Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter. I am a 29 year old mom who stumbled into the world of fan fiction when I felt deprived of anything new Harry Potter to read after book 6. After reading it for months, I finally worked up the nerve to actually write some. My non-canon pairing of choice is Hermione/Snape, which is, of course completely unrealistic, but highly enjoyable anyway. Now, about my thoughts on Deathly Hallows. If you haven't read it, stop reading this right now (and seriously, go out and read the book. What are you doing reading fanfic when there is perfectly good canon out there?). Well, first off... I was right! Haha! Snape was good AND he was in love with Lily. I got that one right. I admit, I got pretty nervous that maybe I would be wrong until the chatper The Silver Doe which, although it took me a few chapters to figure out why Snape's Patronus would be a doe, I knew it had to be him. I wasn't real happy with his death. I knew he would probably die, but... ugh... the way he died was just horrible. All in all, though, I was very happy with the book and like it better each time I go bck to it. The only complaint I really have is that after reading so much fan fic, it really felt weird. I have read so many stories that were very similar and its amazing how close so many people got to getting it all right. I had previously said that I might stop writing after Deathly Hallows, but, well, I can't help myself. I have one Snape/Lily oneshot after his death and I am currently working on a Hermione/Snape fic which, believe it or not is ENTIRELY compliant to Deathly Hallows. Epilogue and all. I'm pretty proud of that. I never start posting until I am completely done writing, however, so you'll have to wait for that. I also like Hermione/Draco if it is well written and not too cliche and the canon pairings of Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione and Remus/Tonks (although, I must admit I wanted to smack Remus around for most of Deathly Hallows, the little git. Abandoning Tonks like that... ugh!!) |
duj (28) floorcoaster (29) Godricgal (23) | Jocemum (8) Kailin (22) MrsTater (158) | zeegrindylows (8) |