To my loyal reviewers and followers, thank you so much for your support. This brings our short story to a close, and I am so happy to have accomplished it. You are all lovely.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and the Wizarding World that J.K. Rowling so magnificently created.

MALFOY IS MAJORLY OOC IN THIS STORY.—that should do it, hm?

Ginny awoke on her wedding day, body sunk into a luxurious bed. It took her a few moments to realize she was in a room at Norton Amerstone. The future room of the future Mrs. Potter.

Unlike the nerves from before, Ginny now felt a secure warmth all throughout her that had nothing to do with the surprisingly warm breeze coming through the open windows.

"'Ello gov'na."

Ginny blinked her eyes clear and realized Sarai stood at the open window, a goofy grin plastered on her face. "Sorry, love. I had to."

"To what?" Ginny asked, surprised at her own morning voice. "Say the cheesiest line that the Americans have given us?"

"Yes," Sarai replied shortly. "Moving on! Gabrielle has gone to make sure that your groom is doing what he's supposed to, and she'll be back with breakfast, even though it's twelve o'clock. You've got a hair appointment at two, but for now I've got you a bath running, so you should go do that."

Ginny followed orders. When Sarai left, she went into the adjacent room to find a beautiful bathroom, looking as if it were right out of a castle. The tub was dark grey stone, exactly like the outside of the manor. It was square, with three iron faucets. The middle one was running clear water, the other two purple-lish looking water that Ginny assumed was soap.

Ginny sunk easily into the hot water. She felt a sigh of pleasure escape her lips at the way it seeped into her muscles. Though she'd slept well the night before, she found that her eyes drifted closed. When the tub was full, the water automatically stopped and Ginny found herself quite pleased that magic was the essence of her life.

"Ginnyyyyyy," a voice sang softly. Her eyes blinked open so that she could see Gabrielle poking her head in the bathroom. "It's time to get out, my friend."

"Oh alright," Ginny answered sleepily. She waited for Gabrielle to slink back out before standing and drying herself off. She wrapped herself in the blue silk robe Gabrielle left for her and walked back to the bedroom. She smiled at the sight that filled her head—she and Harry sleeping there with children suddenly bounding in the room to see them.

In the attached sitting room, Ginny discovered it had been turned into a spa of sorts. She ate at the window overlooking her personal garden, where an older man sat with knees in the dirt. She imagined being able to grow her own flowers for the rest of her smile and smiled. A professional from Diagon Alley stepped into her view, however, prepared to begin Ginny's treatments. It started with a fully body massage. Ginny and all the bridesmaids, as well as Mrs. Weasley, were treated. They next got facial treatments, finishing with manicures and pedicures.

Ginny then changed into sandals and a dress that she could slide on like a robe, and tied it into place. The girls were driven by Sarai and Hermione (who knew how to drive because of their muggle upbringing) into town the town of Little Braille, where they all got their hair done. By then, it was around five o'clock, so they returned to the house.

Ginny was able to munch on some fruit, cheese, and crackers while the girls all finished getting ready. Conversation was light and happy, Ginny felt relaxed (yet upbeat) and she couldn't be happier to have her friends around her.

"Luna," Sarai said as she slipped back into the room. She'd gone with Gabrielle to check up on the men. "Neville is looking quite spiffy, don't you think?"

"Yes he is," Luna agreed. "He's lost his baby fat and seems awfully determined to look as handsome as Draco or Dean."

Sarai grinned. "Draco's sort of beautiful, I don't know if Neville can have that title quite yet."

"I still think he's quite handsome," Luna smiled. She played with a flower petal from the lilies in her bouquet, eyes as dreamy as ever. "Quite handsome."

Ginny and the girls giggled at her. "It's nice to see you in love, Luna."

The other girl didn't reply, just continued to smile.

A knock came at the door. Gabrielle rushed to it: "Who is it?"

"Ron," a voice called through the door. "With Penelope and Gideon."

Gideon and Penelope Hartfield. The two were Ginny's little 'cousins' who lived in France, and the only family whom she'd truly remained in contact with. They were five years old, and children of a family friend. They lived in Paris because of their father's job, which gave Ginny plenty of opportunity to see them more often than her immediate family.

Since Harry nor Sirius had any younger family, Gideon would be the ring bearer and Penelope would be the flower girl. Harry had decided he adored them both, and they practically worshipped him. It was finally praise and love that Harry felt he deserved.

"Bring them in!" Ginny called happily. "I have a few minutes before the dress goes on."

Ron did walk in, looking quite handsome in his grey muggle suit and lavender tie/vest ensemble. By request of Ginny, he'd slicked back part of his hair to keep it tidy, which gave him a rather put together appearance he didn't generally have.

(Hermione had to stop herself from openly gaping at him. Sarai, however, laughed and threw him a wink. "You'd pass for handsome, Weasley." Ron blushed at the compliment.)

Gideon ran in, launching himself at Ginny's legs. "Ginny, I have something for you!"

"I wanna give it to her!" Penelope pouted, picking up the hem of her dress and rushing to Ginny as well. Her dress was custom made to look almost exactly like Ginny's, but with a lavender ribbon tied around the waist.

"But Harry gave it to me!" Gideon huffed unpleasantly.

Ginny made sure her robe was secure around her and knelt down, smiling brilliantly. "How about you both give it to me, hmm? That way it's fair for us all?"

"Okay," the twins agreed reluctantly. Gideon held a piece of parchment with one hand, opposite Penelope. The two then held it towards Ginny, who kissed both their cheeks in thanks.

Opening up the parchment, Ginny smiled widely. Harry had written her favorite quote, When I saw you, I loved you, and you smiled because you knew. —Harry xx.

Ginny ripped the bottom part of the parchment off and scribbled back, You should be the one smiling, mon cherie.

"Now," she said. "I love you both, but Gideon, you must return to Harry, alright? Can you carry a secret message to him?"

"Yes I can!" Gideon puffed out his chest. "Ronny, come on, I have to take this letter to Harry!"

After kissing Hermione quickly, Ron escorted the young boy out of the room. Ginny glanced in the mirror and smiled at the half up, half down, slightly poofed hairstyle she had. It was something she never did, though the curls in her hair felt comfortable. With heavier than normal make up and lavender in her hair, she felt like a different person.

Even more so when she put on her dress. Ginny felt a little strange in her complete outfit, dress tied up and lavender colored heals on. Her own breath caught in her throat; she could believe it when her mother told her she looked magnificent.

After making sure everyone was dressed, Gabrielle went to send Molly and the boys out to their positions. Ginny held up her dress with the help of friends and walked from the third floor of her summer home (she now had a summer home in the country!) and went onto the back patio.

They followed the pathway set for the bridal party and made their way to the lower gardens until they stood behind a cloaked entrance. Though Ginny knew it was magically cloaked so nobody could see her, it was quite strange to see all the people gathered for her wedding. Harry stood at the front, followed by Ron, Neville, Draco, and one of Ginny's friends from Beauxbatons, Louis. Her heart beat increased at the confident look on Harry's face—he was ready for this, sure of this, and so was she.

This made the trip down the aisle easy. It took nothing to float towards Harry, who smiled widely at her. His eyes looked slightly watery and his smile adoring, and she couldn't help but laugh softly at the sight of him. At the love in his eyes, her lips pulled into a pleased smile.

"You smiled, because you knew," he whispered.

"I love you too," Ginny returned. "Let's get married, hmm?"

She had never seen Harry smile more.