Reviews for I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
animeArty chapter 16 . 7/22
Great read interesting premise took me like 5 days to read from the beginning, though I do admit to not reading as much on the job as I would normally. Though it was a great read. Thanks... at this point I don't think it will continue but if it does AWESOME!
Kamizune chapter 16 . 7/18
I just read yours entire story in one go. Absolutely mindblowing. Then I checked the update date and was devastated. It seems you have abandoned your gem. So sad. I would be thrilled if you could bring yourself to pick it up again. It is one of the best tales the fan fiction galaxy has ever seen.
Kaiimei chapter 12 . 7/17
Wow, that was...a massive dump of different perspectives.

I think this is the reason why I never switch perspectives, it just encourages the reader to know too much information, especially with so many different views coming out all in one lump sum.

Whatever, uber-power is uber, yo.
devilpest chapter 16 . 7/13
i hope you come back and continue this story it is really good
tatsumiorga15 chapter 16 . 7/11
possibly one of the greatest crossover fanfic I've read, and just like what palpatine said, "we will watch your career with great interest"
devilpest chapter 1 . 7/10
I would love for this story to be continued
satan claus chapter 16 . 7/8
I hope this gets continued at some point, if only because it could contain one of the more cracktastic pairings to ever pop up in my head: Sirius/Ventress.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/6
Please update! I love this story you havent updated since 2017.
Dibblefoddle chapter 16 . 7/8
This is amazing, I love it and can't wait to see where you take it from here. Keep being great.
N7 Greek-Valkyrie chapter 16 . 7/4
I know this hasn't been updated in a while, but please please tell me it's going to be continued and finished. This is absolutely stellar, I love the interactions between characters, the character backstories, building of personalities, and fleshing them out. I'm so happy we found Sirius, and I'm looking forward to how this all turns out with Ashoka and Aalya and Harry, as well as how things go when Anakin shows up?

Please for the love of the Force continue!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/1
Du nouveaux ?
Dees6385 chapter 16 . 7/2
This is awesome! I hope you find time to continue the sorry. Thank you :)
hidaruma chapter 13 . 6/27
While I have come to love this story, I really can't say the same for this chapter. Any conversations that begins with "So you probably have questions" or something of the sort comes off as hard to read for me. Harry had no reason here to suddenly divulge this veritable wall of backstory so suddenly. With Ahsoka and Aayla around, sure. But not Shaak Ti. It feels like you're trying to force the narrative to go in a particular direction and so you've conveniently forgotten Harry's prior concerns with information leaks in the High Council as a way to shoehorn her into the group. I felt that the trio of Harry, Ahsoka and Aayla were very good together and would have liked to see that dynamic explored more thoroughly. I felt like Shaak Ti should have been a temporary addition for the time they were on Kashyyyk and then left to report back to the Jedi Order.

And did we necessarily need the mass exposition this chapter? Certainly it felt like you were building up to it, but you could have just as easily resolved everything in just a few paragraphs. The way you went into his original backstory when discussing Lily's, now Ahsoka's, wand felt very tasteful. Then you repeated all that again this chapter, solely for Shaak Ti's benefit. I felt it was an unnecessary addition and could have easily been skipped. We could already infer he was quite old, his entire life and family history didn't really need to be apart of this. You could have just as clearly continued giving little snippets here and there until we had a better picture of his life so far. As it is, it just feels like an exposition for us readers rather than the characters in the seen. Especially for Ahsoka and Aayla, who could have most likely inferred the highlights from what they already knew.

Overall, this chapter just felt unnatural. Like it didn't belong with the rest of the story. Ahsoka mirroring the Sith and becoming Harry's apprentice. That's interesting. Aayla slowly drifting further and further away from the Order's teachings through her exposure to Harry and Ahsoka's lessons. That's interesting. You didn't need to try and turn things on its head like you did.
TheLostArchist chapter 16 . 6/25
Please tell me that you'll have more of this soon? I was really enjoying it... until I ran out of words... :(
Solar.Capricorn chapter 16 . 6/25
totally holding out for another chapter. this made my isolation that much more bearable
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