Reviews for Hermione Granger and the Serpent's Renaissance
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 85 . 10h
Aww, Severus is so dang cute when he worries about Hermione. I hope that he is the one that will eventually be romantically paired up with her.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 84 . 11h
Severus' continued concern for Hermione is heart warming.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 83 . 13h
Interesting gathering. Since Sal did not reveal herself to those at the gathering, I'm wondering when it will occur.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 82 . 13h
I'm wondering if Hermione/Sally will use a disguise, or her own identity, when meeting with Lucius.
Guest chapter 98 . 18h
Shakari chapter 98 . 7/21
so I definitely feel like Theo recognized Hermione's perfume in the last chapter. and that, with the offer of sanctuary there is large potential for him to observe Slytherin and see that yes, she may have several other similarities to Sally that he would recognize being a good friend of her's and as someone who also has affections for her he probably paid more attention to smaller things, like smell or movement and way of holding oneself. or Sal's preferred way of steepling her fingers together
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 81 . 7/21
I liked that Hermione asked Severus for a dance, and that he offered his services to aid her in her political endeavors.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 80 . 7/21
Ahh, teenage angst, how I do NOT miss those days. LOL
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 79 . 7/20
Harry was clever in the spells he used during the first task.

Thank goodness for his friendship with Anthony, for Anthony's knowledge, of the language screeching from the egg, saved Harry and company months of research before the second task.

Well done - keep up the good work.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 78 . 7/20
Poor portrait-Sal being dragged along to the various Black family portraits, like a prized pet to be showed off. LOL

Clever of Hermione to have changed the two "S"s on the Silver Spindle sign (to match her abbreviated signature) so as to marked her territory... beats peeing on something. LOL
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 77 . 7/20
LOL, oh man, that scene at the tea shop was awkward for poor Hermione.

It was good of Crookshank to tell Harry of the dragons.

WOW! Slytherin gave Phineas access to his portrait frame in the Chamber?
Ottoline Otter chapter 98 . 7/20
Just stumbled upon this story a few days ago and I haven’t been able to put it down. Wonderful job so far, and I can’t wait to read more.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 76 . 7/19
So Blaise is interested in Daphne; Theo and maybe Neville are interested in Sally/Hermione; and Winky is interested in joining Hermione's family/household.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 75 . 7/19
Hmm, well, at least Cedric won't end up being the unwanted spare, and killed.
TheMoreSmutTheBetter chapter 74 . 7/19
I have a great big smile on my face from reading the encounter between Harry and Crookshank the snake.
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