Their wedding was spectacular, a true celebration. People of Andulasia would talk about it for decades. The beauty of their Queen-to-be, the way the Prince could barely take his eyes of his bride. It was quickly acknowledged it was a love match, not a diplomatic match.

The people of Andulasia took Ginny into their hearts. Her quick wit, her compassion, her gentleness with children and the elderly all won her many hearts. Harry would burst with pride when one of his subjects would tell him how wonderful Ginny was. They would go on to surpass even James and Lily as the most popular King and Queen ever.

Ginny and Harry were wed in the palace in front of their families and other heads of state. The crowds of people gathered outside, hoping for a glimpse of their Prince and his beloved bride. Ginny insisited they make their way to the balconey to see their people. The crowd went wild when James, Lily, Harry and Ginny appeared.

"Kiss, kiss!" they all chanted. Harry grinned and whispered in Ginny's ear. Then, to the roar of approval from the crowd, they leaned in and kissed. James and Lily looked on approvingly, and they all waved to their people as they left them to return to the palace to begin their wedding dinner.

The fireworks were stunning, the best any one had ever seen. George and Fred were mesmerised, and quickly decided they needed to try and emulate the fireworks to sell in their shop.

After a month long honeymoon travelling around Europe visiting Ginny's brothers and their new wives and Harry's friends, they returned to the palace and life settled into some sort of routine.

Harry would spend much of his day with James and Remus, and Ginny with Lily, as they learned the ways of governing and running a kingdom. The foursome would dine together each night, sometimes accompanied by Sirius, Peter, Remus and his new bride Nymphadora.

To the contined joy of their people, Harry proudly announced the birth of his son, Charles Arthur Potter. It was a birth to celebrate, as it contunued the Potter line and assured the people there would be a Potter on the throne for a long time to come.

News of the dark wizard continued, and with a heavy heart, King James announced they were at war. He called for volunteers to help in the fight for the Light, led by Albus Dumbledore, once an aquaintance of Grindelwald. They would join their comrades from England and Europe in their quest to stop Grindelwald's quest for wizarding domination over the Muggles. King James was hoping for a swift victory before he amassed too large a following.

Harry led Andulasia's troops. He was a natural leader, inspiring others. He led from the front, joining his comrades, Viktor and Neville, who were leading their countries. They captured Grindelwald and his small army, and imprisoned him in Nurmengard. Harry was injured, struck in the head with a cutting curse. He would go on to have a scar for the rest of his life.

He returned home a hero to find Ginny had given birth to their second child, a girl. Elizabeth Molly Potter had her father's eyes and the small fuzz on her head was a red/blonde colour. She became the apple of her daddy's eye, and was known to be the only person that Sirius Black could never say no to.

Charles would grow up and marry a fine Muggleborn, Diana. Together they would have two sons, William and Harry II. Charles and William would continue the growth of Andulasia, making it a prosperous country.

Elizabeth, known as Beth except to Sirius who called her Lizzy, liked to visit her mother's family in England, and it was while she was there she met a man called Abraham, known as Abe. Elizabeth was a lot like her grandmother Lily. Abe and Beth married and they lived in England, where Abe became the new Minister for Magic. Beth's grandfather Arthur delighted in them living in England, and Beth became very close to him. He shared many stories of her grandmother and her mother with her.

Remus and Tonks married and had a son, Theodore Remus Lupin, although Sirius soon called him Teddy, and it stuck. He was a close friend of Charles, and like his father, became Charles' private advisor.

Sirius never married, but took on the role of Andualsia's allowed him to travel extensively, where he enjoyed the company of many different women. None however managed to drag him to the altar.

The Weasley brothers and their wives prospered too. Bill and Fleur had three children, the eldest a girl, Victoria. She was betrothed to Teddy Lupin, and looked forward to spending a lot of time with her Aunt Ginny, whom she had heard so much about.

Charlie and his two wives had eight children. Parvati had given birth to twin boys, then a girl and another boy. Padma had given birth to twin girls, and then two boys in three years. They were happy with the life they led.

Fred and Angelina, George and Katie had two children each, both a boy and a girl. Their shop, Weasley Wizarding Wheezes was doing very well, and they opened another one in the village of Hogsmeade.

Ron was enjoying much success with the Chudley Cannons, and was a Quidditch star. Hermione had changed the rules on rights for house elves, and had moved on as Minister for International Relations. She and Ron had two children, Rose and Hugo.

But for now, we return to Andulasia. For Harry and Ginny, their love for each other only deepened in time. As they stepped onto the balconey where they had shared their kiss on their wedding day, so did they do the same as they appeared for the first time as King and Queen of Andulasia. Harry held his son, now four, while Ginny held Beth, nearly two. The crowd cheered as the children waved, then ran back to their grandparents, James and Lily.

King Harry and Queen Ginny looked over the people of Andulasia. Their people. The people they had just promised to serve faithfully in their best interests.

"Kiss, Kiss," the crowd chanted, just as they had done at their wedding.

Harry and Ginny smiled at each other. They leaned over and kissed, making little Beth giggle as everyone cheered. Charles screwed his nose up, making Sirius laugh. Harry eyed his son and godfather together and grinned.

"Is that what you would call living in the moment?" he asked with a chuckle, as he took his son from his father.

"Oh yeah," agreed Sirius, making funny faces at Elizabeth as she looked at him from her grandmother's arms and giggled.

The crowd cheered for their beloved Royal Family.

It was a happy day to be in Andulasia.

A/N So, recognise a few names and scenarios? Ginny and Harry's wedding kiss on the balconey was, of course, taken from Charles and Diana's wedding kiss, which then inspired the marriage of their son Charles to the Muggleborn Diana, followed by the subseqent naming of their two sons. Abe and Beth were named after two characters from a British miniseries, 'New Worlds', just because i think Jamie Dornan is H-O-T!

Im going off the radar for a bit as Im writing a new story. Thanks to all who have read my stories, and even bigger thanks if you have reveiwed. Cheers xx