![]() Author has written 26 stories for Pokémon, Five Nights at Freddy´s, Legend of Zelda, Fairy Tail, Fire Emblem, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Undertale, Steven Universe, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Fallout, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, and Rick and Morty. HELLO EVERYONE!!!!! Nick Foolery here bringing you...my profile. Yeah, not as interesting as anything else. Look, don't even bother. Edge Ships in a Nutshell is my Magnum Opis, read that and then get on with your lives, nothing else here is worth it. Here is a little bit of info on me. Name: My name is Nick. Duh. Age: 17 Gender: Male I'm literally a part of so many fandoms that it's not funny anymore. I missed my 1 year anniversary for being on here! DANGIT! remember to be the best BAGEL you can be. MAH BURFDAY WAS ON WEDNSDAY 9/11/15 [Ahem, this is Future Nick, from 2017. I do believe that this line here my cause some confusion in the readers of it. What the faggot me two years ago meant, was not that my birthday was on wednesday, 9/11/2015, because 9/11 was not on a wednesday that year. What was meant was, that statement was written on 9/11, and that my birthday had been the wednesday that had come prior to 9/11. thank you for your understanding, and no, i was not born on the one year anniversery of the world trade center crashing. good day to you.] [Ahem, this is Future Nick, responding to the Future Nick from like ten minutes ago. I feel like the previous comment, and by extension, this one, can be perceived as unnecessary by some people reading, and they could perhaps make the argument that i could just delete the line, or perhaps fix it. to them i say that all of this is done for a specific purpose, by keeping the innocence of my youth from previous years alive and well, as the rest of my content matures, while also creating a sort of comedic effect. thank you for understanding, and have a splendid day. and yes, i do know that it is not funny.] I have a deviantart now. It sucks. http:/// Don't go to it. Seriously (Please go to it tho) A song, presented by none other than me, Nick Foolery Nooooooow this is a story all about how My world got flipped, turned upside down ok not really, but you get the idea I'll tell you how I became the worst author on this website 90's music* IIIIIN North Louisiana, born and raised on my fat ass is where i spend most of my days chilling and writing and reading its cool and all think about shooting myself when i stumbled upon, this pretty cool site that had a bunch of stories that i really liked so i hopped on the log in, and signed on up, and i said im gonna write a bunch of cool stuff more 90's music* So it's three years later and ive barely improved and my stories are still lackluster, i wished i could make something actually enjoyable instead of just getting off track with my schedule Thank you all. Go check this out, my lovely girlfriend, JesterGirl01's profile: JesterGirl01 I've been on this website way too long. If I had to sum up most of what i do on this website, i could just be like "Bored at three am" and it'd be accurate. I mean, that's what I'm being now. I'm also horrible at following my own schedules, but I have them anyway, so I guess I'm just making myself suffer. I love you. -Nick Foolery, 3AM Honestly, I feel like I change my name entirely too much. I mean, I was A Sleeptalking Demigod, then The Wandering Mercenary, then Nick Write, and the Nicholas Friar, and now Nick Foolery. They're like the eras of my fanfiction. A Sleeptalking Demigod Era- The first year , called "the early era" spanning from right before my seventh grade year, to my eighth grade year. Started with just dumb pokemon shitpost things, a tradition that I'd continue. Defined by the "Adventures of Johnathan Wayde!" duology, and the phrases "HERRO EVERYBODY!" at the beginning, and "Sweet Dreams~ A Sleeptalking Demigod," at the end, which would go through changes, and become a staple on my account. The Wandering Mercenary Era- The second year, sometime during my Eighth grade year, but the details are hazy. This can also be signified as "the dark ages" of the account, as everything that was written during this era has been completely rewritten. Stories such as "Hurricane," "Great Fairy Tail," and the gone, and probably forgotten "Legend of Fate." Shows the end of the "Just Another" series, and boasts a change from pokemon and FNaF, to more diverse content. The birth of the shitpost as it is now known, the first of its kind being the aptly named "Who even likes fates?" Me. I liked it. The Nick Write Era- The third year, or The Renaissance, spanning from like right before my ninth grade year, into half of my tenth grade year. This is the period in which business seemed to be booming. Hurricane and Great Fairy Tail started their rewrite process, and The Legend of Fate is snuffed from existence. The Shitpost becomes a permanent mainstay, and with it, my Magnum Opis, Edge Ships in a Nutshell, which was a collection of parodies of stories that reflected the common trends in the Percy Jackson stories, that are quite notorious for being either pretty good, or terrible. It was met with very positive feedback, and to this day, I haven't been able to match that level of comedy in any of my shitposts. Also the birth of my first, full, completed story, that had never been rewritten, not even once, "The Gem of Time." Also during this time, my story "Hero of the New Age" was started, albeit, in the later months of this era. This era is defined in the sudden jump in quality, as I actually got my shit together. The Nicholas Friar Era- The fourth year, known as "The Quiet Era." During this time, my main focus was the stories that I was already writing, and I only started one new story, The now critically acclaimed "My Hero vs the Forces of Evil." How this story exploded like it did, I'll never know, but it's a definite welcome thing. Called the Quiet Era, just from the sheer lack of updates for stories during this time. While, I did manage to finally complete The Gem of Time, Hero of the New Age, and Great Fariy Tail were barely touched. There was actually like a full two months where I didn't update anything at all, close to the end of this era. Ironically enough, this era was started with the intent to be better about keeping a schedule, something I was never able to do really. And it shows during this era. Furthermore, a shift in humor from pure shitpost, to a little more surreal stuff, as well as the introduction of the non-shitpost one-shots, which I believe people refer to as drabbles. The first of its kind being " A Hero's Job" in which someone actually came to me and asked if they could translate the story to Russian and post it on a different website, and I was like "hell yeah" and you can find that here: https:///readfic/7096044. The Nick Foolery Era- The fifth year, and the current era. The name comes from a deviation of Tomfoolery, something that I had some help thinking of on a DeviantArt chatroom. Started halfway through my junior year, and is currently defined by the more lax approach that I am now taking towards my stories. |