This is a weird little idea that popped into my head, I'm just putting it on here to see if anyone wants to see more. I do have a few more chapters in the works, one more of which might be uploaded today. I am burrowing A LOT from comic dubs and various head-canons, most from Miraculous Cora Zone's Youtube Comic Dubs.

I am open to ideas/ suggestions, and in case I don't update before, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Read and Review, would ye kindly?


It had been a hectic few days for the Pines twins, Soos and Stan Pines; being accused of identity theft, toxic waste being stolen, secret agents chasing after them, and above all else, beng turned against each other with only seconds t0 spare and a world changing choice having to be made.

In the end, Mabel had chosen to trust Stan, and the portal brought out someone.

"The author of the journals….My brother."

But he wasn't alone.

He was followed by a boy, no older than 16. A boy with tanned skin, youthful freckles on his cheeks and eyes that made Mabel think of an avocado. He wore a black explorer's outfit with farmer's working gloves and had a pair of green glasses on his nose. At his side, there was a cane and what appeared to be an I-Pad.

"Finally! After all these years long years of waiting…" Stan tearfully praised. "You're actually here! Brother!"

The author punched Stan in the face, shocking everyone save the boy who had come with him

"What the heck was that for?" Stan shouted indignantly, more annoyed than anything.

"This was an INSANELY risky move; restarting the portal!"

"It got us here, didn't it?" The boy noted

"Not now, Oscar!"

"Sorry." The boy sighed, clearly not really meaning it.

"Didn't you read my warnings?" The author asked his brother, who shrugged them off.

"How's about maybe a thanks for saving for from what appears to be…." He squinted. "I don't know…some kind of…weird, sci-fi, sideburn dimension?"

The boy named Oscar looked like he was going to object to that comment when Ford, rather incensed, asked

"Thank you? You really think I'm going to thank you AFTER WHAT YOU DID THIRTY YEARS AGO?!"

"What I did?! Why you ungrateful little…!" He moved to punch his brother, but the Author dodged with little effort and grabbed him from behind. "Don't expect me to go easy…just because you're family!"

The two then landed on the floor.

"Hey, hi. Mabel here, quick question: WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE?!"

It was then that both the Author and Oscar realized that it wasn't just them and Stan; a pair of twin tweens and what appeared to be large, hairless gopher.

"I get that a lot." Soos laughed

"Oh, so he's not a Faunus." The boy mused, whipped out a small notepad and writing something down.

"They're your family, poindexter!" Stan explained in irritation after getting off the ground. "Shermie's grandkids."

"I….I have a niece and nephew?" The author asked in surprise and what seemed to be happiness.

"I have cousins?" The boy said, giddiness clear on his face as he stopped writing to take a good look at the kids.

The words that had been said sank into the twins' mind, as did their uncle.

"YOU HAVE A KID?!" Stan shouted his brother in shock.

"I was surprised, too." Oscar smirked.

The Author paid this no mind, reaching down and shaking Mabel's hand with a smile.

"Greetings!" He then faltered. "Do kids still say 'greetings?' I haven't been in this dimension for a really long time."

Mabel didn't seem to care; she was more occupied with getting a six fingered handshake ('a full finger friendlier than normal', she claimed) and Dipper was reacting very similarly to a certain book-lover that Oscar knew…at least until she'd actually met the author of her favorite series.

"Um…who are you?" Dipper asked.

"My name is Oscar Pine." The boy announced, taking off his glasses and putting them in a case. "My friends call me Ozpin."

"Listen, there'll be time for introductions later," The Author said with a smile, making it clear he wasn't cutting this short out of malice before he faced his brother. "But first: Tell me, Stan; are there any security breaches? Does anyone else know about this portal?"

"No, just us." Stan replied with a firm resolve….. He then added:

"Also, maybe the entire US government."


"Oh that's just great." Oscar sighed, rubbing his forehead, at the sight of men in suits fanning all over the area on security cameras. "It's Mistral all over again."

"Well, looks like we're down here for a while…" Mabel used. "Who wants to tell us their entire mysterious life story?"

"Yes, I have some questions, Stanley." The Author said as he edited a journal.

"…Stanley?" Dipper asked.

"But…your name's Stanford" Mabel followed.

"Wait, you took my name?" The Author asked. "WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING ALL THESE YEARS, YA KNUCKLEHEAD!?"


Oscar Pine (AKA Pines, it's a miracle how much of a difference one letter makes) had been through a lot in the past two years; he had gone from being a simple hand on his Aunt Dorothy's humble little farm to being promoted to the leader of the forces of good against a seemingly never-ending battle when he suddenly inherited the aura of Professor Ozpin. He'd been forced into training under one of the most skilled men of his world and been pressed to grasp the enormous powers he wielded as the newest wizard.

He was still pretty sure what he could do was only a fraction of the full skill set. Honestly, he doubted he would ever grasp the full power of the Wizard, even if he lived for a thousand lives…..which, thanks to a certain witch being gone, was highly unlikely.

It had taken a while, but in the end, he had helped bring that seemingly endless battle to an end, become more than a simple farm-boy (although he was still humble) and made some great friends.

But that was nothing compared to the story Ford and Stan shared, and that was without the fact his story HAD a happy ending.

He was certainly glad to have never met his grandpa Filbrick and certainly understood his father's dislike for his uncle, but he also felt sympathetic for his uncle and respected his many ventures and could honestly think of a few things his father could've done better….

Seriously, Oscar may have lived on a farm his whole life, even if he was well-read, and yes, he was new to the whole science gig, but even he knew about safety regulations

And he wouldn't lie, Oscar was also jealous that Ford had had such a cool brother who stuck up for him. Being an only child and having spent most of his life on a farm hours away from a town, he'd often wished for a sibling to hang out with.

"I think you two need to hug it out!"


"Hug it out!"

Oscar could tell that, even though getting Ford and Stan to reconnect was impossible at this point, he was going to adore Mabel for her attitude. And he knew at least three of his closest friends would like her too.

As it turned out, his uncle may have indeed being responsible for sending Ford to another dimension, but he had also spent the last 30 years living a double life: Working as the owner of a tourist trap by day and then figuring out the portal by night.

Now if only they could get out of this problem with the Government…

Oh wait, they could; Dipper, sharp cookie that he was, whipped out a gun that erased memories and handed it to Ford, who hooked it up to a computer of sorts


All followed his order, and soon the problem was solved; Ford told the men in suits that what they were seeking didn't even exist and made them skidaddle on out faster than he did at Thanksgiving whenever Auntie Dorthy brought one of her…experimental pies.

"I'd have used something that actually looked like a report, but hey, that's just me." Oscar mused, Dipper nodding in agreement to him before moving to ask Ford 'a couple billion questions.'

"Blake has nothing on you, cous." Oscar muttered to himself as Stan came out and told the kids to go to bed.

"But the author…!"

"I said. Hit. The hay."

"You too, Oscar." Ford said, pointing at him to follow the kids.

"Sure." The former farm boy shrugged as he went back inside, catching a look at the dishelved Mystery Shack. He then journeyed back to where the portal had been housed, grabbing his duffel bag and making his way up the stairs, where he caught the last bits of a conversation between Ford and Stan.

Ford waked right past Oscar in the direction of the basement, leaving Oscar in a few doors away from the twins, if the way Stan was pointing to was any indication.

"Thank you."

Stan turned to see his nephew looking at him

"Um…beg pardon?"

"Thank you for allowing us to come here." Oscar said. "And don't worry about him, he;s just really moody, He does appritaite it. And…so do I."

This made Stan raise his brow.

"I don't have much a family in the biological sense." Oscar explained. "So, I'm happy this all happened."

"After everything you heard, aren't you going to…?" Stan started.

"Side with Ford and hate you?" Oscar asked, letting out a weak chuckle and then shaking his head. "No, not really."

"But I…"

A raised hand stopped him.

"Ford and I may be blood, but we're not close." Oscar cut in, seemingly in a mix of pride and sadness. "Never have been. Heck, I didn't even know I HAD a dad until a couple of months ago."

That seemed off to Stan. Sure, Ford had been obsessed with his work and was a busy body, but after living with Filbrick, he couldn't imagine that Ford would be a deadbeat.

"Well, if ya want and it means that much to ya…" The old man mused, adopting a sly smile. "I'll consider you part of the fam too."

Oscar smiled and, in a bit that took the older man by surprise, hugged Stan.

"Thanks, Unc."

Warmth filled the older man as tears began to fill his eyes and he returned the hug

Neither noticed Ford watching the scene, a look of sadness, jealousy and surprisingly, happiness on his face.


"Can I bunk with you guys for the night?"

The twins looked up at their 1st cousin, Dipper had looked it up to be sure, shyly standing outside their room.

"I'll sleep on the floor." He added weakly.


"Did you hear what Ford and Stan were talking about? I think they're getting us puppies made of cupkcakes!" Mabel asked and then declared, making Oscar chuckle.

"Sorry, I didn't hear a word."

He then took out the pad Dipper had spied earlier.

"Oh this?" He asked. "It a Scroll. Ford invented it. It's a personal computer and phone. Still trying to figure out how the dang thing works; I was raised on books and exploring the woods, all this tech is new to me."

"So, the Auth…" Dipper paused and corrected himself. "Grunkle Ford is an inventor back…where are you from anyways?"

Oscar was honestly surprised that question had not come up before.

"Oh yeah, back on Remnant, he's one of the wealthiest and most beloved philanthropists alive." Oscar explained plainly. "He has thousand year lightbulbs that soften the skin, affordable mech-units for all kind of jobs, and he was an avid Supporter of the White Fang group until things went a little downhill."

The twins caught on that it probably wasn't the best to pry for details and didn't quite understand all of what Oscar had explained, but felt some pride and intrigue for their other grunkle.

"And Remnant is….how do I put it? It's a lot smaller than your world, with four kingdoms in peace (now truly, he thought in his head) , and people train to fight monsters called the Grimm. There's bandits, magic….and almost every weapon in also a gun."

Both twins' eyes widened and glowed at the description of the world, which seemed to grow when a picture of Oscar and seven teens showed up on his Scroll's screen.

"Who's that?" Mabel asked, pointing to a girl with silver eyes and red/ black hair who, in the picture, was VERY close to Oscar, their cheeks being squished together as they smiled happily.

Oscar's smile grew at sight.

"That…. is my girlfriend Ruby and her team." He explained pointing to each of the girls, starting white a girl who almost seemed to be lacking any color at all. "That's her partner and, in Ruby's own words as I quote; 'super bestie better than the restie' Weiss Schnee."

Mabel giggled at that

"I think I'd her."

"Ruby? Yes." Oscar smiled. "Weiss? Well…do you know many rich people?"

The twins nodded, Pacifica on their minds.

"Do you know them in a good way, or bad way?" Oscar followed

"Both." The twins answered simply.

"Then you'd like her." Oscar mused. "Bit of a personality, but a good person all around."

"Does that girl have cat ears?" Dipper asked in confusion at the next girl; with long black hair and a white coat.

"That's Blake Belladona, the future chieftain of Meanguire. She's pretty quiet, loves to read…."

"Meanguire?" Mable asked

"It's were most of the Faunus, or people with animal attributes, live." Oscar explained

"I'M MOVING THERE!" Mabel declared. "Oscar, please! Please take me there! A place of animal-people is a dream!"

Oscar cringed

"Mabel…I know you probably didn't know, but, the Faunus, that's what they're called, REALLLY don't like being called 'Animal people.' A buddy of mine learnt that the hard way."

As much as he hated himself, he got a chuckle out of remembering what had happened when Whitley made that mistake. He shook away the memory.

"And that is Ruby's big sister Yang Xialong." Oscar smiled, pointing to the last girl, a voluptuous blonde. "She is as much of a tease as she is beautiful, but she's also the best big sister you could ever have. Before you ask, she and Ruby have different mothers, yes I know who Yang's mom is and NO I will not go into more details than that. You two have had a long day and need to rest."

"Wait, who're the other three?" Dipper asked, spying a blonde boy in a hoodie, a ninja and a girl with orange hair.

"Oh, that's team JNR." Oscar smiled, deciding to let his cousins learn a little more about the world he came from. "The blonde guy is Jaune; kind of a dork, but probably my best friend. The ninja is Ren, he's quiet as long as dancing doesn't come up…"

He shuddered at the memories of when Ren and Jaune had tried to teach him to dance. He saw still Ren in his nightmares, altough not as much as a certain dusty old crow….

"And finally, there's Nora." Oscar beamed with a smile. "My self-proclaimed mother along with Ren. Long story, go to bed."

This did bring up more questions, hut the twins listened to Oscar and turned out the lights.


Oscar was wide awake two hours later, staring at the ceiling. Spying his cousins were fasta sleep, he quietly picked up his scroll and entered messenger:

To: Ruby

'Hey Roseberry! We made it through the portal. Not sure if this'll go through or not, but I can't sleep without trying. I just wanted to check on you and the others; I hope you're not zipping your last few classes through too quickly, what with being the heroine of Remnant and all. You and Weiss go to that café yet? How're Blake and Sun doing? Ren handling Nora now that she knows he knows?'

He chuckled happily.

'Got so many questions…but first of all'

He paused, let out a sigh and finished.

'Any word on Watts?'

During what was slowly being called 'The Battle for Remnant,' Arthur Watts alone had escaped without a trace. At least, officially. While investigating with Qrow, Glynda and Oscar himself, Ford had found a symbol that had scared him so much he gained at least 10 more white hairs:

A triangle with arms and legs, a single eye and what looked like a top hat.

Oscar then realized what a good time he was having so far, all things considered. No, he wouldn't let this good mood die; he'd enjoy himself and whatever contact he could get with Ruby.

'In any case, if you get this, message me back. Don't think I'll be sleeping tonight. And don't worry about too much, just give me a little update and I'll be happy. Send my regards to all. I love you, Roseberry.'

Sending the message, he shot his cousins a smile, gently putting Dipper's book on his desk and then, with great care, shut off Mabel's unicorn before going downstairs with the aim of making himself some coffee.

"Can't sleep?"

Oscar stopped looking at the sky and saw Stan, now clad in a white shirt, shorts and pants, watching TV.

"Yeah. You neither?"

"Spend 30 years working on a portal at night." Stan smirked. "What about you?"

Oscar looked out at the night sky again.

"Homesick, I guess." He mused.

"Any reason in particular?" Stan asked.

"You want the long version, or the short version?"

"Which will I understand?"

Oscar smiled.

"Well, I'm basically the reincarnation of a wizard that brought magic into a world filled with monsters, I was literally swept into all of this with no prior training, had to learn to lead nations against an evil witch while figuring out how the heck my powers worked on top of going through puberty and surviving training under my predecessor's right hand drunkard yet badass of a man, who also happens to me the uncle of my girlfriend…and on top of that, found out that I'm not even completely of the world I've spent my life in AND the father I never knew is one of the smartest and richest people on my world."

Stan nodded in understanding.

"Sorry." Oscar sighed. "I just miss the days on my aunt's farm, and don't get me wrong, I am glad I took that old man's advice…Oh yeah, until recently I had a voice in my head, still getting used to him not being there…"

The young man fell silent. He truly did miss Ozpin.

"No prob." Stan cut him off, giving his nephew a pat on the shoulder. "I'm listening."

The coffee dinged and Oscar poured himself and Stan a cup. Before heading back to the room, he took out another mug and filled it up, leaving it marked for Ford.

"So…you managed to get the whole dang thing working by yourself, huh?" Oscar smiled, getting a proud nod from Stan, who began to spin tales of how he had done it, making the hours fly by

"…Think you can open it one more time?" Oscar asked. "If what little I know about Ford is true, you'll need all the help you can get."

Stan thought for a few minutes before answering.

"I think I could, but we used up all the fuel. And I don't think it'd be a smart idea to risk it all again, especially with your dad living down there and cleaning it up."

Oscar simply smiled, reached into his bag and pulled out several crystals.

"My dearest uncle, allow me to introduce you to Dust…."

That'll be all for this chapter; So, what do you guys think? I may upload another chapter later today.

Read and Review, wold ye kindly?

Omake: Ford the doctor

"I'm taking these… things to the lab, who know what diseases they might have carried!" Ford shouted

"The heck you talking about?" Stan asked, "They're in peak condition!

"Peak condition? Are you blind? Look at them!" Ford asked, picking up Mabel. "They only have four fingers!"

"Pick me up next!" Dipper begged in a whisper as Oscar rolled his eyes

"You too, Oscar!" Ford demanded, pulling his son along with him. "We need to decontaiminate you immeditaly!. My son is not going to release some plague onto another world.

"Oh, so NOW you care!" Oscar snapped.

"Don't talk back to me like that, young man!"

"Don't YOU talk back to ME like that, old man!" Oscar snapped. "In case you forgot; I'm your boss now! And by the way, Glynda asked me to tell you she still hates you."

Ford actually seemed depressed by that, getting an evil smiled from Stan.