![]() Author has written 16 stories for Star Wars, Sherlock, and Zorro. Howdy! I'm currently working on the sequel to "Return to the Light", which is called "Lost in Time". I knew going into this that the past-future idea would be a bit of a challege to write. So if you're confused, please let me know; and I'll try to fix it one way or another. Also, if you're worried this is going to go more into the Angst category, not to worry. I won't be lingering there too long. It will get too depressing for me to write and too depressing for you to read. If you are new to my stories, please make sure you read "Return to the Light" first, or you'll really be scratching your head, wondering how a young Anakin and Padme can be in the same story as Luke, Leia, etc. Well...I'm hoping my sequel will be as fun for you as my last story. This is a concept that has interested me for awhile and have been just itching to write it. So sit back, relax and I hope you enjoy the ride. QueenNaberrie :) P.S. My other new project is "Early Redemption", which I'm writing simultaneously with "Lost in Time". Just to eliminate any confusion, "Early Redemption" is an entirely different scenerio to the RTTL and "Lost in Time". I've been completely surprised and overwhelmed by now well received "Early Redemption" has been. I've been getting more reviews for this than the other stories. So thank you all for your reviews! They are very encouraging and keep me going. :) 6/18/06 - I just started to work on my homepage. It's still under construction, so there's not too much there yet...but I'm working on it. I just want to note that I am an Upstate NY gal, and a little biased about the beauty of the Upstate NY it did not escape my notice as to how close some of the landscapes from the fantasy planet of Naboo resembles my old stomping grounds. Therefore, I have put some links on my website that have various pictures of beautiful landscapes, waterfalls, etc., from across Upstate NY that remind me a lot of Naboo. See if you agree. Enjoy:) 1/8/07 - I am currently taking a hiatis from my story "Early Redemption" to regroup my thoughts and see if I can come up with a better plan to get from point A to point B. Therefore, I may instead finish revising my first fanfic "Return to the Light" and perhaps finishing "Lost in Time". So see you around around the galaxy and may the Force be with you. QN :) 1/22/07 - For those who are wondering why I haven't updated yet when I said I would this past weekend, I had intended to but everything sort of snowballed as Darth Real Life took over. And today I had to work late. I actually have started writing Chapter 78, so hopefully it will be posted some time this week. QN :) 4/5/07 - Hi folks. I know you all are wondering if I'm going to be updating "Early Redemption" again soon. Well, it may not be for a couple of weeks. We're currently in the middle of our busy season at work. But I will update as soon as I can. QN :) 12/25/08 - Hi folks. Sorry I haven't updated any of my stories in over a year. I've sort of lost my momentum & have moved on to other interests. But I have been thinking that I should come back & finish my stories. So you never know. But I'm not making any promises as to when that will happen. Just thought you all deserved an explanation for my absence. Until then...may the Force be with you. QN :) 05/18/13 - Hi folks. I know I haven't updated my profile in a long time. I do want to finish "Early Redemption" but running into some writer's block with it at the moment. Although, in the meantime, I have been updating my newer story "Chance for Atonement". So I hope that story will tide you over until my writer's block has passed. QN :) 05/18/14 - Hi all! How funny is that. The last time I posted a note on my profile was a year ago today. Ha Ha :) Anyway...sorry I haven't been updating much lately. The first part of the year was a bit busy for me at work so I haven't felt much like writing when I get home. But we are going into our slower season now so hopefully I'll have more brain power to actually sit down and write something. Thank you all who have left reviews. I appreciate all of them. So I haven't abandoned my stories. I'm still around. QN :) 11/23/14 - Hi all! I'm sorry I have strayed from the Star Wars universe a bit in the past few months and have been writing short stories and one shots in other genres like "Sherlock" and "New World Zorro". But with "Star Wars: Rebels" now airing this fall, I'm at least thinking I should do some revisions on the early chapters of "Early Redemption". "Early Redemption" has been a work-in-progress for some time, and I gained a lot of experience in fanfiction writing while writing it. So the early chapters have been, I admit, a bit lacking and in dire need of a grammatical overhaul. I used scripts that were written in present tense, and my story is written in past tense. Unfortunately, I failed to change all of the tenses in the sections where I used the scripts and also found some places so far where the present tense even slipped into my own parts of the story. So please bear with me as I start fixing these chapters. My plan has always been to complete this story. I am so sorry it has taken so long to update "Early Redemption", but writer's block has really been holding me back on this one. But so I don't keep you all waiting any longer than necessary, once I do get the writing bug again and get the determination to finish it...I am going to finish writing it before posting any new chapters here. So you won't see any new chapters until it is finished. I am debating if I will just post it all at once or Beta each chapter again and post it over a period of time. We'll see what happens when I get to that point. For those of you who are reading my "Sherlock" and "New World Zorro" stories, I would love to hear what you think of them. I see a lot of views, so there are a lot of people reading them. But there are not many reviews for them. I've noticed that readers of the "Star Wars" genre are more vocal and tend to review more than in other genres, which is unfortunate because a writer likes to know what their readers are thinking. It's amazing what a culture shock you can get when jumping from one genre to another. Well, in the meantime, I hope you are all enjoying the stories I have written so far. I am still around and will be posting off and on, so stay turned. QN aka Queenie to some. :) 1/25/15 - If you were reading my new story I just posted tonight, "Sherlock: Miracles Do Happen", I decided I wasn't too happy with it and I'm going to rework it. So perhaps you will see a different version of it in the future instead. The views I was getting looked like people were getting bored with it rather quickly...or they would read the first chapter and skip to the end. And I wasn't getting ANY reviews. Not very reassuring. So perhaps you will see a new reincarnation of it in the future. We'll see. |