Please Come Back to Me

Author's Note: To begin with, this is written after seeing glimpses/news about DA-S3 Christmas special that ended on a sad note. I hope it isn't final but if it is, I suppose this can be the alternate version.

Usual disclaimer : I don't own any of the DA characters or its canonical story; just this fan fiction based on them.


"I wonder what's taking them so long," Mary wondered out loud as Anna once again fluffed her pillows.

"They probably are arguing on who should get here first," Anna replied in jest. She, too, wondered why the family was taking that long to arrive especially since the arrival of the new Crawley member should be top priority for everyone.

Just as Mary settled back on to the pillows, they heard a commotion outside. The door was ajar so they didn't see much.

"I'll go see what that's about," Anna offered and went out to check on things. She searched the rooms nearby until she found the one with Dr. Clarkson, Isobel and Lord Grantham milling around. She was taken aback when she saw who was on the hospital bed.

"Anna," Robert said in alarm. He walked over to close the door to the room. "Did Mary see?"

"No your lordship," Anna said, grateful for the chair offered her because she felt faint. "But she heard the noise."

"How is she?" Robert asked with concern.

"She is nursing the baby," Anna revealed.

"Good, good," Robert said. "Let's leave her to that for now."

"How is he?" Isobel asked, fighting back tears after Dr. Clarkson finished his assessment of Matthew's condition. Her question brought Robert and Anna back to the pressing matter at hand.

"He's suffered a concussion and we won't know more until he wakes up," Dr. Clarkson said cautiously. He didn't want them to worry just yet and hoped that Matthew would pull through. He checked his pulse and was relieved to feel it was still strong. He had known Matthew to be a fighter and prayed this wasn't his time.

"When might that be?" Isobel insisted.

"I don't know." Dr. Clarkson replied with sadness.


"Mary must be told," Violet insisted. "She has a right to know what has happened."

"But she has just had the baby," Cora argued. "She can't possibly handle this tragedy."

"You sound like you've given up," Violet said sternly. "Matthew has been through worse and gotten back up. It's the English thing to do."

At another occasion Cora may have taken offense but at this very moment, she prayed that Violet was right and Matthew would pull through.

"Who's going to tell her?" Edith asked, genuinely concerned. She remembered when she took it upon herself to tell Mary that Matthew was missing during the war. She hoped not to do that again.

"We'll wait for your father," Cora said finally. "Hopefully it will be soon and he has more to tell us."

As if hearing her thoughts, he arrived downstairs with Anna right behind him.

"What did Dr. Clarkson say?" Cora inquired.

"Not good I'm afraid," Robert said grimly. "He's optimistic but we won't know what damage has been done until Matthew wakes up."

"Has anyone told Mary yet?" Violet asked.

"No, mama, we haven't told her yet. And I'm not quite sure how to tell her after such a joyful beginning to the day."

"She won't forgive you if you keep this from her," she warned. She was insisting that her granddaughter be told because she knew how strong she was and how hurt she would be if she was kept from the truth.


Mary had just finished nursing the baby and now was wondering what had happened to Anna. She knew Anna wasn't one to dally unless the family had arrived and she was giving her time to finish nursing the baby.

"There you are," she said when Anna finally returned. "Are they here yet?"

"Yes," Anna replied quietly avoiding eye contact with Mary. "His lordship would like to be the first to see you."

Mary wondered why Anna was behaving odd but when she saw her father, she averted her attention to him.

"I hear I have a grandson," Robert said, trying to look happy for Mary's sake. He still was struggling with his decision regarding telling her about Matthew.

"Meet your first grandson," Mary said, beaming with pride. She handed the sleeping baby to him.

"Hello dear chap," he said, echoing Matthew who held him earlier. In spite of what had just happened he was overjoyed to see the future heir to Downton in his arms.

"Where is everyone?" Mary asked finally, still beaming.

"They are waiting downstairs until I've had a chance to speak with you." Robert turned to Anna and handed the baby to her instead of Mary.

Mary noticed this and sat up straighter, she was suddenly aware that something was not quite right.

"I don't want to alarm you," Robert began. "But something has happened." He nodded to Anna to take the baby out of the room then reached for Mary's hand.

"What's happened papa?" she asked with alarm in her voice.

"Matthew has been in an accident," he revealed, watching Mary closely. He saw her gasp and saw tears well up in her eyes.

"How badly?" she finally asked when she found her voice and calmed herself enough.

"According to Dr. Clarkson, pretty bad," he said.

"Where is he? Please take me to him."

Robert knew he couldn't keep her away from Matthew not even in her condition so he agreed to take her to him.


"There must be something we can do, some new treatment perhaps," Isobel suggested.

"I can certainly look and consult with others," Dr. Clarkson said, already thinking of the same thing. "But for now, we need to give him some time to heal."

They both looked up when they heard the door creak open. They saw Mary in a wheelchair being wheeled in by Robert.

"I had to see him," Mary said when she was positioned next to him. She instinctively reached for his hand and squeezed to let him know she was there. She was disappointed when he didn't respond.

"All we can do right now is wait," Dr. Clarkson said.

"Then I will wait here," Mary responded, looking over her husband's unconscious form.

"Mary, you've just had a baby," Robert started to object. "You need to rest."

"I can rest here, papa," she countered. "The room is big enough for both of us."

All three around her knew there was no convincing her otherwise especially after seeing her steely resolved look.

"I will make arrangements to bring another bed here," Dr. Clarkson offered.

Mary nodded her gratitude and waited for the trio to leave her alone with him. She was grateful that they did so without her asking them to. She got out of the wheelchair and sat next to him to be closer to him.

"Oh my darling," she said, touching his cheek gently. "I hope you can hear me. Please, please open your eyes. How am I to be your Mary without you?"

Anna returned to find Mary crying over Matthew's still unconscious body. She looked at the calm baby in her arms and wondered if it may help. She walked over and placed a hand over Mary's shoulder to let her know she was there.

Mary looked up and saw Anna. She knew she could be herself with Anna just as she could with Matthew. But even so, she tried to compose herself and stopped crying.

"Have they all gone?" she asked finally, wiping her tears away.

"Yes," Anna confirmed for her. "They'll return tomorrow to see if anything has changed."

"Why is this happening now?" Mary wasn't really expecting an answer but asked all the same.

"I don't know," Anna said, trying to console her. "But we both know Mr. Matthew has been through worse. And I'm sure he would want to live to see his son grow up to be a man."

Mary looked at her son, sleeping soundly in Anna's arms. She was grateful for that at least in this trying time. She warmly received the baby from Anna and marveled at the new life in her arms.

Dr. Clarkson and Isobel returned with a few helpers to move a bed into the room. They placed it next to Matthew's so Mary could lay on it.

"I'll be going home for the night but will return in the morning," Isobel told Mary. "Do try to get some rest Mary."

Mary nodded and watched Isobel and Dr. Clarkson leave.

"You probably should go home as well Anna," Mary suggested. "There's nothing else left to be done here."

"I'm quite alright staying here with you milady," Anna said, showing her true devotion to Mary. "I've asked Dr. Clarkson and he said I can use the room next door."

"Won't Bates need you?"

"I'm needed here, more."


Caring for an infant son and a comatose husband kept Mary pretty busy the next few days. Anna had stayed by her side throughout her stay and showed no signs of abandoning her. She had daily visits from the family and Mr. Bates who brought them clothes, food and best wishes from downstairs.

"Everyone is praying for Mr. Matthew's quick recovery," John said to Mary as he dropped off the latest care package from home. "Especially Mr. Carson who wishes he could come but is far too busy to get away."

"Please thank them for me," Mary replied in gratitude. She hadn't realized how much everyone cared for Matthew but knew why they would. "And thank you for coming everyday. Truly I am."

Anna returned looking agitated about something. She debated on whether to let Mary know.

"What is it Anna?" Mary asked, sensing her distress.

"The driver of the lorry is here to see you milady," she said. "I told him now is not the time but he's quite insistent."

Mary hesitated as she wondered how she would face the man who nearly killed Matthew.

"I can send him away," John offered when he saw her hesitation.

"No, show him in," Mary said finally.

"Hello milady," the lorry driver greeted her with obvious fear when he entered the room. He was so nervous that he was wringing his hat into oblivion. "I'm truly sorry for what happened." Clearly the man was afraid and looked near fainting.

Anna and John exchanged looks worrying not about the man but about Mary.

"Accidents do happen sometimes," Mary began calmly. "In the future, please be more careful so as not to run people off the road."

The lorry driver was dumbfounded as he listened to her. He was sure she would have had him arrested there and then to be sent to prison for the rest of his life. Instead it sounded like she had forgiven him and he still couldn't believe his ears.

"Lady Mary needs her rest," John finally said to dismiss the man. He feared that Mary might change her mind if the man stayed any longer.

"Thank you milady," the lorry driver repeatedly said while bowing towards her.

"That was a very nice thing you did milady," Anna said when John and the driver had left.

"It's what Matthew would've wanted," Mary said in a whisper.


"But Mary, this isn't your home," Violet argued when Mary insisted on staying even after Dr. Clarkson said she and the baby could leave the hospital.

"But Matthew can't leave yet," Mary counter-argued. "And my place is with him."

"Mary, we'll take good care of him," Isobel tried to reason with her. She was glad Mary was by Matthew's side but also worried for her and the baby.

"Not you, too, Isobel," Mary said, pleading with her eyes for Isobel to be on her side of this argument.

"Nothing has changed in Matthew's condition," Robert reminded her. "It may be that way for quite a while."

"I'm not leaving him here alone, papa!"

"Be reasonable Mary, a hospital is not a place for a baby. Surely you must agree with that." Robert knew how terrible this might be for Mary but wanted her to return home.

"A few more days papa, please." Mary wanted nothing more than to return home but without Matthew, she knew she would constantly be running back to see him that she would be more tired that way. At least at the hospital, she could lay beside him and be comforted by his steady breathing while she slept.

"Very well, a few more days," Robert grudgingly agreed and looked to everyone around the room to silence their objections.

"Thank you papa!" Mary hugged and kissed him in gratitude.


"You should be going back with them," Mary suggested to Anna.

"And who will be changing the baby?" Anna teased, knowing that although Mary was remarkably great at taking care of the baby, she disliked changing him.

Mary had to agree that it was the one chore she didn't quite find agreeable.

"Speaking of which, I think he needs to be changed now." Anna took the boy from Mary and brought him to the next room.

Once alone, Mary turned her attention back to Matthew. He had been through so much and she hoped that this was just another one he would get through.

"My dearest Matthew," she whispered in his ear while she lay her hand on his chest. "I beg you to please wake up. Your son and I desperately need you. Please come back to me."

More to come I think ... just thought I should post the first chapter and see what you guys think. :-)