Disclaimer: Just having fun…no profit, no ownership…just appreciation

CHAPTER ONE – Surviving the Day of Discovery

After the tragic events at the hacienda, Diego, Alejandro, and Felipe came into the pueblo. Victoria joined them in the plaza. Gilberto's body, covered in the back of the wagon, was taken away by the soldiers. Ynez Risendo was left alone. Alcalde De Soto expressed his condolences to the de la Vegas, and said he planned to visit Padre Benites. Victoria expressed her sympathies.

Diego, still in shock from the day's events, nevertheless gathered his courage up to make an announcement to Alejandro, Felipe, and Victoria. He was clearly nervous.

"There is something I've been meaning to tell you all, for quite some time. Now would seem an appropriate moment. Felipe, with your permission."

Felipe's face was one of half-panic, half-shock. Victoria & Alejandro waited with anticipation – but were caught off guard by what he did say.

Haltingly, Diego stated, "I…I am…. …Going to adopt Felipe. He's to be a member of our family."

Victoria clasped her hands together. Alejandro exclaimed, "This IS wonderful news! This is wonderful news! I now have two sons! The de la Vegas will never be divided! Never!" Both Felipe and Diego went "whew!" and both felt they had dodged a bullet. Diego chickened out, thought Felipe. It's a good thing. Now is not the time or place.

It was a precious moment of family unity. Even though Victoria wasn't an 'official' member of the family, she was a close family friend. Don Alejandro looked upon her as a daughter he never had. Secretly, he hoped she and Diego would somehow find a way to get together, although with Zorro in the picture, Alejandro somehow had his doubts.

Alejandro turned to his son. "Diego, there's something that's been gnawing inside of me."

Diego looked at his father. "Father, there's something I'm been meaning to tell you for quite some time. Felipe, Victoria, would you excuse us a moment?" Diego thought, I need to tell him something about what he saw today…

Felipe nodded. Victoria looked a bit annoyed and puzzled, and looked to Felipe for answers. Felipe's put his hands up as if to say, 'I have no idea...' Diego and Alejandro walked away, with Diego's left arm around Alejandro. Felipe thought will he really tell him? Will he really share the secret?

Felipe's adoption announcement went over really well, Diego thought. That gave him courage. After the last week or so, with everything that happened…Diego knew it would be wrong to continue to keep his biggest secret from his father very much longer. Life was too short. They could have both been killed today, himself – twice over. As they walked, Diego only half-listened. Yes, he was going to have to tell him – something

Alejandro said, "Do you remember when Gilberto was about to shoot, he said he was not only going to kill you, he was going to kill…but never finished. What do you suppose he was going to say?"

Alejandro and Diego stood facing each other in the middle of the plaza. Diego nodded to his father.


Diego cleared his throat. He clearly needed to explain his fencing ability to his father, but he was nervous just thinking about it. Their relationship had improved a great deal this past year, as Diego tried to be more of a 'man of action' when needed. Just a few months ago, he broke his leg being a 'man of action.' And within the past ten days or so, they presented a united front. Today, when both their lives were in danger, they were closer than ever. Both he and Alejandro were still in a state of shock over the day's events. Diego felt like he was, in some ways, numbed by the events, for he had escaped death twice. But he had learned to control his emotions. He didn't know how things would play out or how he would deal with the day's revelations.

Diego looked at his father. "Father, who knows what was in Gilberto's mind? It could have been anything. But there is something I do want to tell you. There is something I have been meaning to tell you for quite a while. But – no matter what you hear today, I ask two things."

Alejandro looked at Diego with anticipation. "Yes, my son, what is it?"

"First, please try very hard to keep your voice down. What I have to say is for your ears only, but if I put it off any longer, I'll lose my nerve. And secondly, please don't tell a soul what you hear today. It's very important, Father."

Alejandro looked puzzled. He couldn't understand the secrecy. "All right son, I'll do my best to – uh – keep my voice down, and I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart." And he crossed himself for emphasis.

Diego looked down for a moment, then directly to Alejandro. "Father….I do – know – how to defend myself…how to fight…and win. I know you saw me fight Gilberto today, and I believe you were surprised."

Alejandro beamed. "Yes, yes, Diego! I was surprised! Where did you learn to fence like that? I asked Felipe, but he couldn't tell me. You were magnificent! I could hardly believe my eyes! And left-handed as well!" He grasped Diego's left shoulder for a moment, then released it.

Calmly, Diego replied, "Sir Edmund – taught me everything he knew. As you know, he was a master class swordsman. He said I was his best pupil. I bested him in the courtyard."

Alejandro sputtered. "You beat Sir Edmund? Then why – why in heaven's name, didn't you even raised a finger? Why did you hide this? Why did you pretend you didn't know how?" As his voice got louder, Diego quickly shot him a warning look to quiet himself, which he did.

"Because Father, I am a man of peace. I chose another way…to express myself."

Alejandro interrupted. "Ah yes, the newspaper."

Diego ignored that, knowing he meant Zorro, but he wasn't ready to tell his father that piece of news yet. "When Sir Edmund visited us, I asked him to keep it quiet as well. Because if anyone knew I had trained with him, I'd be fighting all the time. Every hotshot in the territory would want to make a name for himself by challenging me, because of Sir Edmund's reputation. I'd never have time for my studies, the newspaper, for people, the ranch. Remember, that's what happened to our Americano neighbor Joshua Barnes. That's what he told us. That's why he came to California – to escape that."

"But Diego, what about Gilberto? You said you didn't know what he was going to say. But the way he said it, he knew you would know what he meant."

Diego kicked a rock on the ground. "Father, I could speculate, but... I really just wanted to tell you about the fencing. Please Father, help me keep this from public knowledge."

Although he was trying to understand, Alejandro found it difficult. "But why Diego?"

"Please Father, trust me, for now."

Alejandro sighed and put his hand up in surrender. "All right. But I want you to know I was very proud of you today. And I am always going to tell people that." Diego smiled a weak smile. Normally, that statement would have brought a wide grin, but he was much too tired.

Alejandro put his arm around Diego. They turned to rejoin Felipe and Victoria, but looked at each other one last time.

"Thank you, Father. I want you to be proud of me."

"Always, my son. And now, I think we should get back to Victoria and Felipe. Come! We have a celebration to plan!"

Diego chuckled. "Yes! Yes Father! A celebration of family!"

As they returned to Victoria and Felipe, Diego made eye contact with Felipe gave him a little shake of the head. Felipe's face showed relief again – "whew." No one but Diego noticed.

Victoria noticed the blood on Diego's shirt sleeve and the awkward way he was holding his arm. "Diego, is there anything I can do for your arm?" Diego looked. The blood stain was already starting to dry. "No thank you, Victoria. Felipe took care of both Father and I before we came into town."

Victoria invited them into the tavern for supper. "Come, let's celebrate. I'll make you all a supper you'll never forget!"

Alejandro took Victoria's arm. Felipe and Diego spoke in sign language with each other all the way in to the tavern. No one understood Felipe's sign language as well as Diego, and it wasn't unusual for them to speak to each other in sign when they wanted a private conversation.