Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter. Location - DC Suburbs Work - Petty Bureaucrat (no kidding) Age - Old, I have grandchildren, my youngest daughter is older than any of the Trio My oldest daughter turned me on to Harry Potter by making me read Prisoner of Azkaban. I've been hooked ever since. Favorite ships Harry/Ginny - it just feels so right. I have a terrible premonition though that JKR is going to kill Ginny in Book 7, but I hope I'm wrong. Harry/Luna - They both have suffered loss and their personalities seem to complement each other, Harry all passion and doubt, Luna all serene and incredibly sure of everything, even Snorkacks. It's not inconceivable that JKR might actually pair them up in Book 7, at least to my way of thinking. Neville/Luna - Again, both have suffered loss. Neville needs a girl in his life. JKR seems to indicate though that this won't happen, Ships I can tolerate Ron/Hermione - I just don't think they're compatible, not for a long term relationship. But, opposites do attract. Harry/Hermione - All sorts of reasons this could happen and just as many why it won't. They're brother and sister practically. Draco/Hermione - I don't really care for Draco, but their dominating personalities could lead them to each other. I'm ambivalent about Draco in the books, he may have reasons (e.g. his parents and their associates) for being such a nasty piece of work. Ron/Lavender - I think they're cute! Ron could be quite a ladies man if he'd get over Hermione. Ships I don't care for Teacher/student - This is just so wrong, not just in fanfics but in general. Slash - I personally have nothing against the gay life style. Slash as part of a character's overall development is a story acceptable as long as it's handled carefully. General likes and dislikes of fanfiction Smut - smut has its place, I'm no prude. Selfharm - this is wrong. I worry about the people who write this sometimes, I feel like they're writing from their own experience. Update October 2011 I'm retired now, have three grandkids, all from my stepson. My youngest daughter converted to Islam and married a fellow from Tadjikistan and lives in New Jersey. He's nice enough guy and she seems deliriously happy, so I really can't complain. My oldest daughter lives in Metz, France where she's soon defending her Master's thesis in Arts and Culture Management, taking French nationality and is getting married next Sept. Obiously, Ginny made it through book 7. As time has passed, I have become more and more disenchanted with Deathly Hallows; I feel it was a very unsatisfactory conclusion to the series. I hated the fact that Ginny and Luna were relegated to almost mere memories. I'm not going to bore you with all the other problems I've had with it, other than Harry was an absolute, total moron to 'break up' with Ginny. My post DH writing varies between quick, happy and usually passionate reunions and Ginny telling Harry he's a total, complete moron and he doesn't deserve her and making him work at getting her back. My shipping likes and dislikes have changed as well. Harry/Ginny is still my OTP, but Harry/Luna is a close second, and I write them as a threesome quite often. I've started writing about Harry/Romilda as well. I think she's an interesting character who probably outgrew her 'fangirl' stage, just like Ginny did. I also like to pair Lavender with various Weasley brothers other than Ron. I think she gets a bad deal in most fanfiction. Ron asked her to be his girlfriend, after all. I don't write Ron/Hermione anymore, other than as supporting characters. Like many, I just have a hard time believing that they have enough in common to make a marriage work. I enjoy 'harem' fics, but while I will sometimes write Harry in situations where he is sleeping with other women as well as Ginny, they don't 'belong' to him to the exclusion of having other lovers. And to be fair, I'll have Ginny with other men sometimes. I still don't like Snape, Lucius and other Death Eaters and the idea of Ginny, Hermione, Luna and others voluntarily having sex with them is disturbing. |