Reviews for Wind Shear
Guest chapter 3 . 7/20
... Dumbledore is a halfblood?
NobodyOwens5 chapter 19 . 7/22
sorry I just realised I hadn't left my final review here. the only reviews I've left so far were about things I didn't like but that by no means means I didn't like this fic. I actually very much enjoyed it, and though I wish somethings had been done different, I can honestly say this is worth the read.( not really surprising given the rather large following this story has but I'd recommend it none the less incase someone was deciding via reviews.) awesome job author man/woman and ill be changing out your other stuff.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 17 . 7/22
wowza, you must REALLY dislike her. holy smokes man. thats kind overboard man.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 16 . 7/22
ya know, whenever there's a timetable fic with Bella involved she always seems to get screwed over because of her interest in Harry. I disliked her as much as the enxt guy in the books but here, where she is still relatively innocent? seeing her being screwed over like this time and time again is getting kind of old.
NobodyOwens5 chapter 6 . 7/22
thats not gonna end well. Telling Walburga that will probably be a costly mistake.
Matt chapter 8 . 7/19
What is your deal? Whom is used only in a few very rare cases. Most of the time it's who. You're using whom everywhere, and it's wrong! Stop it!
Matt chapter 8 . 7/19
"If no one shows them that the difference between what is right and what is easy involves, then they will often be more easily lead down a path that they never know isn't the best one for them."
What? That's the worst English ever! The difference between what is right and what is easy involves WHAT? You left out a word, and the whole point of your sentence hinges on the missing word. And it's "more easily LED". Past tense, not present tense. If you have a beta, they aren't doing their job. If you don't have one, get one.
John chapter 19 . 7/12
R.I.P thanks for the awesome stories
Roger509 chapter 19 . 7/12
I remember reading this years ago and enjoying it a decent bit, so decided to come back for a quick reread. I have to say, while I enjoyed how creative you were with the powers used and in creating these characters we only heard about in the books, many things were never really flushed out enough in my opinion and the ending was extremely abrupt with just about zero buildup. It felt like you ended it mid-way through what should have been the second arc, completely forgoing any natural build up to the climax of the story. At no point did it feel like we were building up to the grand finale, and the whole thing fell rather flat because of it.
Maheshvara chapter 19 . 7/9
That's awesome fanfic. I love it. Thank you
QuietMenace5 chapter 2 . 7/11
Goddamn RWBY reference... I love it and hate it, bravo
Emma chapter 11 . 7/1
I hope harry and Bella get hitched soon enough bc i shiiiiiiiiiiip
cenies chapter 1 . 7/2
just one thing to say about the fight scenes: wicked!
Guest chapter 19 . 6/25
Good story with an abrupt and anti climatic ending. Not sure if I liked it or not.
noice chapter 19 . 6/25
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