Author has written 15 stories for Stargate: SG-1. Update: July 11, 2007 I feel the need to explain my absence for the last several months. It was never my intention to leave three unfinished fics on this site, and I have every intention on finishing them. In fact, I am currently working on them, but I've decided not to start posting again until they are finished. I don't want to upload a chapter, get everyone back into it, and then end up leaving everyone hanging for who knows how long again. My only reason for not posting in so long, is because I have lost my enthusiasm. To say I've been disappointed in season 9 and 10 of Stargate would be a vast understatement. The lack of Jack and the sheer unrealistic turn the show took after season 8 has left me without a Stargate muse. If you enjoy my work, and want to read other Stargate fics I've posted, you can check out my other account at http:///viewuser.php?uid=324 Just be warned, these fics are for a more mature audience, so please read all warnings before reading. Once again, I'm sorry for the long delay, and promise to finish what I've started. |