhand to transcribe and ideas, but time has been an issue. the Krait series will continue, I just got sidetracked when I was recovering from the annus horribilis to write things that 'didn't matter'. As well as my books are also available from European Amazon sources. I have a blog where I'll be posting all sorts of research and stuff, hopefully of use to writers and readers alike, google for Renaissance and Regency Rummage Repository. I've put up a load of links that other writers might find useful. Seriously do use the resources out there. Please. I HATE finding glaring anachronisms in otherwise excellent stories and often I stop reading. I particularly recommend The Regency Redingote. You will find three short stories there that are prequels to 'Poison for a Poison Tongue': The Missing Necklace; Signor di Piccolo's Bill of Exchange; and Silver Threads among the ...Lead. Please go and read them and leave a comment! This means you guys, pretty please! Also my darkest ever story is up there as the halloween story for 2016. if you don't want to leave a comment on a public blog - I do have anonymous comments enabled - you can always PM me here. Please nicely... you can also find me on twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/SarahJWaldock General Warning: It occurs to me that some readers may be sensitive to being upset due to personal experiences by some of the things I write about. I write about problems that need addressing and place them in the context of fiction. Mentions of abuse of various kinds, violence,rape, racism and homophobia as well as character deaths, senility and mental illness may be found generally in long series more than oneshots or single stories. I feel strongly about the right of all beings to have a decent life without other people making it hard for them and sometimes I'm blunt about it. I also tackle issues that people request. PM me for what you particularly want me to follow up. I do take notice of fervent requests so far as the muse permits. For those people at sea with the 18th century and Regency slang I use,I have links to good sites from my blog I am working on the Writer's guide to early and medieval European names, as first of a series of name books for writers, members of re-enactment groups and people like me who are nerdy about names. It's GETTING 's getting further there than last time I updated. There's a few essays on my blog too. It's now back on track after the big data loss when one of the cats totalled my research and the backup of about 5 years work in one luge-ride on the laptop off the table. I've got to the point where another few months concentrated work [haha] will see it done. I have ALL the research collated. The other academic work is the weather, day to day, from 1775 to 1820. Oh boy, I thought it would be a little thin in places and then I hit paydirt in a magazine of the time. WOOT! I'm a pedant and addicted to sesquipedalian phraseology, some would say I was prolixic or even inclined to loggorhoea; I make no apology for using the long words I love in my fiction; I read dictionaries for fun too. anyone who knows me will tell you that I use long words most egregiously in my everyday speech and always have. I also answer telesales people who ask 'can I speak to...' with 'You can, but you may not'. Told you I was a pedant.. I like semi-colons properly used and yes, I do like exclamation marks to mark a speech with a bit more animation to the tone. I think that the process of sub-creation is the most fun part of writing; developing the economic infrastructure and social interrelations and small things like what do people read, and what animals are there that aren't part of the grand scheme of the author's plans and how do the ordinary people NOT part of the epic actually live their lives. I was introduced to RPG's by my then boyfriend, now husband of 30 years I enjoy research and in my historical fics I'm totally committed to historical accuracy. Anachronisms are anathema. sloppy language use without checking if a word or turn of phrase is consistent with the milieu is something I hate I dedicate my writing to my husband but as I've written most of it to keep him amused through a long illness that's only fair! |