Chapter 10 – Adjustments

"I am going to have a room in your quarters sir?" Draco asked in astonishment.

"Yes, it seems like Hogwarts herself has decided that you needed a space to call your own. The house elves have been very busy getting it ready for you."

"That is really ... to borrow Potters phrase "Brilliant."

Severus smirked slightly,

The pair of them then walked quietly in silent thoughts by Severus's side down the corridor to the stairs and then they both continued on down to the entrance hall and turned toward the dungeon stairway.

"Hey Malfoy" a familiar voice rang out and Draco turned his head so he could better view the person approaching him along with several others.

The permanently tousled black hair was a dead giveaway. "Potter." Draco responded with a touch of confusion in his voice as he was still somewhat confused at the Griffindor's friendliness considering their rather turbulent past.

"It was good to see you are up and about Malfoy." Harry said. "We..." he pointed out his friends who had followed, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley- Though Weasley did have a wary look lingering about his face- and Luna Lovegood who smiled at him kindly and said "It is good to see that the wrackspurts have finally left and you are not quite as fuzzy-minded as you were the last time we saw you."

Severus bit back what he would have said and kept quiet during the conversation while he watched and listened for anything that might indicate that there could be trouble.

Draco was unsure as to what the four where up to but the open and honestly concerned looks besides Ron's naturally distrustful attitude toward Slytherins in general was somewhat assuring. "Er, I believe I am doing better. Thank you." He responded with dignity.

"That is good Draco, The wrackspurts won't cause your brain to go fuzzy now that you have positive thoughts." Luna said in a whispery voice.

Draco blinked in astonishment but didn't reply to the young Ravenclaw's comment . Luna didn't mind as she looked calmly around and hummed softly.

"As much as this socialization between Draco and yourselves is an impressively good step forward I must insist that Mr Malfoy be allowed to continue on his way." Severus spoke in a crisp tone. Softening a little at the startled looks he continued. "He must get settled into his new room but may possibly be out and about soon."

"Er, um yes sir." Ron replied with a guarded look and after glancing up at Severus for approval, to which he gave a slight nod, Hermione said, " Draco, once you are settled that is, come down to Hagrid's... If you would like to join us that is."

Looking at the four teens, Draco felt strange but in a weirdly nice way as he answered back, "I might, yes, if possible."

Luna beamed and Harry impulsively reached out with his hand toward Draco who was momentarily startled but automatically clasped Harry Potters hand and then they continued on down towards the dungeon while the other teens went out of the castle and headed toward Hagrid's for a visit.


Time flew by and it wasn't long before the end of school term was in sight. Jenny had learned to sit up properly and was now starting to really relish even more of the finger foods that were offered to her. Her words were starting to be understood better and she could hold her cup without spilling it all over her daddy.

She was getting around very fast now on her hands and knees but got frustrated when she would be picked up when she was headed somewhere that the big people deemed unsafe for her. Instead of using a bottle all the time in the Great Hall she was starting to drink some juice out of a cup that was held for her by either Severus, Poppy or Minerva.

Draco was still hesitant when he spoke to anyone and he was also very conscious of his damaged eye, which still was covered by the eye patch. On the upside he was getting along better with the other teens and was slowly making new friends from every house.

On the next to last day before summer vacation officially started, Severus and Draco were busy getting Jenny's room tidied up what with the toys scattered around and her clothes needing to be sorted as she was outgrowing them very fast.

Draco had just finished putting the last stuffy in the crib, closed the lid to the toy box when Severus said quietly 'Look at Jenny' Draco looked towards the little bookcase where Jenny had crawled towards and was now trying to stand up and was attempting to reach a book on the top shelf.

'Don't startle her' Severus said as he watched her attempts to get up. Jenny fell a couple of times but she was so determined to get that one book down that she kept trying to stand like the big people in her life.

Finally she was able to pull the book off the shelf and stood for a few seconds before falling on her diapered behind.

She opened the book to look at the pictures and talked to herself as she turned the pages.

Severus went over to Jenny, who let him take the book to read to her, as that was her intention all along. Severus took her over to the big chair and sat her down on his lap and read to her the story of the hippogriff and the Phoenix.

'Jenny won't be a rugrat much longer, she is growing up fast.' Draco thought as he sat down with his arms wrapped around his knees on the carpeted floor and listened to Severus and little girl who was giggling at her daddies imitation of a hippogriffs voice while he read her the story.

Draco was happy and thankful to be alive and mobile once again. His own flesh and blood had rejected him because he had grown up and questioned the beliefs he had been taught, but despite how odd it seemed, now he had an extended family consisting of Severus and Jenny, and by extension the Head of Griffindor House Minerva McGonnagal and the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore plus friends who were willing to accept him for himself.

Who knew what his future would bring. It didn't matter as for now he felt safe and content with his world.