Hello once again guys! This is Chapter 101 of Through the Looking Glass! This chapter is going to be the prelude to the newest arc, which will be crossing over with the Fairy Tail series, as well as my own story, The Hellfire Dragon Slayer. I actually had a challenging time writing this chapter, because I couldn't come up with anything for it. It took me four days before finally reaching this as the final plot for it. I figured I would revive my love of Fairy Tail through my current work, and if I don't pick the story back up while I'm taking a break from it, then this might be something Fairy Tail fans will like. Sure, it looks out of place, but I don't really care. I think I have what it takes to pull the cross over off, but I gotta think of a villain for them to take down or some shit, because that's how it works.
Now, this chapter will include a snippet into that world, as well as the main characters for it and what magic they will be using. I will be writing extended profiles for the characters in my story. So everyone will know who they are, what they look like and their magic, if you've read The Hellfire Dragon Slayer, then you'll be familiar with those people, but you won't have to read that story for this to make sense. Just as long as you're familiar with Fairy Tail, you'll most likely fit right in, it will take place after the Grand Magic Games.
As I said before, I don't have a plot worked out, but the beginning chapters are going to be mostly exploration, and handling a few quests with the Fairy Tail gang before shit gets real. I'm not sure what that will be about, but it's gonna be interesting. I will also be adding this cross over to the Hellfire Dragon Slayer, so I might have to continue that story up to the point where this one starts just for it all to make sense, besides I've been meaning to continue that story for awhile, so I might just pick it back up. I was reading the beginning chapters and man, there are a lot of mistakes I gotta fix. I might just rewrite all of chapter one to make it a bit better. It's gonna be awhile before I write something for it though, as I gotta read all 57 chapters so I can get a good idea in. It's gonna be fun, so I hope you stick around for it. I might include cross overs to other series in the future, I was actually thinking of crossing over with Hyperdimension Neptunia, one of my favorite RPG series. I have a story for that series as well, which I was going to use as a base for the crossover, but I wasn't satisfied with that plot, so I deleted it for this one.
Well...I'll leave you all with this chapter, I do hope you all like it. We should have reached 1,000,000 words with this one, so that is a momentous occasion...I always wanted to write something with a million words. This is an amazing achievement that I am happy to share with you. Sure a Million words might not mean anything, but it is still something I have dreamed of doing for years. Just like that writer who is still writing his Super Smash Bros. story, he's an inspiration and a legend, holding the record for the longest story on fanfiction, at over four million words, last time I checked. And it's still going too, that takes dedication. I'm not saying Through the Looking Glass will go down that route, but I am happy where this story is for now. So I hope you all enjoyed this Quadruple Post, as I will not be posting anything for awhile so I can restructure the plot and stuff. I hope to see you all soon, have a great day everyone!
Through the Looking-Glass
Chapter 101
Going to another World
xxx(Location: Aquania)xxx
Summer was the season where school children everywhere was able to enjoy themselves. No one had to worry about class projects, and homework would be irrelevant until the next school year. It was also the time families decided to go to the beach, enjoy the hot weather away from home and just forget it all. It was the same for high school students, not yet adults, but not children either. They had a lot of privileges that many didn't have. For one, they were old enough to not need adult supervision all the time, and were able to do quite a lot during the summer. This was true for any group of young people, but even more so for the students of Ever After High. The sophomore class, now considered juniors, were hanging out at King Charming's summer home. The entire class had been having fun by the water, hanging out with friends and getting to know each other more than they did during the school year.
Not only were they doing that, but they were preparing for the class project that they had all agreed on. They had two weeks before they were set to return to their beloved school to begin the first round of filming. Purple Rhapsody had already filmed their first video, for the song My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark, currently being edited by Hopper, Dexter and Humphrey, who had been pouring through several takes deciding which ones would make the cut and which ones wouldn't. It had been the most fun that anyone had in quite awhile, Blake had been enjoying himself a lot, especially because the video was coming out exactly like he had remembered it, of course with his friends as the lead in stead of everyone else that had been in the original. He was sure everything was going to come out looking fantastic, and was looking forward to seeing the movie in it's entirety when it was finally finished. He just wanted it to be done already so he could relive one of the greatest moments of his life, but Melody insisted on getting everything right. Blondie had also told him to focus all of his work on the filming and to hold back on his excitement, after all she was their director and she didn't want anything to come out wrong.
However, since there was nothing for them to do, that meant there was a high chance of boredom. Even though it was summer, Blake had done most of the things he had wanted. He hung out with friends, threw water balloons at his sister whenever he had the chance, went on dates with his girlfriend Kitty, had visited his second girlfriend Meeshell in Atlantica when he got the chance, and had even gone to the water park with Lizzie and Maddie. There wasn't a lot that he could do, and since there were only two weeks left before they headed back, there wasn't anything he wanted to do. He had wanted to hang out with Cerise and Ramona, but the older girl had told him that her sister was busy doing something, and she was practicing with her band and learning more about drumming, so she couldn't hang out with him. Cerise had been acting a bit weird since he had introduced Meeshell to her, but he didn't exactly know why.
Kitty had been off with her Wonderland friends, who had found a natural spring that lead to their home. He had wanted to go with them, but had decided against it during the last minute. He and Kitty had been spending quite a lot of time together, getting closer than ever before. He was glad that he had a moment of peace for himself, since the girl was always messing with him, teasing him or more recently, having sex. One could only take so much sex before both parties grew tired. She had been beaming ever since they had become intimate, and had been overall happier. Raven had figured out what had happened between them and didn't know if she should congratulate him on his deed, or embarrass him for it. He had however told her that if she let it slip that he and Kitty were having sex, that he would announce to their class that she was a screamer, as he had heard her and Dexter getting it on the night after he and Kitty had been together. She had forgotten to put up the soundproofing spell, and while everyone was outside they had found time for themselves. Unfortunately, Dexter's room was right next door and when he was passing by, he had heard everything. They had agreed to keep their mouths shut on each of their respective romances.
Due to his boredom, he found himself in the living room with his laptop, watching a movie on the cinema style television the Charming's owned. He wasn't alone of course, Lily, Dutch, Cedar, Holly, Hunter and Ashlynn had been with them, having had enough of the bright sunlight for the entire summer. They had been watching some Quentin Tarantino movies, having been convinced by Blake that they were some of the grittiest stories ever created on Earth, currently they were watching Pulp Fiction, and they had gotten to one of Blake's favorite parts, evident by how he was leaning on the couch, a small smirk on his face as he watched the expressions of his friends.
"You ever seen that show cops? I was watching it one time, and there was this cop talking about this gunfight he had in this hallway, with this guy right? And he just unloaded on this guy and nothing happened. He didn't hit nothing, it was just him and this guy. I mean...pfft, it's freaky but it happens." Vincent said, glancing at Jules who had been patiently listening to his friend drone on, keeping his eyes on the road.
"Look, if you wanna play blind man, go walk with the shepherd. But me, my eyes are wide fuckin open."
"What the fuck does that mean?" Vincent asked, glancing at Jules in confusion.
"It means that's it for me. From here on in, you can consider my ass retired."
"Jesus Christ."
"Don't blasphemy!"
"Goddamn it."
"I said don't do that!" Jules snapped, glaring at Vincent who was still confused by his friend.
"Hey, you know why the fuck you freaking out on us!?"
"I'm telling Marcellous tonight, I'm through."
"Well why don't you tell him at the same time why?" Vincent asked, earning a sigh from his friend.
"Don't worry, I will."
"I bet you ten thousand dollars he laughs his ass off."
"I don't give a damn if he does."
Vincent rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat slightly as he glanced behind his seat at their passenger, Marvin.
"Marvin, what do you make of all this?"
"Man, I don't even have an opinion." the young man replied, causing Vincent to turn around, holding his gun on his seat, unknowingly aiming at the man.
"Well you gotta have an opinion! I mean, do you think God came down from heaven and stopped..."
Vincent and Jules both screamed in surprise and shock from the discharge. The back window was coated in blood and brain matter from the shot, seeping into the seats. Blake chuckled a bit from the reaction his friends had, the girls having jumped a bit from the gunshot, while Hunter and Dutch just cringed from the unexpected gore.
"Oh, what the fuck is happening, oh shit!"
"Aw man, I shot Marvin in the face." Vincent said, a look of disbelief on his face. Jules turned to him, glancing at him angrily.
"Why the fuck did you do that?"
"I dunno man, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident."
"Oh man, I've seen some crazy ass shit in my day, but this.."
"Chill out man, I told you its an accident. You probably, uh...went over a bump or something."
"Hey, the car didn't hit no motherfucking bump!"
"Hey look man, I didn't mean to shoot the son of a bitch. The gun went off, I dunno why!"
"Well look at this fuckin mess man. We're out in a city street in broad fuckin daylight here." the man said, looking a bit ashamed at what he had done.
"I don't believe it man."
"Well believe it now motherfucker! We gotta get this car off the road. You know cops tend to notice when your driving a car covered in fuckin blood."
"Just take it to a friendly place. That's all!"
"This is the valley Vincent, Marcellus ain't got no friendly places in the valley!"
"Well Jules this isn't my fucking town man!"
"Well, you weren't kidding when you said this was gritty." Cedar said, earning a chuckle from the boy.
"I think you of all people should know that I don't lie." he replied, giving her a wink as he leaned back in his seat.
"It's funny, I thought swears in movies just happened. But watching this, I realized all of the uses the word motherfucker has...I think I would like having this man narrate my life." Lily said, earning a curious look from Hunter.
"Honey, she has sheep to deal with. I'm pretty sure her life could use that word to spice things up a bit." Ashlynn replied, still watching the movie, entertained by what was happening.
"If you like this, wait until you see Kill Bill, you're gonna want a katana after that one."
"Speaking of that, what happened to your katana Blake? You used to carry it around all the time, and I haven't seen it recently." Holly asked, earning a frown from the boy.
"When I was fighting against Joey in Wonderland, I channeled too much magic into it. He baited me into using one of my sword techniques and I jabbed his shield with it. It ended up shattering the blade, in fact if it hadn't been for Lizzie, the one who would have gotten his head cut off would have been me." he replied, a frown on his face.
"That would have sucked, no lie."
"Hey, I have a question for you Cedar, and it's been bothering me for awhile. You're made of wood right? Do you have...organs inside?" Holly asked, earning a blank look from the girl.
"I'm only partially made of wood, my skin is wood. Everything else is mushy on the inside, why would you ask that?"
"Because, Holly wanted to write a story about you stealing kidneys from people, since you're made of wood and don't have them, apparently." Blake said, returning his attention to the movie, grabbing some gummy worms from the small container on the table.
"Seriously?" Dutch asked, earning a nod from Holly, who jotted it down on a small notepad.
"Since we all can choose our destiny now, I've decided to become a novelist. So I just wanted to confirm that, you know...for writing purposes."
"You aren't gonna ask people for other more perverting things right? Like their performance bed or anything? Right?" Lily queried, earning a chuckle from Hunter, who got slapped on the arm by his girlfriend.
"No, I'd rather base that aspect from my own experience. I'm only eighteen so I'm not gonna worry about that right now."
"For I have...the magic of porn, the magic of porn! I got them nudies, and a bowl of popcorn! The magic of porn! Where cumshots are legal, and bitches are regal, when slobbing that corn on the cob!" Blake sung, causing Ashlynn and Cedar to laugh. Lily held back her chuckles while the boys just shook their heads. Holly rolled her eyes, sighing in annoyance as she crossed her arms.
"I love how you assume I watch porn."
"Don't flatter yourself sweetie, we all watch porn." the black haired boy replied.
"That's true, I caught Hunter watching Skinny Teens that Ride Fat Cock 3...I was weirded out at first, but I joined in after awhile." Ashlynn replied, earning a wide eyed look from Hunter.
"Dude...why the hell would you tell them that?"
"What? We were sharing experiences, it's alright honey...I know you wanna try that stuff. But only when I see that ring on my finger."
"Damn dawg, you got it so bad." Blake replied.
"Okay, since we're sharing experiences, then I'll share mine. I was bored one day and was sifting through Cupid's search history. She doesn't have a password on her phone at all and she fell asleep. I found this thing called Back Door, so I clicked on it, and I shit you not, I watched the dankest porn this side of Ever After." Cedar said, causing Blake to look at her.
"What was it called?"
"Back Door Sluts 9."
"Holy shit." the boy said, his voice slightly above a whisper. Dutch and Lily shared a look, before glancing at the daughter of Pinocchio.
"What? What's wrong with you two?" Holly asked curiously.
"Holly, you just don't know...that movie is...it's the dankest of porn. They say Back Door Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 3 look like Naughty Nurses 2." Lily replied, earning a vigorous nod from Blake.
"It got like...19 awards in the porn awards. That's some shit you don't mess with, I think I gotta talk to Cupid. She's been searching for the meaning of love for awhile now and this is definitely not it." Blake said, reaching for his phone, about to shoot off a text to one of his best friends when bright sparkles filled their line of sight. A few moments later, a soft glittering pop filled the room, revealing none other than Jessica Merlin.
The white haired girl looked rather bored, her usual blue sleeveless dress with stars had been replaced with a light blue halter top. It had various little stars and white sparkles on it, making it glitter in the light. She was wearing a pair of bikini shorts with frayed pockets and white sandals. Her white hair was tied in a side ponytail and she was wearing a pair of dark sunglasses. Her wrists had been decorated with golden bracelets, expensive looking ones. She sighed as she stuck her wand in her shirt, the handle sticking out from her cleavage.
"So, this is the Charming Estate? I gotta say, it is rather...charming."
"Hey Jess, wasn't expecting to see you here. Where have you been?" Blake asked curiously.
"Neither here nor there my friend, I got a list. But if you must know, the top three places I visited were Modor, Hogwarts and Lugnica."
"What? I've never heard of those places." Cedar said.
"Well, Jessica is a wizard, so she has enough magic to travel between dimensions. In fact, she's been to so many different iterations of Earth that each one is different. She sunk the Titanic in one Earth, started a nuclear war in another, and even went to a version of Earth suffering a Zombie Apocalypse." Blake explained.
"Oh...so those places you mentioned were different worlds?" Ashlynn asked curiously.
"That's right Ash, dad doesn't travel much due to his running his school. So he sent me on a few errands, you know what they say. One does not simply walk into Modor, so I had to take a back route. That was a pain in my ass, never had I fought so many fucking orcs in my entire life. Sheesh, but I was finally able to meet up with Gandalf, we talked and went on our merry way. He gave me this special jewel for my dad."
"A special jewel? You got a special jewel from Gandalf? What does it do?" Blake asked curiously.
"It's a synthesis material. It's something that Dad uses to make new wands for his students. He also needed special materials from Hogwarts which is why he sent me to meet up with Dumbledore, don't worry, this was before Half Blood Prince so he isn't deceased."
"You know, I never really bothered to ask about the places you've been to Jessica. I bet you've been to a lot of awesome places...places that might serve as inspiration for my stories! You gotta take me to one, please?" Holly asked.
"I'm down, I got nothing better to do. I got enough of sitting around doing shit, I'm a wild spirit so I can't sit in one place for too long unless I have too. I can take you to Earth, so you can see how that place works."
"Except I can't go...remember? I step into Earth and I die." Blake said, frowning. Jessica scratched her head, tapping her chin with her finger.
"That's right...did you ever get a handle on that curse? Like the stipulations?"
"I think I remember hearing about them. The first and important one was that Blake couldn't leave Ever After and go back to Earth. It was one the Evil Queen put on him to prevent him from going back. The other two would be irrelevant at this moment." Cedar said.
"Wait, I think that this only kicks in if he goes to Earth. He visited Wonderland and Neverland, and those are other worlds. So as long as he doesn't go to an Earth of any kind, he should be fine." Hunter said.
"Yes, but those two places are realms connected to Ever After, so if I leave the Fairytale world, I could die. You should all go, I think it would be an amazing experience for all of you." Blake replied, glancing at the ground.
"I don't want to go anywhere if my friend is at risk of death. It wouldn't be fair to him especially if he has to be left behind. You're one of my best friends Blake, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on this." Holly said, wrapping her arm around his waist in a side hug.
"I wish I could go into the Mirror Realm, so I can punch your mom in the face. She really pisses me off." Jessica said, earning a small smile from the boy.
"Hmm...you know, I just arrived at an interesting observation. You see, Blake's curses are simple, if he goes to Earth, the shard explodes, if he removes the shard himself, he gets magic poisoning, and if Raven tries to remove it, the shard explodes. So you can't touch the shard at all, but that doesn't mean you can't touch the curse itself." Lily said, causing everyone to look at her.
"What do you mean by that?" Dutch asked.
"I think I know, if you touch the shard in any way, Blake is dead. But the Evil Queen never did anything to prevent someone from removing the curse itself. That means, someone can remove the curse preventing Blake from leaving Ever After."
"That's right...why didn't I think of that? If I could remove that curse, I could have gone back to Earth. Then again, we didn't wanna take any risks. I can't remove the two other curses, as their directly tied to the shard itself, but if someone removed that leaving curse, I could travel around with no problems!" the boy said excitedly.
"It is a little dangerous though. I think we should let Raven handle this, since she has more experience with magic. Sadly she's out with Dexter and we don't know when she'll be back." Ashlynn replied, causing everyone to grow silent. Jessica narrowed her eyes in thought, a smile working its way onto her face.
"Well, I do have one solution. You all wanna go to another world, but until Blake gets this curse removed, we're grounded in Ever After. So, we're just gonna have to break that pesky curse of his." she said, twirling her wand between her fingers.
"Whoa, I'm not letting you mess with my curse. If you wanted to kill me, I'd just hand you a loaded gun!" the boy cried, earning a smirk from the wizard.
"He's right Jess, maybe you shouldn't mess with dark magic like that." Holly said.
"Guys, remain chill! I got this...like I said, the only thing we have to do is get rid of the traveling aspect of the curse. I wouldn't dare touch the Mirror Shard...one thing I learned about dark magic, is that one can easily rewrite it, with the right spell. I've been working closely with my dad to see if I could break it for him, and I think I have one that might work." she said, aiming her wand at the boy.
"Holly, if anything happens to me...tell Kitty that I love her with all my heart, tell the same to Meeshell okay? Hunter you get my manga collection, Ashlynn you can keep all of my figurines and video games...Cedar, I want you to take care of Cadence for me, make sure she eats well and has her vitamins. Give my porn to Kitty, she'll know what to do with it." the boy said, earning a sigh from Jessica.
"Stop being so melodramatic...I know time magic, if you die I can just warp back in time. Now then, sit still, this could either be quick and painless or long and painful."
"Oh yeah, cuz that sounds appealing!" Hunter said, shoving his hands in his pockets. The white haired wizard called her magic, a light violet glow appearing around Blake's body.
"This young man who's life has changed, a powerful curse has he attained. Take away this stipulation, allow the travel to other nations! Break now this travel curse, that's holding him prisoner in this world, so that he can travel around, unhurt by his curse. Untie the chains that hold him here, and break it from the shard that keeps him here!" she chanted, flinging the swirling mass of magic at the boy. It slammed into him, swirling around him before sinking into his chest. A dark chain appeared around his body, quickly being dissolved by the light, a single loop was still attached to the glowing mirror shard, only for it to break entirely.
"Ah...am I dead?" the boy cried.
"No...no I don't think so...what was that though?" Holly asked.
"It looked like a chain, a dark chain that was snaking its way around Blake...I even saw it sinking into the ground here." Cedar noted, earning a nod from Jessica.
"Yes, that's because he was literally chained to Ever After. He could travel to Neverland and Wonderland because those were realms and not other worlds. But the spell I used on him utilized holy light to dispel the darkness. That's what was able to break the chain, in fact it was a bit weakened now that I think about it."
"Weakened? Why is that?" Ashlynn asked.
"I think I know...Blake was stabbed through with Excalibur, maybe it's holy light weakened the curses cast on him. That's why Jessica was able to break it so easily." Hunter said. Blake reached up for the center of his chest, feeling the warm shard resting within.
"I don't know how to explain it, but it feels like a weight has been lifted off of me. The could feel this thing just...holding me back whenever I moved around, in a magical sense of course. But now it's just...gone."
"That was the chains...you are now able to freely leave and come back to Ever After. That means if you wanted, you could go visit your family!" Jessica said. The boy sighed, shaking his head.
"Nah...it's alright, the Bigby's aren't my family, besides they don't remember me as their son. It's totally fine...but now that I am free, what are we gonna do? Where will we go?"
"Well...how about we celebrate this momentous occasion and let Blake decide? I think that would be the right thing to do." Cedar said.
"Yeah yeah! Blake is a total otaku when it comes to anime and manga, that means he can pick an awesome world to go to. One that I can abuse the shit out of for my next novel!" Holly cried, an excited look on her face.
"We'd love to join you guys, but we gotta go. Me and Lily are gonna head to the nearby farm."
"That's right, I'm gonna get myself a sheep dog...that way I'll have an easier time wrangling in my sheep." Lily added, taking a hold of the blond boy's hand.
"Aw, alright. I hope you find the right dog, when it comes to sheep herding dog, you have to make the right choice. Hey, maybe you should get yourself a sheep pig." Blake joked, earning a giggle from the blue haired girl.
"I just might, see you all later." she said cheerfully. She and Dutch took off, speaking amicably as they went.
"So, have you picked a world to go to? Come on, you gotta have something in your head." Holly said, in an encouraging yet despirate tone. She was very eager to go to another world. The boy shook his head, unable to pick anything.
"Hey Blake, you wanna meet Junko Enoshima?"
"Hell no, I don't wanna fucking die. Plus I really don't wanna have to pick hope or despair, and I'd rather not have my friends potentially turning into Ultimate Despair. No, we need a world that's fun...a world that isn't dangerous, a world that Holly can get inspiration from...hmm...anything fit that criteria?" he asked. Jessica smirked, twirling her wand.
"I think I have a good one."
xxx(Magnolia Town, Fiore)xxx
The year was x791, it had been seven years since the core members of the number one guild in Fiore had disappeared. It had been a sad day for everyone associated with them, as they saw the steady decline of members until the guild was at the bottom. But even then, they didn't give up, and when their core members returned, they joined the Grand Magic Games and swept the competitions with ease, regaining their old title and their guild. Members were joining left and right, and they had once again regained their status. Even now, people were requesting members outright, sending special missions just for them due to their popularity. This meant that most of the newbies didn't get a lot of hard work, but it was still a fun place all around. For young Aiden Flame, nothing could make him smile more than seeing his family growing in size.
He was currently sitting at the bar, downing a mug of root beer that the resident barmaid, one Mirajane Strauss had given him. He had just gotten back from a request with his friends. His girlfriend Wendy was still out with Team Natsu, as she had been requested along with them. He, Iona, Zera and Chelia had been requested in the faraway Terracotta Town to deal with a rogue band of mercenaries. They didn't stand a chance, especially with Zera's spacial magic and the combination of Hellfire Dragon Slayer and Sky God Slayer magic. They weren't even good mercenaries despite what the reports said. Still nothing beat the sense of accomplishment they all got when they brought down a band of dangerous people. Now they were in between missions, resting up for the next adventure.
Aiden himself didn't know what the future had in store for him. He had suffered the supposed loss of his friends and had been aimlessly wondering Fiore for awhile, along with Zera and their friend Coco. Thankfully, everyone on Tenrou Island came back unscathed, or rather uninjured from Acnologia's attack. He was still curious as to what Zeref had been doing on Fairy Tail's sacred land, and why he knew his name. He had been searching for information on the Black Wizard but had found nothing on him. All they knew was that he had supposedly died a long time ago, but Zera had confirmed to him that the man was still alive. He needed to find out why he had reacted the way he did when they met. But he knew that he wasn't going to find a single shred of information, he also needed to know why Acnologia felt the need to attack all of them on that fateful day. Whatever the case, the Dragon of the Apocalypse was a dangerous foe, and one that needed to be brought down. If the battle of the dragons in Crocus hadn't attracted him, then what was his reasoning for randomly showing up on Tenrou? Was it because of Zeref or for another reason? These were questions that had been plaguing him for awhile.
"Hey Aiden, are you doing anything? I was kinda hoping we could go on a quick mission." the voice of Yuna said, bringing him out of his thoughts. He gave her a smile.
"Sure, I don't mind. It'll be a few days until Yamato comes back from her mission, Coco and Phoebe are due back tomorrow morning, so it will just be you, me, Zera and Iona. If that's fine with you."
"I don't mind...you know I've noticed, Team Flaming Skies has grown a lot. Ever since Iona and Yamato decided to merge teams with us again, we've been getting a lot of missions. I guess it's all due to the Grand Magic Games." she said, earning a nod from the boy.
"I think so too...although it was most likely for the battles we all had. Me and Wendy dominated the double's match. Still wasn't expecting the whole roulette thing, though it did give us the extra points we needed to advance." the blue haired boy replied.
"Yup, and Minerva was also kicking ass, that team up she did with Erza to defeat Sabertooth in the finals was awesome. Too bad we had to fight those pesky dragons right after. Overall, it was an amazing experience...say, how about this mission? It's just a simple extermination quest." Yuna said, pulling an A class request from the board, handing it to her friend.
"Help Wanted, eliminate some golems that have taken over a diamond mine. Upon completion, you will be awarded 3,00,000J. Come to the Mayors office in Greenville for more information...huh...three million just to clear a cavern?"
"Maybe it's because it's a diamond mine?" Chelia said, approaching the two, with Zera by her side. The boy shrugged, handing the paper over to the pink haired God Slayer. He still couldn't get over how much she had grown during those seven years, he still had the image of a little girl plastered in his mind, and now she was almost a grown woman.
"She's right, diamonds are precious minerals and not to mention expensive. So if this town relies on their diamond mine for a source of income, then they won't be able to stay afloat. Not to mention Golems can be rather dangerous in large groups. I think we can take them on." Zera reassured, a smile on her face.
"Yeah, just try not to Fairy Glitter everything in our path...I'm still seeing dots in my eyes from last time." Aiden said, earning a huff from the girl.
"I'll let Iona know that we're about to leave, we'll most likely be gone for a few days so let's all meet up at the train station. I'll get the request approved by Mira while I'm at it."
"Alright Chelia, we'll see you at the train station then." Yuna said, with that the group of four split up, all heading to their respective homes.
Due to the taxes he had yet to pay, Aiden had been unable to buy his mansion back. Despite being the winners of the Grand Magic Games, he hadn't been able to do anything about it. He had talked to the bank but they weren't being lenient at all. Instead he had saved up some money from all of the requests he had been taking and ended up buying an apartment building in Magnolia Town. He lived on the second floor with Wendy, Carla and Phoebe, while Zera, Coco and Iona took the first floor. Yamato and Minerva had claimed the third floor, since they were the adults of the team and didn't want to cramp their style. Of course, he had his friends over more often than not. Gray and Natsu always found away to get in, Sting and Rogue visited Minerva all the time and Lucy hung out with the girls whenever they were all together. He didn't mind it at all, plus since he was the landlord of the apartment, as long as it wasn't destroyed, he let them do whatever they wanted. Better yet, the two buildings next to him were vacant so there weren't people to complain about the noise either.
Once they all got home, Aiden headed straight for his house unlocking the door. He was greeted with silence, since everyone was out on call. He decided to go to his room and gather some things for himself, a few bottles of motion sickness pills, extra clothes and money just in case. He glanced at himself in the mirror, seeing the scar he had gotten in Edolas all of those years ago, which to him was only a few months back. Being stuck in time really threw him for a loop sometimes. He was still wearing the same outfit he had bought when he and Zera had arrived in Magnolia for the first time. The colors really did suit him.
He was wearing a black over coat, with a white lapel, and blue flames printed on it. He had of course taken one of the sleeves off and completely mended it, leaving his right arm completely exposed. Underneath he wore a blue tank top, which hugged his body nicely.
He had traded his shorts for a pair of long black jeans, with a white leather belt. He was also wearing a pair of leather boots that reached up to his knees, and had a hit of armor on the front to enhance his kicks a bit. His guild mark sat proudly on his right bicep, a bright blue Fairy with a tail, the namesake mark of his guild, the mark of his family and one he had come to cherish. He slung his bag over his shoulder, nodding to himself once he double checked everything. He waited by the front of the house for Zera and Yuna, before the three of them headed to the train station to wait for Chelia and Iona.
"You know, we could have just waited for them at the house." Zera said, fixing her shirt a bit.
She was wearing a sleeveless collared shirt, with a ribbon tie around her neck, which was red in color. Around her torso she wore a light orange corset, with black markings printed on it. She wore a matching white skirt with an orange stripe on it. She had also gotten a brand new pair of black tights, preferring to keep her old boots. She had decided on leaving her arms bare, though she did wear a few bracelets around her wrists. The markings tied to her spacial magic were visible for all to see, she also knew Fire Make Magic, as she had been trained by Aiden who had taken her in as his apprentice. Unlike him, who had managed to pull off both styles, she had only been able to master Dynamic Fire Make, meaning she could make creatures out of fire with ease. The only Static Fire make she could use was to make swords, but that's where it ended. Thanks to their training with Gray, a user of Ice Make, they had increased their arsenal, but she was still a learner, and despite fire and ice being two different things, the creativity behind their spells was still there.
"Yeah, but Chelia takes forever to get her hair right. It's much better to wait out here, because if we wait at home, we'll be more tempted to not do anything. We're still lazy shits sometimes." Aiden replied, earning a giggle from Yuna.
Oddly enough, Yuna had taken to the school girl style recently. She had the ability to use Requip magic so she could change her outfit on a dime. Currently, she was wearing a long sleeved white blouse, with an ascot around her neck, which was bright blue in color, and had a Fairy Tail pin attached to it. The shirt had been made to leave her shoulders bare while still retaining the sleeves, she was wearing a navy blue pleated skirt which reached down to her mid thigh. She wore thigh high black stockings, with black garter belts attached to her underwear. She wore a pair of boots which only reached up to her calves, and were black in color, with a slight heel to them. They had pointed toes to aid in her attacks, though her style of magic allowed her to again her powers from her different outfits, this one was just for hand to hand combat, which she had started getting better at.
"She's become more of a girly girl now, I remember when she was all rough and tough. Now she just focuses on her appearance more, wonder why?" the boy said. Zera and Yuna shared a look, silently asking themselves if he was serious.
"I dunno how to answer that Aiden...I mean, she's a girl...your age...who's attracted to you." Yuna said, as clearly as she could. The boy just scoffed, popping a few motion sickness pills in his mouth.
"She's like my sister, I doubt that's the reason. Though she and Wendy have been getting into boob related spats lately...hmm..." the boy replied, scratching his chin in thought.
"Please lord, tell me he isn't this dense?" Zera said, clasping her hands together looking at the sky.
"I've known him for longer, trust me, he is."
"Hey guys, did you just get here?" Chelia cried, running toward her friends, a small suitcase in her grasp. Aiden glanced away from the sky, noticing Iona wasn't with them.
"Lia, where's Iona? Isn't she coming?"
"Nah, she decided to stay in town. She said she was too tired from the last mission and wanted to rest up. She was gonna head back to Crystal Cove to check her old home." the girl replied, straightening a bit. Yuna and Zera noticed her push her chest outward a bit, her breasts jiggling slightly. The boy nodded and turned around, heading toward the ticket booth.
"We'll be in Greenville for awhile, so make sure you have everything we need before leaving. You girls gotta take a leak, this is the time to do it." he advised. Just like that, Chelia's attempt went to waste, causing her to bow her head in disappointment.
"Aw, don't worry sweetie...he'll notice soon. You know how crazy he is about his Sky Maiden."
"But...but I'm the adorable badass." the girl said, causing the two girls to hug her tightly.
"Trust me, being in love with that idiot is a little rough, been there done that. I was gonna sing him a song, but in the end he politely rejected me. I've since put that all behind me...but I will definitely help you get a chance, but you gotta talk to Wendy first." Yuna said, earning a nod from the pinkette.
They all stood at the platform waiting for their train, tickets in hand. Chelia stood next to Aiden, a shy look on her face. She glanced at Yuna, who gestured to her clothes, silently telling her to ask him a question. She gave her a nod, tapping the boy on his shoulder. He gave her a look, a small smile on his face.
"What's up? You didn't forget anything did you?"
"Um...no. I uh...what do you think of my outfit? I just bought it and wanted to know what you thought."
She was wearing a sleeveless green hooded vest, over a sleeveless white top. She was wearing a black pleated skirt which reached down to her mid thigh, along with matching thigh high stockings and black heeled boots. She had her waist length pink hair tied up into twin tails, with golden ribbons, blowing slightly in the soft breeze that had picked up. He also noticed the peppery body spray she was wearing, a hint of cinnamon with a bit of light cherry blossom, a rather odd combination. She wasn't one for make up, so she wasn't wearing any which made her that much cuter in his opinion. Her green guild mark was on the front of her thigh, in a place where she could proudly display it. He gave her a smile, patting her head lightly.
"You look cute, I'm sure someone will take notice of that. You might even get a few dates in Greenville, just remember if someone does anything to you, call me before you kill them. I wanna see you destroy their innocence first." he said. She huffed, looking away from the boy.
"Is that it? You don't notice anything else?"
"Uh...yeah, the cinnamon and cherry body spray is a nice touch. I like it."
She smiled, hiding her annoyance. She had been hoping he would notice the new shirt she was wearing, which would have brought his attention to her chest, but sadly he didn't get the clue. She glanced back at her friends who just gave her at thumbs up for effort. The train arrived a few seconds later, the group of four waited for the people inside to disembark. Aiden took a step forward, bumping into a black haired teenager that hadn't been paying attention. The shared a look, with the boy apologizing.
"Sorry man, didn't see you."
"It's fine, nice hair...really dig the pink."
"Oh? Thanks, my girlfriend convinced me to get it, you know how it is right?"
"Oh yeah, definitely. See ya around...come on girls." Aiden said, walking into the train followed by his teammates.
Blake watched the train for a few seconds, not recognizing any of the four that had walked inside. He shrugged, walking toward the front of the train station, where Jessica was waiting with Hunter, Holly and Ashlynn. His eyes widened a bit, jaw dropping when he realized where he was. The massive city in front of him was littered with stone and wooden buildings, the streets being paved with yellow cobblestone blocks and had magic lamps. There were people of all ages walking around, some merchants had set up shop in front of the station, hoping to get the tourists and other people to buy their wares. A beautiful cathedral was in the center of the town, the bells tolling loudly as they did every hour on the hour. Jessica gave them all a smile, placing her wand in her dress.
"Sorry about warping us directly into the train. I couldn't exactly drop us in a field, too dangerous. But now I welcome all of you to Magnolia Town, in the beautiful country of Fiore!" she said, spreading her arms almost like a tour guide.
"Wow, this looks like a pretty advanced town. Despite it looking a bit medieval, but why here of all places?" Holly asked, earning a grin from Blake.
"Because, we're in one of my favorite anime and one of the ones that introduced me into it. This is the world of Fairy Tail, the rowdiest guild in Fiore, this place is full of magic, adventure, awesome fights, not to mention cute girls. This place has it all! I always dreamed of coming here, and now that the travel curse has been lifted it's a dream come true!"
"Hehe, glad you are enjoying yourself. Now then, to make you all fit into the world a little more, allow me to give you all a gift!" Jessica said, snapping her fingers.
In a bright light, that caused a few people to look over, their outfits all changed, fitting more of the world style that they were going for. Blake was now wearing a sleeveless violet shirt, with a leather jacket over it that was left open, the lapels being white in color. It had a high collar which was folded down, a single sleeve had been ripped off, leaving his left arm completely bare. He was wearing a pair of brown pants, held up by a leather belt, and wore matching black boots. He noticed Excalibur had been strapped to his waist, and felt a lot more magic power coming from it. In fact, he felt a lot more magic within himself as well.
Hunter was now wearing a short sleeved green shirt, with a black vest over it, which had been buttoned up. He was wearing a pair of durable looking jeans, with a black belt around his waist. He was wearing a pair of leather boots, much like Blake's, only his had a few belts and buckles. Strapped across his back was a magic crossbow, which he had taken off to look at, his eyes scanning the sleek looking weapon.
Holly was wearing something completely different to her normal attire. She was wearing a light pink spaghetti strap shirt, which looked like it had been made of silk. She was wearing a brown corset over it, made of leather hide, and had golden embroidery and black stitching around it. It had crossing black cords on the front, which tied into a large light pink and black bow at the front. She also noticed ther the corset was pushing her breasts up a bit, making them look a lot bigger than they normally looked. She was wearing a pair of tight fitting white shorts, which had orange suspenders on them, but were left down instead of around her shoulders as they would be normally worn. She wore a pair of black thigh high stockings, along with her normal pair of heels. Her lengthy auburn hair had been pulled into a high ponytail, being kept up with a white ribbon, she also had a flower pin on her bangs, keeping them out of her eyes.
Finally, the last one who received a new outfit was Ashlynn Ella. The young princess had received a long sleeved blouse, which had the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, and had the top three buttons undone, showing a bit of her cleavage. She was wearing a light gray ruffled skirt, with two layers over it being rather frilly in style. She was wearing a pair of long dark blue tights, and had a pair of glass boots, which were glittering brightly in the sunlight. She wore two crossing belts around her waist, both of them having a dagger attached to them, the leather bound hilts bore blowing jewels on the pommels. She was wearing a pair of fingerless gloves on her hands, her fingernails having been painted a dark blue in color.
"There you go, you look FABULOUS!" the girl screamed, extremely proud of her work.
"Jessica, I can't walk around in this! Look at this, I'm wearing a corset, and its making my boobs look bigger!" Holly cried, gesturing to her chest.
"Oh honey, that isn't the corset, I gave you a bit of a bump. The girls in this world are usually seen as eye candy...just wanted you to fit the trend. You all look fine, trust me. Besides, you wanted to write a story right? In order to characterize your characters you need to get a feel for style, you don't want them running around in the buff do you?"
"In a sense you are right, but you gotta remember Jess, not everyone is as open as you. I think you should give Holly her normal boobs back." Blake said, crossing his arms, resting most of his weight on a single leg.
"No, it's fine...I think I'll keep them for now. I'm in a new world, its not like our friends are gonna see us."
"Hey, where's Cedar?" Hunter asked. As if on cue, their friend was walking away from a nearby trash can, a sickly look on her face.
"Ugh...I don't do well on trains." she said, rubbing her stomach.
"I totally forgot that...sorry Cece! Oh, I'll give you an outfit as well, since your sick, you get your pick. Anything you want." Jessica replied.
"Anything...well I did like my Spring Fairest outfit, can I get that?" she asked. The girl nodded, flicking her wand in her direction, in a shower of sparkles. Cedar's outfit changed to the one she had worn during the Spring Fairest, down to the colors in her hair. She looked really well, and it matched the rest of their style.
"Well...now that we are here, what are we gonna do?" Ashlynn asked.
"We're gonna take some quests and shit! But in order to do that, we gotta join a guild. By the way, I need to know what kind of magic you all want, this will be temporary of course. You'll be able to use any style of magic from this world while you are here."
"Sweet! That means I can be a dragon slayer...ugh but those are so over used, even in fanfiction. Hmm...I already use darkness magic, so maybe something based around that."
"Be more specific Blake, you and I know how extensive this world's magic is." Jessica said, earning a sigh from the boy.
"Fine, Shadow God Slayer magic, I've never seen that been done." he said. The girl nodded, flicking her wand in his direction. He felt himself grow a bit lighter as a new type of magic entered his body. He held his hand up, calling it forth, seeing a dark violet mist flowing from his hand, it had melded with the magic he had gotten from his mother perfectly.
"There you are, you should have spells already ingrained in your mind from that. But don't overdo it...now then, any suggestions for the others?" she asked, glancing at their friends.
"Oh, since Cedar is the daughter of Pinocchio, she should have Wood Make magic. It makes sense wouldn't you think?"
"Wood Make magic?" the girl asked curiously.
"It's a type of maker magic, basically if you put your fist into your hand like so. You can say Wood Make along with whatever you're thinking about and make it out of wood. You can make weapons, monsters, anything really." the boy explained.
"Sounds like fun, no lie I think I can dig that magic."
"One wood maker spell coming right up! What about you three?"
"Oh, I want glass magic...maybe I can attack people with glass shards!" Ashlynn said, making Blake cringe at the thought.
"Sure, I can do that...what about you Hunter?" Jessica asked.
"Well, I'm good with weapons...maybe a type of weapon magic?"
"Requip it is, Holly your the last one!" the girl said, turning her attention to the daughter of Rapunzel, who had her finger on her chin, lost in thought.
"What's a really cool magic that's rare, barely used but really awesome?"
"Um...Devil Slayer magic. I mean they've only used Ice Devil Slayer magic canonically, so there isn't any other type out there. Maybe fire or lightning would suit you." Blake said.
"I like the sound of that! Give me Fire Devil Slayer magic, and make my flames green!" the girl requested. Jessica nodded, once she had finished with Hunter's request, she turned her attention to Holly, giving her the desired magic she had asked for.
"Well then...all of you should know what to do...it's almost instinctual. But as soon as we leave this place, the charms will be broken. You can't take this type of magic with you, unless you really want too. I just don't want anything back to happen in Ever After, since we all live there and shit."
"Aw, you really do care about our world. That's probably why you haven't destroyed it yet right?" Ashlynn asked, earning a glare from the girl.
"I'm not a world destroyer! I just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time! Sheesh, let's go to Fairy Tail before they close for the day, and try not to spill anything about us being from Ever After. The last thing we need is people looking at us like we're fuckin aliens."
Blake shook his head, following after Jessica who had taken the lead. He looked around, barely holding his excitement, he and Holly were practically bursting at the seams. He had never thought he would actually be in Fiore, in the Fairy Tail world. It had always been his dream to visit this world and have a brawl with some of the mages from the rowdiest guild in Fiore. Although, he did remember that boy back at the train. He didn't look familiar at all, but he sensed a great deal of magic coming from him. He did notice the Fairy Tail emblem on his bicep, so he was definitely a member of the guild. Perhaps he was someone like him, from another world, or maybe Fiore took a different turn this time around, who knew? All he knew was that he was in for the adventure of a life time.