An Unexpected Match
Author's Note: This is something of an AU. In this story, Hinata and Sasuke are already married and they will be telling their children how they met and fell in love. So it will be split into past and present parts. Scene breaks will let you know when the era has changed. If any of that bothers you, you might want to turn back now. For those of you still here, I hope you enjoy this story and reviews are always appreciated.
Chapter Notation: My regular readers may recognize Haru and 'baby Mikoto' in this story as I have used them before. They're both my OC's. This story is separate from the other stories they've been featured in though. Oh and Mikoto is named after her paternal grandmother. Happy reading.
Disclaimer: I own nothing and make no profit from any of my fanfics.
Chapter 1
The Bubble Eyes Jutsu was the deadliest Jutsu known to mankind in Sasuke Uchiha's mind. Just one look from those adorable lavender eyes was enough to bring one of the strongest ninjas that had ever lived to his knees with ease. It just wasn't right.
"You want to know how your mother and I fell in love?" Sasuke blinks at the adorable three year old.
Haru nods his head eagerly. It was an irresistible combination. Those big bubble eyes and that messy midnight blue hair.
It was still early and Haru had just woken up. "Yes!" Sasuke's son had a bad case of bed head. His hair was a complete mess after he waking up, but Haru was most certainly not sleepy anymore.
No, his son was bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning. Which was a bit odd. Normally, Haru was a night owl like him. Perhaps, he had gotten into the cookies jar again and was experiencing some kind of sugar rush.
"Well it's a very long story." Sasuke rubs the back of his head sheepishly.
An extremely long story, actually. How on Earth was the proud Uchiha patriarch supposed to tell it to a three year old? Preferably in a way, that wouldn't infuriate his wife by leaving out the more 'interesting' parts?
Haru just smiles at him. "Those are the best kind!" It was the same smile his mother had.
The Bubble Eyes Jutsu and that smile shouldn't be legal. It was every parent's Achilles' Heel. Sasuke would just have to find some way to indulge him while Hinata was feeding baby Mikoto.
"Yes, I suppose so." Sasuke rubs the back of his head some more.
Well he could come up with something. Sasuke wasn't going to lie to his kid, but Haru was only three. He definitely wasn't ready for the kunais and pouches talk.
Sasuke smiles and sits on the plush red couch of their living room. "You might as well sit down then." This was going to take awhile. "Like I said, it's a long story."
Haru smiles and sits in Sasuke's lap. "Okay!" It still astounded Sasuke that he had somehow helped to create two small and wonderfully innocent beings. It must have been Hinata's influence.
He had done so many horrible things and yet, his children were so normal. Well other than their abilities. It wasn't every child that could manifest the Sharingan in one eye and a Byakugan in another.
"Right." Sasuke smiles at Haru. "Well let's see here. I suppose I should start at the beginning." The most tame place. "Your mother and I both attended the Ninja Academy together."
As predicted, that got Haru's attention immediately. "Really?" He grins from ear to ear. "Were you friends?"
His son and daughter were both very articulate for their age. Mikoto could use short sentences and Haru probably sounded like a five or six year old. Much to his and Hinata's relief because that made them much easier to understand and to prevent tantrums.
"Well not exactly." Sasuke smiles at the eager boy in his lap. "We didn't really know each other very well back then." That was probably the understatement of the century.
"Can I sit by you, Sasuke?" Some girl gave him a pleading look.
Sasuke wasn't sure what her name was. It was either Sakura or Ino. He couldn't remember which. He didn't really care. He just wanted to be left alone.
That never happened though. "If you want." He shrugged at her question. Someone was going to sit by him. It didn't really matter who.
"Really?" Her smile was inhumanly happy.
How could anyone be that happy over where they sat? It didn't make sense to Sasuke.
He just wanted to be left alone. Sasuke needed to get stronger to kill Itachi. He didn't care what happened in the meantime.
"Sure." He ignored the girl after that and looked around the room as he waited.
For some reason, Iruka was late today. That wasn't like the Chunin. It didn't matter though. Sooner or later, their instructor would arrive. He just had to be patient.
Sasuke sighed as his gaze settled on a shy girl in the back. "Why can't they be more like her?" He wondered out loud.
The youngest Uchiha barely knew her, but he knew her name. Those eyes always gave away her last name.
"Why can't who be more like who?" The other girl sitting next to him blinked on confusion.
Lavender. They were a pale shade of lavender. Sometimes, they almost looked white. Sasuke knew the difference though. That was lavender. The same lavender of the Byakugan.
Sasuke rolled his eyes at girl who talked to him. "Doesn't matter. I was just thinking out loud." He mentally reminded himself not to do that anymore. It was annoying to have to answer other people's questions about what he said.
Almost everyone in this Academy was annoying. The only real exception were some of the boys who left him alone and Hinata Hyuga. She never bothered him.
Now, the lavender eyed heiress just sat in the back of the class. Quietly. Thank the Gods and Goddesses that someone was quiet in this place.
"Oh." The girl smiled at him. "Well we all do that sometimes." That might be true, but Sasuke knew he had to break that habit.
So he shrugged again. "I guess." The last thing Sasuke wanted to do was to make this random girl his friend.
Back to Hinata though, the bluenette just sat quietly in the back of the class. She never bothered him or anyone else. She was painfully shy, but that was fine with him. She was less annoying than her peers.
"You can tell me anything you want, Sasuke!" The other student was annoying persistent.
He didn't want to tell her anything. "You should be quiet." All he wanted was to kill Itachi and to restore his Clan. "Iruka Sensei is coming."
The raven haired boy hadn't lied about that either. He distinctly remembered hearing the sounds of footsteps coming.
"You're right." The blonde haired girl smiled at him. "You're really smart, Sasuke!"
Maybe. He was smart enough to kill Itachi though. He just had to get stronger and that would be a lot easier if all the other girls in his class were like Hinata Hyuga.
"Mommy was quiet because she was shy." Haru nods knowledgeably as if he had just made some sage observation.
By three year old standards, he probably had. So Sasuke just nods and chuckles. It was hard not to laugh.
He was biased and the Uchiha Patriarch knew that without a doubt, but his children were ridiculously cute. Again, they got that from their mother. They definitely didn't get it from him.
"That's right." He smiles at Haru as he tries to fix the boy's hair. "Your mother was very shy when she was younger, but she eventually grew out of it." Particularly in the bedroom, but Sasuke would just leave that part out for now.
Haru laughs and smiles. "Oh that's good." Yes, it was. Very, very good. "I'm glad Mommy isn't shy anymore." So was Sasuke.
Well she still got flustered sometimes. He had learned a long time ago that her blush was rather extensive. It wasn't just her cheeks that turned as red as tomatoes.
"Me too." Sasuke chuckles as he turns his gaze towards the kitchen.
The kitchen that he knew his wife was in and their daughter. Mikoto. Hinata was likely nursing the one year old at the moment.
"But you became friends later." Haru smiles at Sasuke.
Well that was one way to put it. "Yes, very good friends." Sasuke laughs as he pokes Haru's forehead teasingly. "It just took awhile for us to get to know each other because she was so shy and I was very busy."
A long while. Years. Over a decade, really. They had certainly made up for lost time though. Sasuke doubted there was ever a happier married couple.
"Oh." Haru nods. "That makes sense, but now you're very good friends."
Sasuke smirks at that. "Yes, the best of friends." That was certainly one way to put it.
Of course, Haru was Haru. He was a very curious child and very protective of his sister. So Sasuke should have expected what happened next.
"Should we wait for little sister to come join us?" He smiles at Sasuke brightly. "I'm sure that she'll want to hear the story too."
Yes, he definitely should have anticipated that. Mikoto was a very bright toddler, but it wasn't like she was going to understand much of the story. So that should be okay.
Sasuke smiles and pokes Haru's forehead again. "Only if your little sister wants to." He looks at the kitchen again as he hears the sounds of his youngest child cooing. "It sounds like she's kinda hungry. So I imagine she'll be joining us soon."
Not that Sasuke could blame his daughter for wanting to eat. She has the perfect life really. She could sleep, eat, and cuddle up to Hinata (and the rest of their family) all day.
"Okay." Haru nods in understanding.
He was lucky. Haru was young enough that he still listened to him. Sasuke was dreading the day when Haru would likely start some rebellious teenage phase. Almost everyone had one.
Well at least they had gotten passed the Terrible Twos. So that was something. Dealing with a two year old who could breathe fire was not easy. They could handle the teenage years.
Right. Where was he? "Well as I said we met in the Academy." Kinda. Sasuke doubted they had spoken even two words to each other back then.
As if the universe had decided to mock him though, Hinata walks in with Mikoto in her arms. Oh boy. This wouldn't end well.
"Sasuke, why do you look so pale?" Hinata tilts her head in confusion as Mikoto coos.
Just like the woman she was named after his daughter had silky, but she had her mother's lavender eyes. Of course, they were shaped like Sasuke's though.
Sasuke snorts at her playfully, pretending to be casual. "Hinata, I'm always pale." She wouldn't buy that, but there was no harm in trying.
"Mikoto, you have a very silly daddy." Hinata smiles down at the child in her arms. "Can you say silly daddy?"
The toddler giggles and as she blinks up at her mother with those adorably long eyelashes. "Silly daddy!" The same ones that her mother had. Though Sasuke notes, Mikoto did have the same skin tone as him.
It was bizarre. His daughter looked so much like his mother that they could have been sisters. Which was probably just one of the many reasons why he was wrapped around her tiny, little fingers.
"That's not fair." Sasuke shakes his head and sighs. "I'm outnumbered."
Hinata laughs as she sits on the couch with Mikoto in her lap. It didn't take her long to kiss her husband's cheek.
"I suppose you're right." She smiles at him. "It's not very fair of us to gang up on you like that, but it is fun." She smiles and kisses their children's forehead. "Isn't it?"
"Yes!" Haru and Mikoto both laugh.
Three against one. Sasuke had fought against more opponents before. A lot more opponents actually, but he was completely powerless against the force that was their laughter.
Hinata smiles as she looks at Sasuke curiously. "So why were you so pale?" His wife could be far more stubborn than most people would ever suspect. She wasn't going to let this go.
"Daddy was telling me a story!" Haru grins with mirth dancing in those lavender eyes.
He was doomed. There was just no getting around it. It was now enviable what question Hinata was going to ask.
It was only human nature to ask really. "What kind of story is he telling you?" Hinata tilts her head at her son curiously, but Sasuke could see that sneaky smile she was trying to hide.
"How you fell in love." Haru smiles at her.
The bluenette laughs and shakes her head. "Well that's a very long story." Yes, that's exactly what Sasuke said.
Their children were both looking at them with such eager eyes now. Which meant that now Hinata had been suckered into telling the story as well. Good. At least he didn't have to do it alone.
"Tell us!" Haru smiles at his mother.
"Okay. Well, how much did Sasuke tell you?" Hinata looks at him curiously.
Sasuke shrugs in response. What else could he say? "I told Haru that we met in the Academy and that we didn't know each other very well back then." It was the truth.
Hinata nods at that. Apparently, she didn't require much more explanation because soon they were telling the story together. This was going to take awhile.
"Alright. Well, we really didn't know each other that well in the Academy." Hinata smiles at them. "The first time that I thought about your father much was when he left the Leaf, but he came back." Yes, that last part was important Sasuke thinks to himself with a sigh.
Haru smiles at them. "It's okay." Well it was now. "I know that Daddy always comes back."
Hinata smiles and kisses Haru's forehead. Like him, it was obvious that his wife found Haru's answer pleasing.
"That's right." Hinata laughs softly as she looks at Sasuke. "He always comes back. He just likes to play Hide and Go Seek sometimes." Well that was one way to put it.
"Is Daddy good at playing Hide and Go Seek?" Haru smiles at Hinata.
The bluenette returns his smile and just laughs again. "Oh yes." Yeah. It had taken the Leaf years to get him back. "Especially, when he's playing with Naruto. He always comes back though because he loves us."
That was damn right. Sasuke wouldn't trade his family for the world, even if Haru did ask him a lot of embarrassing questions from time to time.