Reviews for Scales of Change
laelruin chapter 34 . 8/22
Lovely fic! I like where their going with the Atlantis angle. ;) I wonder what they'll find and if it's what they're possibly expecting.
Lady Izuna chapter 34 . 1/19
SirAlexei chapter 34 . 10/29/2019
This was a good story but the last chapter was very depressing
Calmzone1 chapter 34 . 9/15/2019
Lol, I was just going to say that I hoped you have written the story about Muggles discovering Magic, and what happens.

In a way, Iam hoping that the story is good enough, like this one, to turn it around and strip the HP out of it and be published. I would buy it.

Really enjoyed the story.
annasfanfic chapter 34 . 6/10/2019
Very cool story 3
annasfanfic chapter 13 . 6/10/2019
that's a very interesting definition of dark v. light, one I haven't seen elsewhere
albeva chapter 8 . 2/4/2019
The only arrangement Malfoys would realistically help to facilitate is for Harry to have an "accident". Really don't like this cuddly goody Malfoy BS you got here.
d1n0s chapter 34 . 1/18/2019
I know this story has long been finished but I only just now found and finished reading it.
And I say bravo! Such a wonderful take on the Harry Potter story with all it's fantastic twists and turns.
Thank you very much I hope you got as much out of writing it as I did reading it
ScarletWraith chapter 34 . 1/4/2019
SO Freaking HILARIOUS! Lol. Loved this story. :)
Monster King chapter 34 . 1/2/2019
Great job
Dark-Prince-of-Clowns chapter 14 . 11/2/2018
How on earth did Neville, a friendless guy who can't cast the simplest charm, manage to overhear AND care about the girl everyone hates being away, and for some reason feel like going to find her, despite thinking she was far away from the troll, AND convice someone he is not friends with, whom most likely dislike both him and mione, to fetch her.

And why didn't he go to a teacher instead? Seeing as unlike Harry, Neville actually trusts adults. Never mind the fact that he's not a friend of mione, nor Ron, and he proboably wouldn't have remembered Ron's comment to a different person maybe hours earlier.

And Ron would be more likely to bully Neville than be seen with someone like him.

I'm curious about your reasoning. It would have made more sense if she was either killed or hospitalized, to be fair.
jcampbellohten chapter 34 . 9/21/2018
This was an interesting reinterpretation of Voldemort. You did a great job making his position make sense. The mechanics of the writing could be fixed up a bit, but the story is well written and enjoyable.
VannahSkye chapter 34 . 7/18/2018
Ha I love the idea that will Britain will basically become the new version of Atlantis to all the snuggles. Also I love the idea that Atlantis is just another island populated by magical beings that went into hiding centuries ago.
HerderOfTheStones chapter 34 . 7/15/2018
You make me so happy, you don't even understand. This Fanfiction is amazing, I can't even.
My mind: dhdhsuwhsbsb
My clock: 5am
My hands: Twitching
My friends: God Dammit go to sleep
My Mind:Shdhsudhehsbsbsbshsomuchyesmydude
SaiyaCat chapter 31 . 7/5/2018
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