Harry's future:

"Settle down everyone." Head Auror Harry Potter stood at the front of the room, "Thank you. As you know we have a new group of dark wizards trying to stir up trouble. Those who have been investigating will now present what they have found. Tonks."

"Thanks Boss." She grinned at Harry as he stepped aside, "We have been trailing known and suspected members of this group. I'm passing out a list of everyone we are sure of and a second list of those we are still trying to track. These people are crossing all known lines, which I'm sure makes our Head Auror happy."

Chuckles filled the room as everyone knew Harry hated the dividing blood lines. She went on to describe some of the things they had witnessed while undercover. It went on for more than half an hour.

"Thank you Tonks." Harry took over after she had finished, "So here is the plan. Group A will surround the parameter of their headquarters. Once we get the sign from the undercover group, group A will throw up the anti-portkey and apparition wards and watch for strays. Group B will move in and once the fighting begins undercover group will join in. Any questions?"

"When are we going?" Ron Weasley asked.

"Tonight, be in place by eight." Harry explained, "Group B is on rest duty until seven, group A is on desk and undercover will be leaving as soon as we're done here so they can be in place."

"Are you coming?" Draco Malfoy asked.

"I'm in group C." Harry said, "That group is back up in case undercover and B get overwhelmed."

"Who else is in C?" Angelina Johnson asked.

"Everyone not in one of the other groups." He answered, "That includes those on duty today. These guys won't know what hit them."

"Do we really need the whole force?" she asked.

"They killed three ten year old kids." Harry frowned fiercely, "They will NOT be getting away."

"Yes Boss." The room answered.

"Watch for dark spells. Remember the best way to stay out of the hospital is to…" he paused and waited.

"Block the curse with something solid or get out of the way if it won't endanger anyone else." The room answered.

"And?" he looked over the room with one eyebrow raised.

"Constant vigilance." They yelled as one.

"Madeye would be so proud." Tonks pretended to wipe a tear from her eye.

"If you have any more issues see me." Harry told them, "Dismissed."

Everyone in the room either stood and headed out or began to talk to those around them. Harry was no exception as he walked over and joined Tonks.

"How's Remus?" he asked.

"Fine." She grinned, "He loves working with the twins. He says it's keeping him young."

"The twins say he's keeping Sirius from going overboard." Harry snickered, "I think that full time job would make him feel older."

"No he just threatens to let me have at him again." Tonks laughed, "He's not ready for that yet."

"He should have known better than to mess with a pregnant lady." Harry shook his head, "Healer Patil still laughs every time she sees him. You know maybe you should use that spell in service. A man suddenly looking nine months pregnant with all the perks certainly takes down their ability to fight back."

"I thought the lactating was a spot of pure genius." Draco added as he and Ron joined them, "He screamed like a little girl."

"That was great." Ron chuckled, "Hermione thought the swollen ankles topped it off perfectly. She was laughing about it last night."

"How is she feeling?" Harry turned to his friend.

"Fat but don't say I told you that." He shuddered, "I'm just repeating what she said. I try to tell her she isn't fat but it doesn't go over well."

"It's the words you use mate." Harry grinned at him, "You need to learn better phrasing."

"I'm hopeless." He shrugged, "Ginny says I have a permanent foot print on the roof of my mouth."

Draco snorted before he replied, "That's got to taste nasty, especially after the hippogriff case."

"Don't remind me." Ron shuddered, "I had to throw those shoes away."

"Enough chatter." Harry tried to hold in his snicker at Ron, "You two are in group B so go get your rest."

"Yes Boss." They answered together each giving him a salute.

"Incorrigible." Tonks chuckled.

"Any questions before your team heads out?" Harry asked.

"Nope." She smiled and gave him the same salute before heading out.

"Smart bunch you got there Boss." Susan Bones grinned.

"More along the lines of smart-aleck." Harry groused good naturedly, "Anything I need to know?"

"Hinkley was put in a cell." She smirked, "He had an adverse reaction to the veritserum."

"I hate aurors who take the wrong side." He frowned, "Did you learn anything we didn't already know?"

"Yes but nothing for the undercover group." She offered, "He gave us the location of several missing individuals. Two of them are graves."

"Which of your interrogators helped?" Harry asked looking over the notes she gave him.

"I did it personally." She shrugged, "To think I dated that… idiot."

"I hired him." Harry sighed, "At least it's only one. Half the force was fired after they backed Voldemort."

"Yes but they got the jobs because they were purebloods not because they could do it." She smirked, "Aunty hated having to take those who got in on connections alone. She always wanted to make it worse on them so they'd quit."

"Instead she did it right and made it hard on everyone." Harry smiled, "Minister Bones is a very good person. And I'm not saying that just because she helped me."

The rest of Harry's day went well. For the auror office it was rather quiet. He attended a meeting with Minister Bones and his head interrogator Susan Bones. They took the chance to discuss auror recruitment in the face of the Hinkley debacle as Harry was calling it. Still they had a pleasant chat before Harry excused himself. If he didn't get home before dinner his wife would not be happy.

"I'm home." He shouted as he walked to his door.

"But you aren't staying long." Luna called from the kitchen.

He found her sitting on the cabinet waving her wand as the tea poured into his favorite cup and floated over to him.

"Who told you?" he gave her a mock frown.

"Nargles." She responded with a smile, "They are always so informative."

"That they are." He pulled her in for a hug, "Did we hear from James today?"

"No but we heard from Headmistress McGonagall." She offered with a small smile, "He seems to be channeling his namesake this year, both of them actually. Sirius was here for the howler. She knew he would be."

"She sent you a howler?" He asked concerned.

"No she sent it to Sirius for teaching him that catnip prank." Luna giggled, "We got a nice letter that blamed everything on Sirius and asked if we really thought it through when we made him Godfather."

"I knew she was going to hate me for that." He sighed but had a grin, "How was your day love?"

"Other than the catnip prank it was quiet." She pulled him in for a kiss and hugged him again, "Alistar had a play date with Scorpius and Lily and I baked biscuits."

"Biscuits?" Harry perked up, "What kind?"

"Peanut butter, lemon bars and death by chocolate." She grinned.

"My death by chocolate favorite ever biscuits?" he nuzzled her neck.

"I think that's the ones." She giggled.

"I may have to do something nice for you then." He loved her giggle.

"Just come home tonight in one piece." She got a bit serious, "That is nice enough for me."

"I'll do my best." He pulled back and looked at her, "Do I get one or two before I leave?"

"I'm tempted to hold them for ransom." She tilted her head at him, "But Lily will want to know if they're good enough."

"Did she make them on her own?" he lifted one eyebrow.

"Mostly." Luna admitted.

"Where is she now?" he pulled Luna closer again.

"Cleaning up." Luna started giving him small kisses, "Somehow she got chocolate in her hair."

"She is so much like you." Harry grinned again, "What's for dinner?"

"You mean you're going to eat something other than biscuits?" she asked with shock on her face, "I guess I can whip up some shepherd's pie or something."

She waved her wand again and the food floated out of the oven and settled on the table. Plates and silverware floated and settled on four places as the fireplace flared and Alistar called that he was home. Harry sighed and gave his wife another kiss before lifting her off the cabinet and setting her on the floor. The two adults moved to the table as Alistar entered the room followed by his younger sister.

"How were the Malfoys?" Harry asked his son.

"Fine Mrs. Malfoy said hi." He replied.

"I baked biscuits." Lily added, "Including your chocolate ones."

"I heard." He hugged the small girl, "I can't wait to try them."

After dinner Lily and Luna brought the biscuits to the table. After trying some of each kind Harry declared they were the best biscuits ever made. He spent a little more time with his family before he left to get prepared for the raid. Harry was the first one to the staging area and began to prepare. The closer it got to seven the more people showed up.

Just after seven group A started to move toward the hideout. They spread out so the place was completely surrounded. They were far enough apart that they could just barely see the persons to their right and left. At seven twenty group B began to make their way to edge of the wards. At seven thirty five group C moved to their spots those on brooms hovered just over the trees and well back from the line so they wouldn't be spotted.

Eight o'clock came and went and there was still no sign from the undercover group. They were waiting until they thought everyone, or most everyone was in the hideout before they would give the sign. However if they were figured out the sign was to come immediately and if no sign was seen by nine they would enter assuming they had been found out earlier in the day.

At eight fifteen the sign was given and group A set up their wards. Group B moved in on the doors and began throwing spells. The undercover group joined the fight from the inside. A few people jumped from high windows and tried to fly off on brooms but were taken out either by group A or broom riders from group C.

Harry sat on his broom and surveyed the scene and stopped one person trying to get away by broom. He noticed a few mistakes but that was to be expected as were the injuries. The medical staff was waiting at the Ministry for the call. They wouldn't come unless it was either an emergency or the fight was over. No emergency flares were seen and when the fighting was over the signal was given and groups A and C joined the other groups near the hideout as the medical unit arrived. Harry landed and directed his catch to the lineup on the lawn. At a quick glance he estimated thirty already there.

"Picked a good night for it Boss." Tonks morphed to her normal appearance as she approached Harry, "They ended up calling everyone in to plan for a big one. We captured forty in the building that I know of. There are more people here then we even knew about or suspected."

"What were they planning?" he asked as he watched more people get set in the lineup.

"Muggle and magical drugs." She frowned, "One of them they're targeting children with. They were going to say it would help them study for exams."

Harry actually growled, "Who thought this up?"

"Zacharias Smith." She answered.

"You better make sure he's unconscious when I see him." He told her, "If I see him move a muscle I'll probably hex him far too hard."

"Yes Boss." She nodded, "That was just the one drug. They had about ten different kinds they were going to bring in. They are basically targeting everyone. The plan is just to get rich. The three ten year olds were an accident but I'm thinking it would have happened again."

"If the drugs didn't do it then the violence to get the drugs would." He shook his head, "I'll never understand why some people want to destroy others with that junk. It's just poison."

"I'll never understand the ones that take them." Tonks shrugged, "Except those kids getting promises of study help and instead get surprised in a bad way. That's just nasty."

"Tricks and lies are how criminals operate." Harry frowned, "I think we should start an education program. Let the kids know what they're really getting if someone approaches them. The muggles do that kind of thing already and if drugs are entering our world now we don't want to be too late."

"The potion professors have always told them about the dangers of potions." Tonks nodded, "Best to start now."

"I'm not kidding." They turned to the man Ron was bringing out, "This stuff expands your mind."

"No it doesn't." Ron frowned, "It kills brain cells so it just seems expanded when it's really just emptying what you already had."

"You just don't get it." The man tried.

"I do." Ron pulled him to a stop, "Sit here."

"Ok, but really you've got to try this stuff." He looked up at Ron, "It's great."

"Sure." Ron shook his head and stunned the man and let him down onto his back, "Idiot."

"Report." Harry said as Ron approached.

"Fifty seven apprehended. Fifteen of them are high on whatever drug they brought in to show." He indicated the man he had just left, "In addition to that group two are dead. They started to have some kind of fit or something and they were dead before we could even call for help."

"Sounds like they got a bad batch or it didn't agree with them." Harry frowned at the idiocy of some people, "Anyone we know in either group?"

"Several." Ron frowned, "Some were very surprising."

"Ten people were brought in to test the drug on. They aren't part of the group." Tonks added, "I've marked them with a paint splatter on their right hands. I used red."

"Neither of the two dead ones had that." Ron nodded, "Ten of the fifteen did, including Healer Padma Patil. I'll set the painted ones aside for a separate room."

"Give them a couple guards for their protection." Harry nodded in agreement, "Also guards on the others we don't want them to disappear. I want to know their condition first thing in the morning. If any are in shape for interrogation I'll be sending Susan."

"Undercover group can go home now." Harry instructed, "Those on the night shift should head back now. Everyone else let's get the trash to cells and then get home."

Harry made sure every cell was secure before he left for the night. He was able to get home shortly before midnight. He quickly showered and climbed into his bed.

"There is a biscuit on your nightstand." Luna's voice offered, "And milk under a chill."

"You are the most wonderful person ever." Harry turned and found the items.

"They disappeared so quickly it was almost like magic." Luna giggled.

"Magic biscuits, is my table refillable?" he asked before snuggling down and curling around his wife.

"No sorry." She sighed as he wrapped his arms around her, "How did it go?"

"Very well." He kissed the back of her neck, "Seven aurors had minor injuries. I noticed a few mistakes but nothing major. On the bad side two people in their group died of drug overdoses. And they had kidnapped ten people to see how the drugs would affect magicals."

"That's terrible." Luna frowned, "Anyone we know?"

"Padma." Harry sighed, "I'm going to visit her tomorrow do you want to come?"

"Yes. She was one of the few nice ones." Luna sighed.

"Marietta was involved with the group." Harry knew how badly that girl had treated Luna in school, "She'll be seeing time in Azkaban. They were planning to get school children hooked on the drugs."

Luna turned in his arms, "Is it bad that I'm glad she's finally reaping what she's sewn?"

"I don't think so." Harry kissed her forehead, "She was headed down that path even back then. I'm rather surprised this is the first thing we've caught her in."

"Time for sleep." Luna yawned, "Don't let the Nerfherders bite."

"You too love." Harry grinned. He loved all the things his wife came up with. Some thought her crazy but he knew she just saw things differently. He even thought she might see things no one else could. He knew she could see the future sometimes. His Luna was the most incredible witch he'd ever met and he would always thank Ginny and Ron for introducing them.


"Harry mate, glad you could come over today." Ron greeted him.

"Hi Harry." Ginny ran by with a blond girl in tow.

"Hi Ginny and Ginny's friend." He called as they ran out the door.

"That was Luna." Ron sighed, "She's a bit of an odd duck but she's really nice."

"You'll have to introduce me later." Harry grinned, "Are we going to play quidditch or what?"

"Let's play what." Fred said as the twins approached, "But we don't know that game so you'll have to tell us the rules."

Harry chuckled and followed the others from the house. They found Ginny and Luna in the garden playing with a gnome they'd caught. Harry thought the girl's long blond hair was quite lovely.

"Luna this is Harry." Ginny stated as they approached, "Harry this is Luna Lovegood. She lives over the way."

"Nice to meet you Luna from overtheway." He grinned.

"You are quite funny Harry Potter." She looked up at him, "Do you know you have nargles making a nest in your hair."

"No I didn't know that." He answered, "Is that why it grows every which way with no rhyme or reason."

"Yes." She declared, "They like chaos."

"Then they'll have to love Harry." George chimed in.

"Can we play what with you?" Luna asked.

"What?" Ginny looked confused.

"A new game Harry is making up." Luna explained.

"How did you know?" Harry asked.

"The nargles told me." She answered.

***end flashback***

Harry grinned and snuggled closer to his wife as he drifted off to sleep.

The End