
Albus paced up and down one of the many hallways inside the McGonagall home, worried about what was taking place behind the closed doors not three feet from him. Since their marriage, Albus and Minerva had been residing at a modest house in Hogsmeade, but after the Christmas holidays, Minerva returned to her family's home to finish out the pregnancy while Albus remained at Hogwarts. Douglas McGonagall was not happy and nearly disowned the rest of the family for letting her back into the house. He was outnumbered three to one. Meditrina still hadn't reconciled with her sister and therefore took her grandfather's side. When Douglas finally admitted defeat he left to stay with, as he put it, the only loyal family member.

Albus had received an urgent message from Poppy Pomfrey hours ago informing him that Minerva's water had broken and to come quickly. Poppy had just completed her initial medi-witch training a few months prior and Minerva requested that her best friend be the one to deliver their baby. He stopped pacing when he heard a muffled cry of pain. Albus stared at the doors, trying desperately not to blow them to pieces to get inside. He felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Calm down, Albus. She's fine. Women are made to handle this. I have no doubt that we men wouldn't last one minute in their place," came the soothing voice of William McGonagall. "Now, sit down."

Albus reluctantly obeyed and took a seat between his father-in-law and Martius. He heard another cry and clenched his fists. When will this end?

"Take a deep breath, love, and push!"

Minerva lied sweat-drenched and panting hard on the bed. "I can't push anymore, Mother, I'm too tired."

Poppy checked on her patient and spoke up. "You're almost done, Min, I can see the head!"

For a moment Minerva forgot her tiredness and smiled. "Really?" Another contraction hit and the smile vanished. She pushed with all her might.

"Good, Minerva!" cheered her mother. "Just a little more." Minerva clenched her teeth, beared down, and pushed again. After what seemed like an eternity, her ears were treated to the most wonderful sound they'd ever heard: her baby's first cries.

Albus jumped up out of his chair as soon as he heard the wail of his newborn child. The other men stood up as well, slapping each other on the back and grinning like fools. The next fifteen minutes were the longest of Albus' life. Finally, the doors opened and Poppy beamed up at her former teacher. "Come in and meet your baby!"

He followed her in and saw Minerva propped up on the bed holding a squirming bundle. She looked exhausted, but the smile on her face showed a renewed energy. She glanced up at Albus with tears in her eyes. June McGonagall moved out of the way and gave her son-in-law a quick hug. He sat next to his wife and saw their child for the first time. Minerva shifted and handed the tiny bundle to him. "May I present your son, Albus," she said softly.

"A son? We have a son!" Tears streamed down his face as he looked down at the little being that would forever alter his life. The baby opened his eyes and looked at his father. Blue eyes met blue eyes. Albus knew he would never forget this moment. For an instant all was right in the world. There was no Grindelwald, no Hitler, and no war. He looked at Minerva and leaned in to kiss her. "Thank you for bringing me such joy," he told her.

"Thank you, Albus. I love you."

"And I love you." He looked down to see that the baby had gone to sleep in his arms. "What are we going to call him?"

Minerva stroked the top of his head lightly and smiled. "What do you think of Elden Alexandras?"

Albus regarded the sleeping infant and grinned madly. "It suits him, I think. Welcome to the world, Elden Alexandras Dumbledore, may you be forever blessed by the Gods."

A/N: Yay! My first completed fic! Woohoo! I just want to thank everyone who reviewed and everyone who read, but didn't review. Thanks for sticking with me!

Elden - English: Elf friend, noble friend, implies supernaturally good or wise friend; older

Alexandras – Greek: Early form of Alexander; defends mankind

It is said that children conceived on Beltane are blessed by the God and Goddess. They would also be born around another sabbat, Imbolc, which celebrates new beginnings.

There will be a sequel, but probably not for a while. I'm much too busy preparing for my own bundle of joy to start any new fics, but we'll see what happens between now and March.

- April :-)