Chapter 2: Making Changes

Albus had watched as first Draco, then Poppy, and finally Harry had all performed Severus's spell. He knew there was no way he could have performed the spell as he watched their expressions. Turning his eyes to meet Poppy's gaze who was being held by Minerva he asked softly. "Is it as bad as we feared?"

"Worse Albus. Much worse," Poppy whispered.

"We are not reversing the process," Draco said his voice ringing out clearly. He drew in a deep breath and Harry knew that to Draco it was like loosing his father all over again as he spoke the next words. "Severus has left us a way to set his affairs in order without the Ministry's involvement. He has named his deaged self as his son and heir. Leaving me and Harry as his godfather. Seeing as how I am already engaged and to be married in less then a month I will file for full adoption of the child leaving Harry as his Godfather."

"Draco what are you going to do for work?" Minerva asked him, not unkindly. She was going to be headmistress of Hogwarts when the school reopened after summer. Harry had already accepted the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts.

"I had not considered many options. I was intending on going through my healers training. I had already gotten the basics in Potions from Severus last year," Draco responded. "I fear though that having a child to care for would not leave much room for full time work."

"I could always use an assistant Minerva, it has also long been proposed by Severus that the younger years should be taught by a different Potions Professor in order to free our Potions Master to teach the upper year classes and offer more opportunities for those students who are considering careers in both Healing and Potions to have more specialized training. Perhaps with so many replacements needed and the end of the war it wouldn't be unfeasible to allot for this change?" Poppy suggested knowing where Minerva was headed with this line of inquiry.

"Would this be something that interests you Draco? Teaching first and second year potions along with assisting Poppy in the infirmary?" Minerva inquired of Draco. Still not telling him her entire plan. He stood silently thinking about this for a long moment. Before he asked a question of his own.

"Why is it that you want me to do this? I am certain you could find more qualified individuals to fill these posts?" Draco asked instead of giving an answer.

"As unique as his style was Severus was the best potions instructor we ever had, he was also the best head of Slytherin House. I know that there was much Severus offered his house that only his Slytherin knew about. If I brought in someone that though more qualified, I would loose what Severus had brought to the school and his house. You Draco knew him best, you also received a lot of extra training from him and therefore I know that you are more then qualified to teach first and second years and lead Slytherin house. If you want your healers certificate Poppy has offered to apprentice you and thereby guaranteeing that you'd achieve that," Minerva explained and Draco knew what she referred too. As a Prefect and Head Boy he had seen first hand all that Severus had in place in Slytherin House. He also know that it would be fairly easy to teach the first two years of Potions as he had full access to Severus's notes, lessons plans and syllabus.

"Would we be able to maintain these quarters? Access to the floo would need to be set up to Malfoy Manor, Greengrass Estate and the Ministry of Magic. I would require summer holidays completely to myself and would require that my wife and children would be allowed to have access to Hogwarts regardless of age as I will not sit at meals in the Great Hall without my family present," Draco went on to explain.

"Hogwarts could easily accommodate a family in these quarters, rooms can be added by Headmasters or Headmistresses so I would easily be able to provide you a few extra bedrooms, a study room and playroom along with those that already exists here. I know Severus has a variety of wards that have made these chambers far safer then anywhere else in the castle even with direct access to both his private lab and the potions classroom. I don't see why you couldn't have an open floo connection and simply set a passcode to limit access. Though access to other areas of Hogwarts via floo will only be allowed from your office and not your private quarters however. For security reasons," Minerva stated simply. She had released Poppy who had stopped crying. Albus was watching the exchange with a smile and his twinkling gaze merrily twinkling happily.

"As for your family having access. In times past when Hogwarts Professors had families, they usually had their spouse and children eat with them in the Great Hall at the staff table. The only reasons that this is not seen at Hogwarts anymore is that for a long time none of the professors have had families to bring to Hogwarts with them. I don't see why this couldn't continue," Minerva stated simply.

"In that case I am honoured to accept your offer Minerva," Draco stated. Draco looked at his watch and nodded. "Harry I believe if there is nothing else that is pressing we need to be going to the Ministry. We need to insure that Severus's will is read and that custody of Severus is fully registered and the adoption process began."

"Of course, Albus will you come with us?" Harry inquired knowing that he had a lot of pull with the current Ministry. Though Fudge was an idiot, and no one really knew what he might pull.

"That is probably wise. I have a few loose ends to tied up with regards to my retirement anyways," Albus stated.

"My mother will be meeting us there, seeing as she no doubts already knows of this and needs the final report on father's estates and holdings," Draco stated. He headed towards the library where he knew Severus would still be reading. He knelt down by the boy once he'd reached him. Gently taking the book from the slightly confused three year old.

"Little one do you know your name?" Draco asked the child, uncertain if Albus or Harry had had the chance to tell him. The child shook his head. "You are Severus Dracaenas Prince, your father was Severus Tobias Snape. I don't know your mother's name Sev, but I do know that they are both gone. You'll be staying with me. I'm Draco. I'm going to be your dad now."

"Why do we have different last names but the same first name?" Severus asked Draco confused by his name.

"Because it would be really confusing if you were both called Severus Snape. Your father was the lord of the Prince family, so he could name one of his heirs Prince, to continue the lineage," Draco explained patiently. It wasn't uncommon for purebloods who inherited through the female line to name one of their male children with the last name of their pureblood mother to continue the lineage they inherited.

"Ok, it's silly though, because no one will know were related if we all have different surnames," Severus declared causing Draco to laugh lightly.

"The important people do, and that's all that matters Sev, now I need to take you to the ministry so that I can file the adoption for you to become my son," Draco explained.

"Why can't I stay with my dad?" Severus asked. Confused as to why he needed another father. After just being told he already had a father.

"Do you remember anything from the last three years Sev?" Draco asked, using a different tactic to get the child to understand.

"No," Severus replied frowning after a moment of thought, "I don't remember anything. I only remember waking up on an old man and he was sleeping in a chair. Is he my grandfather?"

"In a manner of speaking," Draco said laughing lightly. "The reason you don't remember anything Sev, is because you were in an accident with you father. Your father didn't survive the accident Sev. That means you can't live with him."

"Because he's dead?" Severus asked. Causing Draco to gape.

"Yes," Draco said softly. Scared of the reaction the little boy would have.

"Ok," Severus said hesitantly he looked scared. Tears were forming in his black eyes and he sniffled. Draco pulled him into a hug and felt the first tears soak into his shirt as the little boy started to cry. Draco simply held him and rocked the child in his arms. Hearing the commotion Harry, Poppy, Minerva and Albus had come to see what was going on. Poppy and Minerva made their excuses and chose to leave, knowing it would be confusing enough for Severus to meet Harry and Albus that he didn't need more people crowding around.

Once the small child had settled back down Draco stood up cradling the child in his arms as he walked over to Harry and Albus. Introducing them.

"This is your godfather Harry Potter and beside him is Albus Dumbledore," Draco said gently to the child. Severus looked at them both and gave a small smile.

"He's the old man I woke up on. So he's Grandfather Dum...Dumb...Um. How do you say your surname again?" Severus said clearly struggling with the strange name.

"Call me Grandfather Albus, Sev, or just Albus is fine," Albus said with a wide beaming smile.

"Ok," Severus said happily. Turning to Harry he asked, "can I call you Uncle Harry?"

"Sure Sev," Harry said looking at Draco in amusement.

"Come along, Minerva has opened the floo in these quarters so we can floo directly to the ministry," Albus stated leading the way back through the archway towards the floo. Severus cradled in Draco's arms didn't know what the floo was, but he didn't like all the strange emotions he was feeling. Scared and confused, he was also sad. Draco seemed to realize the distress they were causing the small child and stopped walking.

"Maybe we should take a little break Albus, I think this is a lot for Sev, maybe we should grab a snack and give him a chance to adjust to all of us before we go into the Ministry. There's going to be a large crowd there and things are already hectic enough at the Ministry that taking Sev there will cause an uproar to begin with," Draco told them turning away from the living room and heading towards the kitchen. Vowing to allow Astoria to make this place brighter and more welcoming it was rather dark in these quarters.

"Draco has a point. Remember what Severus said in the pensieve," Harry whispered to Albus so Severus couldn't hear, "he will not have any memories, but he will have the emotional response of a three year old. It is bound to be hard for him to adjust to that. Especially if he retained the intellectual capacity of his older self."

"Well I suppose a cup of tea and some biscuits couldn't hurt then," Albus said smiling and following Draco. "We mustn't delay long though. Fudge will be trying to get to Severus by now. If he has the warrant for his arrest done by the time we reach the ministry it could become very complicated."

"You can't mean that he'll want to arrest an innocent child!" Harry asked concerned.

"Oh no I think little Severus is perfectly safe," Albus said happily taking his seat at the table a moment later and ending the whispered conversation. Draco looked at them both with narrowed eyes. A warning clear in his gaze.

"Would you like some cookies and fruit Sev?" Draco asked the small child who had come to stand next to him. Leaning against the one constant that seemed to understand him. The child nodded not sure he wanted to talk. He just wanted to be held and for everyone to just go away. He didn't want to deal with this. He was confused and hearing the conversation between Albus and Harry only confused him more. Why did fudge, which is food, want to arrest him? How can food arrest anyone? What had he done to be arrested? Draco lifted him up and sat him on his knees he leaned back into Draco's chest while Harry called for a house elf.

"What can Rocky do for Master Harry Potter sir?" Rocky called out cheerfully. Beaming at Harry.

"Could we get some fruit and cookies, tea for the adults and some juice for Severus please?" Harry asked.

"Rocky will get that right away for Master Harry Potter Sir," the house elf beamed and then vanished.

"What was that?" Severus asked curious. Draco started to explain what house elves were as they waited for their snack. Soon a plate of assorted cookies, three normal sized bowls and one small bowl of fruit salad, three mugs of tea and one sippy cup of juice appeared on the table. Severus reached for his cup and was delighted at the sweet juice. Draco pushed his bowl of fruit salad so it was easier for Severus to reach and took a few moments to show the child how to hold the spoon so he could feed himself. Severus had a great time making a mess and eating some of his fruit. Harry was laughing along with Draco when Severus missed his mouth completely and ended up dumping fruit salad in his and Draco's lap. Severus would giggle happily.

Their snack was just finishing up when Draco gave Severus one final cookie. He'd had one small cookie. Now he'd get a second and he was thrilled. Munching on his cookie as everything vanished off the table. Severus gave Harry a wide smile, his face covered in crumbs and his hands sticky with fruit and cookie. His clothing covered in cookie crumbs and fruit juices, with bits of fruits. Harry was trying not to laugh at the picture the child made smiling happily covered in bits of snack.

"I need a change of clothing, he needs a bath," Draco said dryly. Yes it had been cute and hilarious, but now his robes were sticky and he didn't want to think of the amount of kid drool that had gotten on him with the food the little boy in his lap had spilled everywhere.

"I'll get him cleaned up and changed Draco, why don't you go and get cleaned up, Albus maybe you could go ahead to the ministry and speak with the representative we need to meet to make sure everything is ready when we get there?" Harry suggested lifting the three year old off Draco and cradling the child in his arms. Harry found he was way to light. The child in his arms may not remember the horror of his childhood and adulthood, but Harry was quite sure that physically the child did. He was thin and smaller then one would expect from the height the man had been.

"Do you think you can have him ready in fifteen minutes Harry?" Draco inquired.

"It shouldn't be too hard. I wasn't planning on giving him a full bath, just getting him cleaned up and dressed. We can give him a chance to have a proper bath tonight after supper where he can play with some bath toys and enjoy bubbles," Harry told the other male as he walked Draco to the door. Since neither boys had their things in these rooms Draco had to go to the Slytherin Dorms to change.

"I'll bring you a change of robes, you need to look respectable after all," Draco told Harry screwtenizing the plain black school robes that Harry still wore.

"Sure just make sure it's not over the top ok, I don't like that gowdy stuff you wear Draco," Harry told him.

"Don't worry I have plain outfits that should do just fine. A nice dark almost black blue should suit you. Though really green would be much better as it would look nice with your eyes," Draco told him.

"You do know I actually really like green don't you Draco?" Harry told the other boy. Severus was content to listen he was learning a lot of new words and he liked this. It felt nice to be held in Harry's arm and just to lay his head down. He felt tired. Everything was just really draining and he was having quite enough of all this stress. He was happy for some normal.

"Well then I'll bring my emerald green robes with a black pantsuit and white button down that will look lovely on you," Draco replied and left Harry to laugh lightly.

"You know Sev, with a godfather like Draco you are going to have a better fashion sense then your father did," Harry told the dozing toddler. As he made his way to the washroom to clean the child and figure out what the toddler would wear. They needed to get some shopping done. Just as Harry was setting Severus down on the floor to get the water in the sink to the right temperature the floo flared and a female voice called out worriedly.

"Draco?" Narcissa called out through the floo.

"Step through Aunt Cissy I'm in the washroom cleaning Sev up after his snack," Harry called out loudly.

A moment later Narcissa walked into the washroom just as Harry had finished removing the little boy's clothing and was sitting him on the towel on the counter. Wrapping it around his legs so he wouldn't get too cold.

"Where's Draco dear?" Narcissa said gently squeezing his shoulder so she wouldn't interrupt his work with her typical hug. Harry gave the woman a genuine smile, since the battle and through his recovery Narcissa had been like an aunt almost like a mother to him. She had been there for him, talked with him and he had realized just how lovely the woman was. She cared deeply for her son and in turn cared for Harry. She had been the one to help him come to terms with all the deceptions he'd been subjected too. Between Draco's actions during the final battle and Narcissa's loving nature Harry had made friends with Draco and had found healing.

"He's gone to change and get me something more 'appropriate' to wear," Harry said finishing up with washing Severus. He was just getting the boy dried off and wondering what he would dress the little boy in when Narcissa held out a pair of navy blue robes and a small pair of black trousers and a light blue shirt that felt softer then silk, but looked just as expensive. "Thanks," Harry said as he pulled the clothing on the small boy who to Harry's great surprise was rather helpful with the process rather then the typical fighting Harry had come to expect. Looking at the small boy Harry couldn't help but smile proudly at how cute he looked.

"Lift him back on the counter Harry I'd like to comb out his hair," Narcissa told him. His hair was still a little wet from being washed free of fruit and cookie mash. Harry lifted the boy and set him on the counter once more before he started to tidy up the washroom around them. Just as Narcissa was finishing up Draco came in.

"Hello Mother," Draco said in greeting, "here Harry, go change I'll finish up here."

"Thanks," Harry said dropping the last of the dirty laundry down the laundry basket where it vanished to the laundry room. Harry took the outfit and retreated to what had once been Severus's bedchamber to change. It was really awkward at first for Harry, and he froze as he approached the bed. There sitting on the nigh-stand was a letter with a picture of Lily and Severus laughing as they leaned back against a tree side by side with books scattered about them. Both the letter and the picture were set in a frame. It was the only personal thing in the room besides the bookcases of books and potion vials in a small cabinet next to the bookcases. Harry spent a moment staring at the picture. They must have been no older then thirteen judging by their heights and relative youth. Harry swallowed the pain that seeing the image brought.

By the time Harry came back out to find Narcissa sitting on a leather sofa with the toddler playing with some sort of building game that was laid across her lap. The boy was kneeling on the sofa next to her. Intent on the game he looked so focused as he moved one block purposefully it was almost unsettling to see the intensity in the child. Something that Harry would have attested to the elder Snape.

"Are we ready?" Draco asked as he met Harry's haunted gaze.

"Yah," Harry said giving Draco a look that said 'I'll tell you later' as he nodded towards Severus to tell Draco that this wasn't something he wanted to discuss in front of the little child. Draco gave a nod rose and lifted Severus into his arms. That was the wrong thing to do. The child gave a rather loud indignant protest and began to wail as loud as he could. Draco almost dropped him in shock and he likely would have if Narcissa hadn't reacted quickly. She took the child from Draco, the game levitating next to her.

"Sev shh, It's ok. The game won't move I promise. I'll bring it with me to the ministry so you can keep playing there ok?" Narcissa whispered into the screaming child's ear. Instantly the crying and screaming stopped. Small hiccups filled the sudden silence as Narcissa rocked the boy in her arms.

"It is not going to be broken?" Severus asked hiccupping a few times as he spoke.

"No sweetheart it's magical, look," Narcissa said indicating the game that was just as Severus had last left it before being pulled away. Severus gave her a small watery smile. Narcissa turned a stern gaze on the two gapping man. "Now how often have I told you not to disrupt Severus when he's focused?" Narcissa asked Draco.

"I didn't think that he'd react just like Uncle Severus," Draco said sheepishly. "Only Uncle Severus didn't cry, he'd just yell at you and likely throw something in your general direction." Draco told Harry for clarification. "Uncle Severus did not take well to interruptions when he was focused on a task. Though luckily for Father and I the spells he cast were usually stunners and binding spells."

"Wow Draco, and you didn't think a three year old wouldn't react more violently then his father did? It's ingrained in his DNA Dray," Harry said laughing almost hysterically thus his words were mostly gasped out.

"Can we go now? I want to finish my game," Severus said loudly annoyed at the fact he still couldn't play. Why did adults always take so long anyways?

"Sure Sev," Draco said casting Harry an annoyed look. "Maybe you should carry him through Mother, I don't think he is going to enjoy floo travel."

"You are correct, Harry dear would you go to the potion cabinet and get me a stomach soother," Narcissa told Harry as she shrunk the game and tucked it into her purse with one hand as she held Severus on her hip. Harry came back a moment later and handed her the vial.

"Why didn't you just summon it?" Harry asked curious.

"There are very intense spells that prevent regular summoning and I do not feel like attempting to break the spells Severus senior laid on this place. Trust me he was one paranoid man and he was very creative," Narcissa said by way of explanation. Harry couldn't help but agree. Narcissa looked at the vial and read the label quickly before instructing the child in her arms, "drink two sips of this sweetheart," holding the vial out to the boy keeping her hand on it as he took it. She let him take it, but helped him so he wouldn't drop it. After Severus had done as Narcissa instructed she handed the vial back to Harry who capped it before handing it back. Narcissa set it into her purse and then walked towards the floor. Draco held the container of floo powder in his hands. Narcissa took a pinch tossed it in and stepped through calling out "Ministry of Magic."

A moment later Draco and Harry followed her. Narcissa was gently rocking the distraught three year old who did NOT like floo travel. He was making his displeasure known quite loudly and to Harry's horror catching a lot of attention. As soon as they realize that standing not a step away from the crying child was none other then Harry Potter a large crowd of people began to come their way. Quite a few of those were reporters for various Newspapers, Magazines and Publications in the Wizarding World. Narcissa had gotten Severus calmed down and was now glowering darkly at the approaching crowd.

"Lets go," Harry said uncomfortable with the attention and not wanting to have to deal with the reporters.

"Yes lets, Albus said he would meet us at the lifts," Narcissa informed the two and swiftly walked to the security station. Severus wiggled in her arms wanting to be put down. He'd caught sight of the fountain and wanted to get closer. Narcissa put him down and Draco quickly took his hand to keep him from running off. Severus protested.

"Give me your wand Draco and take him to see the fountain I will get us registered," Narcissa told him at the counter while the security wizard was already weighing and tagging her wand.

"That's not necessary ma'am, I'll just get him registered in a quick sec and he can then go, best to keep one's wand with them even here," the man said holding out his hand for Draco's wand. Draco handed it over and was impressed with the man's speed as he finished up. Handing it back and Draco left to take Severus to the fountain giving the boy a few Knuts to toss in.

"Thank," Narcissa said relieved. The security at the ministry was much more intense then it used to be. Having her son disarmed was not her preference, but she also knew that Severus would get cranky quickly. He had already had a very trying day and still hadn't had a nap yet. She was surprised he wasn't being more cranky then he already was.

"The little tike looked rather frustrated to begin with and from what I could tell earlier he didn't seem to like floo travel too much. My own daughter threw up all over me the first time I took her by floo at his age. She screamed the entire time we were here," the man said handing back Narcissa's wand. He held out his hand for Harry's who handed his over easily.

"How old is your daughter?" Narcissa inquired politely. Surprising Harry with how nice she was being towards the man.

"She's five, though she'll tell you she is five and three quarters," the man said with a gentle laugh. "I'm Evarand Elard," he added by way of introduction.

"I'm Narcissa Malfoy, my son Draco Malfoy and his nephew Severus Prince was the three year old child. This is a family friend Harry Potter," Narcissa said returning the introduction.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Malfoy," Evarand stated politely.

"It is Madam Malfoy now, my husband died in the war," Narcissa told him though her voice grew tight as she was still not over the loss of her husband.

"Forgive me," Evarand said handing Harry back his wand.

"It's no matter, many have lost loved ones in the war, you could not have known," Narcissa said her hand gently waving away his apology.

"What is your purpose with visiting the ministry today Madam?" Evarand asked taking out a parchment and quill their names neatly printed at the top.

"Severus Snape passed on and the care of his son Severus Prince falls to Harry and Draco. Draco would like to adopt the child as his son and thus we must first meet with a representative from Wizarding Child Services to begin the process," Narcissa explained succinctly.

"Very well Madam, go to level twelve," Evarand instructed her handing her four visitor badges. "If you have a hard time getting the little one to wear his just make sure you have it on your person and he's with one of you at all times," Evarand instructed as Narcissa took the badges and thanked him.

Going over to Draco who was struggling to keep Severus from going into the fountain itself as he tried to catch the magical fish that kept swimming up to the giggling toddler before swimming away when he touched the water.

"Sev sweetheart come here I need to put this visitors badge on you," Narcissa told him as she sat down on the bench near the fountain. The child looked up at her. Looking at the fountain one last time he let Draco put him down and walked over to stand before Narcissa. She pinned the badge on his robes and handed the other to Draco. Harry had just finished putting on his own when Severus caught sight of something shiny and glittering on the wall on the other side of the entrance. He took off towards it, not realizing the adults were not following him. Harry just barely caught sight of the black haired child walking off in the direction of the stained glass wall that looked out over the muggle street beyond.

"We better hurry or we'll loose him in the crowd!" Harry called out as he raced off after the boy. Severus being small and quick didn't run, but he wove his way through the mass of people effortlessly while Harry struggled too keep him in sight and get through he crowd. Draco and Narcissa were more dignified as they followed Harry.

Severus made it to the glittering coloured glass and put his hands on it. It was so pretty. The light of the sun came through the glass in so many different colours he giggled at it. Harry caught up to him and gently turned him around. Severus was about to protest until he saw Harry's eyes. They held concern and annoyance.

"You can't run away like that Sev, it's dangerous," Harry said gently kneeling down to the boy's level. "You have to stay with one of us all the time ok?"

"But I wanted to see what the shiny glittering thing was!" Severus said unhappily. He didn't like the disappointment in Harry's voice. He pouted at Harry as his hand was grabbed and he was led away back towards the others.

"Then you ask us," Harry told him firmly. Severus didn't like the way Harry was walking it was brisk and he was tired. His pout turned into tears and he started to cry in frustration. Why couldn't he play with the light? Why did they have to take him away from the fountain? This wasn't any fun. There wasn't any books and too many people.

"Shh Sev it's ok," Harry said sighing as he reached down and lifted up the boy. "I know you're scared and confused. It'll be over soon." Harry told him and Severus sniffled unhappily. He leaned down on Harry's shoulder and let himself be carried it was much nicer. He could rest this way.

"Why does food want to take me away?" Severus asked suddenly as they reached the lifts and Draco snorted. Harry was completely confused.

"What do you mean Sev?" Harry inquired.

"I heard Uncle Albus say that fudge wanted to arrest me. So why does fudge have to be bad food?" Severus inquired. It took everything Harry had not to burst out laughing at that. Narcissa the most composed of them all gave Severus a sweet smile and explained.

"Fudge is the minister of magic sweetheart. He's a person, not food," Narcissa said trying to keep her composure. Albus was softly laughing having caught the conversation and Draco was silently shaking with laughter.

"Why's he called after food then?" Severus inquired innocently. Not sure why all the adults were laughing. It wasn't funny. He was annoyed.

"I don't know sweetheart," Narcissa answered. They got into the lift. None of them were aware of the pair of eyes watching them from the window above a calculated gleam in those dark eyes.