Reviews for Harry Potter and the Spirits Within
Ethan76 chapter 8 . 7/23
Unless I'm missing something and Draco is trying to dubblebluff the situation, he "turned" way too fast. Yes, he's young enough where he isn't engrossed in pureblood dogma and more easily swayed. However it was something he spent his entire life hearing and thinking to be fact, that takes time. Not a half hour conversation.
Rebatrek chapter 23 . 7/22
This is one great story. So fresh. Thank you for sharing
Kushka chapter 23 . 6/28
Great story
SlytherinsFerret chapter 2 . 5/12
I was at St. James Park once, when I was on holidays with my uncle and it was so cool!o
Guest chapter 4 . 5/3
I've always loved the obligatory shopping trip scenes. It's interesting to see what people can imagine, especially with the trunk part!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/3
This is an interesting premise. I'm looking forward to reading it.
Traveler301 chapter 16 . 4/22
Now, this seemed like a ground work chapter. a get ready chapter. Not a bad chapter, just not what I was expecting.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 15 . 4/22
I wonder, how James is going to react this Harry receiving his invisibility cloak. I have often wondered why James would give or leave this cloak in Dumblebutt's position if he and Lily and Harry were in hiding. I, personally don't think he would. I wonder what Sirius, Remus Amelia, and Harry think. Of course, I think and have always thought Dumblebutt set the Potters up to die but, that's just mu suspicious nature.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 14 . 4/22
Or will it. Director Bones didn't take Albutt too, and I know him. All too soon he will figure a way out of this mess HE created. Dumblebutt is as good as it gets to cover his own ass cause he is Albutt Dumblebutt. "Order of Merlin First Class, and many other hyphenated names that mean nothing to anyone but his arrogant, I'm so Great self.
Great chapter,
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 13 . 4/22
All Right, now that's what I'm talking about! Let's get this show on the road! Let's see, Let's see, what to do, what to do. First , let's get Pomfrey to contact Amelia and give her the rat, then feed him the V-serum, get Sirius free, then throw the rat and Albutt through the veil of death while they French Kiss a couple of Dementers, huh, okay? Then, I don't care who or how, but lets get Voldy out of harry's head and use it to find the others, then everyone can go live in the Shire, whup! wrong story. Never mind.
Bye-the-way, great chapter,
Ron Pate

Traveler301 chapter 12 . 4/22
You know, we really need to do something for good old Albutt Dumblebutt, I know (snaps fingers with glee). Lets let him feed Fluffy, starting with his head a finishing with his wrinkled old ass! It's not all that he deserves but it's a start.
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 11 . 4/22
I haven't changed my mind about the other chapters being excellent but "Jesus"!, this is a fantastic
chapter! Talk about surprises, and other platitudes beyond my feeble mind. Packed full of everything one could want in suspense, action, a snarky retort to Snape,and Harry once again didn't die. and saved someone without even a thought to his reaction, he was just trying to help his friends. MAN!
Just let me say,
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 10 . 4/22
OK, OK, so I let my dislike for Ron color my plot. Now, you can see why I read stories instead of write them. It's called no talent. Oh well, as they say, tis better to be quiet and let people think you're a fool, rather than opening your mouth and showing them you're a fool. Me thinks I should follow that with,
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 9 . 4/22
Another great chapter, and we're coming up on the Halloween feast, time is on their side this time relative to Quirrell. Now, what are your plans for Ron,Ron and his Troll? TUM,TUM,TA!
Ron Pate
Traveler301 chapter 8 . 4/22
First off, I saw that I had misspelled inner house co-operation. My bad but, now you know why I never mention anyone elses spelling. lol
Fun chapter to read and thanks,
Ron Pate
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