Author has written 16 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Ranma, X-overs, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Pacific Rim, RWBY, X-Men, Darkstalkers, and Sailor Moon. Word of warning: I will not be updating very much on anything for a while. Since September 2017 I have been receiving Chemo treatment for stage 3 colorectal cancer. The original form of chemo failed and I had to be upgraded to a more powerful version. I am still waiting to learn if it worked or not. I'm sure there will be some of you rejoicing about this. That's just how human nature is, sadly. For those of you that wish me well, thank you for your thoughts. Hopefully I can beat this sooner than later and get back to doing what I truly love doing. My first Novel has been released, available on amazon in both Kindle and paper back versions. Book one of I'm Not a Super Spy!: I'm Only a Freshman! A satire/parody of the super spy genre, college stories and a few other things. Got a website now chilord (.) com You can find the link to my novel there and the starts of some other novel worlds I'm playing around with. I've got a sub forum on The Fanfiction Federation (Links to external sites do not currently work, thank you ) where I will be placing my works in progress, and any updates I have to my fragments and fics as I feel like putting them up. I'm trying to limit myself here to publishing entirely completed works. However, I am starting up a new Pat re on Account. I want to continue to be able to write fanfiction and sharpen my skills, and provide it to the audience of people whom enjoy my work. This account will work like this: I will first release chapters on Pat re on. Then, 6 weeks later I will release them on the above linked fanfiction federation (registration does not automatically send you an email telling you that you've been approved, but it generally happens within 24 hours.) On Pat re on, not only will patrons get first look, but they will also be able to voice support for the continuation of fragments, and hopefully encourage me to write more of the things you want to read. If enough support is reached, I will be willing to work on some of the works that people have eagerly expressed desire for, such as the Kunoichi Summoning Contract, and if enough support is reached, NBH. I will not be doing things by a monthly charge. It will be instead a by chapter charge. So, if I do not produce anything for month, you will not be billed. If you're worried about my producing too many chapters a month, you can also put a limit on how much a month you'll be willing to contribute. I will also be much more likely to respond to questions from Patrons than I am from general PMers. You can reach my Pat re on page at: /Chilord (Currently links do not work for any non-social site links apparently, which means anyone's links to their amazon works, their other locations, and anything beyond things like facebook pages do not work, because of this, currently debating whether or not I will maintain a presence here) Please don't message me asking questions on what I'm doing with a fic, if it's finished when it's marked as complete and other various things that can already be found out if you actually take the time to look for it. Also, if something isn't explained already, don't expect it to be. Such as what NBH stands for. I write because I like to write. I write fanfiction because I have the ideas for it, and it helps me sharpen my skills to use for my original works. I don't respond to reviews for the most part. Especially so since most of the questions and statements I started to read in them were either already answered in the fic, and people didn't bother to read or think, or it's stating an opinion and a direction where they're complaining that it's not how the person wants it to be. Each one of my fics improves my skills and expands upon them, but my goal is not to gain acclaim or attention. My goal is to make my writing better so I can make a living doing it. |