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![]() Author has written 92 stories for Fullmetal Alchemist, Outlaw Star, Naruto, Bleach, Black Lagoon, Future Diary/未来日記, Far Cry, Punisher, Fairy Tail, Highschool of the Dead, Deadman Wonderland/デッドマン・ワンダーランド, Gantz, Deadpool, Call of Duty, Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, Red Dawn, Suicide Squad, Anime X-overs, Boondock Saints, Teen Titans, Soul Eater, Blade, RWBY, Kill la Kill/ キルラキル, Witchblade, Assassination Classroom/暗殺教室, Battle Royale, A Nightmare on Elm Street, American McGee's Alice, Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei, Jormungand/ヨルムンガンド, Akame ga Kiru/アカメが斬る, John Wick, Walking Dead, Persona Series, Code Geass, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Marvel vs Capcom, Kick-Ass, Biker Mice From Mars, Valkyrie, Legendary, Warriors, Wolfenstein series, Pulp Fiction, Red vs. Blue, Phantom ~Requiem for the Phantom~, Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui!, Sunset Overdrive, Tokyo Ghoul/東京喰種トーキョーグール, Baka and Test - Summon the Beasts/バカとテストと召喚獣 , Avengers, Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Gangsta./ギャングスタ, Deathstroke the Terminator, Watch Dogs, Shadow Warrior, Prison School/監獄学園, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Preacher, Hotline Miami, Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri, Man in the High Castle, Testament of Sister New Devil/新妹魔王の契約者, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Valkyrie Drive: Mermaid, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Re:Zero, Django Unchained, Expendables, and Old Guard, 2020. HELLO ALL MY DEMONIC CORPSES, AND WELCOME TO THE LAIR OF THE MASTER OF CHAOS, THE COMMANDER OF THE LEGION OF CORPSES, BloodyDemon666! HERE'S A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR'S TRULY... I am a type of guy who enjoys Violent Video games and a lot of Japanese Anime and Manga. In fact my goal for the future is to take a one way trip to Japan. First I need to make a lot of money for a passport, Plane ticket and enough for a house there. I enjoy a lot of stories that are crossed over with anime and movies, TV shows, or Video games. I hope to start writing stories for all to see. I also am inspired by all the people who can give me support and can give support. I am still working on fanfictions and in need of dire inspiration. Feel free to share or review any of my stories. And all my fanfictions/crossover are a mix of live action/anime! Attention all guest flamers: Those who decide to remain anonymous and review my stories, your reviews will be deleted! And to any demonic corpses out there trying to make a stand against flamers, take a stand for what you believe in! Ask for name and age (if you wish to friend me on Facebook) Also Have Skype, so ask to be skyped! Favorite Anime: Hard to say, it's like picking a favorite child! But if you ask what my Alpha anime is, hands down..."Black Lagoon!" And the runner up as Beta, "Jormungand!" Gamma is "Kill La Kill" followed by "Witchblade" Holy Grail of anime: Outlaw Star Dragon Ball Z and Tenchi Muyo Gender: 100% Male Birthday: February 16 Favorite anime/manga authors: Rei Hiroe (Black Lagoon) Tite Kubo (Bleach/Zombie Powder) Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto) Kohske (Gangsta) Daisuke and Shouji Sato (HighSchool Of the Dead) Akria Hiramoto (Prison School) Trigger/Kazuki Nakashima (Kill La Kill) Monty Oum (RWBY) [God rest his soul] Favorite Place to set most of my stories: Boston, Massachusetts Favorite Comic Book Villain: The clown prince of crime, Joker (Animated) Mark Hamill (hands down) (Live Action) Late-great Heath Ledger (Even though it's a shame he died) Favorite Sports teams: Boston Red Sox (Reason: Grew up with them and went to Fenway twice!) New England Patriots (don't diss on Tom Brady or brings up deflate gate, I will block you for it!) Favorite Movies: Suicide Squad Hunger Games Kick Ass 1 and 2 Who Framed Roger Rabbit The Boondock Saints Expendables X-Men A Clockwork Orange Sin City 300 John Wick *Huge fan* The Purges mostly anything with violence in it! Favorite Comics: Punisher Deathstroke Deadpool Suicide Squad Preacher Red Hood And The Outlaws Captain America Kick Ass Favorite TV shows: The Walking Dead Preacher Into The Badlands Wynona Earp Sons Of Anarchy (My mom got me into it) Big Bang Theory Breaking Bad Anything with a good plot in it. Favorite Bands: Avenged Sevenfold Disturbed Five Finger Death Punch Sick Puppies My Chemical Romance Spineshank Three Days Grace Drowning Pool (Anything to make the violence motivational along with some classic rock) Favorite Video games: Call of Duty series GTA series Dishonored Borderlands 1 and 2 Far Cry 3 and 4 Wolfenstein: The New Order and other shooters or anything with Violence in it for a general reference Personality: Anti-Hero Motivation: Violence, anime, and money Not My Cup Of Tea: Yaoi Stories I usually Go bananas for (In a good way) let alone enjoy writing: Yuri and Harem (Yuri harems usually gets insta-fave and follow!) Stories That kinda Drive Me Nuts: Stories that cut off when things get good and/or that don't have any closure! OC Names: Otaku Slinger Anarchist Anthem: Bad Company by Five Finger Death Punch When I'll Retire from Fanfiction Writing: If I have an ailing condition with a limited amount of days to live, if my hands are so broken that I can't work or type, and if the impending apocalypse happens! Extra Material from me and other writers: This is really sweet... When a girl is quiet, a million things are running through her mind. When a girl is not arguing, she is thinking deeply. When a girl looks at you with her eyes full of question, she is wondering how long you will be around. When a girl answers "I'm fine." after a few seconds, she is not fine at all. When a girl stares at you, she is wondering why you are lying. When a girl rests her head on your chest, she is wishing for you to be her's forever. When a girl wants to see you everday, she wants to be pampered. When a girl says "I love you." she means it. When a girl says "I miss you." nobody could miss you more than that. Life only comes around once, so make sure you spend it with the right person. Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, and calls you back when you hang up on him. The guy who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. The one who holds your hand in front of his friends and is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you there for him. The one who turns to his friends and declares "That's her.". If you read this, you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life. If you repost this, in five minutes your true love will call or message you. Tonight at midnight, they will realize that they love you. Something good will happen at approximately 1:42 pm tomorrow, and it could happen anywhere. So get ready for the biggest shock of your life. If you don't repost this, you will be cursed with relationship problems for all of eternity. Repost this to your profile, and spare yourself the emotional stress. Favorite John Wick Quote: "Viggo, when Helen died, I felt like I lost everything, until that dog arrived at my doorstep, a final gift from my wife, in that moment, I received a semblance of hope, an opportunity to grieve unalone, and your son, took that from me. Stole that from me. KILLED THAT FROM ME!!! People keep asking if I'm back, and I haven't really answer, but now yeah, I'm thinking I'm back. So either you can hand over your son, or YOU CAN DIE SCREAMING ALONGSIDE HIM!!!!" Copy this if you're a fan of John Wick: No matter how many reboots, or spin offs you do to the John Wick series, you *Cannot* replace Keanu Reeves for someone else as John Wick for John Wick Is Keanu Reeves and Keanu Reeves is John Wick! And you can bet your bottom dollar on that! *This is a true story. A girl died in 1933. A man buried her when she was still alive. The murderer chanted," Toma Sota balcu," as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this on your profile, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded. Lucilia* I apparently read this and I must post it so I won't get cursed! Do YOU remember the 90s?? Just because you were born in '97 doesn't mean you're a 90's kid. It's not like you could remember the original Simpsons. I am sorry but three conscious years of the 90's just wont cut it. You're a 90's kid if you remember: You remember watching -Doug -Ren & Stimpy -Pinky and the Brain -AAAAAAAH Real Monsters! -Rockos modern Life. -Animaniacs -Gargoyles You had a ferbie and grew sick of it because it wouldn't shutup!! All in all, that's me in a nut shell |