Author has written 77 stories for Labyrinth, Harry Potter, Princess Diaries, Phantom of the Opera, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast.
Hey everybody, what's crack-a-lackin'? I really enjoy writing Labyrinth fan fics, though I usually write them with my friends. Since I do that, I can't put them on the net because many of the jokes are inside ones and no one would understand them. Anyway, I love to write, no matter what it is I am writing about at the time. All I am willing to say is I hope at least someone will like my stories because quite frankly, I feel that I am working hard on these stories.
Fanfiction.net is definately my most favorite website because it has definately improved me as a writer. I can just tell by looking at the number of reviews I've gotten and the amount I am averaging for certain stories that I have gotten much better and that people are acutally liking them. I only hope that I can continue to produce good stories so people will continue to read them, thus giving me more self-confidance as a writer!
My favorite character in Harry Potter is definatly the Transfiguration teacher, Minerva McGonagall. She is just great, not to mention she is played by my favorite actress of all time, Maggie Smith. I LOVE HER! While most other teenage, almost adult, females are talking non-stop about guy they think are hot, I am usually waffling on and on about how good an actress I think M.S. is. Not to mention how well she plays our favorite Transfiguration teacher/Head of Gryffindor/Deputy Headmistress/Dumbledores right hand (wo)man. Which brings me to my next point (aside from the no crack thing).
In my opinion, the best coupling of all time in the HP world has got to be MM/AD. I mean, it's so great. They're always together, no matter what is going on, and when I bought this big coloring book (cuz I'm just a big kid like that), I found something interesting. I one side, I saw McGonagall, sort of looking off to the left. On the right side was a pic of Dumbledore, kinda looking in the same direction. I say "kinda" because it also kinda looks like he is looking at her. Le Gasp That is like, my all time favorite coupling now, followed somewhat closely by Joe and Clarrise couplings, of coarse.
Anywho, if you have made it this far in the insane ramblings of me, Always Hopeful (More commonly known as Mayleene Macias), then I thank you and will be sure and pray that you don't think me too freaky deaky. Should you decide to read or continue to read or re-read(one of those, anyway) any of my fics, I could always use the lift. Thankies. It means a lot to me.
Oh, these are some of my WIP'S:
Works In Progress For HP:
A Happily Ever After
Beauty and the Beast
Changing The Past
Meet the Family
No Good Deed
Stuck On You
Princess Diaries:
Island Fever
Okay, Phew! That is a lot, to me anyway! It might not be in any specific order, but oh well! I will try to keep this updated on when I finish a fic. Oh, and there are some HP fics that I am currently working on, but do not have up yet. So watch out for those. They shall be up soon, hopefully! I am, as my name states, Always Hopeful! Savvy?
~Always Hopeful~