Reviews for An Extraordinarily Ordinary Life
KaidenTheFroggie chapter 2 . 7/28
YEs – 'SuiCIDe'
Sammie4282003 chapter 51 . 7/19
Please continue this story! It is so good! One of the best crossovers I have ever read!
GhostWalker chapter 51 . 7/11
Please continue with this story! Very well written.
Guest chapter 51 . 6/29
This is so close to finishing, only a few chapter left in fact. So please continue this so I can get closure from such an amazing story!
RonneeM chapter 20 . 5/26
This downright adorable!
di47on chapter 51 . 3/30
Great story. I am looking forward to seeing how you wrap everything up.
jmw03u chapter 51 . 3/10
I absolutely love this story! You did a great job of including both Sherlock and Harry Potter world in this fic. I am super excited about the fact that it looks like the longbottoms might be curedThank you for writing this!
Frost Merry Darkness Luver chapter 51 . 2/2
you know when I was looking at chapters originally it was to find out when Sherlock would come back. when I saw house of black and justice I assumed Sirius would be getting justice, I was not entirely right, but I like your version
CureCaligraphy chapter 40 . 1/12
Harry: Hi Da!
Sherlock: Ah. So that's what that feels like.
John: What?
Sherlock: Family.
Johnemotional noises)
CureCaligraphy chapter 39 . 1/12
Ah, yes. Today, we receive yet another example of "Who said Sherlock was the one we needed to be worried about"
CureCaligraphy chapter 32 . 1/11
Snape: Why can a muggle Occlumency
Sherlock: Why can I what now
Snape: Shield your mind.
Sherlock: Do you mean my Mind Palace?
Snape: ...yes.
Sherlock: I'd thought there was someone in there that shouldn't be. How did you manage that- wait, no, magic, obvious.
CureCaligraphy chapter 21 . 1/11
I always thought Rory kinda looked like Martin Freeman. Also, Hermione would make a fantastic River, she's got the smarts and the hair for it!

...yes, I still ship Harry with Hermione.
CureCaligraphy chapter 20 . 1/11
[E-Mail: Lestrade you won't believe this]
(one attachment)
Walked in on this today.

[E-Mail: RE: Lesteade you won't believe this]
Thank you for making my week.
Eni chapter 51 . 11/27/2019
And so what happened after that? It's not nice to stop like this!
I love your story and I hope you'll soon follow up.
Good luck to you for writing.
bye bye
Kimein chapter 51 . 11/6/2019
Please, write more of this story I absolutely love it you are an awesome writer. It seems to be almost done just some wedding non since and happy ending fluff lol. Please give me the fluff : ) I do truly love your story bye now
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