Time skip straight to Vampire Twins.
Rain came down in sheets over the dark metropolis known as Roanapur. The deafening roar nearly drowning out the sounds of gunfire. The scent of blood and rot would never go away. With a new killer on the loose the scent was certain to grow even gunshots continued, blood flowed and silver hair flashed in the brilliant lights from the machine gun's muzzle.
"This isn't a good situation for us." Karasuma said looking over a few reports. Only Irina was in the sparsely decorated office with the dour man. There was nothing she could do but agree. To have a mysterious string of murders such as this sweep through so soon after their arrival placed them in a bad position. It would be all too easy for the true culprits to point the blame at him and his students.
They had done their best to ingratiate themselves to the major powers of the city, they weren't completely in the clear. An unknown person was targeting Hotel Moscow. It would be all too easy to point the blame towards Class E when they were new and relatively unknown.
"Even if Balalaika believes in us there is no guarantee the true culprits won't turn us into scapegoats." Irina said shifting her weight to her left side. Karasuma sighed.
"Is this something we should interfere with? Find the culprits as a countermeasure or lay low and wait it out?" He asked.
"I don't know yet. We should at least tell the students to be on their guard."
Unbeknownst to the two teachers the students were already aware of the situation and already working to fix it.
"Ritsu, anything new yet?" All of the more tech-savvy students were holed up in the workshop, combing through the scores of information Raked up by their search engines. Others kept a watchful eye on the security cameras they had set up around their building. Suspects were more likely to slip up around their hotel, unaware of the cameras they had set up. They were too well hidden to be spotted anyway.
Ritsu had the toughest job; she had tapped into every phone line and bug in Roanapur. If a conversation was happening on a telephone or near a microphone she was listening. She projected an image of herself onto one of the monitors positively buried by phones.
"It's really tough. There's a lot of information to go through and my processors are pretty slow right now. Oh I wish I had my main terminal." she pouted, picking up phones and holding them to her ears. Itona smiled softly at the digital girl. He had a soft spot for the fellow transfer student.
"We're working on a new on Ritsu, a better one." He told her. He returned to his and Takebayashi's shared task of compiling and storing any info that was not currently necessary, but could be useful in the future. It was a big job. Plenty of lesser gangs were trying to take advantage of the chaos caused by these attacks.
The more combat oriented and class stragetists were busy creating plans for any eventuality, both defensive and offensive.
"Our base weapons still aren't fully installed yet. As such I'd like to station our best shooters like Hayami or Chiba to take night watches from the roof." Isogai Yuuma opined. Dissenting murmers swept through his gathered classmates, worried for the safety of their classmates out at night.
"They'll be heavily camoflauged and only keeping watch. Our camera coverage is only nearly perfect. I wouldn't want to risk the enemy getting in through one of our blindspots and catching us unawares." Nagisa said, stepping forward in support of Isogai's plan. The murmers changed to agreement at the follow. Nagisa was his classmate, maybe even his friend. He was always kind and gentle with his friends, but his quiet ways would always cause him to be overlooked in a crowd. So why would the Class Representative, called an ikemen by many others, be jealous of him?
However, ever since they left Japan and came to Roanapur their classmates had been looking to Isogai for help and support, for leadership, less and less. He had been so used to leading his classmates in Japan, now they turned to Nagisa for help and advice. Why? Isogai's mind screamed, Nagisa wasn't any different from them. Why was Nagisa suddenly the leader?!"
No... That wasn't right. Nagisa had changed more than anyone since their arrival in this city. He was more serious, more mature. He smiled less and was always sneaking away to take care of threats the others weren't even aware of yet. The rest of class E looked like children compared to Nagisa's air of grace and maturity. He moved with the drive to protect his classmates . It was unknown how many threats he had taken out all by himself. Even Karma had no clue, only saying that he saw the bluenet coming home late at night. Perhaps he was even taking jobs or doing favours from Chang to keep other students from doing them. Chiba had returned darker after his job. They all knew killing wasn't easy.
So far Kimura was the only student officially taking on jobs. He worked as a runner, delivering messages and packages all over the city for various gangs and businesses. As expected of the fastest runner in class E. The true payment from the work was the information he collected along the way. Information was survival for an assassin, particularly here in Roanapur.
It was a while longer before Ritsu finally shouted out triumphantly.
"I found something!" The tapping keys and hushed mutters ceased as Ritsu displayed her information for all to see. Reports of an attack on one of Hotel Moscow's businesses. Actually calling it an attack was an understatement. The scene was a massacre. Two children did this? From the report they were even younger than Class E. Ritsu had already translated the language of origin for the strange words that had been reported as saying at the scene. Buonoseira, soromaya, fratellemayu it was Romanian. The AI was already running worldwide searches regarding Romanian twins and murder.
It was hours later when Ritsu had finally finished combing through the ocean of information for anything relevent to their case. The final result painted a sickening picture of these childrens' lives. At least to a human it would be. No matter how advanced Ritsu was, she was still a machine, a computer program. Her limited emotional programming only extended as far as her classmates. Other's were below her register.
She kept her results to herself for the time being. Her classmates mental states was something she had been programmed to take into account in the pursuit of teamwork. She would have to heavily edit her results before telling the rest of the class. To do that she would need help. Nagisa would be capable of handling the pure, unvarnished truth.
Romanian twins abandoned in an orphanage by their family before being sold into slavery and human trafficking. Pedophile rings, child pornagraphy, snuff films, it got worse and worse. No wonder they turned into the monsters they were today. The trails of blood they left in their wake were not hard to follow once Ritsu knew where to start. They killed because they could, and because they wanted to.
Nagisa absorbed the information with only the tiniest frown. Somebody brought these children to Roanapur and set them loose on Hotel Moscow like a couple of dogs. But who? and why? The bluenet wished he had Fuwa's deductive reasoning or Hazama's understanding of human nature. He wasn't willing to make any moves until he had more information.
"Anything about the handlers?" He asked Ritsu. She shook her head sadly.
"Whoever it was they were thorough with covering their tracks." She said. Nagisa pursed his lips in thought. Whoever was behind this, they were trying to get a leg up on Hotel Moscow. Someone with enough power to bring two dangerous unknowns into the city without being noticed. Making other people do his dirty work was Chang's style, however Nagisa doubted it was his doing. The Chinaman thrived on control, much like Balalaika herself. Having two unstables in his employ would be highly unlikely. The Columbian cartel were still reeling from 'the maid incident' and Hotel Moscow's subsequent crackdown. It was doubtful they would be messing around with anything for a while.
Nagisa felt dirty even considering this was all set up by Balalaika herself, but he had to cover everything. Nearly all her men were her underlings within the military. They would die gladly at her word. On the other hand the woman was equally loyal to her subordinates. Her rage was genuine. That left the Italians as a likely suspect. Smaller gangs would stand to gain massively from the power vacuum, but it was probably best to start with the final sect of the big four and go from there.
"I see. I'd appreciate if you held off on telling the others about this for a while. I want to do some solo reconaissance before we all start making a plan." He finally said after some thought.
"I don't know...It could be dangerous. I think having backup would be safer..." The AI said, hesitating. Nagisa gave her a closemouthed smile.
"I'll be fine. The more people involved, the harder it will be for us to avoid suspicion. Trust me."
"All right... But hurry." with that, Ritsu dissappeared from his cell phone. The bluenet sighed and put his phone away. He did need to hurry, things were bound to spiral out of control very soon, not only that it wouldn't be long before Balalaika got ahold of the same information as they did. It would be even more difficult for Class E to move. Nagisa would have to quickly confirm his suspicions and devise a quick plan to capture the twins.
Sending a quick email to Ritsu asking for regular updates on Hotel Moscow's movements, Nagisa pulled on his combat jacket just in case, and left their compound.
The first thing he did was track down one of Karma's informants. In the time they've been here the redhead had taken control of the population of street children in the city. They were a wealth of information. No one payed much attention to them, allowing them to gather information from anyone speaking within earshot. He managed to find one of the more learned children to speak to. A scruffy looking girl wearing a pair of black leggings and bandages in place of a shirt. She was one of the few who could speak english and asked to be called Faye.
"Oh! Nagi what here?" she asked with a gap toothed grin, there was a bandage over her bruised nose. Nagisa smiled at her.
"Hello Faye, what happened to your nose?" He asked. She frowned, deciphering his words.
"Columbia." She said with a shrug. He winced in sympathy.
"Ouch, Who's on the Italians?" She tilted her head.
"For me?" What's in it for me. In exchange for information the kids from class E would give them anything from food, clothes, and lessons in a myriad of subjects. For today Nagisa held out a cropped jacket Hara had made for the girl. Faye snatched it away and qickly shrugged into it wrapping her arms around herself with a huge grin.
"Mitts and Greeneyes watch" She told him.
"Thanks Faye. More lessons next time?" He asked the girl as he turned to leave.
"Uhuh! English please!"
"You got it." Nagisa gave a passing thought to warning Faye about the twins, but she had already run off. Hopefully she would be nowhere near the chaos that was soon to erupt.
Mitts was mute, and therefore not a significant source of intel to Nagisa. Only Karma was able to effectively communicate with the sullen boy.
"Hi Mitts, where's Greeneyes?" Mitts' dark eyes were bruised from lack of sleep. Probably because the boy didn't accept anything other than coffee, snacks, and the occasional lesson on reading and writing in exchange for his information. The boy shook his head and held out a hand.
"I don't have any coffee, I didn't know I'd be coming to see you. Can you accept some riceballs?" The boy nodded in acceptance and gestured for Nagisa to follow him.
Mitts led Nagisa to Greeneyes' hideout. Greeneyes was about 11 years old and an obvious foreigner. He had been a kidnapping victim back before Balailaika became the figurehead of power in the city. Despite his conspicuous looks Greeneyes' ability to sneak through the city unseen was the best there was.
"Nagisa. What can I do for you?" He asked politely, emerging from the shadows. English was his first language.
"Hey Greeneyes. I wanted to know what Verrochio's been up to." Any genial expression leeched from the boys face as it settled into a frown.
"They've been real suspicious lately. I ain't gonna ask for nothin this time. Them people Moscow's been lookin fer? I think them's the one what brought em o'er. Coupl'a men came out bout a day ago wit a bag sayin somethin bout some kids and the Russians. I tell ya I want nothin but this trouble done with." The boy said agitatedly. Greeneyes had been working to make his speech more cultured, but often fell back into old habits when he was worried. Nagisa took a few moments to translate his words before he nodded seriously.
"It will be, I promise. Thanks for the info Greeneyes." The boy only gave him a solem nod before melting back into the shadows. Mitts eyes had widened at Greeneyes speech. And tried to return the food he had taken, pointing to his eyes and making a simple shadow puppet. The mute idolized Greeneyes, if he didn't want payment neither did Mitts.
"You keep them. You don't need to give us free info just because Greeneyes does." Nagisa refused gently. Mitts frowned and tapped his foot.
"It'll be over soon anyway, so don't worry too much." He reassured the boy.
Mitts flicked his tongue out before doing a few hand signs, a bird, a dog, a turtle, rabbit, wolf, and a fish, finally ending on the complicated series of handsigns the boy used for Karma's name with a look of concern. The flicking tongue was Nagisa's name, he didn't know why.
"I didn't recognize some of those, but you should warn everyone to lay low for the next few days or so..." He trailed off as he was struck with an idea.
"Except Micks and Taff. Tell them I need to see them." He requested. If the bluenet's plan worked he should be able to draw the twins out of hiding with the two street kids. Mitts nodded and shot away to find everyone. It was time for Nagisa to tell the others.
"And that's the plan. I have no doubts that Eda-san will want to see this up close and personal, especially now that there's a bounty on the twins. Ritsu has informed me that Balalaika-san has already learned the twins identity. While they're unpredictable, she is not. Most likely she is not letting them out alive. Her army will be mobilized. The twins will want decoys, where they will conveniently find Micks and Taff, and no one else. Any complaints?" Fuwa laid out the plan for the class. The otaku having a head for predicting others movements helped Nagisa in finalizing his plan.
"Are you sure we have to put Micks-chan and Taff-kun in danger like that?" Kurahashi Hinano asked. The thought of kids even younger than them being in a situation like this didn't sit well with the sweet tempered redhead.
"If the twins are going to use them as a distraction they will leave them unharmed. We'll find a way to keep them safe no matter what, I promise." Nagisa told the girl with a soft smile. She nodded in understanding. Fuwa continued to lay out the plan.
"Alright! The hardest part will be avoiding Balalaika's men. This will be a small operation..."
The operation was working like a charm. Fuwa's predictions of the twins' behavior was uncanny, right down to the day they would act. Sure enough the twins took the bait, bribing Micks and Taff to wear their clothing and take a car to the docks. Right past the bounty hunters lying in wait.
"They should have just asked Micks and Taff to lead them to Balalaika. No one knows these streets like them." Karma chuckled over their radio as Chiba collected the two natives. Making up a couple of convincing dummies was easy enough with Sugaya's art skills, and making the car run without a driver was a simple matter of placing a brick on the gas pedal. Jury rigging a remote controlled pully to steer the car was a bit tricky with what they had on hand. Unfortunately Karma and Nagisa had to move on before they could see the results. They did hear the ensuing explosion as well as the static burst of conformation.
"Operation 1 Success." The two exchanged smiles before they settled in to wait for their prey.
Eda and Revy looked on in shock as some sort of Dummy or manakkin fell out of the driver side of the wrecked car. The blonde yanked the binoculars away from the chinese american to get a closer look at the crash. she just managed to catch a glimpse of an odd device attached to the steering wheel before it went up in smoke. One of Itona's inventions?
She was yanked away by Revy who gave her a sour look. Angry that she had been duped by both the twins and Balalaika.
"The twins aren't here or the Russians. Lets go." She growled. the two left even as the bounty hunters shouted angrily at their lost prey.
Thanks to Itona's drones, it was easy for Class E to figure out Balalaika's plan to herd the twins. Once they knew where her men were it was easy to trace the route. The twins split up as soon as they figured it out as well. All according to Fuwa's calculations. Karma and Nagisa slid deeper into the shadows as the loud footsteps of Revy and Eda arrived on their street. That wasn't necessarily according to plan... Never the less Nagisa watched in silence as the two women argued and split ways. Two hands leaving while Eda hurled obsceneties at her back. He felt the one twin's bloodlust begin to taint the air as Eda sighed in defeat and looked down the street nervously. He followed it and caught sight of the long haired twin. Her gaze was fixed on the blonde woman. This could work. The two assassins remained still as the girl crept up on Eda, gazes impassive as the woman was held at gunpoint and had her gun removed. It was then when Karma finally made his move, slipping out of the shadows behind Gretel and placing his own gun to the back of her head. He finally spoke.
"tsk tsk, is that any way to treat a lady? Why don't you be a good little girl and put the gun down hm?" The girl shivered, but put on a brave face.
"If you shoot, I shoot." She said with confidence. Karma laughed mockingly.
"Go ahead. But I think I have you at a disadvantage. I don't actually care what happens to this woman, and the bounty on your pretty little head is dead or alive. I'd prefer to take you alive but well..." He trailed off, pressing the gun tighter against her skull. The girl broke, dropping her guns she roughly pushed Eda out of the way and tried to run down the street. Karma reacted quickly and grabbed onto her hair, only to be left with a fist full of long silver wig . The redhead only smirked.
Gretels eyes widened as a figure stepped out of the shadows ahead of her. The figure's, she could not say whether they were male or female, blue eyes and hair seemed to glow in the dim lighting of the street. She was on a collision course with them but couldn't seem to stop or change direction in time. The figure's hands came up and-
CLAP! They came together right in front of her face and finally her legs stopped moving as she crumpled to the ground in a twitching heap, paralysed by the attack. Cold blue eyes stared down at her without emotion. Dimly, she could hear footsteps approaching. The... redhead and the blonde woman?
"Good one Nagisa, I wasn't expecting a wig. Makes you wonder if this one's the boy or the girl." Words in a language she didn't understand. The ble haired one shook their head and spoke in the same language.
"It doesn't matter. Let's go." The girl wondered when she would fall unconcious.
Karma's ever present grin remained as he picked up the silver haired child. She must have been only a few years younger than they were, with a far higher body count. Was child really a term that applied?
"You guys taking her to Balalaika?" Eda finally asked. Karma opened his mouth, the look on his face declaring whatever was about to come out would be lies and untruth. Nagisa interrupted.
"Yes, is that a problem?" His eyes were challenging even as Eda shook her head.
"Hell no. Crazy bitch nearly killed me. Good riddance I say."
"Good, Chiba-kun, can you take Eda-san back to her car please?" Nagisa said. There was a rustle and a thud as Chiba descended from the roof. Eda jumped in surprise as the sniper seemed to materialise beside her.
"Er... Thanks." She said to the dark haired boy, who simply nodded.
They split ways there, Nagisa and Karma carefully making their way through the city to avoid any who were still looking to cash in on the bounty. The sun was rising as they finally reached the fontain where Balalaika was waiting. The male twin was already there, bleeding out slowly onto the bricks of the square, still stubbornly clinging to life. Balalaika's eyes slid from where they had been fixed on the boy to them as they entered the square through the forested area. A raised eyebrow was the only indication of her surprise.
"Well, well. You did well to get this far without my men noticing." She said dryly, taking a drag from her cigar. Karma dropped Gretel before Balalaika with a flourish. The dying twins eyes widened, true fear entering his eyes.
"Gr..re...tel..." He choked out.
"We brought you a gift Balalaika-sama." Karma said with a grin. Nagisa stood silently at his side, eyes locked with the Kapitan's chilling gaze.
"You're the Soldier's boys?" The question required no answer but the two nodded anyway. She smirked.
"Not bad, not bad at all. To what do I owe this pleasure?" She asked.
"An Omiyage, and a greeting." Nagisa finally spoke, his gaze never leaving the Russian's. Karma was busy teasing the snipers he found watching the square.
"Kill her." Balalaika said. There was no trace of command or request within her tone.
"You don't want to?" Karma grew bored of teasing Balalaika's men and focused his attention on the unspoken conservation occuring in front of him.
"I never had any intention of killing that which I haven't hunted down myself."
"Any requests?"
"Not at all." Nagisa nodded. without preamble he unsheathed a simple hunting knife, grabbed the girl by her hair, and with one clean slice to the throat he killed her. He stepped away from the resulting blood spray. Balalaika hadn't so much as twitched from her position watching impassively as the girl died. Hansel whimpered pathetically at his sister's death even as he himself died.
Nagisa looked to the knife, considering, he looked to Balalaika, and back to the knife. He did this a few more times before he finally set the bloody knife down beside the girl, bent into a respectful bow to Balalaika and turned to leave. Karma followed his lead.
"I will send half of the bounty to your residence." She called after them. Nagisa didn't bother correcting her.
When they were both out of eye and earshot Karma finally spoke.
"Man that was intense. Even I couldn't figure out everything you didn't say."
"She was testing us. Me." Nagisa said. Karma paused.
"Testing? Did you pass?" A bit of the old Nagisa returned, clear eyed and nervous, as he thought about it.
"I don't know... B minus?" He laughed a little. Karma grinned back at him before he asked another question.
"Why did you leave the knife?
"It seemed right..." The bluenet said. He offered no further explanation. Karma doubted he fully understoon it himself.
After the two boys left Balalaika retrieved the knife. She held the bloodstained knife up to the growing sunlight.
"What a terrifying child."
AN/ it is three in the morning and I'm very tired. Have and enjoy. Hopefully the length of this chapter makes up for the wait.
Review if you choose. I love seeing concrete proof that people actually enjoy the things I do. Follow me on tumblr or twitter and yell at me in real time or send me cool story ideas or strange crossovers I could end up turning into something