Who Needs a Princess, When You Can Have A Queen?

Silver's Author's Note: This story is a collaboration between myself and Celestia193. We've decided to scrap our other Naruto x Fairy Tail Crossover and replace it with this one. In this tale, Sasuke, Itachi, and Shisui escape before the Uchiha Massacre. Oh and for anyone wondering, a superfan in this context is a fan who believes that the main character(s) is or are all powerful and can immediately fix any problem. Superfans probably won't like this. If any of that bothers you, you might want to turn back now. For those of you still here, we hope that you enjoy this story and reviews are always appreciated.

Celestia193's Author's Note: Seeing as our last attempt at a crossover got a lot of 'super-fans' coming out of the woodwork to scream at us, we've decided to make an entirely new Naruto x Fairy Tail crossover. Hopefully, this one goes over better, since there's no god-modding involved. Now, keep in mind that Itachi is far more suggestible when Shisui is involved, so that has been taken into consideration here. Also, as Shisui is alive, Itachi's Sharingan is not yet fully developed. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this version better than the last one. 'Super-fans' with unwanted 'opinions' may exit stage left.

Characterization and Abilities: Because the Uchihas have spent so much time in Earthland, you will likely notice some differences in regards to their personalities. The Massacre was a major event and completely changed Itachi's and Sasuke's lives. So their personalities differ in some respects, but we're going to keep their core personality traits. As for abilities, we will be keeping some or most of their Naruto abilities and likely adding some Fairy Tail Style attacks as well. It's only natural that they would adapt their fighting styles to a certain extent to their environment.

Disclaimer: We own absolutely nothing from either anime and make no profit off of any of our stories on this site.

Chapter 1

Out of the frying pan and into the fire. That was where Shisui had just gone. He had always known that tensions were lingering under the surface of the Hidden Leaf, particularly with his clan and the rest of the village. Never had he truly believed this moment would come though. The moment when another Leaf Ninja would try to steal his eyes and plot their demise. The demise of their entire family line.

"I-ITACHI!" It felt like his lungs were literally on fire as he struggled to breathe and call out his cousin's name. "I-ITACHI!" He had been running for what seemed liked days, but he knew in reality had only been a few minutes. Had he not been known as Shisui of the Body Flicker, he'd probably be dead. In the end, that was what had saved his neck. Well more specifically his eyes. Danzo had tried to steal his eyes and he would try again.

As much as he reviled the man, Shisui knew he was intelligent. The councilman was highly unlikely to storm into the Uchiha District by himself and try to cut his eyes out when he was surrounded by his family. For now, he was relatively safe. He had bought them time. Not much time, but enough.

With that in mind, he races inside one of the many family homes in the District. The home that belonged to the Head Family. To his surprise, it wasn't Itachi that he found immediately in the other Uchiha's room. "Sasuke?" He blinks in confusion. "W-What are you doing here?"

He knew that Itachi was closer to his baby brother than perhaps anyone else in his clan, even him. "Waiting for big brother. He said he'd be back soon." For some reason though, it stunned him to see the innocent child drawing a picture while presumably waiting for his older brother to return. Sasuke would die in the massacre as well. His age wouldn't save him. He'd have to take him with them.

There was no way that Itachi would ever agree to come otherwise and honestly, looking into those bubble eyes, Shisui couldn't leave him behind either. "G-Good." He manages to nods his head shakily. "That's v-very good because we're going on a trip."

Sasuke tilts his head in confusion. "Are you alright?" His eyes widen. "You're bleeding!" Indeed, a kunai had scraped his cheek and grazed him. That was really the least of Shisui's problems though.

"Yes, I'm fine." He smiles at Sasuke. "It was just...an accident." An accident that he had mistakenly believed that Danzo wouldn't really be this evil, but he'd never make that mistake again. "How soon did Itachi say that he'd be back again?" He looks at the boy, trying to will his heart to stop pounding.

"He said he was going to get more crayons." Sasuke smiles innocently. "So he'll be back really soon!"

Crayons. Gods and goddesses this kid was really too innocent to be drawn into any of this! "Right. Sasuke, do you know how to pack for missions? They taught you at school, right?"

Sasuke nods excitedly. "Yeah! Iruka Sensei showed us that last week." He rolls his eyes. "Naruto, is really bad at it, but I was the best!" He smiles, obviously feeling rather pleased with himself.

Well that was good at least. "Why don't you go make us three traveling packs while we wait. Make sure to stuff as much food, money, water, medicine, clothes, and weapons into them as you can fit." He might as well use this time productively. "As fast as you can! It'll be good practice for later!" Only later was now, but he didn't want to frighten the boy.

Sasuke nods and quickly scurries off to do so. "Thank goodness they're all so eager to please at that age." Kids at that age were always so eager to show that they could do something. To be helpful. "Now, we just have to wait for Itachi." He sighs as he looks around the room anxiously.

"Wait for me for what?" Itachi pokes his head into the room, having seen Sasuke racing into the kitchen after hearing Shisui's voice coming from his room. "And why is Sasuke racing about like he is playing ninja?" His eyes narrows as he approaches the bed to see his cousin's disheveled state, and the drying blood on his face. "…What's happened?"

"Shisui told me to make traveling packs!" Sasuke chimes merrily as he continues zooming around.

"Ah, that's very good, it's good practice…" Seeing as Sasuke was rather excited about it, Itachi doubted that he was aware of the rather heavy atmosphere surrounding their cousin. He drops his voice to a whisper. "And now the truth, before Sasuke returns?"

Shisui sighs as he braces himself. "Danzo just tried to steal my eyes." He knew that this wouldn't be easy for Itachi. Sasuke was young enough he might think it was just an adventure. "I escaped, but only just. We need to go, Itachi. Horrible things are about to happen." That they were playing ninja with Sasuke or just practicing. Not Itachi, though. Not the youngest of the ANBU captains. "I have a place we can go that might be safer, but we have to go now. Danzo won't attack us in the District, but he'll try again." Thankfully, Sasuke was just out of earshot now.

Itachi's blood runs ice cold, knowing full well how special Shisui's eyes were. "Danzo fears us, fears our powers, doesn't he?" As a member of the ANBU, Itachi knew full well that Danzo was the village's darkness. He served a purpose, if a vile one, and one that Itachi would rather there not be a need for at all. "What is he planning to do, Shisui? Why do we have to leave?"

"We have two options, Itachi." He hated that this moment had come. "We can leave or we will be forced to make a choice in the very near future." Shisui lets out a shaky breath as he feels tears welling up in his eyes, but he refused to cry. "We can leave now or we can stay. If you choose the latter, he is planning to have you kill our entire clan."

How could he possibly explain this to his beloved cousin? To his best friend? "If you do not, there will be a war. Our clan has been whispering about a coup for awhile now. Those whispers are starting to grow louder." He was certain that Itachi had heard them. "Even if we win a civil war, the Leaf will be left in tatters and other villages will take advantage of it. At least this way, we can escape with our lives."

This was wrong to use such blackmail against Itachi, but there was no other way to save at least two of his family members. "And Sasuke can live. At best, perhaps you could convince Danzo to spare him because of his age, but he would be alone." He'd never be the same, especially if he found out Itachi did it. Those bubble eyes would quickly be replaced by red eyes burning with sadness and hatred. And they both knew it.

Itachi swallows thickly, taking in the sight of his frantic cousin, and listening to the tiny, eager footsteps of his precious little brother. "The whispers…are just whispers. But Danzo won't believe it, will he?" He knew that there was dissent amongst the clan, that tensions were running high. There were those unhappy with their situation, and some who would resort to violence in order to change the way of things. But that was not all of them, there were many who were completely innocent. The young, the old, the peaceful… "He would order a genocide out of fear alone?"

"Yes, he would." Just yesterday, he would have been just as incredulous as Itachi. "That kunai wasn't supposed to cut my cheek Itachi, it was supposed to take my eyes. Fear can do terrible things to people and that man is terrified." Shisui sighs sadly. "Perhaps not completely unjustifiably so."

Yes, Itachi knew that. Fear could bring about terrible things, hatred, violence, war… "So you plan to abandon the village, and take Sasuke and I with you?" He never would have thought that someone as loyal as Shisui would resort to such a thing. If he was, it meant that he was truly afraid.

"One could look at that way." He didn't like it, but it was the only way. "Or you could look at it that I'm choosing to save three lives for certain, rather than stay here and ensure all of our deaths. " He lets out a shaky breath. "If we leave, maybe they'll view our clan as less than a threat. We are the prodigies of our clan."

That was…true. If the three of them were gone, or at least him and Shisui, perhaps the clan would be left alone. Very few of their clan were even half as capable as the two of them. But still, that would mean becoming rogue ninja, abandoning their family, their village, and everything they had ever known. Could he do that to his little brother? His sweet, innocent little Sasuke? "Where would we go?" Assuming that he agreed to this insanity at all. "We would be hunted across the Five Great Nations. No place would be truly safe for us if we did leave."

"That's why we're not going anywhere in the Five Great Nations." They were going somewhere else. Somewhere far away, but where he couldn't say. "I've read some more of the Stone Tablets. It's possible to travel across dimensions."

Okay, his cousin, the one he looked up to as a big brother, who he would do anything for…was officially nuts. "You want us to travel to another dimension." Itachi wasn't sure if that was a bold plan, or suicidal. "…And this is the only way you can think of to save Sasuke?" His sweet, innocent little brother. The other person that he would do anything to protect.

"Well, there is a chance that if you promised Danzo you'd kill the rest of us...he might spare Sasuke." Shisui sighs as he looks at Itachi. "If you choose that path, I won't fight you." He knew that the other man would do anything to protect his brother. "Though it's just as risky as my plan. Either plan has about a fifty percent chance of 'success'."

Kill the entire clan, including his best friend in the entire world, in the hopes that Danzo would spare his brother, and thrust Sasuke into a world of darkness…or flee, abandon his village and his clan to Danzo's wrath? He could see it in his head, the words he would have to say to Sasuke, were he to go through with the former. The hurt in Sasuke's eyes…the pain…and the utter darkness and burning hatred that would follow. On the other hand, there was Shisui's plan, walking into the unknown with his brothers at his side. Could they do it? Could they really just leave and have a new life somewhere else? Could he kill Shisui, to that end, and leave Sasuke all alone in the world?

"…No. I can't kill you." Itachi knew it in his heart that he would never be able to kill Shisui to save Sasuke. He would rather sacrifice himself and kill Danzo to keep them both safe. But he doubted that was an option. "Never you…" Was it truly impossible for the Leaf and the Uchiha Clan to coexist?

Shisui wasn't so sure about that. If it really came down to it, but he didn't want to force Itachi to make that choice. "He won't attack tonight." Shisui shakes his head. "He knows I fled to the District. He wouldn't risk an open war. We have time to pack and perhaps, if you want to leave a letter to your parents." He wasn't sure, if that would make things better or worse for Itachi. "So they will at least know what happened to us." To a degree. "And maybe, follow us...if they get the chance." If they survived. If they got out in time.

"If they survive, you mean." Itachi could read the unspoken words on Shisui's face, in his voice. "And you've only proposed that the three of us go because I trust you more than anyone else, and because where I go, Sasuke will follow. But also because the rest of our clan would not be nearly so easy to convince." Would it be right to ask their clan to abandon the only world they'd ever known? Was that better or worse than being wiped out?

"It will be the three of us. If you do not write a letter, I will for them." He owed them at least a chance. "Your father has the Mangekyo. He can read as much of the tablets as I can." He bites his lower lip. "He's a smart man and the leader of our Clan. At least some of them would follow." It was all that he could do for them now.

Itachi could only hope that Shisui was right. "I will write the letter. Because I trust you, Shisui, I will go along with this outlandish plan of yours. If that's what it will take to protect Sasuke, and to protect as many of our clan as possible, I will go with you." After all, if Sasuke didn't survive, what reason would Itachi have to exist?

"Alright." Shisui nods as he considers something. "Your father and mother are at a clan meeting. They'll likely be gone for at least another two hours. Maybe three." What he was asking was cruel, but he saw no other way. "Do you think that is enough time for you to craft that letter? We could be gone before they're home."

More than enough time, if Itachi was being honest. He could likely craft quite the novel in only twenty minutes. He could only hope that the words would come. "Yes, it's enough time." If he went to the Hokage, Danzo would find out and launch an attack immediately. Sasuke would be caught in the crossfire. And Itachi was not confident in his ability to protect his little brother from the horde of elite assassins in ROOT if they stayed. "Sasuke may hate me for this…"

"Possibly, but I imagine less so than if you were to kill our entire clan save for him." Shisui sighs and places his hand on the other man's shoulder comfortingly. "I will take the blame. This was my idea." He shakes his head. "I won't see your relationship with Sasuke suffer because of it, if I can help it."

"Thank you, Shisui, but I agreed to this. It would be wrong to have you shoulder the decision alone." And maybe, someday, Sasuke would forgive Itachi for what he was about to do. It seemed that he was always doing things that would require his little brother's forgiveness. And someday, he feared that he would no longer receive it.

"The blame lies almost squarely on my shoulders, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it." Shisui glances towards living room where Sasuke was throwing some weapons into packs. "I should probably go and make sure he doesn't poke his eye out...he's very enthusiastic about his task."

Itachi nods. "I'll find a few of his favorite toys while I write the letter." There was no reason not to bring a few comforts with them. He didn't need any of his own, but Sasuke was still small, still innocent. Maybe a few toys would help him, wherever they went.

Shisui doubted a few toys would distract Sasuke for long, but it couldn't hurt. "Alright then. Come and find us when you're ready." He also doubted it would take them longer to finish packing than it would take Itachi to write that letter.

"I will…" The weight on Itachi's heart only grew heavier. But this was for the best, wasn't it? If he and Shisui were gone, maybe the others might be spared. They were the biggest threats to Danzo's power within the clan.

…And if nothing else, Sasuke would be safe. That's what mattered most. "Give me fifteen minutes, and try to keep Sasuke occupied. Preferably, in a way that doesn't take out anyone's eyes."

"I'll try my best on the last part but he is a rather...energetic little thing." That was putting it mildly, he knew. "Fifteen minutes then." He nods at Itachi as he makes his way over to Sasuke.

Itachi sighs, reaching across his bed for the pen and paper always kept stashed there, just in case he needed to send a message via messenger hawk. Something that he did in the ANBU frequently when they tapped in the middle of the night or the early morning.

Dear Mother, Father,

I have known for some time that our clan was not looked upon with favor by the village. They fear us for our power, because they do not know us. And because of this, there are those who would see us dead.

I write this, hoping that you will forgive me for what I have done. Know that I only do this to protect Sasuke, and hopefully, our entire clan. If we go, then perhaps the village will have no need to fear the Uchiha. If its two greatest prodigies are gone, perhaps Danzo will not feel the need to attack our clan.

Shisui has found a way, through the stone tablets in our secret meeting room, to leave this place and go to another world, one where we would be safe, where no one would know us, and there would be no tensions to threaten our clan. I know that it would be difficult, if not impossible to convince the entire clan to go, to leave this world behind and find a new one, where we could be free. So, Shisui will take Sasuke and I there, alone.

Perhaps that will be enough to soothe Danzo's ire, and perhaps it will also serve to protect Shisui's eyes from being abused and misused. I would not agree to this if it were anyone else that suggested it, and were there any other option that did not involve a slaughter of our clan, both the guilty, and the innocent alike.

I hope that one day, should we all survive this, that you will find it in your hearts to forgive me as well. I hope that you join us, and that we can be a family again, as we should be, without the fear of being shunned, isolated, and targeted because of our abilities.

By the time you read this letter, Shisui will likely have already taken us away. But we will be safe. Be prepared for difficulties ahead, as Danzo has heard the rumors of a coup, and plans to act on them. The voices of dissent within our clan will be our downfall, but if you can convince the others to stay their hands, you may be able to save them as well. And I hope that one day, we will see each other again.

All my love,


Reading over the letter once more, Itachi rises to his feet, folding it up, and sealing it with chakra. After all, it wouldn't do to let just anyone read it. That finished, he collects a few toys from his bedroom floor, scattered about as Sasuke always seemed to enjoy playing in Itachi's room more than his own. And, making sure that he has at least Sasuke's five top favorite toys, he glides out of his room, tucking them carefully into another bag. "Shisui?"

"We're packed." Shisui didn't know what they would find in the next world, but they were as prepared as they were ever going to be. "Sasuke, I've talked your brother into letting us take you on your first real mission as a ninja." He smiles down at him. "Don't be scared, okay? Be brave."

The Bubble Eyes Jutsu was in full effect. "Really?!" He jumps up and down excitedly and then deflates. "We're not just chasing cats again, are we?" He liked cats, but he wanted a real mission!

"No." Shisui pauses and adds as an afterthought. "Well at least it's unlikely. We don't really know what will happen on this mission, but whatever happens don't let go of me or Itachi. This may be a rather...disorientating trip."

That was putting it rather mildly, in Itachi's opinion, but it was all accurate. Shisui had a way of telling the truth, without telling the full story that Itachi really wished he had. Especially at a time like this. "Yes, Sasuke, it's important that you never lose sight of us. We'll be going outside of the village for a while, so I've made sure that pack your favorite toys, just in case you get lonely. Okay? Have you packed enough clothes?" They would like need to get new clothes in the other world, but it would be better to have enough clothes to last a little while beforehand.

"We're going outside the village?" He cocks his head to the side curiously. "That's amazing!" He hadn't really been anywhere outside the village, except for the old Uchiha Fortress with all the cats before. "And yes, big brother." He nods his head dutifully. "Lots of clothes, medicine, food, weapons, and water just like Iruka Sensei taught us."

"Good, very good." Itachi felt guilty, knowing that Sasuke wouldn't have the chance to say goodbye to anyone. "Alright, now we're going to be following Shisui. He's going to lead us to the mission, and I'm going to leave a letter for Mother and Father to tell them where we went." He leaves the letter on the kitchen counter, nodding at Shisui, who leads them from the kitchen.

Sasuke nods, grabbing Itachi's hand as they leave their family's home. "Okay!" He was shocked that his mother was allowing this. "I've been practicing my kunai throwing! I'm ready!"

Shisui shakes his head. Sasuke had no idea what he was getting into. "I'm sure that will be a big help on this mission." Though it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that Sasuke apparently felt confident when it came to wielding perhaps the most standard weapon in the ninja world.

"Yes, that's very good, Sasuke." Itachi forces what he hopes is a convincing smile as they quickly, quietly approach the meeting hall. "And maybe there will be time to train while we're on the mission." After all, in another world, there was no telling what they were going to face. It was better to be prepared, than not.

"Really?" Sasuke was always trying to train with Itachi, but he was usually busy. "Great!" He smiles as he looks at the Uchiha Tablets in confusion. There was a room like this underground? But weren't they supposed to be going on a mission? What were they doing down here?

"Just hold on tightly, Sasuke." Shisui situates the boy between himself and Itachi, grabbing onto one of his hands, figuring it would be best if the smallest member of their traveling party had two 'footholds' while they traveled to another dimension.

Itachi squeezes Sasuke's other hand, hefting his pack over his shoulder, holding it and the toy bag firmly. "I'm ready." No, he wasn't, but in a situation like this, it was best not to show any fear.

Shisui nods as Sasuke grips onto them tightly. "Good." With that being said, Shisui activates his Mangekyo Sharingan, reading some words off of the tablet that Itachi didn't recognize, but they must have worked because soon enough they got sucked up into a portal that was every color imaginable. "Hold on tight!" It was like falling down a great waterfall and Sasuke was now screaming as anyone in their right mind would be.

Hearing his little brother's fearful shrieks, Itachi reaches down, closing his eyes against the swirl of light and color, wrapping his arms around his little brother and bracing himself. "Sasuke, it's going to be okay, I promise!" He hoped desperately that he would be able to keep that promise.