Reviews for The Misfits
Kawisdom chapter 3 . 12/4/2019
Secrets and hidden danger creeping in! Both are always welcome.
Kawisdom chapter 1 . 12/4/2019
Coming in with little knowledge of Warhammer, I have to say that I am impressed. You wrote a compelling action scene with a protagonist who knows he's outclassed but never lets himself lose his nerve. A soldier needs sound judgment and the ability to think under stress. I think he's passed the first test really well.
Baldwin chapter 7 . 7/6/2019
I see the not so subtle reference to the subprime mortgage crisis. Pretty good analogy for what the character was trying to convey
Daddy Hayden chapter 1 . 7/7/2019
shame this has been abandoned
Lord Damon Darkfyre chapter 68 . 5/7/2019
a. I hate seeing stories of this level of quality just left unfinished like this. Please update, this story is awesome and written really well.
13Skorpions chapter 68 . 2/17/2019
This was a good story. Kind of sucks it went out long ago. But it kept me interested.
Phantasm123 chapter 8 . 10/24/2018
ww. ww. www w ww w ww w. w ww. s.w w ww w w ww wwwww. w w
happycampernz chapter 68 . 7/9/2018
I second a few of the other reviews here - it is sad to hear that it is unlikely it will be finished, and if I could figure out how I would seriously consider buying it. The chapter with the (spoiler) end of Minoris is one of my favourite pieces of literature. It is also the third time I have finished reading over 4 years.

I am quietly confident I know how the story may have ended, and the possible epilogue, or more likely the general progression with the pieces you have in place. For the record I don't see how you have written yourself into a hole - and in all honesty I wouldn't mind if it had to change a few details, or release a chapter that summarized where you thought the story would be now without your perceived holes.
Guest chapter 68 . 7/4/2018
I have read this story a couple of times and enjoyed it each time. I understand it’s unlikely to ever be updated and that’s a real shame as it’s a really good story
Jatok chapter 16 . 12/1/2016
Yay. Though I would've enjoyed hearing abot Sarok's guts strewn across the walls
Jatok chapter 15 . 12/1/2016
The victor is never a coward
Jatok chapter 13 . 12/1/2016
Tsk tsk. You should've killed him in his sleep, or while he was pissing or shitting. Or poisoned his food.
ManMadeOfLasers chapter 21 . 5/4/2016
I love good chapter, every time I read it. The image I get from the swearing in is so strong, I just love it.
Lolroflcake chapter 23 . 4/25/2016
Pro-tip: You don't actually have to say over at the end of every sentence when talking on the radio or even at all really at all.


That's the study guide for a Canadian radio operators license you should reference it if you plan on doing extended conversations over the radio in the future.

I do enjoy the story though.
alichi chapter 68 . 3/29/2016
Definitely a good read. Love the characterisation.

Hope you do decide to continue this fic some day.
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