SUP GUYS AND GALS! Jayjay coming to ya with another chapter. Sorry I'm very late...again. I have no good reason this time. Well, other than University being the most taxing thing I've ever participated in since birth. But by now, you guys probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

Also, I decided that you guys would rather me shorten the chapters and up the frequency so from this chapter onward, the chapters are going to be smaller

I think you've waited enough so without further ado, LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOO!

"You're crazy" - Speech

'You're crazy' - Thoughts

*BOOM!* - action

(I'm crazy) - my/author's thought

I don't own RWBY or Sword Art Online. They belong to Monty Oum and Reki Kawahara respectively. This fanfic was made in honor of the great Monty Oum. Your works will always be remembered in our hearts. Rest in peace Monty.

Remnant's Black Swordsman

Chapter 6: The Emerald Forest I

"How the hell did it get to this" Kirito muttered to himself, unsheathing his dark blade as he faced down a horde of grimm. Behind him were his Leafa, Strea and Rain with their weapons brandished and ready for the up-coming battle. Behind them were a retreating group of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Phyrra, Nora, Ren and last ,and probably least, Jaune. They had their own problems to deal with in the form of a large Nevermore and Death Stalker that slipped by his team.

'They're strong enough' The raven haired ensured himself 'They can handle that much'. He performed a Horizontal on a close-by Beowolf, completely bisecting it at the waist. He concentrated on his current battle. He looked at his purple-haired companion, who just used an Avalanche skill to cut down a charging Ursa.

"Strea" He called out, and she responded by smiling at him in a questioning manner.

"How many do we have to deal with?"

"Hmm...about thirty-eight Beowolves: six being alpha, twenty-one Ursai: five being major, twelve Boarbatusks, six Death-stalkers two giant Nevermore and a pretty strong Beringel" she grinned.

Kirito swore

"Looks like we've got our work cut out for us huh?" she smiled

Leafa nearly snorted "Not really" The four grouped up back to back, ready to face the onslaught ahead of them

Earlier that day...

Flying at high speeds across the Emerald Forest was a certain dual bladed swordsman, his arms placed behind his back in a streamlined manner for easy balance. But said speed didn't last for too long as he began to drop towards the forest. He notice Yang go further ahead of him using her shot-gun gauntlets and Strea doing the same with her weapon's gun mode and shook his head to concentrate

'Okay. Landing, I'll just wing it' Kirito thought as he unsheathed both his blades and aimed for the thinnest set of trees he could find. He then uses a Countless Spike to slash through the trees. The impact also allowed him to reduce his speed. Using the momentum he had left, he launched himself off a trunk and unto a tree branch. And then another. And another. At this point he was basically jumping from branch to branch (not unlike a certain blonde anime character he used to watch as a kid in Japan)

'Now then, finding a partner, specifically one of the girls. That shouldn't be too hard. Wait?! Strea winked at me before I landed. Does that mean we're already partners?!' he contemplated as he continued tree hopping. The black Swordsman stopped for a little while, when he though the felt something off.

"Is someone there?!" he called out but received no response. He waited for a little while and looked around for any signs of movement. When he found none, the dual wielder shrugged, sheathed his blades and moved towards another branch. The girls and him already had a fair amount of knowledge of the forest's layout so they already had a good idea of where the temple was. Knowledge was power after all.

"Well whatever, let's see if I can fi-WHOA?!" Kirito swiftly fell from a branch due to a sudden tremor. He was quick enough to right himself just before landing though. The raven-head heard a growl and ducked just in time to avoid a claw swipe form a Beowolf. He looked behind him and saw a pack of seven Beowolves, including the one that just attacked him. There was one alpha among them."Great" the infamous swordsman sighed and unsheathed Elucidator and in a Sonic Leap, bifurcated the bipedal Grimm before it could make another move.

The other Beowolves growled and charged at him, but in a Horizontal Square, four of them were already dissolving on the grassy floor of the forest. He jumped over a slash by the Alpha and retaliated by hacking of an arm. The Alpha tried to catch Kirito off-guard while landing but the attempt was for naught as in a 'glitch', he was already on the floor, sword glowing and slashed off its head, completing the Snake Bite skill. The last Beowolf, on the other hand, was already baring its fangs behind him, using the opportunity to leap towards the swordsman and crush him in its jaws. That is, until multiple bullets pelted its body, killing it just before it could reach him.

"I'm surprised you took so long to help me, Rain" Kirito grinned at a tree branch, where said red-head was sitting. Her legs were swinging freely and her weapons were in their sub-machine gun mode. It didn't take a genius too figure out what she did. Rain's facial expression was one of amusement.

"Eheheh, you knew?" she asked as he sheathed his blade

"I had a feeling. I highly doubt any other student can escape my senses. Not many people could avoid me like you and Strea. And considering I have a feeling that the tremor from before was from Strea, that leaves only you" he smirked at the now pouting girl. Of course he wasn't completely sure, so he had to put himself in a dangerous situation to see if he was right. Of course with his semblance, avoiding it would have been child's play but better safe than sorry.

"On that note, do you don't really think Strea was the cause of that, do you?" Rain asked and Kirito shrugged. It was something she would do, just for the heck of it. Both sweatdropped at that train of thought.

"Moving to more important matters," the red haired girl as she stood up at, "It looks like we're partners".

"That we are" Kirito grinned at that, "I'm glad I got partnered with you" she blushed at that for a moment before her face turned to an unamused look.

"Is that so? Wouldn't you rather have 'your favorite red-head' with you instead?" she mockingly asked, using her fingers to air-quote the favorite part. Kirito looked at his fellow dual wielder in confusion.

"My favorite red-head? What are yo-..." his body turned pale

Oh shit!

'Last night! She was there?! I didn't eve-...wait, was THAT the chill I felt?!' Kirito panicked really hard. "H-hey Rain? L-let's not d-do anything too rash" he gulped and leaped away just in time to avoid a volley of shots from her weapons, "Calm down! I was just kidding. You know she's an easy target for teasing!". The maid costume cosplayer paused for a moment giving her supposed partner some hope. But the sickeningly sweet smile that came on Rain's face crushed that in no time flat

"Oh Kirito~" she called in a sing-song tone

"Y-yeah?" he gulped as he heard her reload her guns


"Start running"

"WHEEEEE!" were the exclamations of the lovable purple-haired huntress-in-training as the flew threw the air. She narrowed her eyes at her surroundings and, for a moment, they seemed to glow. Her body had started to descend but she didn't even seem to care. She just positioned herself so that her posterior faced the incoming ground. Though her eyes did glow again, this time for a little longer.

'Ah! I just realized...I winked at Kirito before, does that mean we're partners?' she tilted her head in thought. 'But Ozpin said 'after landing so maybe not. Hmm...I could always jus-'


She slammed into a tree-branch, snapping it, before crashing to the floor with so much force it made a small crater to form under her. A good amount of dust rose around the area of impact but even if the others weren't able to see it due to the thickness of the forest, they were definitely alerted by the tremor her landing caused. The force of the landing also caused her butt to get stuck in the ground

"Owie! that hurt more than I thought it would" she exclaimed as she rubbed her sore bottom after a few moments of getting unstuck "Should have used my semblance more" she winced. It really hurt.

A normal person would have obviously died if they attempted something like that. The average huntsman might have been considerably injured if not permanently crippled. But due to the combination of her colossal amount of aura and her semblance, she came out of that with only a bruise. The amount of aura she naturally had was probably one of the highest ever recorded. None of them knew why though, but they ended up settling for it having to do with her tank build in the VRMMORPGs.

"Aaaa" the red-eyed girl sighed in relief as her eyes glowed again. The pain now mostly gone, she happily skips towards a direction of the forest. She didn't go very far before she met opposition in the form of a horde of grimm. Five Ursa to be precise.

"Hiya!" She smiled and waved at them "Do you guys mind? I kinda don't waste time right now. I need to find Kirito"

The grimm just snarled at the cheerful purplette and one even charged at her. She just pouted at them and stabbed her two-handed sword, Invaria, right at its chest just before it got to her. The grimm flailed in pain as the other grimm rushed in to tear Strea apart. The girl in question moved the blade upward, slicing through the Ursa's head and freeing Invaria. This allowed her to transform her blade into it's gun-mode. It folded on itself and became a plasma cannon. One shot later, and the other bear-like monster in front of her was sporting a gaping hole where its chest was supposed to be.

Strea had a smile on as she back-flipped away from a claw swipe from one of the remaining grimm, slashing the outstretched limb as she did. The Ursa wailed in pain but was cut short when Strea bifurcated it and another with an Eruption skill. The last one lunged and tried to catch her while she was airborne. It might have worked had the Ursa's head not been cleanly slashed off by a sword. Strea looked over the falling grimm to see

"Ah! Leafa" She grinned and waved at the blonde kendoka

"Hey, Strea. I guess this means we're partners now huh?" Suguha raised her palm and high-fived the cheerful purplenette. She was surprised, however, when Strea started dragging her by hand in a random direction.

"Come on, we have to find Kirito!"

"Hey, hold up. Do you even know where we're going?" Leafa raised a brow at her


Sword Skill Descriptions

Avalanche: is a dash skill that is executed from an overhead stance and consists of a single downward vertical slash. As it is a two-handed Sword Skill, it cannot be deflected by just one hit from a one-handed sword. Even if the attack were blocked, the defender would be unable to transition to an effective counterattack due to the strong impact of the skill, while if the attack were dodged, the attacker would have plenty of time to prepare for the opponent's move due to the distance gained from the charge. In preparation for this skill, the user bends their lower body a little, assuming an overhead position with the sword. Once the sword is dragged a bit back, the Sword Skill is initiated.

Countless Spike: A set of four downward strikes using both swords. Can hit multiple targets.

Sonic Leap: As a charge-type Sword Skill that consists of a single top to bottom vertical slash, similar to the 1-hit skill «Vertical»; however, «Sonic Leap» allows the user to charge from over twice the distance in an instant. The skill is also similar to «Rage Spike», except that this skill's range is shorter and its trajectory can be aimed at the sky. The skill is activated by raising the sword high up, usually atop one's shoulder.

Horizontal Square: is a 4-hit Combo, One-Handed Sword category Sword Skill in Sword Art Online. «Horizontal Square» is activated by drawing one's sword to the back and right. The first hit is a horizontal swing from right to left. The sword then bounces back, and after an instant of being held still at the user's left side, another horizontal swing from left to right is executed. The force of this blow sends the user's body spinning clockwise, with the sword ending up at the user's left flank and unleashing a third horizontal strike from left to right. The skill is finished with a forehand strike from the right. The skill's four swings draws a square of light that expands outward.

Snake Bite: is a 4-hit Combo, One-Handed Sword category Sword Skill in Sword Art Online. «Snake Bite» consists of two hits, one from left to right, immediately followed by a second hit from right to left. Due to the speed of the Sword Skill, the two hits appear as if done with two swords instead of just one, and only one sound of impact is released with the skill is activated by positioning oneself in a way that it looks like one is putting the sword at the left side of one's waist

Eruption: is a heavy 2-hit Combo consisting of a downward sword slash followed quickly by an upward one.

Once again, I'm sorry I didn't update for so long but studies come first, unfortunately. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. My skills may have dulled or changed due to how long I left this so sorry about that. I honestly cant say when I am going to update next but hopefully it will be soon, considering I have all of June off with my family. Also, I just noticed that the last chapter was posted exactly a year after this fanfic begun. I've gotta say I never thought I would have over 100 reviews by now. Thank you guys SOO MUCH! I'll try my best not to disappoint. Also, I'm going to try to go back and correct some grammatical errors, so thanks to those reviewers that pointed them out. On a side note, does anyone see the resemblance between semblances and quirks from My Hero Academia. Seriously, I'm surprised one hasn't tried to copyright the other. Works for me though.

PS: Let me know if Rain was too OC. I barely remember most of her character events and the ones I do remember never had her angry (except when she slapped Seven but I think that was more pure rage/disappointment than getting a little pissed). She's quite shy most of the time anyway.

Now, Unto the poll results so far

















Don't make it a harem-12

QOTD: What do you guys think Strea's semblance is?

Alright, done. That took awhile. I'll be posting a profile of the four of their abilities after chapter 10. Well, I don't really have much to say other than Read/Rate/Review and I'll see ya when I see ya!