Reviews for HR 8b Jessenia the acrobat
Guest chapter 29 . 11/11/2013
*loved* this story - and as another reviewer noted, SO much better than Todd's.
K'ja chapter 29 . 9/26/2013
Wonderful story. I enjoyed it as much as canon. You actually write way better than Todd. Some constructive critism if I may? Excessive exclamation points. It wouldn't be so bad but it did give wrong impressions often. You have a fantastic vocabulary! I was using the dictionary more than usual, that being said, just like some of my other fav writers (Anne included) some words were over used or unnecessary for descriptions. Laconic comes to mind. I was surprised you didn't say 'deftly' once which is Ms. Mcaffrey's favorite word haha. Your character development was so smooth, never forced. I love that you touched on real social issues that would have happened on Pern just like anywhere else and showed progress. Your knowledge of Pernese events, geography and social structure were dead on. Thank you for a great story, I hope to read more by you!
ibdeequeenuc chapter 29 . 7/15/2013
love love love...your story...thank you
EmmKay chapter 29 . 6/26/2013
Loved this story after the third chapter couldn't,t put it down!
Breeze88 chapter 29 . 6/20/2013
As usual a great story! Off to read chapter one of the new story with Prisca :)
Gardengirl6 chapter 29 . 6/8/2013
Oh, nicely done, L'ner! Swine like that one really hate being told the truth about themselves.

Nice that V'sheren has blessings from both brother and grandfather... pity that the lady in question is a trifle hasty, no?
Gardengirl6 chapter 28 . 6/8/2013
The trouble with most kids is their parents... true on Pern as it is elsewhere! I'd love to see that father face down Jaxom. He'd leave him in tiny bits. My son is still wailing about how horrible it is that I won't let him squander hours gaming online with his friends. Oh well...
Gardengirl6 chapter 27 . 6/8/2013
How interesting to have to discuss sexuality with girls of such varied backgrounds - from the super-sheltered who know nothing about the mechanics to the over-sexed who have vivid, perhaps bordering on feverish, imaginations.

Sharina seems a pistol... gives as good as she gets. One does hope that Nilis will be shot down firmly sooner than later.
Tagesh chapter 29 . 5/28/2013
Just caught up with the final seven chapters, and I very much enjoyed this story: the character of J'enia, her interactions with the others, the last minute addition of L'ner back into the Weyr, and of course the 'Traders' and their crimes. I admit not understanding fully what you had been driving at with 'all hatched dragons must impress,' but that was startling for the chief trader, and added so much to the discussion of the undersized egg. Very well done!

As always, I look forward to your next story, and hope you re-visit J'enia and L'ner.
Cheers, T.
skywiseskychan chapter 29 . 5/28/2013
Ooh white hmm, or will it be yellow? No I suspect your sticking with white, such is the pity. Though Green could lighten up… anyway! Go go tease power! J'enia you little minx going after poor V'sheren like that, and with Shehereth not even close to grown yet!

Finis? FINIS! eep your all done!

Ahh, I'll miss the cheerful and fun little chapters brightening up my day. Thanks for the story.
skywiseskychan chapter 28 . 5/28/2013
Ahh, I hadn't know that there was already an official itty bitty queen dragon out there. If I had I would have guessed that Silaya would have gotten herself a little green or blue. Blue only if you were feeling perverse as you wrote. Well, maybe peculiar would be a better term.

Anyway, more fun comes and goes, though with these numbers of birthings and batches I should wonder that they will actually have enough room for all the dragons and riders soon.
skywiseskychan chapter 27 . 5/28/2013
My my, that seems to have been a quick and neat resolution to teh Resin problem. I doubt it will go nearly so smoothly when all told and his father is likely to get his comeupance.

And wee- more fun talk of sexuality and dragons, and now when will the first girl to be picked by a blue occur! (to match with a greenrider of course. :P )
wendums chapter 29 . 5/27/2013
Could this be the start of an 'igen' series. I have enjoyed this story very much and look forward to many more. Thanks xx
Queen of the Jungle chapter 29 . 5/26/2013
Nilis really is the limit! I really liked that comment about the burro! and now I'm sad because this is the end! brilliant story!
slytherin84 chapter 29 . 5/26/2013
Can't wait to see the sequel. This was a great story. :)
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