Disclaimer: I own nothing. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Rating: R for later chapter

A.N: Well everyone this is my first chapter fic. I hope you all enjoy it; it was a lot of fun to write. I would once again like to thank Catwoman99 for beta-ing this for me.

Prologue: The meeting

"Alright everyone quiet!" The room went deafly silent as Rolanda Hooch stood up. "I know that all you in this room are just as sick of watching those two dance around each other as I am. The only question now is what do we do about it?" Most of the Hogwarts staff sat in the lounge discussing the problem. Only two people were absent, and they were Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall, the topic of this little meaning. Fillius Flitwick stood up.

"They have been dancing around each other for twenty years and I for one want them to just get on with it, but really, what can we do? Just lock them in a room together until they confess?" By the look on Rolanda's face, Filius knew he had said the wrong thing.

"Filius, my dear man, you are a genius. Here's what we do..." The staff spent another two hours planning their little abduction, and it wasn't until Minerva was due back from her transfiguration conference that they departed.