Reviews for Young Emma
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7
Yes I love this fic. It's so cute, fluffy and funny!
Guest chapter 3 . 7/7
This was soooooooooo adorable!
Mira chapter 48 . 7/5/2019
This is one of my favourite Emma fanfiction stories. It's simply sweet and the author knows these characters so well. I wish there was more! :)
Kassolas chapter 48 . 6/8/2017
I have throughly enjoyed this entire story! I live seeing the pre-book friendship between Mr. Knightley and Emma. I hope you write again soon! I was wondering, would you consider writing a post-book story related to this one where Emma and Agnes are reunited? I would like to see that. :) thanks for writing!
Anne chapter 32 . 5/17/2017
This chapter made me cry, it was written so well!
blessedwith5 chapter 48 . 5/20/2016
I am delighted by your story! I would love to read more if you ever have a chance to write your other plots. It is imaginative and realistic, befitting the characters JA created. I have always enjoyed girl stories- this is much like a Louisa May Alcott or "Judy of Kettle Rock," or the Hildegarde series. Truly delightful. Thank you for your perseverance to complete it to this point. Don't be afraid to add more, even after so long an absence.
Miral chapter 15 . 5/9/2016
Magistrate Knightley at work! I'm so enjoying this. Thank you!
Miral chapter 1 . 5/8/2016
"Very short story"? Haha. I'm looking forward to the next 47 chapters even if it's not complete. Loving the energy of your writing. Thank you.
jaimy chapter 38 . 3/26/2016
I am crying like a grief stricken child. It's most mortifying because everyone look at me as if I am mad and I have no excuse to offer other than being emotional while reading a fan fiction. It's ridiculous and hilarious because my mom is now thinking that I am crying over a boy and is asking for a confession of a secret affair. I am distraught over Emma's and Knightly's misunderstanding during the leading chapters to 38. But would anyone other than a fellow reader understand? I love your story. That it would touch my heart and burrow itself so deep within me says all about your talent in writing. I am thankful for your gift, for it provided me with such excitement, sadness, joy, love, such feeling as exact as how the characters are feeling. It provided with escape from the mundaneness of real life. It's sad that people are not aware that a well written book can provide much better and safer release to frustration, soothe all pains, attain all heights and lows of feelings, than drugs, alcohol or tobacco. Only a moving and well written story can wrench a heartfelt review from a reader and you have succeeded. I hope you continue your endeavors for their are many readers who are like ghosts (example me) who rarely review but still love the story to pieces and has the warmest feelings towards the author. Now I shall desist lest I sound , heaven forbid , like Mr. Collins from Pride and Prejudice who is so long winded. Love from a ghost fan.

anonim chapter 30 . 12/2/2015
Damn the stupid John. If I was Emma, I'd slap him. And her sister...can't she keep a secret? It's not like it includes something that would concern her husband. After all, it can be seen Emma isn't really liked by John.
anonim chapter 1 . 12/2/2015
I suggest you don't underline words, or put "!" at the end whenever you think it's right. Those scream at me and leave a bad mood.
2lulu2 chapter 31 . 12/27/2014
Oh that is the saddest story ever. I can't stand such injustices. Breaks my heart completely.
2lulu2 chapter 28 . 12/24/2014
2lulu2 chapter 27 . 12/24/2014
This is so exciting. You're a great story teller!
2lulu2 chapter 26 . 12/24/2014
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