Disclaimer: I don't own or profit of Star Wars. I just dream in their worlds...and sometimes, share the dreams.
This story is set in an alternate universe, where Anakin Skywalker survives after returning from the Dark Side and Obi-Wan, among others, also survives. It's a sequel to Heroes Homecoming, Healing Nightmares and The Jedi's Blood Bonds.
Anakin strolled along the cliff side, watching the ocean waves roll. A cool breeze blew a lock of his hair back from his eyes. Obi-Wan was beside him, equally silent and meditative.
"I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Obi-Wan finally remarked.
"Why does that sound rather ominous?"
"Because you are very sensitive."
Anakin glanced at him. "May as well hit me with it."
"Let's sit."
They sat down on a nearby natural bench of rocks covered in mossy velvet. Anakin's eyes were still glued on the water.
"It's about the sand people."
Anakin winced.
"You left a scar on the world that day. Understandable, in your grief, though not acceptable. You were not ready for the challenge of such a loss."
"If only it had ended there."
"My friend. I've been getting a very strong feeling you need to go home."
"Home?" Anakin frowned at him. "Home is where my family is."
Obi-Wan gave him a brief, half smile. "All right. Your first home."
Anakin's eyes widened. "Tatooine? Why? I hate sand!"
Obi-Wan chuckled. "And after living there, I understand why."
"My family is here. Do I have to stay there? In exile or something?" Anakin's voice was tense. "I thought...you said I was doing all right..." His voice seemed to get younger as his insecurity rose.
"Not forever. There is something there you must face."
"The scar?"
"That's part of it. But I'm unclear on the rest."
"I...have to admit, I've felt it too. Drawn there, called there...since going back to Ilum. So, I'm looking for something, to do something, or to face something, but you don't know what?"
"I'm not omnipotent."
"Obviously. How will I know if I find it?"
"You'll know when the Force tells you."
"How reassuring." Anakin said dryly.
Obi-Wan turned to face him, laying a hand on his shoulder. Their eyes met. "Anakin, I learned a lot about you just by living on Tatooine. You are very much of that world, for better or worse. There is a part of Tatooine in you. Your attitudes...your core beliefs were ingrained in you there, they are common among the populace in some areas. I think you'll understand yourself and your own actions better if you go back and face it."
"Little late isn't it?"
"No. Because you are needed in the present and will be needed in the future. And to truly be here, you must learn to let go of the past. To be who you are, accept who you've been, but not let it distract you in the present."
"Can I stay in touch?"
"When do I leave?"
"About a week."
"I was afraid you'd say immediately."
"I wouldn't do that to you, if I could avoid it. For one thing, your wife would have my head."
Anakin smiled.
"And for another thing, we have those training sessions to work on."
"Now. How about we do a little moving meditation? I'd like to see your new lightsaber in action."
"Relatively peaceful action."
"Definitely. May I see it?"
Anakin handed him the lightsaber.
Obi-Wan turned it over, sensing it's Ilum crystal in the Force, feeling the balance and alignment. He activated it and a blue blade ignited. He turned it, listening to it's hum. He deactivated it and studied the hilt again. Mostly silver colored alloys, with darker gray on the grip. A creamy smooth shape was embedded in the hilt, with an etching inlaid within. "May I ask what the symbol means?"
Anakin flushed slightly. He reached up and ran a hand through wind tousled hair.
"I have seen it before...somewhere." Obi-Wan pondered.
"I gave Padmé one like it, a japor snippet pendant, when I first met her. She still has it, wears it on a silver chain."
Obi-Wan looked thoughtfully at him.
"The symbol is actually supposed to bring good fortune. When she found out I was building a new lightsaber...well, she surprised me with that. Asked if maybe I'd include it somehow, to remind me what I'm fighting for."
A slight smile curled through Obi-Wan's white beard and mustache. "Now there is a symbolism that would shock the council. A gift from your beloved."
"Gripe in the Force as they would, thinking of her usually helps my sanity. Probably because I know she wants me to be a Jedi and help people."
"Hold on to that core and you'll be fine. Though figuring out which people will always be a burden. Sometimes, no matter what you do, you have to choose between the equally deserving."
"Let's hope no time soon."
"And while I don't believe in luck...may that symbol indeed be a sign of good fortune. Force knows you've had enough bad!"
The following week, Anakin spent a great deal of time meditating, but he also found himself sparring with those closest. Luke and Ahsoka got clear enjoyment out of the duels. He still found himself sometimes just a bit timid with Luke. Luke, he knew, was a gifted lightsaber duelist. His talent was natural, better than many his age who had practiced all their lives. He knew Luke was oblivious to it. They were fairly evenly matched at this point. But the scales tipped solidly in Luke's favor when Anakin's own memories betrayed him. The occasional flashback to cutting his own son's hand off, the young man's horror at the revelation of his parenthood, would make him pull up, sometimes landing a sharp shiim mark on him or even duel ending blow with the training saber. The usual response to that was a disapproving shake of the head from Obi-Wan. But it was Luke who snapped him out of it. "You said, and Dariqsen proves, there are other fallen Jedi out there, right?"
"So I need this. I need you to go all out. Better you with a training blade than another live opponent. And..." Luke hesitated. "Better even Vader maiming me than someone else killing me. And anyone else would have, and I would have been if you weren't my Father. Right?"
Anakin winced at this awkward reminder. But Luke was right. They went again and this time, Anakin didn't hold back. By the time they were done Luke was winded with a few shiim cuts of his own, but they were easily healed burns of a training saber, and a reminder that you could never be too careful.
"Well now." Obi-Wan smiled after Luke left. "He certainly has a way with you."
"Hmm. Yes. Very persuasive. More like his mother in that area than he realizes. "
"Are you up for your next session?"
Anakin gave him a startled look. He'd already had both Ahsoka and Luke this week. "You're kidding."
"No. I finally convinced her to put in the time. With Padme and Bail also pressing. They have to run interference, Mon Mothma tends to call on her a great deal."
"Makes finding balance hard."
"You'll have two sessions, one today and one tomorrow."
"You seem determined she practice with me, rather than Luke or Ahsoka."
"Controlling one's emotions is half the battle. Luke and Ahsoka don't really test that. You do."
"I wish it weren't so."
"I know. But anyway, she can spar with them when your away."
Leia stood across from him, her sense awkward. It took some serious will power to do the respectful salute and bow of the Order's classical training. Obi-Wan didn't always enforce that. Didn't usually, in fact. He was pressing her on his insistence that she use it with Anakin. It was one thing to grudgingly respect him and accept his honest desire to do the right thing. Something else to show it in action. Anakin had a bit easier time returning the salute and bow.
The two circled cautiously, feeling each other's defenses. Obi-Wan had already told him how to start this. Anakin put aside doubts and attacked. Leia blocked. He riposted, sliding his sword around for a flank attack. So far he wasn't going all out, nor even close. She blocked, sidestepped and aimed for a neck swipe that he ducked and countered with a low angled sweep up at her torso. It scored her side, as she didn't get her weapon back around fast enough. She cried out and he shied away. In a real fight with a foe he could've taken her down, but he hesitated and a split second later she came back with a furious series of strikes that he barely deflected. He switched to a soresu blade shield defense. One hand held her side as she spun, overreaching slightly.
Obi-Wan's nod and urging flowed from the Force and Anakin took advantage to spin and kick the weapon from her hand. She yelled again, fell back, reached for the saber...only to have it leap into Obi-Wan's hand.
Anakin fell back, deactivating the training saber and flushing.
"That could've gone better." Obi-Wan said flatly.
Leia glared at Obi-Wan. "Why? What's wrong?
"Calm yourself and you'll know what's wrong with this picture."
Anakin's eyes slid half shut. He already knew what he'd say. He could've said it with him.
"Emotions were driving the battle, from the moment he scored."
Leia's lips tightened. Her brow furrowed. "It was a natural reaction."
"Yes. But you cannot let it drive the battle. It will feed the dark side if you do not maintain control."
She glanced at Anakin.
"It also made you sloppy. You're parries and strikes before were excellent. After, you were unbalanced, both physically and emotionally."
"I'm not sure I'm cut out for this."
"Leia, every Jedi, from lowest initiate to highest Master had to go through this phase. You will make mistakes. If you think you are the only one to make it...on the contrary, I don't know of anyone who didn't. Why don't you meditate on that while I deal with the other part of this equation."
Leia sat back on a bench. She couldn't resist the urge to glance at Obi-Wan and Anakin, and the slight disagreement they were having.
"Anakin. You barely handled that better than her. You lost your nerve as soon as you scored."
"I don't want to hurt her. She's a total newcomer to this."
"It's a sparring session. There is always that risk. Better minor burns now than serious injury later due to lack of being prepared. You shouldn't have needed me to tell you to use her over reaction to teach the lesson."
Anakin scowled.
"I need you, Anakin. They need you. They need you to be a Jedi. You have done this with Ahsoka. You can do it now. I would not have named you a Jedi Master if I didn't truly believe you ready to be one."
"I hadn't given Snips a reason to hate me. I haven't...hurt her."
"I do believe Leia is past the hatred phase, even if her distrust is still close to the surface. These sessions should help that."
Anakin sighed. "All right. Should we try again? Or wait until the next one?"
"Do, don't try, again. I have something else planned for the next one."
It did go better the second time around. Leia got nicked again, but Anakin heeded Obi-Wan's advice and followed through, forcing her to focus on countering his blows rather than react to the pain. It worked rather nicely. For a few strikes, he could feel her anger and frustration. But she wrestled it under control and managed a nice spin out of reach, only to come back with a decent counter attack that forced him on the defensive. After twenty minutes of minor scrapes and no clear cut winner, Obi-Wan had them quit. They were both blowing a bit. Leia's eyes were wide and Anakin's were bright. A small half smile on his face revealed his pleasure. "That was good." He observed. Then he glanced at Obi-Wan. "Wasn't it?"
"Much better." Obi-Wan agreed. His comlink signaled. "Excuse me, it seems I'm needed elsewhere. Same time, same place tomorrow?"
Anakin nodded. Leia hesitated.
"I have something special in mind." Obi-Wan noted her caution. "It can't wait, not since I have an errand for him. And it does have to be him."
"All right."
Obi-Wan strode back toward the base. Anakin sank down on a nearby bench to rest, Leia landed on the other end, wiping her face with a towel.
A muffled chuckle came from behind, as two water bottles dropped from the sky. "Think fast."
Leia grabbed hers just before it would've bounced of the seat. Anakin smirked and made his do a fast circle before dumping a bit on his head.
"Show off." Ahsoka teased, coming around from behind. "Nice match. Funny too."
"Funny?" Anakin looked at her, frowning. Leia looked taken aback.
She glanced at Leia then smirked and folded her arms. "Really. Admit it. After all this time, every once in a while Obi-Wan still makes you feel like a ten year old padawan, doesn't he?"
"Hush, you." Anakin snorted, eyes widening and then narrowing. But his lip curled up a the side into a half smile. "When a man can tell stories of every indiscretion from the age of nine to your family, he definitely has some power."
Ahsoka laughed.
Leia's eyes widened. "Indiscretions?"
"I seem to recall a rumor about garbage pit races on Coruscant..." Ahsoka's eyes sparkled.
"Now don't you start! How did you even hear about that? That was...a long time ago."
"You were infamous, and not just because you were the Chosen One. The temple staff talked about your antics for years! Coming in, you and Obi-Wan covered in garbage..."
"And he didn't even let me collect my prize for winning." Anakin gave a not quite sorry smirk.
"I thought those races were illegal." Leia said.
"They were." Anakin conceded. "But, well, I was bored...history and politics and lessons, lessons, lessons and meditation, meditation, meditation..."
"I bet Rei Soffran ate you up."
"Sliced and diced." Anakin admitted.
"What happened to that one? Leia dared ask. Then she cringed, assuming he'd killed him.. "A Jedi, I assume? What was he, a lightsaber instructor?"
"Mm. No. Just had a tendency to see right through you to every secret flaw." Anakin scowled. "Now you mention it, I don't know what happened to him."
They both looked at him with interest.
Ahsoka blinked, thinking. "I thought he was killed? My friend Jobee was with him, and a bunch of other initiates."
"Records showed he took some initiates to Ragoon-6 for a training mission right when the Clone Wars broke out. They never came back. Last report showed he lifted off, but not a trace of them found. They were presumed dead..."
"Presumed?" Ahsoka's eyes narrowed. "I can recall times when that assumption was wrong."
Anakin nodded. "In any case, they found a bit of wreckage, but not enough to account for the whole ship. Without any clues as to where to look and a war breaking out, they just didn't have time to look for them."
Leia sighed. "I'd like to know more Jedi history. These people should be remembered, commemorated."
"Obi-Wan says we are the commemoration." Ahsoka said.
Leia smiled faintly. "Well, still. There should be something tangible besides the very few left."
"Yes." Anakin acknowledged as she rose and walked away. "There should."
Anakin and the garbage pit racing is told in Rogue Planet by Greg Bear
shim: cuts and burns from sparring or combat with lightsabers, a sign of a tough fight between skilled opponents
soresu: Jedi combat style with an emphasis on defense.