Chapter 4

In the night, Diego woke up from a nightmare, reliving the moment he had believed Victoria dead. But then, he felt her naked body in his arms, still heated up from their lovemaking, and he began to cry silently, realizing at last that it was over and Victoria was alive in his arms.

"Diego, is everything alright?" Victoria woke up when she felt his wet tears on her face.

"Don't worry, mi corazon, I'm fine. Go back to sleep," he whispered. He drew her a bit closer and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. Listening to her even breathing, he finally relaxed and fell asleep.

The next day they were having a late breakfast when Alejandro returned from his trip to the pueblo and informed them about the new developments.

"Captain Valdez has officially taken over command of Los Angeles for the Mexican army. He will be commander of the local garrison and alcalde of the pueblo until a new alcalde has been appointed."

"And how will the new alcalde be appointed?" Diego asked.

"The citizens of Los Angeles can suggest a candidate, and if he gets the approval of the captain, meaning that he can convince him of his loyalty to the Mexican government, the captain will appoint him."

"Then the chances are good that you will become the next alcalde, Father," Diego smiled. "You have experience at the office, and the citizens were satisfied with your performance."

"Oh, I wouldn't expect it, but I would gladly accept if I were appointed," Alejandro grinned.

"What about de Soto?" Victoria asked.

"He will stay in jail. His misdeeds reached the new government in Mexico City, and he will have to face trial. Captain Valdez told me that he wants you both come to his office and give your testimony about Victoria's abduction."

"We will drive to the pueblo when we are finished with breakfast," Diego declared. "I want de Soto to be brought to justice for what he did, not only for nearly killing Victoria, but also for the suffering he brought on the pueblo during his rule and his endless plotting to catch Zorro."

"There is news about Zorro, too," Alejandro said, looking at Victoria thoughtfully. "The captain has announced a pardon for Zorro, as he has never done anything against the Mexican government. There is only the condition that he retires and does not fight the Mexican officials."

"That is very good news," Victoria smiled, happily. "Zorro will be free at last!"

"Do you regret that you didn't wait for him, Victoria?" Alejandro inquired. "He would have been able to finally marry you if you had waited only one more day. We were all convinced that you had left with Zorro when you didn't appear at the wedding yesterday."

Then he turned to Diego. "If you hadn't been so sure that something had happened to her, Victoria would be dead now. How could you be so sure of her love?"

"There is only one man I love and that is Diego," Victoria said, happily.

"The explanation is simple, Father, and it's something I wanted to tell you for some time," Diego smiled. "I am Zorro."

"You are Zorro?" Alejandro sputtered in astonishment. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"For the same reason that I didn't tell Victoria until a few months ago - I wanted to protect you. I wanted to keep de Soto from harming you to catch Zorro. And I knew that you wouldn't be able to stay calm the next time Zorro rode into the pueblo if you knew the lancers were shooting at me," Diego explained. "I tried my best, but I still couldn't protect Victoria." He covered her hand on the table with his.

Alejandro still stared at him, slowly grasping the information. "Of course, it makes sense now. Only Zorro and her abductor would know that Victoria didn't leave with Zorro..."

"Yes," Diego continued his father's thoughts. "Victoria wasn't with me as the message claimed, so I knew that something had happened, and all the evidence pointed directly to de Soto."

"I should have figured it out much earlier, Diego. I should have believed in you, instead of criticizing you all those years. I'm sorry, son."

"It's alright, Father. I didn't want you to find out about Zorro. Please, forgive me for not telling you earlier."

"I love you, son, and I'm proud of you." Alejandro patted him on the shoulder.

"I love you, too, Father," Diego smiled, happily.

"I'm beginning to understand why you were so anxious to get married yesterday, Diego. Knowing how many years Zorro waited for that day, and to see it all fall to pieces in the last moment – I think I would have done the same as you – take my bride and marry her as fast as possible."

"Then you're no longer angry we married without you, Father?" Victoria asked.

"No, I understand your reasons by now." Alejandro acquiesced. "What will you do about Zorro, Diego?"

"I'll accept the pardon, and hopefully there won't be any more need for Zorro. I'll have more time for my family, and the hacienda, too, if you become alcalde." Diego grinned.

"Family? Did you say family? Grandchildren?" Alejandro teased them.

Victoria blushed, and Diego grinned as he put his arms around her and replied, "Well, it's much too early to say, Father, but we're working on it."

~ The End ~