![]() Author has written 69 stories for Harry Potter, and StarTrek: Voyager. Wingnutdawn Country- Born In Ipswitch England as was all my ancestors. Mother is totally a Yorkshire woman still even though we have been Canadian citizens for most of my life. Favourite characters in the Harry Potter Series in order Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, The Weasley family, Minerva McGonagall, Hermione, Madame Pomfrey and Hagrid. tongue twister showing the different spellings of similar sounding words A flea and a fly in a flue with our worldwide recession I thought I'd leave a thought here to ponder: A quote form an elderly waitress from the Deression era of the 1930's-- "When you get so low down you can't get any lower, ther's no place else to go but up. You do either one of two things;you either lie down and die, or you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and start over." I recieved this link from a very special young lady who loves and has a very intensive knowledge of all things relating to Harry Potter. Thank you. http:///harrypotter/challenge/index.htm My youngest son got a very interesting gift of small objects in a bag labeled Survival Kit from one of his friends and along with that gift a note explaining each item. I thought it was very a very thoughtful idea which I would like to pas on to all my good friends worldwide. Survival Kit Smarties: To keep you smart A hand: Cause we all could use an extra hand at times A toothpick: to help you pick out the good qualities in People Gum: to remind you not to bite off more than you can chew a Match: for when you feel burnt out A Candle: just to brighten your day! A Button: cause we all often need to button our lips A Marble: In case you lose yours An Elastic: to help you to stretch to your Limits A Cottonbal:l to cushion your fall if the road gets rough An Umbrella: to protect you from life's many showers A lifesaver: cause we all could use a little saving A Smile: cause they can be contagious A Penny: for your thoughts cause someone should always be there to listen A Nickel and Dime: in case someone is nickeling and dimeing you to death A Quarter: to call someone who cares for you And last but not least a Hug cause we all need hugs to get through this life. There are five things that you cannot recover in life: (1) The Stone...after it's thrown, Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my husband, family, friends & my fur babies are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER (not a holiday meal), and I will attend CHRISTMAS PARTIES (not holiday parties). I will also cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not... happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hannukah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. No matter where a person is driving please pay attention to what is ahead of you. Texting while driving is hazardous to the health and welfare of all those who are impacted by the accidents caused by a momentary glance away from the road. Nobody likes to get a phone call from a hospital or a visit from the police declaring their loved ones are severely injured or dead due to someone answering or sending a text. HOW HIGH - THE PRICE OF TEXTING AND DRIVING How high is the price of texting and driving. How high is the price of texting and driving. Courage can be measured by what one does when faced with tremendous adversity. these thoughts are dedicated to my daughter. She is a dedicated social worker involved with two organizations dedicated to helping those who need them in our community. On the 1st of Sept 2015 she was enjoying the beautiful day as she was riding her Harley to do what she does best, helping people when she was struck by an SUV that crossed over into her lane while the person was texting. http:///crash-victim-raises-awareness-of-distracted-driving-dangers-1.2599997 instead of feeling sorry for herself she has found a way to continue to do what she does best. She has created a facebook page which she hopes will be instrumental in saving of June 1st 2019 my daughter and her american friend Nicole will be riding their V-rods to every Harley-Davidson (78) in Canada to bring attention to the effects of distracted driving. Don't Drive Distracted #iPinkySwear @ facebook community group: Don't Drive Distracted-I Pinky Swear That’s all I needed!!!!! When you make a negative post, you are going to continue to feel negative with every click you get...now try posting something positive or funny even if you are having the worst day ever...you will smile. This is a public service announcement. We are in for such a cold winter this year that the squirrels are collecting more nuts than usual and so far 3 of my neighbors have disappeared, Are you all OK? |
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