Reviews for HJG: The Smartest Witch of Her Age?
Mondmaedchen chapter 1 . 7/13
Guest chapter 1 . 6/25
I hated this story, not because your points are without merit, (though some were purposely obtuse, where you didn’t let her explain or you made shit up to make your pseudo points) but because you fail to realize that everything is relative: compared with how everyone ELSE is portrayed in the wizarding world by jkr , she’s a freaking genius! When you compare her with bumblingdore who, as written, is a stupid, manipulative, senile old man (yet he’s a ‘genius’ and the ‘greatest wizard since merlin’ ) then hermione is fucking Morgana reincarnated when compared to the guy.

Let’s not forget she had to keep doing the studying and school work for 2 other losers (one genetically, one stupid enough to follow the other loser) AND do all sorts of research to keep them alive, on top of her school work AND she’s the only one who could figure out the basilisk.

She’s wrong about Snape but EVERY OTHER FUCKING USELESS WIZARD AND WITCH at the stadium did NOTHING and noticed NOTHING other than Snape himself.

The problem is that jkr is certainly no genius so she can’t possibly write a credible genius character. She simply doesn’t know how geniuses think.

So because of all this, I can Unequivocally say that this story manages to be even worse than canon. Good job, yay you, lol.
Guess chapter 1 . 6/22
I love it. She’s book smart and I always found her utter devotion to authority figures annoying.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/9
What did Hermione do to you lol.

Also next time you write a rant about how you dislike a strong female character maybe don’t try to justify slavery.
Dugleik chapter 1 . 5/16
I get it, Hermiones flaws are never discussed. But this is a bit too cringe, and reminds me of a post in r/im14andthisisdeep
ARSBlue chapter 1 . 4/13
I read a few reviews who continue to defend this shit she does. Didn't think of flame freezing, must be that it doesn't work on magical fires (we are talking about the same person who forgot she was a witch and didn't need wood for a fire right?), didn't think of modifying a spell, must be it is not possible! Gave Marieta permanent scars, but she snitched, they were at war! Grow up people! Marieta was trying to save her mother, she was also a kid! What good does scaring someone for life do if they have already snitched? That is plain vindictive
Baelorfan chapter 1 . 2/10
This hit all the notes of what is wrong with Hermione Granger apart from her obsession with book knowledge and fanatic devotion (like Hagrid and the Weasley) to "Great Man Dumbledore".
Realmsmith chapter 1 . 2/5
Not to mention her loyalty to figures in authority to an absolutely appalling extent.
DiabolicGod chapter 1 . 1/27
A lot, if not all the things that annoy me about H.J.G. (especially the misperception of her from others) neatly packed in a Job Interview monologue. Not bad
SolarSolstice chapter 1 . 1/2
Happy New Year!

As always, love this fic. Finally, a proper Hermione-bashing story.
Fyrebird85 chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
This is brilliant! The only thing missing is that her typical "problem-solving" was simply to tell everybody to go to Dumbledore.
Riv chapter 1 . 11/14/2019
Incredible. I fucking love happy endings.
Thank you for this. Truly amazing
Ignore the haters, they don't know better.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2019
This was such a poorly written story! I came here because I was recommended this story as being a decent bash of Hermione. Instead what I find is a story written by an idiot white thinks they can write.

You should probably delete everything you have ever written just in case a future employer finds it and decided not to hire someone that doesn't understand logic, story structure nor any kind of creativity at all. I feel dumber after reading this piece of shit.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/16/2019
It's good, only thing missing him berating the choice of going after ron! Why after everything he did to her, and not seeing she would become a houswife of some sorts, and clearly is better of with harry.
yellow 14 chapter 1 . 10/7/2019
A flawed story on many levels.

Manipulating bluebell flames doesn't imply that you can manipulate flames of any kind. Furthermore, it wouldn't be that easy to manipulate. Also, flame freezing only appears to apply to none magical fires. In short, more thought needed.

Her conclusions were logical based on what they had observed of Snape. You're applying the benefit of hindsight to the situation. More thought needed.

There's a reason why using time travel to interfere is frowned upon. It's simply too dangerous. Had Dumbledore not known that they were in a time loop, it could have killed them. Given the dangers, why would she take such unnecessary risks, especially to play pranks? (Which, had she been caught, would easily result in her losing said time turner.) More thought needed.

There is no evidence that the four point spell COULD be modified or that they would have had the time to modify it. Nor do we know that arithmancy CAN modify spells. More thought needed.

The existence of Sleakeasy tells us no such charm exists. More thought needed.

Slavery is EXACTLY what it was. If it wasn't, they wouldn't need to be freed. Furthermore, her methods, while flawed, were based on the knowledge she had available at the time. Remember, house elves were deemed unimportant by wizards and these details were not available to her. We can judge this by the way she DOES research in book 5 and comes up blank. More thought needed.

She formed the DA because Voldemort was back. Clear lack of attention to the source material. Others attended over concerns about their OWLS. Furthermore, Harry was the teacher and leader of the group and a persistent troublemaker. He was the obvious target. More thought needed.

Really? You're having a go over her being a hormonal, normal teenager? Also, no evidence that her grades slipped. More empathy needed and more thought needed. NEWT level material is also clearly harder as Harry himself clearly notes. More attention to the source material needed.

There was good reason why she modified her parents memories. Or did I miss the little details like the homocidal powerful wizard who may well harm them? There's also no evidence that they had their memories modified without a word. And even if they were, we also have the fact that in the war, they would be at risk.

The charm wasn't protecting their residence any more. By that point, bringing a person in would leave that person able to bring others. Her actions were indeed correct. (There were wards against Snape's return, but not theirs.)

Visiting Godric's Hollow was as risky as she claimed. It's an area of importance to Harry and an obvious place to keep watch. Had they gone immediately, they would have been in the same amount of danger, if not more so. Their delay may well have put a lot of the guards to sleep, leaving only Nagini to hand.

Those books did indeed provide useful information, such as details about the horcruxes and whatever magic she could look up if necessary. Furthermore she had little enough knowledge of what might be useful to know. Indeed, her preparation saved them a lot of trouble when they had to flee the Burrow. More thought needed and more attention to the source material needed.

I doubt she expected life to be the same after she rescued her parents. Again, lack of thought and a determination to tear her down undermined whatever point you sought to make.

I also doubt that she would publicly berate them. Push them to go further? Maybe. But they've just been through a war and are adults. More attention to the characters needed.

In short, this tries to be clever and just shows too little thought. And while there are occasional good points and even the premise is solid, it drowns in misunderstanding, lack of basic empathy and thought.
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