Stars exploded behind Hermione Granger's eyes as her lips pressed hard against Ron's. She was vaguely aware of her hands on his shoulders, but she was even more aware that Ron wasn't moving. He was completely stiff. Panic began to overtake her small frame, accompanies by a number of questions and few answers. "Was this right? I thought there was something there. Doesn't he like me? What was all that just about then?"
Hermione pulled away, not even looking at Ron, and grabbed her back. She began to quickly head for the door. Her face was boiling and her heart was racing. All she knew was that she had to get out of there quickly. However, Hermione stopped abruptly at the large wooden doors, where she began to speak feverishly to herself.
"No, Hermione, you can face this. You can't flop out now. If you can run out of a bloody burning building, you can rise above this…mess…I have to, He's my best friend," she cried, tears falling down her defiant cheeks.
"Do you always scold yourself out loud?" said Ron from behind her, startling her. Hermione turned slowly to face him, still unable to meet his eyes.
"Don't worry about it Ron. I was just feeling overwhelmed. I mean we almost DIED yesterday. It all just kind of got to me I guess, and I acted out subconsciously. It was mistake, and I'm sorry," Hermione said, trying to keep her lip from quivering.
Ron pulled a very anguished looking grimace upon meeting Hermione's eyes. He mouth opened and closed a few times, before he finally asked, "Am I really your best friend?"
Hermione nodded, "And today I thought you were right behind me, but it took so long for you and Harry to come out of that house. I thought you were dead. I was just emotional and I'm sorry. I made a mistake," she finished quietly. She defiantly met his eyes, challenging him to ridicule her for being so emotional.
"Don't' say that again," Ron whispered.
"What are you on about?" Hermione asked, as she cocked her head to the side.
Suddenly, Hermione felt Ron's rough fingertips run down her cheeks. Ron swallowed hard.
"Please don't call it a mistake, because then I'll worry that what I'm about to do is a mistake and I'll lose my nerve," he said hoarsely, looking above her head and moving little bits of her hair away from her face.
He took one more large breath and pressed his lips against Hermione's, his hands freely cupping her face. His light kiss was excruciating as if he was afraid of her. But when Hermione put her arms around his neck, the intensity was staggering.
This was the end for Hermione. She knew in that moment she was his. She felt like she was melting, and everything good in them was combining. Ron kissed her like that one simple act would take away all fear and uncertainty. He kissed her with hopeful enthusiasm. Hermione Granger now completely belonged to Ron Weasley. Of course, she would never tell him that. The key to her heart was on a need to know basis.
Ron's hands slowly moved from her face to her shoulders. They eventually stilled on the small of her back. He broke the kiss and Hermione let out a soft whimper.
"Hermione," Ron groaned, leaning to rest his forehead against hers, "am I really your best friend?"
"Yes, but you don't' have to rub it in!" Hermione said, smiling.
Ron turned his eyes on hers, pressed his long nose to her small one, and said "You're mind too…though I think there's more to it now."
"UGH! Finally!" Said Hermione, smiling. "The art of subtlety is completely lost on you Ronald Weasley."
"Why be subtle when you can leave it all out in the open?" whispered Ron, taking one last furtive glance at her before kissing down her neck. Hermione let out an involuntary moan at the feeling of his rough lips on the most sensitive parts of her neck. Her quick breaths seemed to encourage Ron, and he slid a sly hand up her shirt and let it rest directly on her skin. Hermione thought she would melt.
"Oh bollocks to subtlety!" She proclaimed, jumping onto Ron and wrapping her legs around his waist. Ron answered back with equal fervor even after his head slammed into the wall while trying to find his balance. He held her in as close to him as possible. When one of Ron's long hands grasped Hermione's bum, Her hips pressed into Ron's. She gasped in spite of herself to feel his cock press back against her center. Ron pulled his head away from hers and groaned. When Hermione looked up at Ron, she was met with bright red cheeks and panic-stricken eyes.
" 'Mione I'm sorry for…ummm…" he said, turning even redder and looking down. Realizing what he meant, Hermione blushed a little as well.
"Oh! Umm! Well, that's a perfectly natural physical reaction that happens when one is aroused," Hermione said. Ron chuckled. "What?" she demanded.
"Leave it to you to turn a boner into a lesson," Ron said, eyes shining. Ron rubbed the back of his head, grabbed her hand, and led her over to a cushy sofa in the corner of the library. They both sat down awkwardly, but he managed to guide her into his lap. He was still chortling from their uncomfortable little exchange.
Hermione thought with vindictive glee that she needed to put his snarky little attitude out.
"Besides, I found it very enjoyable," she said, smirking slightly and wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him closer. Ron sighed and rested his nose in her neck.
Hermione was overwhelmed but in the best way possible. She started to breath in slower, to prolong the whole experience. After too much fear and doubt, she felt sure and safe. She actually even felt hopeful. It was as it if were just Ron and Hermione, locked tight together and unbreakable.
However, Hermione felt cold sweeping over her at the thought of being unbreakable. That was a fairy tale. What the dementor showed her felt real. She saw so many things. Visions of Ron after he was poisoned, the Death Eaters stunning Harry at the wedding, Inferi clawing at Ron's head, Ron calling her a nightmare, and everyone she loved, dying in this damned war. It chilled Hermione to the bone that those images could still be so fresh and ripe in her mind.
Ron pulled back and looked inquisitively at Hermione. His eyes were soft, and it's almost like he felt what she was feeling. She bit her lip and willed herself not to ruin this moment. It seemed as though Ron knew what was buzzing around inside her head. He pulled her close to him again, letting her rest her head on his shoulder as he drew lazy circles on her back. After a while, Hermione realized she was still frozen on Ron's shoulder and lifted her head from the comfortable position to meet his eyes again. She just wanted to know things were okay. One look from Ron told her he understood. And she was overcome, once again, with an intense passion for him.
Ron pressed his hands on Hermione's waist and kissed her hard. His tongue danced across her lips, and Hermione welcomed what was quickly becoming the familiar taste. She felt wonton, as she freely threaded her fingers in his hair. He seemed completely lost in her. It felt amazing to be so caught up in something so good after a year of hunting something so dark. It was like drinking after walking in the dessert. The desire seared through her like electricity, and hit that spot in her center that had been neglected for months. She whimpered when Ron ran his hands up her ribcage and she dug her hips into his lap hard. Ron met her with equal force, sending fire up her spine.
Without even realizing it, Ron's hands had managed to work their way up under her tee shirt. He pulled away from her to look at her, as if making sure this was actually happening. He smirked a little kissed her nose. Hermione really didn't want the fairy tale to end; she wanted to feel that heat, that warmth for as long as she could. And from the feeling between her legs, so did Ron. Hermione mustered up all of her courage and slowly pulled off her top, letting the cool breeze run Goosebumps up and down her back. Ron's eyes grew wide but he quickly began kissing her collarbone.
Hermione lost herself in him. As he moved his hands across ever inch of exposed skin and ran his lips over where he could gracefully reach, she moved her hips faster and faster, grinding against him, hoping to create that perfect amount of pressure and electricity. There was no turning back for her at this point. She pulled at Ron's shirt and he left him willingly.
"Oh, Hermione, you look amazing. Even more so than I pictured," said Ron, breathing out.
"Pictured? Have you pictured me often?" Hermione inquired, happen to feel the lightened mood.
"More often than I'm sure you'd be comfortable with," Ron blushed.
"It's probably nothing compared to what I've thought of you, when things got really dark, or really cold, or when I just wanted to feel better," she whispered.
Ron pushed her onto her back with the perfect amount of force and she landed in a flash of hair on the worn cushions of the couch.
"I need you to know, Hermione, that I can stop at any time, but I really don't want to," Ron whispered, asking a question with his eyes.
"Just keep going, please. I don't want this to end yet," Hermione exclaimed in a breathy voice.
Ron put a shaky hand on her shoulder and slowly slid down the straps of her bra, kissing carefully as he went, all the way to the valley between her breasts. Hermione shuddered at this new contact. She heard Ron gasp as he slowly pulled her lacey bra down and exposed her, more than she had ever been to a man before.
"Oh god 'Mione!" Ron moaned as he thumb ran across her taught nipple. Hermione's hips jerked forth. It felt amazing to have Ron touch her that way. All of those nights alone in her bed, imagining his hands on her couldn't compare to what it actually felt like. She didn't want him to be the only brave one in the fantasy though. She mustered up all the courage she had and ran a tentative hand along the lining of his worn jeans. When he didn't protest, she unbuttoned his jeans, and moved the zipper down slowly. She heard his breathing quicken and his mouth hovered near her ear, his hand frozen on her chest. Hermione, however, took her time. She ran her hands across his hipbones feeling his muscles tense up. She let her fingers follow the light dusting of hair down to below his underwear.
It wasn't at all how she expected it to be. When she bravely reached her hand down and wrapped her small fingers around his length, his hips thrust forward, his hand grasped her waist, and he moaned her name. That sound on his lips was heaven to Hermione. She felt powerful. She began to move her hands in keeping with his responses, she was surprised at how wet she had became. Ron wanted her, she could feel it pulsating in her hand, hear it on his lips, and taste it in his kiss. She could have exploded right then, but Ron reached down and carefully pulled her hand away.
"I'm sorry, 'Mione. That just feels too good. I don't know if I could handle anymore without, well…you know?" Ron said, blushing and messing with her hair again.
He began kissing down her chest, finally letting his lips touch her exposed nipples. All Hermione could do was hum at the feeling as his tongue lavished her delicate skin. She felt one of Ron's free hands reach the table near the couch and he grabbed his wand. Hermione gave him a questioning look, and he responded with a mischievous smirk reminiscent of the Twins. With a wink, a string of light left his wand and wrapped around the edges of the couch…and it was instantly expanded to look more like a bed. Hermione didn't even think of the implications, she was too impressed by the magic.
"That was amazing. You did a nonverbal transfiguration spell!" She breathed, looking at his satisfied face.
"Well, when you're properly motivated," Ron said, kissing her quickly on the lips, "anything is possible."
"I'll remember to take off my top more often," said Hermione, taking the chance to undo her bra and set it neatly on the floor, using her arms to cover herself. "Maybe I'll just fight the confrontation with Voldemort topless…" Hermione said, but froze as she realized how glib she was being. However, Ron just gazed sweetly down at her and kissed her softly. The thought of dying was always hanging over their heads, but Hermione decided to just let it hang up there, while she enjoyed the events unfolding. She became very aware of how close Ron's hands were to the clasp of her jeans. He murmured something that sounded very much like "Can I?" and Hermione nodded.
Instead of doing what she though Ron was going to do, he slowly slid her jeans off, exposing her almost completely to the cold air of the Library. She heard the rustle of Ron shedding his jeans as well. His hands began to run up and down her legs, tracing the battle scars she had received over those months of searching for horcruxes. Hermione was sure that the first time she was exposed this much to a man, she would be petrified with fear and insecurity. She should have known better. Hermione enjoyed his heavy, almost overwhelmed gaze as it danced across her form, his hands following his eyes. She felt beautiful, and comfortable. This was Ron after all. He already knew her inside, outside seemed like nothing after that.
Ron seemed to have the same sort of idea. He rose up with his half-naked body stretched out, and flopped down on the couch right next to her, grinning uncontrollably. He began planting kisses quickly all over her face. Hermione was embarrassed to find herself giggling like a first year.
Lucky for her things became very serious very quickly, as Ron pressed himself to her side. She could feel his need for her throbbing in the vicinity of her thigh, and the heat quickly returned in waves to her center. She had a novel feeling of desire coursing through her, and she silently willed Ron to touch her. And as if by magic, his hand pressed flat against her stomach and slid underneath the band of her underwear. Hermione breathed in sharply, as if to brace herself.
"You're so beautiful Hermione. I hate to ruin it by mucking all of this up. I've never done anything like this before," Ron said, looking at her to gauge her response. Hermione was surprised after his display in sixth year with Lav Lav, but endeared and relieved that at least he was at the same level as her.
"It'll be okay, Ron. I want you to keep going," Hermione whispered, bringing Ron's head down and pressing her lips to his.
Ron's stilled hand moved again, agonizingly slowly until it finally hit her center. Hermione's legs opened of their own volition and she felt Ron's gentle hands slowly move up and down in between her lips. Hermione couldn't help but push against his hand, she wanted more, needed more. He moved his fingers inside of her, and for the second time that night, she saw stars. His thumb had found her clit and now they were moving simultaneously as fire began to build up somewhere around Hermione's middle.
"Bloody hell you're amazing!" Ron exclaimed, continuing his enthusiastic endeavor, "I don't think I'm going to survive this night if you keep up feeling this good."
"Ron, I need more," Hermione whispered, biting his bottom lip as she pulled him on top of her. She was astounded by how aggressive she could be, but considering how forceful she found herself in daily life, this shouldn't be odd.
"Oh Hermione, I don't know what I did to deserve this, but remind me to do it over and over again until I die," Ron said. He kissed down her stomach and removed her simple white underwear. He slyly slid off his boxers and crawled toward her, looking remarkable like a lion going in for the kill…if it weren't for the goofy grin plastered across his sweaty face.
As he lay there, poised above her, searching for some thought in the back of his mind, Hermione was completely lost in him. He was hopelessly gangly and too tall for his body, but his arms had taken a beautiful shape, arcing at each turn of muscle. His strong shoulders held him there above her effortlessly, while flexing in a wave down his back. His ribs were barely visible anymore, as defined muscles seemed to be invading his chest. His collarbone popped out from below his neck, as strong tendons led Hermione to his face. His face always took her breath away, even before she would admit to herself how she felt about him. His eyes were so expressive; she could always tell exactly what he was thinking. His smile was lopsided and quirky, just like Ron. And the smattering of freckles that lined his nose and cheeks made him appear like he lived in perpetual summer. Light radiated from him.
Hermione opened her legs as Ron let his weight fall onto her.
"I don't I could handle it if I hurt you, Hermione. I heard it's not pleasant," Ron said, turning his big eyes onto hers.
"It's going to hurt the first time, no matter what. I'm just glad I get to do this with you. And besides, once we get over the first, there's always the second, and the third, and so on," she said, in a soothing voice.
"Mmmmm. I like the sound of 'so on,'" Ron said. He moved over her and began to search for her entrance. Hermione guided him in, slowly.
The pain was searing, but soon turned into a dull throb. Ron was frozen, with a disgusted look on his face. Hermione's eyes were shining, tears ready to fall at the corner. Her hands were gripping Ron's shoulders tightly, his hands fisted in the sheets.
"Hermione I…" Ron started, choking on his words.
"It's okay Ron, just move," Hermione groaned.
He pushed into her slowly. Hermione never thought something could hurt so badly, but feel so amazing. She felt as if they owned each other, that they knew each other completely. She loved the feeling of him filling her up, his body pushing repeatedly against her. She loved the sweat that coated his forehead, and the hair that fell lazily into his eyes. She loved how he whispered her name over and over again as he thrust, like she was a spell that would make everything right.
She loved him, more than words.
Hermione barely noticed what was building up inside of her until her entire body clenched and gripped tightly to his cock. Ron let out a feral yell and spilled into her, as she called out his name. She held tightly to his shoulders, frozen on the spot. Her heart was racing and her head was spinning. He has dropped his head to her shoulder and was trying to catch his breath, every once in a while still letting a whimper escape his lips. His body began to relax with hers, and he moved off of her slowly. Hermione felt a loss at the void. For a split second, she doubted what she had just done.
Just then, he draped his arm protectively over her and kissed the side of her head. She sighed, completely contented.
"Hermione?" he asked.
"Yes, Ron?" she answered.
"I just need to know, why spotted dick? Why out of all the wonderful desserts and after weeks of horrible food, would you go for something so boring?" He asked, leaning up to look at her.
Hermione chuckled heartily and turned to him. "Well, I remember when I was little Mom would always make that after Sunday dinners. I always thought it was so sweet and warm. It made me feel safe. It made me think of home. When I got to Hogwarts, I was so scared and I had no friends. But when I saw the spotted dick appear on the tables, I felt reassured, like everything would be a little better. I guess after what happened today, I just wanted to know there was still something solid in the world, something good," Hermione finished, swallowing the lump in her throat.
"I can't promise that everything will be okay, Hermione," Ron whispered, placing his hand softly on the side of her place. "But I can tell you that I'll always be there, and I'll do everything I can to make it so. I love you too much not to try," Ron finished blushing furiously.
Warmth melted inside Hermione like warm custard soaking into sweet dough. Hope was good, even in such a dark time. As long as Ron was next to her, that light would stay there, somewhere in the back of her mind, reminding her of why she was fighting.
The End…AN: Thank you for all the wonderful reviews! Now can you see why Spotted Dick is the official dessert of The Good Ship? I may write another FoodSmut regarding chocolate, for the sweet, smooth, and slightly forbidden romance of Harry and Ginny! Please review!