Ch. 50 Fight for the Cosmos - Part 2

The sun slowly peaked over the mountain just beyond the forest. The wind blew against the grass, the leaves rustled high atop the branches, and the cool river flowed outside their training camp.The light entered through Joseph's eyes while the sounds of nature entered his ear.

"Hey," a voice called to him. "You awake yet?"

"Hmm…?" Joseph turned to lay face-up. "Is it morning already—?"


The ropes tightened around Joseph's arms bound behind his back. "W-What is this!?"

"Took you long enough…" A cold voice replied. Standing above him was a tall figure with a V-neck white shirt and black, sleek pants. He wore black leather gloves while his right hand carried a long rod with two blades expanding outward at the tip. The man lowered himself so Joseph's green eyes met with the man's silver chain dangling around his neck. "…Looks like you're just in time for the fun…" The man grinned. He turned to his accomplice who held Zackary against the tree. His sidekick had a tight jacket holding up her bust and tight brown shorts just barely covering her thighs. She tugged the ropes around Zackary as she inched closer to his face.

"You hear that, sweetie?" She stroked Zackary just below his chin. "Sounds like you're gonna be my play date~"

"I'm flattered," Zackary replied. "…But I already have plans with someone else."

"…How long have you been here…?" Joseph asked.

"I was wondering what was taking that bastard," the man spoke. "I didn't expect him to be taken out by two reapers."

"Actually," Zackary interrupted. "That was all Joseph. Guy has some skill when you see him in action." The man slowly turned to Joseph.

"…Really, now…?" A dark smile crept across his face.


The shields stopped Cyrus's attack.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAARGH!" Cyrus grew more furious. He bashed the swords' blades trying to break Raimundo's barrier. With each thrash, the blade began chipping away at the shield's energy.


Rai quickly lowered his shields and charged at Cyrus.


He wrapped his arms around Cyrus's waist.


His tire-heels shrieked against the steel as they burned rubber. From 0 to 55 mph, he propelled themselves into the back wall outside the throne room.


A large indent formed behind Cyrus.


Cyrus dropped the sword.


Rai went on pounding Cyrus with his fists.

"Grr..." Cyrus then grabbed Rai and tossed him across the hallway to his right. Rai quickly stood up and raised his left arm.


His hand shot out. The metal wire coiled itself around Cyrus's neck.

"ACK!" Cyrus wheezed from the limited circulation. Rai restarted his heels and began pulling Cyrus through the hallway. Peke poked her head out from the busted doorway.

"Oh my!" She panicked. "What do I do!? What do I do!?"


A figure flew out of the crater. Peke turned to the intruder. "Eh…?"

Rai dragged Cyrus along bashing him against the walls at every turn. He came to an abrupt stop as Cyrus flew in towards him.


Rai launched a right blow to his jaw. Cyrus kept spinning forward until he landed on his front. Rai then plastered his foot on Cyrus's neck.

"Do you give up," Rai asked, "or do I have to get mad?" Cyrus grinned.

"…Is that all you got?" He replied.

"…Nope." Rai's heel spun at a rapid speed.


The tire blazed against the back of Cyrus's neck.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus screamed in pain. He morphed his backside into a monstrous turtle shell. From behind, two cannons pointed at Rai.



The water pressure blasted Rai into the ceiling. As he came back down, Cyrus stood and grabbed Rai by his left arm.


He tossed Rai into the wall and threw him over his shoulder.


The impact formed a dip in the ground where Rai landed. He struggled to stand, but Cyrus came running in with his four fists.


The first strike was coated in ice that left Rai's left shoulder frozen.


The second strike was coated in electricity shattering his right shield.


The third left a burning scorch on Rai's helmet.


The fourth was an uppercut on Rai's abdomen.

*Gasp!* Rai felt the hit penetrate his armor. With his left arms and his right arms linked, Cyrus raised the finishing blow over his head. His shadow-covered fists fell down on Rai.


Rai's body was sent flying down three stories below to the lower level. Cyrus jumped down after him.


Cyrus landed next to Rai's body.

"..." Rai remained motionless. Cyrus grabbed the boy by the chest plate and looked him in the face.

"...Now do you see exactly what I am capable of?" Cyrus devilishly grinned. "In my world, there is no need for the weak, absent-minded, and ignorant individuals that pollute perfection." Rai slowly raised his head.

"If there's…one thing I know…" Rai grinned. His right arm poked at Cyrus's chest. "…It's that you don't know when to quit." His arm shifted into a cannon. Cyrus's eyes widened.

Ichika and Houki landed within the hangar of the mother ship.

"Raimundo!" Ichika cried out.

"Rai!" Houki shouted. "Where are you?"

"We're here to help!"


Cyrus crashed through the doors ahead. The two watched as the man stumbled and slid across the floor to the edge of the room.

"…Hey..." An arm popped out of the entryway. Rai breathed heavily as he stepped into the boarding area. "That…won't be necessary." His I.S. was damaged to the point where cracks formed along his armor. His helmet had the left half broken off and his torso smoldered with black soot. Sparks flew around his right arm cannon.

"Rai!" Ichika rushed over with Houki right behind. "You're okay!" Houki inspected Rai's suit. "But, man…"

"Your I.S. is completely damaged!" she observed. "It's amazing that it's still even functioning!"

"Yeah," Rai agreed. "I'm just lucky I had one of Lala's fireworks hidden away."

"D-Did we win?" Peke asked. She flew into the room.

"I doubt it..." Rai looked to Cyrus who was still breathing. He slowly tried to get to his feet. "The others are here, so things should go a lot smoother now."

"Yes, well…" A figure walked into the room. "It seems we have another ally with us."

"...Hey, Kurumu." Rai tried not to make eye contact. He remembered how upset she was when she warned him not to go alone. She approached Rai.

"…" She kept staring at him. "…I saw the whole thing…" she answered. Kurumu gripped Rai's helmet and removed it from his head.



"..." Kurumu slapped Rai across the face.

"..." Rai blinked. Ichika and Houki stared in shock.

"...Don't..." Kurumu gazed at the ground. She lowered the arm she struck him with. "Don't you something like that again..." Rai looked to her. Tears were falling at her feet. "If you killed yourself now…I'll never forgive you!"

"…" He nodded. "…I'm sorry." He smiled. "…I'll make sure remember that..."

"…You better." She shoved the helmet into his chest. "You're my only ticket back home." She stared back with a warm smile while still wiping away her tears. "Got it…?"

"…Got it…" Ichika and Houki looked at one another. They both smiled.

"Good." Everyone stared back to Cyrus. His head remained lowered.

"How touching…" Cyrus spoke. His shoulders trembled. "…Such emotion and sympathy…all to be in vain." Kurumu's grip tightened into a fist. "I should have known better than to underestimate someone with your skill…"

"It's over, Cyrus," said Rai. He summoned his scythe for his back. "You're outnumbered and the royal family's safe now. There's no point in going on if you're already beaten."

"Perhaps…" A red aura began glowing around Cyrus. "…Or perhaps, I haven't been using my power to its full potential..." His skin peeled apart as a new, thick, gray coat engulfed his torso. His shape twisted and grew. His abdomen stretched with two pairs of extra thick legs jerking out. "RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Cyrus howled in pain as his configuration changed drastically. Ghastly wings spewed out his back with tattered appendages. The children stepped back as they witnessed Cyrus's large snake-like appearance.

"W-What is that thing!?" Houki cried. Rai recalled seeing this beast before.


Out of nowhere, a large creature stood over the heroes. Its long neck was wrapped in yellow coils like large, razor claws. Running down its neck was a red and black-stripped pattern connecting to a larger grey body from behind. It stood on its six sturdy legs as thick as an elephant's. Its face represented a pair of yellow mantis pincers around its mouth. On its forehead was a crescent moon and underneath it had small red eyes that gazed on the small prey below. The long black wings on its back grew to about 10 feet and had large, red spikes growing out.

Cyrus hovered over the heroes as his new body took up almost half the hangar.

"...Do you think you have what it takes to defeat a God...?" Cyrus asked with a malevolent grin.

"Looks like we're about to find out," Ichika replied. Cyrus opened his gaping mouth. Dark energy started gathering into a small sphere.

"W-W-What is he doing?" Peke asked. The yellow energy grew larger. Rai's eyes widened.

"Everybody; clear out!" He shouted.

The Lunatique flew into space shortly after escaping Earth's orbit. The five girls remained vigilant on seeking the mother ship and assisting in combat.

"Are we there yet?" Rin asked. She, Cecilia, Jolt, Laura, and Charlotte were looking outside the windows while Yami drove the vehicle.

"Is it alright to have Ms. Yami driving this hover craft?" Cecilia asked.

"Do not question the capabilities of Golden Darkness!" The Lunatique debated. "Humans like you should be grateful they have the privilege of boarding such a vessel!"

"This ship can talk?!" Charlotte replied.

"Pika..." Jolt nodded.

"Of course I can, you incompetent homosapien!"

"Who are you calling incompetent, you over-sized hunk of junk?!" Rin retorted.

"Who else, Pipsqueak!?" The two continued to argue. Laura stared ahead through the front window.

"There it is!" she cried pointing to the ship just ahead.

"Excellent," Cecilia added. "Prepare for a surprise attack!"


A powerful, yellow beam shot straight out of the ship. The girls flinched from the sudden attack.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus roared. Suddenly, the large, black serpent bombarded its way out of the docking bay into the open. The creature was surrounded in a glowing red aura as its menacing appearance stretched and slithered in outer space.

"..." Cecilia gulped. "…P-Perhaps we came at a bad time…" she stuttered.

"Nein!" Laura stated. "I must help my wife at once!" Laura ran into the exiting chamber. The rest of the girls followed behind. Yami turned to Jolt.

"...Watch Lunatique..." she requested.

"Pikapika!" Jolt saluted her. The girls stood over the hatch with Yami entering last.

"Hold on!" Rin stopped Laura.

"She's right!" Charlotte added. "Should the door open, we'll be thrown into the vacuum of space!"

"…Very well," Laura nodded.


She summoned her I.S. suit.

"Laura!" Rin ordered. "What are you-!?"

"Prepare for immediate evacuation!" The girls immediately activated their I.S. Yami pulled the lever.


The hatch opened sucking the girls outside the ship. After spinning out of control, they immediately regained their balance.

"What the devil…?" Cecilia cursed. Yami floated in with a black jumpsuit and a small space helmet over her head.

"That was totally uncalled for!" Rin shouted.

"My apologies," Laura said. "But, I cannot afford to waste time." Yami tapped at Charlotte to look back at the creature circling around the four combatants.

"We must hurry!" Charlotte cried. She initiated her thrusters and soared into battle with Yami following.

"Right!" Rin added following the others.

"W-Wait!" Cecilia hesitated. "Shouldn't we form a strategy beforehand?"

"No time!" Laura replied. She flew after the girls. Cecilia lowered her head.

"I fear this may be my last rendezvous with Ichika…" She looked back to the battle. "…but I will not let that happen!" She chased after the others.


[Tsuiseki- Kenji Kawai]

Rai circled the ship with Cyrus right on his tail. His large wings fluttered to increase his speed. With his extra appendages, Cyrus tried ensnaring Rai within his clutches.


Rai avoided all three strikes.

"Guys!" Rai yelled. "I'm gonna need backup!" His earpiece was gone. "Right, I broke it. Smart move, Raimundo." Cyrus's appendages had their red tips touch until a large sphere grew to his size.

"SHADOW BALL!" Cyrus roared. He launched a dark, plasma sphere at his opponent. Rai turned to the oncoming attack.

"Full throttle!" Rai ignited the thrusters in his calves and shot upward. As the sphere came from behind, his back nearly grazed the dark matter. He flipped backward and watched the sphere continue into the emptiness of space. "That was close …"


Cyrus's appendage grabbed Rai and pinned him to the side of the ship. With his arms, Cyrus summoned a pair of razor sickles. He drew back his right arm for a clean cut at Rai's neck.


"RA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Lasers blasted against Cyrus's back. His arm stopped as he turned to the culprit.

"Hey, you!" Houki cried. "Pick on someone your own size!"

"GRRRRRRR…" Cyrus growled. His eyes darkened as his mouth foamed passed his sharp teeth. He used his four other appendages to trap the pilot.


Houki hacked away at the arms with her twin swords. Keeping him busy, Kurumu flew in beside Rai.

"And you didn't want our help," She gloated.

"I didn't count on him growing into a snake!" Rai retorted. Kurumu readied her beam attack and launched a green sphere.


She blasted the appendage at the joint.

"!?" Cyrus turned back to his prey escaping. "RAA-AA-AAARGH!" He expanded his wings and chased after the two.

"Come on, Rai!" Kurumu shouted. "Shoot him!"

"With what?" Rai replied.

"Anything! His balls, tentacles, something!"

"It needs to be smaller than a goddamn meteor!" Cyrus dove into the side of the ship. Rai turned to see him no longer chasing them. Kurumu stopped as well. "…Where'd he go?"


A black hole opened behind the two.


"I did not factor in the warp ability!" Rai concurred.

"Look out!" Peke cried.

"I got it!" Ichika shouted. He charged in with his sword.


He struck his blade at Cyrus's back between his wings.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus felt the sharp blade dig into his skin.


His body plummeted against the side of the spaceship.

"Excellent strike!" Peke complimented.

"Thanks," Ichika responded. "But…" Cyrus shook off the metal debris from the ship and glared at Ichika. "…I don't think he's too happy with that." He called back to his partner. "Houki, can you take him down?"

"Let me see…" Houki responded. She checked her readings.


"I think so." Cyrus placed his hands together. Inside his palms, an orange sphere formed in his grip. "Have him open for my attack!"

"Got it!" He called Kurumu on the communicator. "You got that, guys?"

"Clear as rain!" Kurumu answered. She led Rai to Peke and Ichika.

"Okay…" Ichika charged in. With his sword, he attacked the wild appendages.


They fell to pieces revealing his human torso. "NOW!"

"This is it!" Houki brought out her twin swords. "AA-AA-AAAAAAAHH!"

"…" Cyrus shifted his gaze towards Houki.


A reflective screen appeared before Cyrus.

"WHAT!?" Houki cried.


The mystic wall blocked Houki's attack. She continued to slash away at the screen guarding him.

"No way!" Ichika gasped.

"It created a barrier!" Peke noted. Rai noticed the energy Cyrus stored in his human arms. He aimed it at the sky.

Garchomp summoned an orange sphere from its mouth and fired it into the air. The ball dispersed into small comets...

Rai's eyes widened.

"HOUKI!" Rai ordered. "GET OUT OF THERE, NOW!" Cyrus launched the sphere into the space above him. It hovered over his demonic form until it reached its peak. The sphere grew larger until it became a massive red meteor.

"What's it doing?!" Kurumu asked.


The ball dispersed into a small explosion. Afterward, thousands of fireballs fell in separate directions. Most of which were aimed directly at Houki.

"HOUKI!" Ichika yelled.

"It's Draco Meteor!" Rai answered. "Take cover!" Rai and the others moved from out of its range. Houki watched as the onslaught of shooting stars poured down on her.

"Damnit!" she cried. She put up her shield to guard against the attack.



The comets didn't stop. Houki could only guard in fear as the meteors blasted against her shield.




An appendage wrapped itself around Houki's neck.

"ACK!" Houki cringed at the sudden grasp. The other appendages wrapped themselves around her arms and legs. They pulled in opposite directions prying apart her armor. Cyrus looked her dead in the face watching her struggle in pain.

"LET HER GO!" Ichika ordered. He flew in with his sword ready to strike from behind. Cyrus turned his head in a full 180 rotation at Ichika.

"RAA-AA-AAAAARGH!" Cyrus fired five different spheres from his mouth. The first being green, then yellow, blue, purple, and finally red.

"RAA-AA-AAGH!" Ichika struck away the first two orbs with his sword.


The blue sphere blasted against his chest.


The purple sphere knocked away the sword in his hand.

"NO!" Ichika looked to the oncoming red sphere.

[Beam Attack Lv. 3]

A light, green sphere intercepted it.


The explosion threw Ichika a-ways back. He looked to see his sword fly off into the dark galaxy. Cyrus looked back to Houki. He took a deep breath.


In one blow, an Ominous Wind pushed itself onto Houki's machine. The appendages released their hold and sent Houki flying in the direction of Earth.

"Kyaa-aa-aa!" She started flying out of control.


"I got you!" Rai shouted. He caught Houki in his arms. Cyrus started flying in at the two. "Hang on!" Rai raised his arm cannon. An orange light glowed from inside. Inches from Cyrus, Rai let loose a massive blast.


The blast left black cinder on Cyrus's fractured face. It sent Houki and Rai away from the battle.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus shrieked in pain. Peke flew behind Rai slowing their drift.

"Raimundo-dono!" she cried looking over his shoulder. "Her armor!" Rai looked down at her.

"What?" A purple gas coated itself around Houki. The fumes began rotting the metal. "It's eating her I.S. ?!" He stared at the visor in front of her eyes.




"Can you fix her armor?"

"I am unfamiliar with the data specs! I'm not sure if I can do it!"

*Cough* Houki was losing oxygen. Rai was in anxiety until an idea went off.

"…Can you replace her armor?"

"I believe so…!" Peke touched Houki's forehead. "However, if I assist her, I won't have enough energy left!" Rai looked at his shield energy.



"…Do it…"

"Rai…?" Houki spoke. She started losing the color in her skin.

"DO IT!"

"R-Right!" Peke vanished in a bright light. She encompassed Houki's remaining body and suited her into Lala's Devilukian outfit. Houki finally took in some air as her breathing returned to normal.

"Raimundo!" Charlotte cried. The girls arrived on the scene.

"Raimundo!" Laura interrupted. "We are here to assist you!" Rin summoned her double-blade staff.

"Where's that snake hiding?" Rin demanded. Rai pointed in the direction of Cyrus.

"He's right there," he answered. Kurumu had been swerving around his massive form and continued launching Beam Attacks at his human torso.

"This thing won't die!" she cried. The angered creature roared.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" The girls froze in shock at the massive creature threatening the universe.

"…Oh…" Rin blinked.

"It really is colossal…" Cecilia gulped. Rai handed Houki to Cecilia. He checked the scattered area full of spacecraft.

"Get Houki and any survivors back to Earth!" Rai looked to Yami. "I know it's asking for a lot, but we can't afford to lose this fight..." Rai looked back at Cyrus. "…And I need to be the one to finish it." He took off toward the fight.

"…" Laura readied her thrusters and went after Rai.

"Laura?" Charlotte asked.

"I am not going to lose my wife to such a creature!" she clarified. "That is my final decision." Rin, Charlotte, Yami, and Cecilia looked at one another. They nodded.

"…Alright…" Rin agreed. "Just don't get killed before I kick all your asses back home." She smiled.

"We shall handle recovery operations!" Cecilia noted.

"Agreed," Charlotte spoke. The two groups split for their mission.


Cyrus expanded his appendages to grab at Kurumu.

"Back off, Creeper!" Kurumu flew off around the enemies snares.


The appendages missed their mark. "Ha! Missed me!"


A portal spawned in front of her. Cyrus's upper half appeared with flames spurring from his mouth. "Crap!"

"RA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" With one blow, a star-shaped fireball fired from Cyrus's mouth.


Rai zoomed in and shoved Kurumu before the flame made contact.

"That was close…" he informed.

"You think?" she asked sarcastically. The two took off as Cyrus gave chase around the aircraft. "You got any more bright ideas?"

"Still working on it." Ichika flew in and joined in the escape.

"There's nothing strong enough to stop it!" Ichika noted.

"If I could get the soul from the engine room, I might be able to take him out," Rai deduced.

"You still haven't gotten it yet?!" Kurumu yelled.

"It's guarded in a steel case! I need a tank to take that sucker out!"

"HELLO!" Kurumu looked back to Cyrus. "You have a flying war-machine chasing after us!" Rai looked back to Cyrus.

"…" He checked his visor.


"…Can you guys lure him in?"

"He's been on my ass for a while now." Kurumu winked. "I can make him do anything~."

"We got this!" Ichika assured. Cyrus came to a complete stop. He slithered into another worm hole below his body.

"He's making another jump!" Rai warned. "Let's do it!"

"Here!" Kurumu grabbed Rai's left arm and handed him a pink cellphone. She stared back into Rai's eyes. "…Don't die, you got it?"

"…" Rai smiled. "...That's the last thing on my mind." Cyrus appeared over their heads. "Split up!" The three separated. Ichika and Kurumu kept close to Cyrus trying to lure him away from Rai.

"Ya-hoo-hoo~!" Kurumu shook her hips. "Don't you want a piece of this~?"

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus charged in trying to attack the defenseless girl. Ichika flew in and grabbed to one of the spikes on his tail. He held on as Cyrus flew in every direction trying to shake him off.

"WHOAH!" Ichika hollered. Rai looked for an opening into the ship.

"…Okay," Rai nodded. "What's the plan?" He flipped the cellphone open and checked the contents inside. "Come on, I need some ammo." Rai scrolled through until he found an image that appeared to be bullets. "Nice!" Rai pressed the button in the center. In a flash, a large, oval object hovered in existence. Rai opened his arm cannon and loaded it inside. "Showtime…" Rai waved his hands to alert the others. Kurumu and Ichika noticed Rai's actions.

"The signal!" Ichika alerted.

"It's all him!" Kurumu noted. The two split while Cyrus continued speeding forward. He caught Rai in his sights.

"You're finished, your highness," Rai commented as he readied to fire. He locked the lever on his right arm.


"...Huh?" Rai jimmied the lever. "You've got to be shitting me…!" Cyrus charged in and swung his long tail. It glowed brightly as it crashed on Rai.


Rai plowed into the spaceship. As he landed, the air vacuum started sucking in the debris back outside. Rai summoned his right shield and tore it from his right shoulder. He tossed it at the hole to clog the pull.


"Ha…Ha…" Rai huffed. He checked his visor.


"...Perfect." He stood up and began walking down the hall.

Cyrus prepared to chase after Rai.



Ichika and Kurumu stood in his way.

"That wasn't the plan, was it?" Ichika asked.

"I hope not," Kurumu replied. "Right now, we're sitting geese." Cyrus's mouth gaped open as a collection of yellow energy was about to be released.



Small explosions took the backside of Cyrus as he felt the burst behind.


He fired his Hyper Beam between Ichika and Kurumu. Cyrus viewed back to see the one responsible for the shot. The two new fighters readied their weapons.

"That seemed to draw his attention," Charlotte analyzed.

"Ja vol," Laura agreed. The others were surprised to see them as well.

"Charlotte?!" Ichika said surprised.

"Potato girl?" Kurumu asked. Cyrus charged at the two fighters. Laura lifted her sniper and took aim.



The blast fired directly at Cyrus's face.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus hollered in pain from the shot. He spun into the ship penetrating into the hull. The four regrouped together.

"Who else is here?!" Kurumu asked.

"The others are evacuating the remaining soldiers," Laura explained. "We have arrived for assistance."

"Alright!" Ichika said pleased. "Now we're talking!"

"The odds shall be in our favor," Charlotte added.

"Let's see King Cobra take us all on!" Kurumu taunted. Cyrus grits his teeth. His anger fumed as his power reached its peak. He raised his head and yelled to the heavens.


The shadows began crawling over his entire being.

-Sainan City-

The remaining soldiers from Earth transformed into dark miasma and flew out into the sky. "

"Eh?" Saruyama blinked in shock. "They're running away?"

"Is it finally over?" Haruna asked. The other students and resistance fighters watched as the enemy evaporated into dark smog.

They traversed space to morph themselves with Cyrus's body and expand his appearance. They slowly drifted from him creating what looked to be two large shadows floating to his left and right. A four-legged figure had on metallic armor over its body as well as a chest plate in the center in the shape of a diamond. It had fin-like structures on its back and head with stripes that ran over its body. The other being a long-neck bipedal figure with gauntlet-like arms and two large pearls encrusted on the shoulders. It had two sharp tusks drawn out from its jaw and long wings that extended to the crest on its head. They floated down on the fighters with their dark skin and glowing red eyes.

"…No way…" Ichika's jaw dropped.

"We could hardly handle one!" Kurumu whined. The diamond creature charged itself storing power within its chest. Its vibrant cry echoed out as it fired its beam of cosmic power.


The group split apart. The attack just barely grazed Laura's hair. The other monster drew back its arm as it let out a large swing.


A large slash flew through space as it aimed at Kurumu. She summoned a beam attack to counteract it. The orb simply blew up leaving the slash attack continuing its path of trajectory.

"Not good!" She swerved as much as she could before it struck.


Her left leg armor was grazed. The metal tore off exposing her now bare skin. The cold space pricked at her surface. Ichika stared against the creatures.

"Damn…!" He huffed.


Cyrus swerved passed Ichika as it made its way to the ship. "At least he's still taking the bait..."

"Ichika!" Charlotte cried. Ichika turned around. The steel dragon launched a large, black sphere.


Rai removed the final piece of armor from his leg.

"Okay…" He said. "That takes care of the extra load, but…" His only remaining piece was the cannon attached to his right arm. He tried pulling it off, but the vines growing from the sides began tightening around his bicep. "Why won't this thing come off...?"


"…!" Rai felt a sudden chill run down his spin. From behind him, the upper torso of the villain slowly emerged from the black hole opening in the steel floor. Rai slowly turned around to see Cyrus glaring down at him as his large body overshadowed him. His eyes grew red as his teeth snarled in an uncontrollable rage. "Uh…" Rai raised his hand up. "Easy boy..." Rai slowly lowered himself towards the ground. His right hand reached for his shoes. Lights glittered from behind his heels. "Are you still in there, Cyrus?"

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus roared in anger. He charged head-first at Rai.



Cyrus bashed against the right wall. Rai dove back away from Cyrus and jumped to his feet. Cyrus raised his head snapping his pincers at Rai. "…Guess not." He took off running. Cyrus pursued after Rai. His strength and speed was too much for Rai as he began closing in on him. Cyrus unraveled his appendages at an attempt to grab him. "…Gotta run!" The shoes began blinking in a flurry of colors.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Cyrus charged down at him.


Rai shot off now running at high-speed.


Cyrus's appendages stuck to the metal flooring. He retracted his arms and chased after the boy. Quickly as he could run, Rai was zipping through different halls searching for the engine room. The only thing his vision could catch was the gray blurs passing by as he searched.

"Where is it?" He checked both left and right. "I should have run into it by now." At the end of the hall, a portal opened revealing Cyrus as he was about to release a Hyper Beam. "Oh no, no, no, no!" Rai pressed his heels to the steel ground. The screech echoed through the halls as smoke filled the corridor. Rai hurriedly dashed in the opposite direction.


The blast chased after Rai. The energy nearly grazed his rear while the heat radiated onto his back. "Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot, hot!" Rai hurried before seeing the end of the hall approaching. "Oh, come on!" He pulled out his screwdriver and dug it into the steel flooring. The force slowed his approach as his feet hit the wall. He immediately took off as the Hyper Beam shattered through the wall behind him.


The blast seared through the metal as it penetrated outward into open space. Rai kept his distance as he continued sprinting along the wall. He made a turn around the next corridor and leapt off the wall to the ground. He tumbled and rolled onto his front. "...Ouch..." He picked himself up and prepared to dash.


Rai's leg was snared by a long appendage. It lifted him into the air leaving Rai dangling upside-down. "Ah crap!" Cyrus warped from the ceiling and glared at Rai with his bloodshot eyes and his carnivorous grin. Rai glanced at his arm cannon pulling him downward. He mustered his strength and used the other arm to point it at Cyrus. "Cyrus, don't make me use this..."

"GRRRRRRRR..." Cyrus wasn't being fooled by his damaged weapon.


Suddenly, red petals began blooming out from the barrel. A large, beautiful rose sprouted and flourished in front of Cyrus's face.

"...Uh..." Rai was stunned. "Beware my," he blinked, "...flower power?" Cyrus opened his jaw as he prepared to bite his arm off.


Click! Click!


The rose fired out a non-stop barrage of bullets at a rapid pace. Every shot would blind Cyrus as the seeds pierced his flesh. Small roses grew across his face.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus howled in torture as he clawed at his face trying to remove the plants. Without realizing, he released his hold on Rai while bashing himself against the corridor walls.

"I'm not sticking around to see his new look," Rai suggested. He immediately ran down the next hall to his left."...Wait!" Rai slid across the floor until he came to a complete stop. The room to his right was the control center. "If this is here..." Rai hurried down the hall.


As he made the next turn, he came to a door opening before him. He quickly ran in and hid behind the other side making sure Cyrus wasn't behind him. Rai walked along the gated platform with caution. "Here we are..." The container remained sealed by the glass cylinder and steel bars. Rai looked around the empty room checking to see if there was anyone left aboard. He held his cannon arm close. "Now, where to go from here...?" A large bellow reverberated off the metal walls. Rai turned his head towards the doorway. The silence after the noise echoed throughout the environment. The only sound Rai could hear was his heart pounding. "..."


Rai quickly looked up. The sounds came from the ceiling, but the source was unknown. "..." Rai's eyes shifted back and forth.

"..." A serpent tail was following Rai's movement from under his feet. As Rai walked back towards the cylinder, the tail slithered itself around Rai's neck ready to squeeze down and choke him. "..." A dark smile appeared from the shadows as it prepared the killing strike.


The hair-blades sliced their way at Cyrus's tail, only to be blocked by his large appendages.

"Huh!?" Rai turned around and saw the large shadow hovering behind him. He quickly stepped away and readied his weapon.

"Stay back, Raimundo," a voice spoke. From above, a slender, small figure landed just in front of Rai with a black helmet and jumpsuit. The figure unraveled the hairs to reveal the face underneath.

"Yami!" Rai was overjoyed to see her. "Great timing!"

"I noticed..." The two turned to the figure looming over them. Cyrus's pincers snapped together blocking his torn face with scratch marks and pieces of flesh hanging from his skin. "...Is this the imposter king?"

"...It was." Rai blinked.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAARGH!" Cyrus roared as he charged down at Yami. In an instant, she transformed her foot into a giant mace and swung out.


Cyrus grabbed her leg and transformed his other appendages into large blades. "!"


Rai fired his cannon at the appendages. Cyrus quickly recalled his strike and dodged the onslaught of bullet seeds. He flew under the bridge and disappeared in the darkness. Yami regained her footing and stood back-to-back with Rai. "I wasn't told he could shape-shift..." Yami stated.

"Yeah, and I wasn't told he was still alive."

Click! Click!

"Welcome to the club." Rai readied his cannon while keeping his focus all around him. The same went for Yami. A shadow moved in the corner of Rai's eye.


"...You know him?" Yami asked.

"Short version: bad guy with no powers disappears into black hole. Bad guy comes back with super powers and wants me dead." The appendages started creeping in from under their feet. "Go low!" Yami summoned her blades and hacked away the growing arms as they slithered closer.


The arms vanished below them. "We can't fight him like this; I need that soul!"

"Did you have a plan in mind…?" Rai surveyed the area.

"If we can lure him towards the container and have him break it open..." Rai checked his tool belt. He immediately pulled out the flashlight. He looked up at the remaining lights brightening the room. "...Got it!" He turned to his ally. "Yami, I have a plan!"

"What is it...?" She asked as she hacked away the returning appendages. Rai held out his flashlight and shined it on her.

"...Ever played Flashlight Tag?" Cyrus crept around the container until he was hovering over the two. He began loading energy for another Hyper Beam.

"…" Rai whispered in Yami's ear. "You got it?"

"..." Yami nodded. "...Understood." Rai raised his arm at the surrounding lights above.

"Ready...!" Rai fired his rounds. "Go!"


The ceiling lights cracked. The area darkened until it was pitch black. Cyrus cancelled his attack and surveyed the area for his prey.


A light flickered in the upper platform above his head. Cyrus charged at the source.



The light turned off. Cyrus's appendages ensnared the steel bars on the platform, but no one was there.


The light appeared again on the other side of the room next to the exit. Cyrus launched a Focus Blast.


The sphere shot at the door.


The light vanished.


The sphere destroyed the door. Light entered into the room, but no one was around.

"GRRR..." Cyrus lost his temper. "GRA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" He lashed his tail around in anger and blasted spheres in every direction. His appendages whipped the steel bridges until they broke apart landing against each other.


A bright light blinded Cyrus. He slowly turned his head towards the source.

"Hey, Cyrus!" Rai called out. His back was on the glass with his feet pushing against the bars of the container. "Last chance, buddy!" He grinned. "I'm wide-open!" Cyrus grit his teeth until sparks seeped from his mouth. He wasted no time as he charged his strongest attack. "That's it...a little more..." The energy Cyrus took in lashed around uncontrollably as it trailed across its skin. His body became engulfed in a purple coat while red gas fumed from his mouth and cracks around his body. His pure hatred and rage had finally consumed him.

"SHADOW RUSH!" He roared in a beastly voice. He jumped and charged straight in at Raimundo.

"…And that's my cue." Rai squeezed himself through the bars. As Cyrus approached on impact, Rai jumped away from the container and dove straight into the dark abyss.

"WHAT!?" Cyrus shifted his gaze onto his prey; unaware of the obstacle ahead.



A large explosion blew apart the container; sending the liquid splattering everywhere along with the soul. The jewel spun about as it fell down into the darkness below.


"Whoa!" Rai fumbled as he grabbed the jewel. He dangled over the edge with Yami having her hair wrapped around Rai's waist. She pulled him up and placed him next to her. "Whew, that worked out well." Rai put the soul in his pocket.

"...Surprisingly..." Yami agreed. She handed Rai back the flashlight. He placed it next to his cellphone. "I didn't expect out-maneuvering our opponent to manipulate him would work so easily..."

"Well, it was the last trick I had. So, I'm glad it worked." Rai and Yami looked up to Cyrus lying on the broken bridge above. He seemed unconscious after the impact he made. "Let's get out of here while we still can..."

"...I agree." Rai and Yami hurried to the exit door.



"...!" Yami sensed a strong presence. "Look out!"



A giant wave shook the bridge below the two.

Ka-chink! Ka-chink! Ka-chink! Ka-chink! Ka-chink! Ka-chink! Ka-chink!

In a matter of seconds, the bridge fell apart into thousands of metal scrap pieces. Rai and Yami fell down below until they both plummeted to a round platform hovering directly above the main turbine of the engine.


They landed separately from one another; rolling in opposite sides.

"Ugh..." Rai moaned from the landing. "Yami…?"

"..." No answer.

"Yami, where are you…?" Rai turned around. "...No..." Rai froze in horror. Standing across from him was the masked man with his hand clasped around Yami's neck. His strength didn't choke her, but kept her in place. "You..."

"It would seem," he spoke, "…to be our first encounter, Mr. Ortega."


The man kicked Joseph right into his gut; forcing him to tumble and roll across the floor.

"…" Joseph could hardly breathe after the immense beating he was receiving. His vision became blurry as he could see the man's shadow looming over him. Behind him was his accomplice idling beside Zackary still secured to the tree.

"Hahahaha!" The man laughed. "Are you serious?" He started walking towards Joseph. "You told me this guy was a fighter." He grinned. "So far, he hasn't even hit me once!" He picked Joseph up by his collar. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you won that fight with nothing but luck."


The man punched Joseph right across the face. His nose began bleeding down his mouth onto his own shirt. His right eye was now black and his left check was swollen.

"How much longer are you going to take, Jack?" The girl called out. "It's supposed to be my turn! ~"

"This guy is my punching bag!" Jack replied. "If you want your fill, go and take care of the other guy."

"Jeez, but he's just so cute~" The girl said sadistically. "But, I guess this one here will have to—"


The girl froze.


She felt a force plow into her back before she fainted.

"No, don't hurt her." Rai stepped forward. The masked man clasped tighter around Yami's neck.


Yami choked. Rai stopped.

"If this is what you desire, you will follow my directive." The masked man let out his other hand. "...The soul..." Rai rested his hand against his pocket.

"...What do you want with it?"

"...An analysis." Rai hesitated. He looked back at Yami who stared back. She shook her head warning him not fall for his bribe.

Shit...Now what do I do? Rai quickly thought. The masked man returned to gripping Yami by the throat. Come on, think of something; anything!

01001101 01111001 00100000 01100010 01101111 01111001 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110001 01110101 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110000 01110010 01100101 01100100 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101101 01100101 01101110 01110100 00101110 00101110 00101110 00100000 A voice echoed in Rai's head.

Wait; this again... Rai recalled from his past experience. He could hardly make out the words as though it were sounds of static buzzing through his skull.

01000001 01101100 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01110100 01110010 01110101 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100011 01100001 01110010 01101001 01101111 01110101 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101001 01110100 01110101 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00101110 00100000

I don't understand? Who is this?

01010011 01110101 01110010 01100101 01101100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01100100 00100000 01101101 01110101 01100011 01101000 00100000 01110010 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110011 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101001 01110010 01101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110001 01110101 01100101 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01100101 01101100 01100101 01110000 01100001 01110100 01101000 01101001 01100011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01110101 01101110 01100100 01110010 01110101 01101101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110111 00101100 00100000 01110111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00111111

Rai felt as though it was telling him to remain calm and comply. He didn't have many options available.

"...Alright." Rai nodded. He reached for his pocket and pulled out the sphere. Its mystic power flowed within as the clouds fogged the inside of the glass. Rai gripped it within his palm and tossed it over at the masked man. With one hand, the masked man stopped the movement of the sphere. It floated in the air now surrounded by a red aura.

"Accepted." The masked man approved. "Now then..." He looked up to Cyrus who was now regaining consciousness. "Prove yourself worthy of defeating this vile creature before you." Cyrus slowly slithered downward curling himself over the arena. Rai held his arm cannon tightly. "If my results are accurate, then you shall be victorious without any need of assistance."

"...Kind of ironic if you ask me." Rai readied his weapon.

The man stepped over Joseph looking down in his weakened state.

"Well, it looks like I had my fun," Jack spoke. He reached out his hand and summoned forth his weapon.


His dark sickle with a jagged cutter and twisted rod rested in his tight grip. "You know, you kind of disappointed me, kid." Joseph was unable to move anymore. His body wouldn't respond after the beatings he had been through and could only watch in fear. "If you were going to be this weak of a reaper…" He let out a creepy smile with his teeth blackened. "…you should have been better off dead." He inched closer next to Joseph's ear. "And don't worry," he licked his lips. "I'll take real good care of your girlfriend~"

"!" Joseph's eyes shot wide-open. "…No…" Tears started flowing from his eyes. "…No, please…" He shifted his gaze up to him. The man raised his scythe over his head ready to deliver the final strike. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Jack laughed maniacally. "SO LONG, YOU LITTLE BASTARD!"



Everyone froze. It felt as though time had stopped around them. However, it was obvious to see the view before them. Zackary had caught the shaft of the rapier before it came down on Joseph's neck.

"…Sorry about that," Zack apologized. "Looks like it took me longer to get out of those bonds than I thought it would." Jack was in shock of his own strength being outdone by someone inferior and smaller than he was.

"What the hell…?" Jack finally spoke. "How did you stop my attack?"

"You call that an attack?" Zack grinned. "Here I was thinking you were just fooling around." Zackary pushed the scythe upward and raised it back over Jack's head. With his right foot, he launched it right into Jack's abdomen.



One swift-kick was all it took to send Jack flying backwards into the same tree Zack was restrained to.


Jack's backside slammed into the trunk of the tree. The collision caused the tree to bend back and pull its roots from the ground below. Jack slid down to the ground just beside his unconscious partner.

"No way…" Jack stared down at the fallen comrade. "…Sarah?" He shifted his glance back to Zackary simply standing by with his hands in his pockets.

"What do you say, Jack?" Zackary smiled. "Best two-out-of-three?"


Cyrus's appendage latched around Rai's cannon. As the pressure increased, the armor bent and crackled.


The cannon broke into pieces leaving Rai's arm scratched and bleeding from the sharp metal.

"AA-AA-AAAAAHHHH!" Rai yelled as the pain surged through his arm. In one flick, Cyrus tossed him across the room to Yami's feet. She tried to reach down and help him.

"Raimundo!" Yami cried. The masked man kept her close.

"Denied," he ordered. Rai laid on the ground helpless as Cyrus's tail coiled itself around his chest. "The Celestial Reaper must demonstrate his true potential." Rai reached in and pulled out his cellphone.


His scythe materialized next to him. He grabbed on while Cyrus raised him to his face, but he could no longer move with Cyrus's tail squeezing at his rib cage.

...This is it, isn't it? I save the girls and get my insides crushed. He began losing consciousness ...I'm trying, but nothings working... Cyrus snarled; ready to bite his head off.


From the man's palm, the blue soul began shining in sync with Rai's scythe.

"..." The masked man noticed the light from the sphere. He then turned to Raimundo. Cyrus stopped as he saw Rai's eyes glow a dark, navy blue.

This only threw more fuel to the fire as Jack rushed from the ground and ran for Zackary.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, KID!" Jack summoned back his scythe and swung repeatedly at Zackary. To Joseph's astonishment, he dodged every strike with ease as though he was in rhythm with where each attack would hit.

"Think it's time I wrapped this up." Zackary raised his leg and tapped the tip of his right shoe against the dirt.


A pillar of rock jutted from the ground and tripped Jack while he was attacking.


He landed on his front while his scythe fell a few feet away.

"W-What is this!?" Jack panicked. The next thing he saw was dirt and rock climbing over his wrists and around his ankles locking him to the ground. Zackary simply looked down at Jack.

"You know," Zackary dug into the pocket of his jacket. "I was gonna let you slide so my buddy, J-man, could get some more training in for today…" He pulled out the orange sphere so that both Joseph and Jack could get a good view of it over his head. "But, seeing as you're the kind of guy looking to get a little action on someone else's girl, there's gonna have to be a change of plans."

"You…" Jack trembled on the floor as Zackary's shadow loomed over him. "…You had a soul this whole time?"

"Hey," Zackary shrugged. "You never asked." Zackary turned his attention to Joseph. "Yo, Joseph." Joseph gazed up at him. "Time for one last lesson for today." He then turned back over to Jack. "Sorry it had to come to this, bro."

"…" Jack began to panic. "No…" He wriggled trying to break free. "No, please! Anything but that!" Sweat started forming as he became more delirious and frantic. "I'll do whatever you want! Anything! Just tell me!" Joseph was taken aback to how quickly this man changed in character. Before he was cowering, he was ready to kill Joseph and go after Yume. But now…

"Alright," Zackary held the jewel high as he summoned forth his own scythe. "Soul Breaker." Jack's face grew white; now frozen in fear.

"…Soul Breaker?" Joseph whispered.

01010001 01110101 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100010 01101100 01100101 01101101 00101100 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110111 00101100 00100000 01001001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 00101110 00100000 01010111 01100101 01101100 01101100 00101100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 01101110 01110101 01101101 01100010 01100101 01110010 01100101 01100100 00101100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00101110 00101110 00101110 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110101 01110010 01100101 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 01101101 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 01100101 01100100 00101110 00100000 01000011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110111 00101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01100001 01111001 00111010 00100000 01010100 01110111 01101111 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01100100 01110011 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100010 01100101 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01101110 01100101 00101110

Rai: "Dejad que el cosmos me lleve a la eternidad a la que estaba destinado."

As Rai spoke the incantation, Cyrus readied his jaw for a final Hyper Beam.


Rai: "Revelar las estrellas alineadas como chispas mi fuerza."

"RAIMUNDO!" Yami cried out. The energy gathered in front of Rai's face with nowhere to escape.

Rai: "Alma del Cosmos... Despierta!"

"...I see." The masked man deduced. Rai looked up one last time.

"Soul..." Rai grit his teeth. "BREAKER!"



Cyrus fired his beam at Rai. Yami and the masked man watched as Rai took the attack directly in the face. From the black and yellow stream of energy, two blue eyes opened.

"!?" Cyrus froze in fear.


A stream of blue light shot directly through both the top and the bottom of the ship.

"Huh?" Ichika turned around. The other pilots, as well as the shadow beasts, stopped to witness this extraordinary power.

"What is going on?" Charlotte asked.

"I don't know," Laura replied.

"..." Kurumu remained silent.

[Brave Heart - Digimon Adventure Tri]

As the light filled the room, the wave of energy pushed against everyone in the surrounding area. Once the light subsided, standing in the room's center was a man with nothing more than a skinny body comprised of steel bars for arms and small gears for joints. His head was covered by a half-dome revealing only his mouth and lower jaw. He stood straight up letting his body unwind and clank with each movement.

"..." The gears and pumps on Rai's back started moving. From the other side of the ship, clanking and banging echoed throughout the halls. The doorway became flooded with the remaining parts of the Lucha Libre. They flew in and circled themselves around Rai's body. The crushed fragments of Rai's arm cannon infused itself regenerating and shielding his triceps. His body became shaped with the machine parts outlining his physical form. His arms regained muscle as pistons took over. His back now revealed the cylinders diagonally placed on his back with braces arching over his shoulder. The only thing that blocked his backside were two large gears spinning slowly outward clanking against one another. His legs were now coiled with suspenders and wiring circling to his feet with wheels attached to his heels. His chest was now plated marking his abdomen with a round window where a red light radiated from the center. Rai turned to Cyrus, who was now completely lost in confusion as to how Rai regained his strength.

"RAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" Cyrus charged at Rai with his Shadow Claws. Rai didn't flinch.

[Enemy Approaching]

[Initiate Evasive Maneuvers]


Rai quickly dodged to the left before Cyrus could attack now flying above Rai's head over the battlefield. Rai touched the left side of his helmet.

[Scanning Enemy Database]

Cyrus came soaring back at Rai, but was now coated again by the dark clouds fuming from his body.

[Engage Defense Tactic]

Rai reached around and pulled off the large gear on his back. He held it front of him as Cyrus rushed in to attack.


Cyrus crashed into Rai's shield. With one swing, he tossed Cyrus directly to the ground. Rai looked down on his dazed opponent while returning the gear on his back.

[Enemy Analysis]

Cyrus shook off the beating and crawled over the edge. He sunk back down into the darkness. Yami watched as Raimundo not only changed his appearance but also his battle format.

"...What is he...?" She asked herself.

[Enemy Analysis Complete]

Cyrus's appendages shot from the darkness tightening around Rai's arms and legs. He hovered over Rai and began pulling in opposite directions trying to tear Rai's limbs apart.

[Special Attack]
[Static Dominion]

The gears on Rai's back began spinning furiously.


The faster they spun, the more electricity sparked from him. In a bright display, Rai released an electric shock trailing back to Cyrus.


Cyrus took the direct flow of electricity coursing through his body.

"GAA-AA-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" His hold on Rai was gone as he landed back on the platform. Rai aimed his arm at Cyrus. *Snicker* Cyrus grinned knowing Rai had no ammo to fire with.


A light began flickering within his cannon.


A giant ball of light shot at Cyrus.


The attack bashed its way beyond Cyrus and continued on through the ships interior.


When Cyrus looked at the damage done, there was now a hole torn through his left shoulder with black smog leaking out.

"He…" Cyrus suddenly started shaking. "…He took out my left arm…with one shot!" Rai went running after him to finish his objective. Cyrus quickly retreated through the walls and flew out of the battlefield. With his heels, Rai drove through the corridors of the ship searching for the target. From behind, Cyrus popped out of his black hole and launched several spheres.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Rai swerved and evaded each attack. He cocked his arm as he turned around to start firing while veering in reverse.


All his shots were executed to circle around his torso until he got a clear shot at his head. Bullet holes were being revealed as they began to do serious damage. Cyrus vanished again into the walls of the ship. Rai came to an abrupt stop. He turned out to the window where the battle continued on with the four I.S. pilots and the two shadow beasts. Rai readied his cannon.

The two beasts returned to battle chasing after the combatants. The I.S. pilots tried garnering the attention of the pearl beast to separate it from the diamond beast. The other beast focused all its attention on the succubus and unleashed its ultimate attack.


Kurumu flew over and under the diamond beast's Roar of Time.

"How much longer do we have to keep doing this!?" Kurumu whined. As she tried getting close, it let out a massive roar sending her flying back. She flipped backward ready to try again.


A human figure flew passed Kurumu. "What the?!" The fighter was zooming directly at the diamond beast. The creature saw this and released its Roar of Time.


The attack shot straight on course for the fighter. He quickly reached behind his back and pulled the larger gear forward.

[Calculating Trajectory]

[Target: Locked On]

The fighter tossed the gear head-on with the devastating beam.


The gear tore right through the beam splitting it down the middle as it continued on to the diamond beast.


The beast flew backward as the gear made impact to its large forehead. It crashed into the other beast behind it. The I.S. pilots watched in shock as they saw the beasts trampled against each other.

"Sacrebleu!" Charlotte gasped.

"No way!" Ichika added. "Did Kurumu—?" He turned to where the beast came from. He then saw a fighter flying for the two creatures.

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Raimundo used his two cannons to distract the two beasts to chase after him. As the pearl beast hacked and slashed trying to strike the fighter, he simply maneuvered around with quick precision. Meanwhile, the diamond beast fired beam after beam with different variations. The fighter turned and deflected the beams with his gear shield. As he turned back around to fly onward, he noticed floating among the wreckage of the damaged ships was the cybernetic sword: Yukihira Nagata. He zipped by and grabbed the blade, then returned to the mother ship and started digging into the steel surface.


He traced out a portion of the hull until the cannon became separated from the rest of the ship. The two beasts stopped and watched as Rai flew near the rear-end of the weapon and lodged his arm into the back of the barrel.

Whish! Whish! Whish!

The cables and wires extended out from Rai's arm and began syncing themselves into the side of the weapon. Blazing light traced all around the cannon as it now had light-blue streaks coloring it. The beasts suddenly realized the new threat and released a combined attack of Spatial Rend and Roar of Time at the cannon's opening.


The multi-colored lights of blue and purple fused into a pulsing-green beam. Rai held on as he prepared to fire.

[Initiate Offensive Maneuvers]


In a giant ray of white light, the beam shot out of the barrel causing a colossal shockwave to be felt throughout space.



The beam fired directly at the two beasts, engulfing them until their frames vaporized and vanished within the attack. The beam attack continued on passed the Earth and into the furthest depths of the solar system. By the time it extended out beyond their vision, a large yellow dot blossomed out and soon dissipated after. The stars that twinkled from that area vanished. Rai released his grip on the space cannon as it floated away. The remaining I.S. pilots were in shock after witnessing such a fate. Rai turned to his allies.

"…" He looked at each of them.

"…Unbelievable…" Ichika whispered.

"…" Laura and Charlotte were at a loss for words.

"…" Kurumu stared back examining the features and details of the new hero.

"…" Rai nodded and looked back down at the ship.


Rai crashed down into the chamber where Cyrus, Yami, and the masked man remained. The villain still held Yami bound by the neck. Rai took his first step forward.

"Don't even think about it!" Cyrus demanded. "I'll be sure to destroy the child if you so much as come even an inch closer!"

"..." Rai stood watching the two against him. The other I.S. pilots flew through the hole Rai made and witnessed the standstill.

"It applies to your comrades as well!" Cyrus growled as his mouthed foamed in rage.

"Guys, be ready for anything…" Ichika ordered.

"Let's just kick his ass and get this over with!" Kurumu demanded.

"Hold on, Kurumu," Charlotte advised while raising her arm. "We cannot risk putting Yami in danger."

"She's right," Laura added. "No matter how you see it, this is a hostage situation. One misstep could cost Ms. Yami's life." Kurumu clenched her fist. She didn't want to admit it, but she knew they were right.

"…" Yami could only glance back between her comrades as well as the enemies binding her.

"…" Rai raised his cannon at the masked man. The end of his barrel slowly started glowing.


Everyone remained silent waiting to see which side would make the first move.

"...You incoherent fools..." the masked man spoke. Everyone was stunned from the masked man's statement. However, Cyrus twitched from his cold words.

"...What did you say...?" Cyrus started fixing his rage on him.

"The soul is no longer in our possession..." The masked man revealed the hand that held the soul. It was no longer present.

"The soul…?" Charlotte asked.

"Then where is it?" Cyrus demanded. He searched the area around them, eventually fixing his glares on the others. The masked man pointed to Rai.

"The power is already imbued within him."

"So, he did it…" Kurumu smiled. Laura looked over to Kurumu just barely hearing her words.

"It is their victory..." With his telepathy, he tossed Yami at Rai's feet. "...for now." He turned around and started walking off towards the exit. Rai stepped closer to Yami and inspected her. She seemed weakened, but she managed to sit upright. She looked to the hero kneeling.

"…" She looked at the mechanical warrior's face. "…Raimundo Ortega?"

"…" For a split second, Yami thought she had seen the machine grin at her.


Cyrus's tail blocked off the masked man's exit.

"It's not over..." Cyrus declared. The heroes turned their attention back at Cyrus now enraged at the betrayal of his associate. "You have the power to make me stronger." He started coiling himself around the masked man while tightening his grip. "Give me more power! I WANT IT! GIVE IT TO ME!"

"...I believe we agreed upon our alliance being nullified..." The masked man glared at him. "Your failure is from the lack of control and understanding you had on the situation."

"GRRRRR..." Cyrus grits his teeth. "SEIKATSU!" He opened his mouth and formed a small sphere of energy that grew larger every second. "THEN YOU SHALL PERISH LIKE THE REST OF THEM!"


Cyrus fired his Hyper Beam directly at Seikatsu. The energy swallowed him whole in a blazing dark stream of light.


Once the explosion subsided, Cyrus huffed as his strength was wasted to its fullest. His gaze suddenly grew cold and terrified as he watched Seikatsu regain his composure.

"..." He looked at Cyrus dead in the eyes.

"Why..." Cyrus charged out at him. "WHY WON'T ANY OF YOU JUST DIE!?"


Cyrus froze in place. A red aura surrounded his entire body and kept him levitated in mid-air. "Wh-What is this!?" Seikatsu pulled Cyrus's head closer to meet his face.

"Allow me to demonstrate what power truly is..." Seikatsu twisted his wrist. Cyrus's head started turning to the right.

"W-Wait! Stop this!" Cyrus demanded.

"..." Seikatsu did not stop.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

Everyone could hear the sound of his neck snapping into pieces. His head made a full rotation. Ichika and the others covered their eyes before the gruesome sight. Yami watched in horror as she saw the man's body twisting irregularly and crackling as his skin stretched and his bones breaking out of their sockets.

"…!" She quickly buried her head into Rai's chest before she could witness Cyrus's eyes roll back into his head. The scene almost caused her to vomit.

"..." Seikatsu finally stopped. He clenched his hand in a firm grip.


Cyrus's neck tightened until it was nothing more than a twig joining his head and shoulders. Cyrus's hands dropped while his body remained hovering.

"..." Seikatsu walked over to Cyrus's body to see his gaping mouth and empty eyes. His body was now lifeless. Seikatsu placed his hand on his skull and the other on his neck.


Seikatsu tore the head from the body with muscles and veins hanging from below his head. Blood splattered over the floor from his shoulders as the remaining gore dripped. Raimundo watched as Seikatsu tossed the head into the darkness below the platform. The echo from the cranium could still be heard banging on the way down.

"..." Seikatsu remained quiet as he turned from the bottomless pit to the headless body on the floor. "...Another failed experiment, it would seem." Seikatsu gazed over his shoulder at the hero. "...Do not be foolish, Raimundo. Throwing your life into a losing battle would be unacceptable."

"..." Rai kept locked on the enemy.


"Our reunion will arrive in time." Seikatsu raised his hand in the air. "Until then..."


Seikatsu snapped his fingers. He vanished. Rai turned down to Yami clinging onto him.

[Subject: Golden Darkness]

[Occupation: Bounty Hunter]

[Vital Readings: Stable]

[Heart Rate: 107 bpm]

[Relationship: Ally]

Rai slowly lifted Yami into his arms. She appeared unconscious with little strength remaining. The I.S. pilots returned to the scene before them only to see the enemy disappear and their friends alone with the corpse.

"Is it over now?" Charlotte asked with some fear behind her voice.

"…Ja vol," Laura answered. "Let us begin evacuation procedures."


Kurumu noticed the falling debris. "We will debrief with Ms. Orimura after—" A steel wall scraped apart from the ceiling and fell above Laura.

"Look out!" Kurumu yelled.

"Huh?" Laura stared up.


Charlotte quickly zipped by Laura and moved her away from the steel casing.


The steel continued its descent until it rattled across the broken stairway below.

"That was close," Ichika sighed in relief. His monitor appeared his eyes as it displayed urgent readings.


"Not good!" Ichika warned. "The ship is ready to explode!" The area around them was starting to crumble and fall apart. Small bursts of flames fumed out around the engine room.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Rai fired off Electro Balls into the ceiling. A large hole opened outward and started vacuuming all the rubble and wreckage into space.

"What is he—!?" Before Kurumu could finish asking, the I.S. pilots were sucked out of the ship back outside. Kurumu regained her balance and inspected her surroundings. "You can't be serious!" Kurumu was ready to take off, until Charlotte grabbed her arm. "Hey, let go!" Kurumu fought back. "We can't leave them, we have to—!"

"If we don't leave now, we'll be caught within the blast radius!" Charlotte clarified. "Our I.S. will not be able to take the impact! It's going to be massive!"

"What about the others?!" Ichika added. "Yami and Rai are still in there!"

"Raimundo knows what he is doing!" said Laura. "We have to put our trust in him!" Kurumu froze. She looked back to the ship, then back over to the others.

"…Don't die, you got it?"

"…" Rai smiled. "...That's the last thing on my mind."

"…" Kurumu gave out a large sigh. "…Alright, let's go…" Kurumu and the others hurried away.

Rai looked around for an escape route back outside. He held Yami tight ready for take-off.


The platform below started giving way. Cyrus's corpse slid down into the flames coating the bottom of the chamber. Rai quickly jumped and started flying towards the whole in the ceiling.


The railways came down and blocked their way out. As the rubble fell on top of them, Rai safeguarded her with his back for cover. He looked back down at Yami who was still not moving.

[Condition: Unconscious]

[Survival Probability]

The platforms above were corroding and falling down below to the lower levels. Rai and Yami were near the bottom of the engine room just above the turbines of the ship. Sparks flew about as explosions began bursting all around. Raimundo held Yami in his arms as the ship continued to fall apart.

[Estimated Time until Self-Destruction]


Rai glanced at the fallen debris along with the destroyed platforms. He searched for any means of escape.

[Calculating Projection]
[Destination: Earth]

[35.8 Degrees N: 140.3 Degrees E]

[Success Rate]


He looked down at Yami one last time.

[Survival Rate]







Rai embraced Yami tightly.

The people of Sainan started scavenging around town for any belongings or loved ones that might have gone missing. The soldiers loyal to Gid Deviluke helped in recovering and assisting the citizens in their dilemma. Although the war broke out near large populated districts, there didn't appear to be as many casualties as some expected. No lives were lost and the most people might have suffered was a fractured limb. The remaining I.S. pilots scoured high and low to provide support for clearing roads and obstacles blocking ambulances and rescue vehicles. The generals of the battalions did all they could to aid the recovering soldiers retrieved from Cecilia and Rin. Afterwards, they rounded up to join the rescue parties across town. Ms. Orimura and Ms. Mikado kept all operations flowing with relay between the I.S. pilots and the Sainan students. Gid assigned Zastin to round up any able-bodied soldiers to lend a hand where the teachers need them.

"Status report on the shopping district?" Ms. Orimura ordered.

"No casualties to report," Rin replied. "The shopping district is cleared."

"Excellent; regroup with Cecilia and provide Intel on the school district next."

"Copy that."

Meanwhile, Ms. Mikado sat on a foldable chair under a canopy giving Oshizu prescriptions for each patient. She was operating a quick-care service with the help of her assistant and other girls along with Clarrisa and the bunny brigade members.

"Oshizu-chan, give this one to patient seven, and this one to patient twenty-five," Ms. Mikado requested.

"Yes, ma'am!" Oshizu saluted. She quickly took off with bags of medicine in each hand.

"Sensei," Run called out, "I'm going to need more gauze for his arm." Run was helping one of the soldiers by wrapping up his burnt arm.

"Understood." Ms. Mikado turned to Rito who was bringing in supplies back and forth between the medical tents. "Yuuki-kun~" She winked at him. "Can I get you to find me more gauzes for Run-chan, pretty please~?"

"Oh!" Rito replied. "Sure, I'm on it!" He made his delivery and quickly took off to find more gauze.

"Ahh~!" Run sighed with delight. "Rito-kun is working so hard for me!" She giggled and swaggered in place while the soldier watched her in confusion.

"Uh, excuse me, Miss…" the soldier inquired. Run was moving so much that the gauzes were coming apart.

"Run-chan!" Yui scolded her. "Stop spacing out and keep working!" She was with a civilian bandaging his head.

"Humph," Run pouted. "Geez, you don't have to scold me just because Rito-kun is helping me more!"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Yui returned to her bandaging. "Honestly, don't you think we have more important things to worry about?"

"Oooh~!" Run snickered. "Maybe not Rito, but maybe Raimundo-san is more your type."

"Eh!?" Yui's face blushed furiously. "Him!?" She wrapped her patient faster the more she flustered. "Why are you bringing that pervert into this? It's not like I'm worried over him or anything!"

"Uh, Kotegawa-san," Run interrupted.

"Huh?" Before she realized it, Yui had completely bandaged the entire head of her patient. "Waah!?"

Rito rushed to the stack of crates lying near the tents. As he reached for one box, he noticed to his left that Mikan was delivering supper for the workers.

"Mikan?" Rito questioned. "What are you doing?"

"Rito?" Mikan noticed her brother. "I was just helping the others by giving them a quick meal." She looked over to Jolt and Celine aiding Mikan by giving out snacks and drinks for the wounded. "If Yami, Kurumu, and Rai are willing to do what they can to help us, I can't just sit around and do nothing."

"Mikan…" Rito was surprised by Mikan's determination in supporting the cause.

"I want to be a part of the team, even if I can't do much." Rito smiled and patted her head.

"…You're really helping us, whether you know it or not."

"Rito…" Mikan blushed. She then followed through with a warm smile.

At the other end of the medical tents, Kyouko was lighting warm campfires with her fire breath. She let out a sigh making sure not to get winded out.

"Whew," she wiped her forehead. "That should do it." Lala, Momo, and Nana were handing out blankets along with hot tea to warm up the troops and civilians.

"Waa~!" Lala cheered. "You're amazing, Kyouko-chan!" Her admiration and fandom for Kyouko wasn't hidden, but exposed for all to see.

"Our sister really is a big fan, Kyouko-sama," Momo giggled.

"I think she might be acting a bit childish," Nana retorted.

"You think so?" Momo placed her finger to her lips. "But, if I recall, you're always watching Kyouko–sama with Celine every day when she airs."

"!?" Nana flinched. "T-that's just because Celine always wants to see her when she's on television! It's not like I'm a fan of her show or anything like that!"

"Oh?" Momo tilted her head. "Even when Celine falls asleep, you seem to enjoy watching the re-runs."

"Momo!" Nana yelled at her sister. Lala and Kyouko chuckled at the little sisters getting into a spat. As Kyouko stared up, she noticed a few flying machines racing towards the encampment.

"Eh?" She pointed upward. "Look!" A few people heard Kyouko's statement and stared up at the clouded sky. The others followed the crowd and shifted their gaze to where Kyouko mentioned. The four I.S. pilots were making their way back to Earth.

"Did they do it?" Yui asked.

"…" Gid remained silent along with Zastin as they witnessed the scene from within the city.

"Wait…" she questioned. Mikan searched around the sky, but there was no sign of the others. "Where's Yami-cha—?"


A ball of massive fire exploded outward as the king's ship let out an explosion to be seen from Earth's spectators. A large shockwave flew outward from the center. Wreckage dispersed throughout space while some were pulled into Earth's atmosphere burning on re-entry. As the pilots made their way to Earth, the shock-wave threw off their balance.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

It forced them to the ground skidding on the concrete. The others ran trying to get them on their feet.

"What the devil happened up there!?" Cecilia asked.

"Did you guys beat it?" Nana asked.

"What happened to Yami-chan?" Mikan asked.

"Where's Rai?" Rito asked. The pilots stood up and glanced at one another. They looked back up to the fuming cloud in space.

"Rai…" Charlotte muttered.

"…He was still on the ship…" Ichika uttered. "…That's all we know." Everyone stood frozen. Suddenly, a twinkle had caught Kurumu's eye. The light started to grow until it became a blurred object flying into Earth's atmosphere. However, it hadn't been destroyed yet.

"Hey, guys…" Kurumu pointed up. "You might want to see this…" Everyone turned to her depiction and saw the object growing larger as it flew downward. The blazing red heat singed on the outer shell as it approached the city.

"Is that…? Rin thought.

"It not just rubble, is it?" Houki asked.

"Whatever it is…" Yui concurred.

"It's heading for…" Zastin noted.

"…My house!" Rito concluded. Its collision course appeared to be heading towards the Yuuki Household.


The impact could be heard from miles away as the wave propelled out from Rito's house. The group of heroes rushed to the household to witness the destruction. Thankfully, the only real damage was that there was now a large hole from the ceiling as well as the second floor above leading to the first floor bathroom. Somewhere in the middle of all the broken debris was the mechanical humanoid resting in the bathtub.

"W-what is that?!" Run asked. Mikan walked closer to the machine.

"Oi!" Rito ushered her. "Mikan! Come back!" She reached over to touch it.

[Opening Chest Cavity]


The chest of the machine started opening. The others stepped back as air escaped from within. From the clear smog came a girl with golden hair and her torn, black attire. Mikan's eyes widened as she witnessed the survival of her close friend.

"Yami-chan!" Mikan wrapped her arms around the exhausted assassin.

"…Mm…?" Yami exhaled. She slowly opened her eyes to see her friend hugging her. "Mikan-san…?"

"Thank goodness, you're okay…" she sniffled.

"…" Yami wasn't sure how to react. She looked to the others who were smiling to see her safe and sound. She stepped out of the bathtub and regained her balance.

"Yami-Yami!" Mio spoke out. "How did you survive that explosion?"

"That must have been an enormous impact if it sent you back to earth," Chifuyu clarified.

"I recall…" Yami explained. "Raimundo and I were…" She paused. Her eyes widened. "Raimundo…!" She turned around and saw the machine close its chest cavity. Yami examined the machine noticing his body scorched with burnt appendages. "He saved me…"


Everyone shielded their eyes as the mechanical body glowed brightly. The light faded leaving the figure revealed to be the reaper. Everyone gasped as they witnessed his scythe resting in his right hand shined a faint blue from the jewel.

"…" Raimundo's body remained motionless. Laura ran up to him; grabbing him by the shirt and shaking him vehemently.

"Raimundo!" she cried. "I order you to wake up!"

"…" No response.

"I said wake up!" Laura started shouting, but Raimundo didn't answer. Charlotte started crying as she watched Laura trying to wake her spouse. "Why won't you answer me…?"


The scythe fell from his grasp. It landed on top of the rubble at Kurumu's feet.

"…Oh no…" Rito whispered. He held Mikan as she pushed her head into his chest. The snow fell down as it covered the city of Sainan in cold sorrow. No one spoke a word as they realized the loss of their fellow comrade. Lala and her sisters covered their eyes wiping the tears from their faces. The I.S. pilots looked down at their failure with biting lips and clenched fists. The Sainan students could only watch in grief at their fallen friend.

"…Pikapi…" Jolt sniffled while rubbing his eyes.

"…It was my fault…" Lala whimpered. Tears ran down her face. "I should have listened to him…" Gid looked to his daughter. He rested his hand on her lower leg trying to comfort her. "Papa!" She knelt down and held her father. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault!" She cried on her father's shoulder.

"…" Gid could only hold his daughter doing what he can to assure her.

"I ordered you to wake up!" Laura's hands shivered. Tears ran down her right eye. "…RAIMUNDO!" She buried her head in his chest. Charlotte walked up to her from behind trying to comfort her.

"Damnit!" Ichika growled. "DAMNIT! DAMNIT!" His voice echoed over the silence and Lala's sobbing. "I should have stayed behind and helped him! I'm such an idiot!"

"Ichika…" Houki spoke.

"He must have known they both wouldn't survive…" Haruna added. "He risked his life so that Yami could come back safe."

"…!" Yami's eyes glistened from her statement.

For a split second, Yami thought she had seen the machine grin at her.


Raimundo held Yami in his arms as the ship continued to fall apart.




Rai embraced Yami tightly.

She looked down at the boy with his shirt half-torn and his arm cut and bruised. "…" She reached for her own face and lightly touched her cheek. "…" She could feel a small drop of liquid just below her eye.

"…" Kurumu walked over to Rai. She moved Laura aside and pulled him by the collar. "Raimundo…" Kurumu spoke out. "You promised you'd live through this. I swear to god if you lied to me…I'LL KILL YOU, YOU JERK!"

"…" Rai slowly opened his eyes. "…huh?" When he finally awoke, he was now floating in a strange dimension with nothing but shaded-red walls all around him. "This seems oddly familiar…"

"I assume it does…" A voice answered. Rai quickly shifted his attention upward.

"You!" Rai quickly readied himself. However, he didn't have his scythe or his belt with him. "Great, this again."

"Your latest endeavor proved to be educational in my research." Seikatsu loomed over Raimundo.

"I hoped you enjoyed the show, because you're already next on my hit list." Rai stood his ground. "It was Seikatsu, right?"

"…" Seikatsu didn't respond.

"What is it you're really after?" Rai asked. "You could have killed me right there and taken the soul for yourself."

"All will be revealed in time, Mr. Ortega," Seikatsu explained. "All you need to know is that my disposition will far surpass that incompetent beast's vision." Seikatsu looked down into the palm of his hand. "What I plan to achieve will be sure to eradicate the very core of corruption found in every world in existence."

"Yeah…" Rai scratched his head. "You saw how well that went for Cyrus, right?"

"Indeed," Seikatsu replied, "but my strategy was not so much as having him succeed in his goal."

"…You mean…"

"It was only an experiment I desired to evaluate in order to further my research. I allowed you to defeat that nuisance so as to examine how far I've progressed."

"…You let me use the soul against Cyrus…"

"His fate was sealed when I found him suffocating among the stars. My desire for a test subject only prolonged his survival." Rai clenched his fist. "The biomechanical weapon would have made a far superior subject if in more…capable hands." Rai flew in at Seikatsu ready to punch him.

"You bastard!" Rai threw his fist out. "You leave her out of this!"


Seikatsu raised his arm out at Rai. In a split second, Rai was now frozen in place unable to move his body.

"Do not discard your life in a battle you cannot triumph." Seikatsu glared over at Rai with his cold, empty eyes. "Especially when you have yet to practice more than a fraction of your power."


In one motion, Seikatsu tossed Rai farther away than where he was before. "Do not let your emotions consume you," Seikatsu turned away and vanished leaving only his haunting voice, "…for that will become your greatest downfall."

"No!" Rai could only watch as a white light began glowing around him. The dimension blinded him in every direction. "Get back here!" Rai reached out to the empty space one last time. "SEIKATSU!"

Kurumu looked straight at Rai with tears streaming down her face.

"YOU ASSHOLE!" Kurumu couldn't stop shouting in his face. "YOU JERK!"

"…" Raimundo remained silent. "…" His eyebrow twitched.

"LIAR! IDIOT…!" Kurumu's expression changed to sudden shock at what she saw.

"…" Rai moved his head to the left trying to raise it. As his consciousness returned, he gazed over at the others who watched the hero return to life. "…" The smiles of everyone lit up as Rai looked at his comrades all worn out and relieved. He looked back over to Kurumu who still had him in her grip. "…Do you always have to yell at me?" Kurumu released Rai from her grip from being surprised as well.

[Soundmopi - Return of the hero]

"Raimundo!" Laura cried. She grabbed Rai's neck followed by Charlotte.

"He's alive!" Charlotte shouted.

"Welcome back, buddy!" Ichika declared.

"Pipipi!" Jolt was the happiest to see his best friend finally awaken. It was then that the other Sainan and I.S. students rushed in to get their chance to welcome back the hero who saved their world. Gid and Zastin grinned watching the boy be smothered by his generals as well as his I.S. comrades.

"You're back!" Laura cried out. "Thank God, my wife has returned!" Rai could feel Laura putting weight on his wounded arm.

"Ow-ow-ow!" Rai cringed. "Easy!" Rai held his arm to show the scratches and bruises across his limb.

"You're wife!?" Nana jumped with surprise. "When did that happen!?"

"Quite frankly," Cecilia interrupted, "It's a rather long and complicated story."

"It's more one-sided, to be honest," Ichika smiled weakly.

"Obviously," Yui corrected. "She's too young."

"I beg your pardon," Laura intervened, "but this is not an issue that concerns you."

"But, Raimundo isn't ready for that kind of commitment," Charlotte explained. The girls bickered while the others watched them argue in protest.

"…" Kurumu looked down to Rai getting praised for his bravery. He noticed her stare.

"…" The two shared glances. "…I told you I wasn't going down that easy." Rai grinned at her.

"…" Kurumu sighed and returned a smile back to him. "You idiot…" She wiped the tears from earlier. "And here I was chewing you out." Chifuyu and Ms. Mikado watched from the side as the kids congratulated him.

"Such a wonderful feeling of victory, wouldn't you agree~?" Ms. Mikado asked.

"It wasn't easy, but we managed to pull it off," Chifuyu stated. "This guy can be a bit reckless, but at least he gets the job done."

"Ahem," Gid cleared his throat. Everyone turned to him. "Well, kid…" He folded his arm. "Thanks to your tactics and strategy, looks like you saved both this world and the universe from some asshole look-alike." Rai stepped forward towards the real king holding his right arm.

"It wasn't just me." He smiled as he browsed everyone around him. "…We all did it." The small army smiled back to his declaration.

"Very well…" He tapped Zastin on the leg. "Go on…" Zastin looked to the king in confusion.

"I beg your pardon, your majesty?" Zastin asked.

"Get on with it!" Gid responded impatiently.

"…Oh!" Zastin understood. "Yes, your highness!" Zastin tried to pull out his blade. "Oh…" He stopped. "My apologies; it seems my sword was on the ship."

"Hold on," Kurumu intervened. Her tail extended out and revealed the hilt wrapped by the tip. "I found this before I ran into Rai and the others." She flung it at Zastin who caught it with his right hand. With one push, the green blade extended out from the hilt.

"Excellent," Zastin nodded. He stepped forward in front of Rai. "Kneel now, reaper." Rai raised an eyebrow. The others grew cautious as Rai knelt down to Zastin with the blade pointing at his head. "Raimundo Ortega…" He tapped the blade onto Rai's left shoulder. "I hereby knight you as the galaxy's Bravest Hero…" He then tapped the other shoulder. "…and in the name of Deviluke, I dub you: Earth's Greatest Champion!" Rai looked surprised.

"Seriously!?" He asked raising his head.

"It doesn't take a genius to see the potential you have as a Celestial Reaper," Gid explained. "Therefore, I now see you have what it takes to be the guardian our world needs. I relinquish the Soul of the Cosmos onto you." He closed his eyes. "And now…" He looked to Rai in a serious gaze. "…You are free to choose one of my daughters to marry."

"…" Everyone froze.

"…" Rai paused. "…Say what?"

"Didn't you hear me? I said you can marry one of my daughters and be hired as my successor."

"Uh…" Rai turned to the three princesses who were just as surprised as he was. "Listen, your majesty, I'm honored, really, but I don't know about getting married just after everything we went through…"

"Are you saying my daughters aren't good enough?" A blood vessel popped over his head.

"No! No, they're great girls and I'd be lucky to have them, but—"

"Halt!" A woman cried out. Everyone turned now to Clarissa. "This man is already engaged to be married to my pupil!"

"So?" Gid explained. "There is no rule of having more than one concubine."

"Unacceptable!" She snapped her fingers. "I'll be sure to have Laura be married first to claim her superiority status over all other candidates!" The two bunny brigades rushed in and fitted Laura in a wedding dress along with Rai in a tuxedo.

"Since when did this become a bridal war!?" Yui intervened.

"Ha!" Gid scoffed. "Do you think you're little prep team outranks my daughters' candidacy for this man?" He snapped his fingers as Maul and Smutts rushed in and prepped Lala, Nana, and Momo in wedding dresses.

"Well, this is unexpected~" Ms. Mikado chuckled.

"Oh my," Momo spoke.

"W-Wait!" Nana flustered. "I didn't agree to this!"

"Papa!" Lala cried. "This is getting out of hand!"

"My," Charlotte examined the girls' dresses. "Such amazing outfits in such short time."

"It is something we've prepared for Laura," the first bunny answered.

"Care to try one on?" the second offered. The two prepped Charlotte in a wedding dress as well. As everyone watched the display of wives popping out of the group, Rai looked up to the sky.

"Oh boy…" he sighed.

"He will marry my daughter!" Gid argued.

"Nein!" Clarissa shot back. "He is betrothed to my pupil!" The two were locked into a stare down.

"Uh, guys…" Rai interrupted.

"What?" The two answered to Rai. He pointed back up toward the sky. The snow started piling up as the streets and urban landscape became coated in a winter wonderland.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading in before I freeze to death." Rai walked over the damaged lumber and stood underneath the hole he made. He then poked his head out of the bathroom and checked the hallway leading to the front door. Everyone one else followed as they saw Rito's house torn apart. Almost all the furniture was destroyed along with the house decorations, and now the stairs leading to the second floor were demolished and cracked being no longer accessible. "I, uh, might need some time to fix this."

"I can help!" Lala offered.


The stairway caved in on itself.

Joseph never looked away from Zackary. He could no longer move his body despite of how terrified he was. Standing before him was no longer the same person training him these last few weeks. His clothes now changed to something more suited for combat. He bore a kimono with its sleeves torn off and a blue headband around is forehead. A black belt was wrapped tightly around his waist while a pair of wooden flip-flops rested under his feet. His left arm consisted of bandages coiling all the way from his wrist up to his triceps. The right arm, however, had a steel brace covering his entire forearm with a red hemisphere visible. In his hands was what terrified Joseph the most: a pair of iron gauntlets where large blades protruded out from his knuckles adding to a total of four claws in each fist.

"…" As Joseph raised his head toward the sky, he saw the brute man hovering on his back. His body was motionless as his eyes were widened and revealed no life left in his body. His mouth gaped open while the blood streamed out of his stomach where the mountainous pillar pierced deep into his flesh. Resting at the bottom were the remaining limbs sliced apart from Zackary's claws: a right arm, a right leg, a left hand, and a right ear.

"…Broseph…" Zachary spoke. He slowly turned his attention back to his student.

"Y-yeah..?" Joseph hesitated to answer. He was suddenly stricken with amazement at Zackary's blazing orange eyes.

"We have to get back to Yume…"

"Yume?" He snapped out of his trance and stumbled to his feet. "What's wrong, is she…?" Zackary turned to the tree where the woman laid unconscious. She was gone.

"They know about her…" He gripped his iron gauntlets until the sound of crunching metal filled the air. "…and what you've done."

After a little (…more like a lot of…) help from Lala's inventions and everyone's cooperation, the house was repaired with everyone gathered in Rito's living room. Rai raised a glass while everyone followed his example.

"I just want to say…" Rai smiled, "…thank you everyone for your help and support. Without all of you, we wouldn't be here today and having a victory party." He gave one last hurrah. "Cheers!"

"CHEERS!" Everyone responded. The toast was complete and everyone chatted amongst each other. Mikan and the princesses brought out drinks and snacks. As the party was getting rowdy, Rai decided to take his chance and step outside.


Walking through the streets, he passed by the people all celebrating and enjoying what's left of their wrecked city. Soldiers from Gid's army had begun to clean up the damage caused during their strike. He walked on until he reached the shrine nearby. He continued up the stairs till he reached the top. Waiting near the shrine's donation box was a young woman in a black jacket and brown snow-shoes. Her light blue hair and white skin glistened behind the falling snow. She looked over to him with a smile on her face.

"Yo!" Rai waved to her. She waved back to him as he approached.

"Raimundo!" Yume responded. She noticed the bandage on his cheek and the sling holding his right arm. "Are you alright…?"

"Yeah, never better!" Rai smiled as he scratched the back of his head. He walked over to the girl as they left the shrine and started down the street. "I wanted to thank you again for giving us the info ahead of time."

"Oh no, it's really you who should be receiving praise!" she retorted in surprise. "You and your friends saved this planet and its people."

"True, but you still helped a lot." Rai lifted the shopping bag with his left hand. "Here..."

"Hmm…?" Yume was surprised by the gift Rai had. "What is…?"

"It's a little something, seeing as Christmas is around the corner..." Rai smiled. "Better now than later, right?" Yume smiled as she took the gift.

"Thank you, Raimundo…" She looked down at her feet unable to see him while embarrassed. Rai blushed from her cute reaction.

"Um…" Rai scratched his cheek. "Yume, there's something I have to ask…"

"What is it…?" She tilted her head.

"…How exactly did you know about the invasion beforehand? Not only that, but you also knew about Lala before ever meeting her."

"…" Yume traced her foot in the snow. "…Let's just say…" She looked to him with a warm smile. "…It's a secret."

"…" Rai blinked. "…Really?"

"Yep!" Yume turned around and started walking off. She looked to Rai one last time and winked. "…You might want to go back before the others find out you're gone." Rai looked back to her. He smiled and nodded.

"…You got it." As Yume waived good-bye, Rai turned around and went off toward the Yuuki household. Yume peeked over the corner of the building to see Rai vanish within the group of people. Her face grew bright red as she clenched the blue scarf now wrapped around her neck.

I'll always be there when you need me most.

"…" She vanished in a mystical blue light within the snow.


Rai made his way back feeling the chill brush against him as the snowflakes fell.

"Man, its cold," Rai shivered. "…I miss the sun..." Rai made the next turn down the alley. "…" He stopped in his tracks. He placed his hand against the wall while crouching near the ground. "…" Unable to contain himself, he started vomiting and coughing out everything he had consumed from earlier. The images of the battle still plagued his mind. The snapping of Cyrus's body parts filled his ears, the sudden-blurry rush he witnessed during his struggle to suppress the laser against earth, and the blaring, erratic sound of digital clicking plaguing him during the final battle. He soon wiped away the drool with his sleeve and regained his posture. He returned to walking down the street when a certain blonde girl stood ahead of him. "Hmm…?"

"..." She looked up to him. "...Raimundo Ortega..."

"Yami?" Rai cocked an eyebrow.

"..." The two stood silent. "..." She nervously fidgeted with her fingers. "…I…just wanted to say…" She shut her eyes and quickly bowed her head. "Thank you!" Rai was stunned to see her so modest.

"…Hey, it's all good." Rai walked over and patted her head. "I'm just glad you're safe..."

"..." Yami lightly blushed.

"Anyway, why don't we head back?" Rai started walking off. He turned back to her and smiled. "Everyone's probably waiting for us."

"..." Yami nodded. "…Yes." The two traveled side-by-side.

"…" Rai looked over to Yami in her black outfit. "…You gonna be okay like that?" Yami turned to him. "It's got to be freezing if that's all you're wearing." She looked down to her attire.

"…This is the only outfit that I bare that is suitable for this weather…"

"Uh-huh…" Rai searched himself for something to offer. "A-ha!" Rai removed his black beanie and muffled it on top of Yami's head. "There; how's that?"

"…" Yami touched her head now warm from the cap. "…I assume you washed it first…"

"…!" Rai flinched. "Uh…well…" Rai sweated.

"…Thank you…"

"No problem…" The two finally arrived at the Yuuki Household. "Well, shall we?" As Rai took a step forward, he felt something tug on his jacket. "…?" He turned around and saw Yami holding on to him.

"…Raimundo Ortega…" Yami spoke. "…I'm sorry."

"Sorry…for what?"

"…I could not complete your assignment…" Yami stepped forward. "…I couldn't find the answer to what you were trying to explain to me. What 'love' is…"

"Oh, that…" Rai recalled. "Well, I'm not really asking you to rush it. All I want you to do is to take your time and wait for the answer to come to you."

"…The answer will come to me…?" Snow lightly sprinkled between them.

"That's right…" Rai nodded. "And it's not just limited to you. You have your friends to help you out." He turned to the window where the others were. "You can always count on them."

"…I see…" Yami looked back to Rai with a serious face. "…If I may make a selfish request." Yami clenched her fists. "Will you be willing to listen…as a friend?"

"Uh…" Rai became puzzled. "Sure, why not?"

"…I…" She looked Rai straight in the eyes. "…I want to go with you."


"You are right. I do have people here that are willing to help me, but…" Yami could remember the masked man who confronted Rai. "Even though the battle was won, I feel that the real fight has yet to begin." She turned to the window giving off a warm light. "For that…I am willing to offer my service to make sure this threat is removed once and for all." She looked down at the snow. "For Mikan…for everyone's sake."

"…" Rai stood in front of Yami. She looked up to him with his hand out. "If you're that serious…" Rai grinned. "…how can I say no?"


Rai offered to close the door as the two entered. "We're back!" Rai announced.

"Yami-san!" Mikan cried out. "Rai-san!" She appeared from the doorway to the living room. "Welcome back!" She showed up in her yellow sweater wearing a white and blue apron over her clothes. "I already finished preparing the meals for everyone!"

"Mau~!" Celine popped out behind Mikan with enthusiasm.

"Yami-san, can you help me pass out the snacks?" Mikan asked. Yami turned to Rai for a moment. He grinned followed by a nod.

"…Very well," Yami replied. She followed Mikan to the kitchen. Rai removed his coat and winter-wear leaving him in his baseball shirt and black cargo pants. Just as Rai hung his clothes, Lala entered the house through the front door.

"Raimundo!" Lala cheered.

"Oh, hey Lala…!" Rai welcomed her. He was suddenly thrown off-guard when he realized Lala was dressed for the occasion. She wore a Santa outfit, but designed with a more 'feminine' appeal. The suit contained a white ruffle collar with a bell hanging just above her cleavage. She had a one-piece strapless red dress with red boots complimented by red gloves that stretched just before her shoulders. With white trimming on the outside along the edge, it was completed with a Santa hat resting atop her head with a Peke badge to the side. In her right hand, she lugged around a large, beige bag over her shoulder just large enough to fit a refrigerator. "…What's with the sack?"

"You'll see~~!" Lala grabbed Rai by the arm. "Come on!" She pulled Rai quickly into the living room. She stood in the center of the room. "Attention, everyone!" The people all turned to Lala to give her their full attention. "I want to just say…" Lala looked down for a moment. "…" She glanced out to everyone there with her. "Thank you…for saving my family…" A warm smile came across her face. "…and everyone on Earth." As everyone looked to Lala, they all responded with nods and smiles for being a part of her rescue. "That's why…" She held the bag out for everyone to see. "I want to give you all a present from me to you~!" She swung it down to the ground. "Here you go!"


A large, pink cloud of smoke fumed the room. As the gas cleared, everyone was surprised to see a mountain of wrapped Christmas presents stretching just below the ceiling.

"Well, that's quite a display," Chifuyu commented.

"Whoa!" Saruyama eyed the gifts. "There's so much!"

"Ara, Ara," Risa responded. "They're not all for you."

"But…" Charles looked to the top of the peak, "who exactly are those two?"

"Huh?" Rito, along with everyone else, stared at the two people sitting atop the presents. One being an older man with a red headband, a long-sleeve blue shirt, grey jeans, brown sandals, and black messy hair. While to his right was a woman with a white long-sleeve blouse underneath a red jacket. She had blue jeans with a white belt wrapped around her waist and an aquamarine pendant around her neck. Her noticeable features were her short orange hair and green sunglasses that rested atop her head.

"Yo!" The man greeted everyone. Rito and Mikan were the most shocked.

"Dad…" The two spoke out, "…and Mom too!?" The parents slid down the gifts to the ground below. The girls helped catch the mother while the boys readied for the father for a smooth landing.

"Why are the two of you here?" Mikan asked.

"I'm a bit surprised too~" Mikan's mother replied with a wink. "I was just in France just a few moments ago…"

"I brought her home with my spaceship!" Lala explained.

"I have a deadline to meet too," Rito's dad grinned comically. "But, Zastin and the others said to leave the rest to them!"

"Those guys have grown up!" Lala added.

"Now, we can spend this day together!" said the mother.

"I haven't tasted Mikan's cooking for a long time!" the father mentioned. He gave a glance around to the I.S. pilots and the Sainan residents inside his home. "…I hope there's enough for myself!" He laughed. With the introductions complete, Nana, Momo, and Yami carried the food and drinks to pass around.

"Ah!" Nana noticed. "It looks like a full house!" Yami looked to the small cake she carried.

"…Is this going to be enough?" she asked.

"It'll be fine!" Momo assured. Momo offered groups something to drink while Nana and Yami gave away slices of cake. Chifuyu kept her eyes on her students from drinking any of the 'hard hitters'. Meanwhile, Rai, Ichika, Rito, and his dad would be talking among themselves as Kurumu and Laura would butt in on their conversations. The bunny brigade, as well as Clarissa, would be inspecting Risa, Run, Aya, Rin, and Mio for potential new recruits. The party continued with everyone talking and engaging amongst one another. Gid started flirting with the I.S. Academic Advisor, but was shot down by the "polite rejection" in her hand. Saruyama would be trying to get some of the girls' attention, but showed little results with his goofy nature and forgettable features. As the party carried on, Mikan relaxed on the recliner watching everyone have a good time.

"Mikan," her mother knelt beside her. "I'm sorry." She gave an apologetic smile. "I've caused you so much hardship and made you feel lonely, even after everything that's happened."

"Mom…" Mikan whispered.


"There's my favorite girl!" Kurumu jumped in and hugged Mikan from behind. "Aren't you going to introduce me~!"

"Kurumu…?" Jolt nuzzled his way from underneath Mrs. Yuuki and popped in between her and Mikan.

"Pikachu!" He cheered.

"Oh my!" The mother giggled. "It's nice to meet you~!" As Mikan stared up at Kurumu, she then looked out to the people with her for this holiday season. I see…Lala-san and Rito…for my sake… She turned to Rai and Rito with the dad wrapping his arms around their shoulders. They both glanced at Mikan. Rai gave a quick wink while Rito turned away embarrassed. Even Raimundo and Kurumu… She smiled. Thank you! Mikan rose from her seat. "Alright!" Mikan announced. Everyone turned to her. "Let the Christmas Party begin!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered.

"OHOHOHOHOHO!" A taunting voice echoed out throughout the room. "Allow me to provide the very enjoyment this party needs!"

"That's our Saki-senpai!" Aya praised her upperclassman.

"Now, Rin," Saki requested. "Bring in this evening's entertainment!"

"Yes, Saki-sama," Rin Kujou responded. From the hallway came Rin along with a large cart containing a small television on top and a stereo system with a microphone latched to the side. "Preparations are complete."

"Oo-oo-ooooh!" Mr. Yuuki said astounded. "A karaoke machine!"

"I haven't seen one of these in a while~!" Ms. Mikado exclaimed.

"Now, all we need is someone to volunteer for a live performance!" Mio suggested.

"I've always wanted to try the simple pleasure of singing with friends in a Japanese-cultural gathering!" Cecilia boasted. "Allow me to be the first!"

"I believe this call's for a professional duet!" Run announced. "Right, Kyouko?"

"Well, hehe…" Kyouko giggled nervously. With everyone trying to decide who to perform first, Yui walked over and picked up the microphone. She marched through the crowd until she stopped at Raimundo. Everyone became quiet as she offered the microphone.

"…Here." She stated. Rai stared at the device.

"Me?" he answered.

"D-don't get the wrong idea!" Yui blurted out. "At this rate, we'll be here all night. Knowing you, you should at least come up with something for everyone to enjoy." Everyone pondered this for a moment, then came to the conclusion that sooner or later, this event will be over. But, at least a few good songs will help provide a nice closing to this joyous occasion.

"…" Rai nodded. "Well, I better give it my best." He smiled at her as he reached for the microphone, his hand lightly brushing against Yui's palm.

"…!" She flinched for a second, but managed to keep her composure. He made his way forward to the front of the room.

"Woo, alright," Rai announced. "I'm not much of a singer, but try to bear with me, hehe." The crowd clapped at Rai's announcement. Rai turned on the stereo and scanned for a song to play. "Let's try a little swinging jazz." With the music starting up, Rai began tapping his foot.

Musical Moment

-You've got a Friend in me!-

From: Disney's Toy Story (Wheezy's version)

Rai: You've got a friend in me

You've got a friend in me

When the road looks…rough ahead
and you're miles and miles from your nice warm bed…
You just remember what your old pal said

Boy, you've got a friend in me!

Yeah, you've got a friend in me!

Everyone began to enjoy the upbeat tempo as Rai snapped his fingers to the rhythm. Charlotte grabbed on to Laura and pulled her to stand by Rai. The others clapped seeing as they wanted to join in the chorus.

Rai: You've got a friend in me…

Rai gave a thumb up and welcomed them.

Rai: You've got a friend in me…

Laura had become completely nervous, but was soon calmed when Rai grabbed her hand and started dancing with her.

Rai: You've got troubles…and I got 'em too!

Rai: There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you…
Charlotte & Laura: (Do for you…)
Rai: We stick together, we can see it through
Charlotte & Laura: (we can see it through)
Rai: 'Cause you've got a friend in me
Charlotte & Laura: (Yes, you do!)

Rai: Yeah, you've got a friend in me!

Rai: Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am;
Bigger and stronger too…

Rai winked.

Rai: Maybe!

Laura's face shot bright-red.

Rai: But none of them,
Will ever love you

Rai: the way I do
just me and you, baby!
Charlotte & Laura: (Just me and you)

Rai: And as the years go by
our friendship will never die!
You're gonna see it's our destiny
You've got a friend in me
Charlotte & Laura: (You've got a friend in me)

Kurumu walked over beside Yami watching the performance.

"Hey Shrimp," Kurumu spoke under the music. Yami turned to her only to have a paper bag with a red bow in front of her face. "Here."

"…?" Yami stared at the present.

Rai: You just remember what your old pal said…

Rai: Woman, you've got a friend in me!

"Rai already filled me in," she explained. "…Welcome to the team." She smiled. Yami looked inside the bag to see fresh cookies shaped like Taiyaki.

"…" Yami gave a small smile. "…Thank you." Jolt jumped onto her shoulder.

"Pika!" he cheered.

Rai: We stick together, we can see it through

Rai: 'Cause you've got a friend in me!
Charlotte & Laura: (You've got a friend in me)

"Man, Laura and Charlotte sure can sing great!" Ichika applauded. Rin, Cecilia, and Houki heard this and became furious with jealousy. It didn't take long for them to quickly run up onto the performance to sing along. After them, Lala quickly rushed to join in with Nana right behind and Momo tugging Mikan.

Rai: Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am;
Bigger and stronger too…

Rai: Maybe!

Rai: But none of them,
Will ever love you

Rai: the way I do
just me and you, baby!

Eventually, all the girls stood behind Raimundo in a line. They readied for their big finale.

Rai: And as the years go by…
Lala, Charlotte, and Laura: (Years go by~!)
Rai: Our friendship will never die!
Houki, Momo, and Rin: (never die~!)
Rai: You're gonna see it's our destiny
Cecilia, Nana, and Mikan:
(You're gonna see it's our destinyyy-yy-yyyyy~!)

Rai: You've got a friend in me!
Girls:(You've got a friend in me!)

To Love-Ru: Yes, you do!

Rai: You've got a friend in me!
Girls:(You've got a friend in me!)

Infinite Stratos: That's the truu-uu-uuth~!

Rai: You've got a friend in mee-ee-eeeeeeeeeeee!
Girls:(You've got a friend in mee-ee-eeeeeeeeeeee~!)

Rai: Yeah! XD

Everyone clapped and cheered for the amazing performance. Rai bowed with the girls for their display.

"Mau~!" Celine cheered. It didn't take long before Mrs. Yuuki decided to bring up the big question.

"So…" Mrs. Yuuki requested. "…Who are the parents of this child?"

"…" The room became silent with the only noise coming from the buzzing microphone.

"I'm not sure…" Ichika stated.

"Oh, yeah," Rai answered. "She's Rito's kid."

"…" Everyone turned to the boy flustering in a panic.

"NO, SHE'S NOT!" Rito clarified.

"…" Haruna blushed.

"What were you thinking, Yuji!?" Akihisa blurted out. "Why did you agree with at creepy psycho!?" The six students in Class - F were discussing matters on the roof of the school. They had their lunch scattered about on the small table where the students were gathered.

"Relax," Yuuji informed the group. "Class-A hasn't got a chance against us, and now we'll get to boss them around when we're finished."

"Don't be so sure…" Hideyoshi interrupted. "From what I hear, Shouko Kirishima isn't the type of girl you want to mess with. If you guess what I'm saying..."

"What do you mean?" Bryan asked.

"She's an excellent student, so everyone goes on about how smart and pretty she is. Although, for some reason, the boys don't go anywhere near her."

"That's weird," Minami spoke out. "I thought the guys like the pretty nut-jobs."

"Well, apparently, she's a total ice-princess to men."

"How can she not like us guys?" asked Akihisa. "I mean…" Akihisa stopped in the middle of his sentence. He recalled how the class representative acted when they declared war on their class. To Akihisa, she seemed persistent on focusing her attention on Himeji more than anything. "Wait a minute…so, what if she's after…!" His conclusion came to the idea of Shouko and Himeji becoming…intimate.


Kouta's camera lens expanded outward. He placed all his photography equipment on the table and began setting up for filming.

"Ridiculous…" Akihisa told himself. "There's just no way would that ever happen…" However, he was unconsciously getting a digital camera set up with new batteries and micro SD cards.

"You'd probably see something like that online," Bryan interjected. "But, is that something that can happen here?"

"…It's real." Minami emphasized.

"What?" said Akihisa.

"There's this one girl…" Minami grew annoyed bringing up this student. "She's always clinging on to me…"

"There's my sweet baby~!" A student cried out. In that instance, a girl with orange hair tied into curly pigtails jumped onto Minami and pushed her to the ground.

"M-Miharu!?" Minami trembled.

"Why do you always want to hurt me?" Miharu asked with her glimmering, yellow eyes sparkling with affection. "You left me so you could hang with these stupid, ugly boys and hide your love away!" She cuddled closer to Minami.

"H-Hey! Let go of me!" While the two scuttled with their entrapment, the boys watched to the side trying to understand the situation.

"Huh, guess she was right," Bryan concluded.

"Who's that?" Akihisa asked.

"Miharu Shimizu," Kouta answered. He brought up his camera and read the information on his camera's display. "Year 2, Class D."

"Stop it!" Minami demanded. "Get off of me!" Miharu wouldn't let go of her hold on Minami's left arm.

"There's no reason to be shy, sweetie~!" Miharu declared. "I know deep down inside you really love me, and I can't wait till you realize it!"

"For the last time…" Minami pulled her arm away. "…I told you I don't swing that way!" She turned to the boys. "Bryan, a little help here please!"

"Wait, me?" Bryan replied. "Well, she hasn't told me she's been interested in anyone lately."

"There, you see?"

"But, I can see why Miharu is confused." Akihisa spoke out. As he rose to his feet, the table lifted along with his left hand after getting them super-glued together. "Shimada's got small boobs; there's hardly any there, a bad temper…"

"Dude, shut up," Bryan tried to warn him.

"And she kind of just looks like a dude and—a FIGURE-FOUR LEG LOCK!" It didn't take long for Minami to lock Akihisa to the ground while Miharu tugged on his right arm ready to pull it off.

"I do not look like a dude!" Minami stated. "Take it back!"

"That's right!" Miharu added. "I love Shimada because she's a beautiful woman!" The strain on his body was too much for him to bear.

"I give!" He gasped. "I give up!" Meanwhile, Kouta tried to sneak his way to peek into Miharu's skirt.

"Almost…almost…almost…" he whispered. Bryan stood on the sideline not sure of what to do in this situation.

"You're breaking my leg!" Akihisa cried. Bryan gathered up his courage.

"Minami, I think he gets it!" He called out.

"He's not getting out of this that easily!" Minami declared. Bryan tried to reason with her.

"Look, if you forgive him, then I'll do whatever you want!" Minami suddenly perceived Bryan's offer.

"…Really?" Minami blushed, but still kept Akihisa in the painful leg lock. "That's so sweet! Then, you're going to take me out!" She smiled. "I expect crepes at La Veditz in front of the train station."

"What!?" Akihisa overheard. "That place? But, it's so expensive!"

"It is…?" Bryan asked.

"Nobody asked you!" Minami tugged even harder.

"AAA-AA-AAAAHH!" Akihisa felt his leg ready to snap.

"Okay, okay!" Bryan responded. "I'll take you next week!"

"Good, and as for you…" Minami warned. "I expect you to be super-nice and call me Lady Minami, and I get to call you Aki."

"Y-Y-Y-Yes, my Lady!" Akihisa answered.

"And…I want…" Minami stuttered. "I want…" She closed he eyes out of embarrassment. "Bryan should just…just…say he loves me sometimes!"

"What!?" Bryan freaked.

"No, he won't!" Miharu pulled even harder on Akihisa's arm.

"Say it!" Minami ordered Bryan. She pulled against Akihisa's leg with full force.

"B-But…!" Bryan could hardly reply.

"Uuugh!" Akihisa cried. {Uuugh!}

"Move…" Kouta continued staring underneath. "Move…"

"Say it!" Minami demanded for the last time. "Say you love me right now or he loses the leg!"

"I…I…" Bryan clenched his fist. He took a deep breath and blurted out, "I—!"

"I'll say it!" Akihisa cried out. "Just stop pulling me apart!"

"W-What!?" Minami spoke out shocked. "Y-you will!?"

"Yes, ma'am!" Akihisa used all his strength to speak loudly across the rooftop. "YOU LOVE ME RIGHT NOW OR HE LOSES THE LEG!"


"…" Everyone remained silent.

"…" A vain popped atop Minami's forehead. She fell back on the ground with Akihisa's leg. "YOU IDIOO-OO-OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!"



-Sainan City-

Rai lifted the remaining luggage over his shoulder before stuffing it into the trunk of the vehicle.

"There we go," Rai exerted. With their belongings tucked away, Rai closed the back-hood until it stayed shut. "Hey Run," Rai turned to her, "you sure you're okay with us taking your car?"

"Yes," Run nodded. "Think of this as my going-away gift from me to you~" She winked. Everyone had gathered outside the Yuuki Household to bid the heroes farewell on their journey. Rito and Mikan's parents had left earlier to return to work, but not without giving them a proper parting.

"Will you guys be alright on your own?" Momo asked.

"But, of course!" Laura announced. "I've already volunteered myself to go assist Raimundo on his endeavors."

"If you are going, then so shall I," Charlotte offered. Rai stepped in between the two.

"Ladies," Rai interrupted. "As much as I'd like to have you both come, I'm afraid I can't let you do that." The two girls were taken back by his announcement.

"But why?" Laura asked.

"You must already know the danger that is sure to—" Charlotte explained before Rai cut her off with his finger.

"Believe me, I already know how rough it's gonna get out there." Rai looked back over to the I.S. students in their units. "But, I think it might be better if you two stay here with the others. They probably need you just as much." He turned back to the girls. "Can you do that for me?"

"…" Although the girls had a sad expression on their face, they knew Rai was more concerned with everyone's safety once he's left. In a mutual agreement, they both nodded.

"…Very well," Charlotte answered. "We shall how-you-say 'hold down the fort' while you are gone."

"And I shall await for a formal proposal when you return," Laura demanded. Rai smiled at the girls.

"…Thank you," he replied.

"Look at you," Kurumu teased. "Already starting to get more girls for your harem~?"

"Real funny, Kurumu," Rai answered annoyed.

A harem? Momo pondered the thought.

"All students!" Chifuyu broadcasted to the I.S. students. "Prepare to depart!"

"Yes ma'am!" they replied. They lined up in formation for take-off. Chifuyu looked back to the group.

"Don't think you're little getaway is an excuse for getting out of your academics," she declared. "The next time I see you, I expect a complete report on your expedition."

"…Yes, ma'am," said Yami. Rai and Kurumu were not so enthusiastic on their agreement.

"You guys better watch your backs!" Rin called out.

"We shall prepare ourselves for when you require our assistance," Cecilia offered.

"Rai," Ichika spoke out, "good luck out there."

"You got it…" Rai nodded. Chifuyu hopped onto Houki's I.S. and held on tight.

"Everyone," she announced, "let's move out!"

"Right!" Houki replied. With their boosters activated, the student began to elevate and fly into the sky. "So long!" She waved to the others. Everyone on the ground waved back to the I.S. students soaring off into the horizon.

"Guess we should be going too," Risa added.

"Hey, Run-chan," said Mio, "Can you give us a ride back to our house?"

"Sure," she complied. "You can ride in my limo."

"Oooh!" Saruyama gasped with delight. "That's amazing!" Run pulled out her phone to call for pickup. Meanwhile, Rai and the others decided to say their goodbyes to Rito and his party.

"Thanks for having us here, Rito," Rai offered his hand. "Sorry about the whole destruction of your city…and your house."

"Well, everything did work out in the end, hehe," Rito shook his hand as he chuckled weakly. Kurumu walked over to Mikan.

"Mikan~!" she cried out. Mikan flinched.

Here she comes… Mikan closed her eyes and prepared for her embracing attack.


"…Eh?" Mikan felt a hand brush the top of her head.


Kurumu knelt down to have herself seem shorter compared to Mikan.

"Sweetie," Kurumu smiled to her, "I know you might feel lonely without me here, but you're a big girl now." She sniffled. "Just promise you won't forget me!"

"…Kurumu…" Mikan whispered. Rai tussled with her hair as he kneeled down next to Kurumu.

"I think she'll be fine," Rai spoke. He smiled to Mikan. "You take care of yourself."

"…" For a brief moment, Mikan thought instead of seeing Rai and Mikan, she was staring back at her parents. "…oh, right." She snapped out of her illusion and returned a smile to both of them.

"Wait!" Lala cried out. She and Nana both ran out of the house with both of them carrying something in their arms.

"Big sis has a gift for you guys!" Nana cried out.

"Mauu!" Celine cheered in Nana's arms. Lala held one of her inventions out to Rai. He grabbed a hold on what looked to be a pink and black sphere with a yellow ring around the center. In the center were three buttons just under a small rectangle screen. On the top of the ball was the Deviluke symbol.

"It's Horibiro-Bath Time-kun!" Lala explained. "This device can turn any bathroom into a public bath!"

"Really?" Rai asked. "That pretty cool." Rai inspected the orb. "How do you work it?"

"It's actually simple!" Lala began explaining the mechanics. Meanwhile, Celine had her hands on one of her other invention. It looked like a round egg with two red knobs on each end along with four yellow buttons circling the surface. Nana noticed the device in her hand.

"Celine!" she panicked. "You can't have that!"

"Mau~!" Celine was ready to put it in her mouth.


Jolt zipped up Nana and snatched the device from.

"Mau?" Celine looked confused.

"Pika…" Jolt sighed in relief.

"That was close," Nana praised her ally. "Great job."

"Pika!" Jolt nodded. Rai then picked Jolt and put him on his shoulder.

"Alright, looks like we should be going," he announced.

"Um, Rai," Nana tried to stop him. "I need Jolt to—"

Honk! Honk!

A car horn came from down the street. Run's limousine had just arrived.

"It's here!" Run announced. With her manager exiting the vehicle, Run escorted her friends to the vehicle. "Goodbye, Rito!" She waved to her beloved.

"See you guys!" Saruyama waved out the window.

"Don't even think about doing anything shameless out there!" Yui exclaimed.

"Bye-bye!" Kyouko called out. The limousine drove off with everyone in tow. The Yuuki household waved to them as they disappeared from sight.

"…Guess we're next," said Rai. Yami stepped out from behind Rito and Nana and turned to be beside Rai and Kurumu.

"…This is goodbye for now…" Yami spoke out.

"Please take care, Yami-san," Mikan requested.

"…" Yami nodded.

"Alright, let's move out!" Rai declared. Kurumu adjusted herself in the passenger's seat while Yami and Jolt settled in the back seats before buckling up. Rai made his way to the front of the vehicle. He pulled out his phone and summoned his scythe into existence. With one hand, Rai grabbed the rod and raised it over his head. "Let's see if it works this time."


Rai gripped his scythe with both hands and swung down in a swift strike.


A blue tear opened up in mid-air just in front of the vehicle. "There we go!" Rai returned his scythe to his cellphone and made his way to the driver's seat. He shut the door and started the engine.


Rai rolled down the window. He looked back over to Celine. "You be good, alright baby-girl?"

"Mau~!" Celine gave him a thumb up. From behind Rai, Kurumu and Jolt waved to them.

"So long!" Kurumu cried.

"Pika-pi!" Jolt cheered.

"Bye-bye!" Lala waved back. Her sisters, Rito, and Celine waved as well. Rai pushed the gear shift into reverse.

"…" Yami looked out the window one last time to see Mikan smiling back at her. "…" Yami gave a warm smile.

"You guy's ready?" Rai asked.

"Pika!" Jolt answered.

"You know it!" Kurumu added. Rai gripped the gear shift. They turned to Yami in the back seat.

"…" She looked through the front-view window at the portal twitching and flailing with an unhinged voltage. "…" She nodded. "…Let's go." Rai shifted the gear in Drive and plowed on the gas pedal.


The car sped forward with its tires smoking out through the back. The group shot passed the Yuuki household and drove right into the gateway.


The vehicle vanished along with the portal. The children stood by as a small gust blew in.

"There they go…" Rito spoke.

"…Yeah…" Mikan whispered.

"They'll be okay!" Momo stated. "I'm sure of it!"

"…" Nana stood there with her eyes widened while biting on her fingernails. Lala noticed her sister acting strange.

"Is something wrong, Nana?" she asked.

"Eh!?" Nana snapped out of her frenzy. "What—no! Of course not!" Nana laughed weakly. "hehe…"

"Mau!" Celine laughed.

Yume hugged the toilet in the bathroom.

*Gasp* She took heavy breathes trying to keep herself from vomiting again. "…!" She pulled herself over to the toilet bowl. She threw up almost everything she made for dinner including the beverage she drank. Her hair covered her face making it easier for her to not see what she had produced. After her stomach settled, she lifted herself over to the counter-top to look at her reflection in the mirror. Tears were splattered across her face and some lingering saliva hung from her mouth. "…Joseph…" she whispered. "…Please hurry…" Her eyes lowered to the small device resting next to the sink.

(ll) (l)

-To be Continued-

*Approaches the podium*


*breathes in deeply*

What the hell have I missed!? Holy crap, it feels like yesterday I posted the first half to this chapter. Let me see what kind of trouble I've gotten myself out of lately.

*Pulls out flash cards*

Hmm… there's my new job, new house, new games, new responsibilities, new debt…

Screw it; you've waited long enough. Thank you to you guys (or anybody) for reading up to this point. I am proud to announce that this is now the halfway point in the story as of…where are we at?


January? Damn, now I know how JonTron feels. All rights reserved and materials used in this story belong to their respective owners. Now that it's 2019, time to start my resolutions. Since I'm putting this as more of a hobby, I'll be coming and going when I learn to manage my time wisely and want to blow off some creative steam. Wishing you guys the best and to be the best you can be! If you need me, I'll be the guy waiting in the cold for when Kingdom Hearts III finally comes out. Oh! Before I go, seeing as I'm a cheapskate, I'll just leave you guys with this.

Season 4 Trailer

Look here! There appears to be an anonymous hole hovering the Earth...

[New World]

A whole new world…


[They dropped in from out of nowhere]

I am a pet-class angeloid. My purpose is to fulfill your every want and desire. You are my master.

…Oh boy...

It's similar to a world beneath a girl's skirt; something truly a mystery.

…I hate ecchi people…

[Your wish is her ~desire~]

That's it, sunny boy! Grab what you love and never let go!

You really are a freak, aren't you?

Everything comes down to our libidos…oh, and food!

Are you sure this isn't a case where the smaller head is controlling the larger one?

It'll take me weeks before I can get this thing off the ground!

Will you get up!?


…You know, I hear it's a good sign, hehe.


Master, please give me a command. Give me any order that will please you. Anything you desire.

[Anime Unleashed]


[Heaven's Lost Property]